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A bullet to my heart

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by itsaldo, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. itsaldo

    Regular Member

    Jul 4, 2012
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    I am currently on a business trip to the United States which got extended for a week more. I have a good future in my current job and I consider traveling one of the best experiences ever. I love talking to people from other countries and all the environment that is around this.

    My partner who I’ve been with for almost two years and he and I moved together a couple of months ago , made a lot of efforts to separate me from my job which I like.
    I made so many sacrifices just to be with him, I left my hometown, I confronted my parents and I came to his hometown with no job and just a hope to give us a better living.

    I ve been working in a very important project to the company, while he has to stay home and go to school and find a job. I pay expenses for both of us.
    The time I’ve been here he has made my life so miserable. He says we do not have a relationship anymore now that im not around, he is been hanging with a friend he just met! He said he already proposed an he will put up pictures on his facebook of notes he gives to him and that stuff.

    I am feeling so bad, I am on business meetings and taking a look at those things. I told him to stop and to return home because he is using my computer and my stuff to do all this things, he is staying in my place and I can’t do anything.

    I will be there in a week and I am feeling terribly bad, I don’t want to speak with him but I cannot help Im all alone what can I do! I can even tell him to get out of the house because I am not there.
  2. BookDragon

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    Aug 6, 2013
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    Cambridge, UK
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    I know this doesn't help much, but your partner sounds like a total dick!

  3. AwesomGaytheist

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    May 19, 2013
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    What an asshole!
  4. greatwhale

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    Feb 12, 2013
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    You need to move out and not leave a forwarding address. This has been going on for way too long. You don't deserve this, we've told you before that this will not get any better.

    If you can manage it, plan your escape, leave the furniture if you have to, but get out and find somewhere else to live, you don't need this, at all.

    Any loneliness you may feel will be far better than what you have now.
  5. ryanalexander61

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    Jul 26, 2013
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    Los Angeles, CA
    As GW said, and me saying so in the nicest way possible, you should probably re-read and listen to the advice that people have given you in your prior threads.

    I hope everything works out for you, but if you want change in your life you need to make it.
  6. Femmeme

    Full Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    It's way past time to say goodbye. This guy has been dragging you down and causing you pain for far too long.

    I know it hurts, but you deserve so much better.
  7. June Cleaver

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    Jan 21, 2013
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    United States of America
    I feel your pain! I had 2 partners who were quite worse! With the last one I planned my escape for over a year. You my friend are being abused emotionally, verbally, and mentally. You must get your work done, than go home and clean your house! I mean kick him out on his butt! He does not deserve you! I have read about your problems before and you still stay? I understand the whole clinging on to the abuser thing as I have been there several times. YOU MUST GET COUNSELING or you WILL GET ANOTHER ABUSER! Trust me as I did it 4 times long term from my first move in in 1990 till my cousin recognized I was being abused in 2010 then I started counseling and it took me till Oct. 20, 2011 to get the courage to rid myself of number 4. So I get why you hang on, but the misery will never end until you end it. Guess what 13 months later in Nov. 2012 I finally got my true love and have been living happily ever after! So can you once you recognize your problem and get help and fix it! Good Luck, June
  8. AKTodd

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    Feb 9, 2013
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    Norfolk, VA
    Oh, Itsaldo...I'm so sorry (*hug*)

    I know it hurts to think of this right now. But also, I think its a sign that it's time to move on. This guy is not a good person and he's not good for you. And by his actions, he has basically broken up with you. However, I have little doubt that as soon as you get back he will try to get back with you, because he knows where his easy life is coming from - your work and your money.

    Don't let him do this.

    When you get home, throw him out of your place and change the locks. He may try to guilt you into letting him stay as he's done before. Don't let him. He may try to take some of your stuff or even just break it to be a jerk. Stop him if you can, but at the end of the day, stuff can be replaced. Your happiness is more important. And even though it will hurt for a while, you will get better and you will find someone who will treat you so much better.

    Get him out of your life and then get on with having a life. You say you don't know anyone where you are now living. Go out and meet people then. Join clubs or social groups. Make friends through work. But meet people who will like you for you and will treat you as you deserve to be treated.

    Hang in there and don't let this asshole get you down.

    You are in my thoughts,
