Finally 'arrived'

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Tex, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. Tex

    Regular Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Currently North Dakota; Michigan at heart.
    Hey everyone. So, where to start. Sorry this will be kind of I apologize.

    Ever since I was young I was into boys and girls. I was absolutely boy crazy, but I would read stories in this book that I had about girls being with girls (the book was Deal With It from Gurl). I liked reading the 'when girls like girls' section. When we got the internet I was about 7, and I was in the chat rooms (yeah that young) and I would chat with women and men. I had 'boyfriends' but I also remember my best friend coming over, somehow we ended up making out and messing around. I ended up telling my friends I was bi, but somehow that blew over and no one really remembers it. The girl I made out with and myself stopped being friends, she's a full blown lesbian now and very out. I myself have always identified with straight or usually a kinsey 3. However, none of my relationships with men ever work out, I get bored so easily, but I just don't get along with girls so I never thought I could be bi, I can't stand most girls really, so there's no way I could date one I thought. I grew up with gay friends, gay family member and I am a HUGE LGBT advocate, and I have always really known deep down I am bi but, I don't know. Never acknowledged it.

    So now here I am, after taking everything in I have come to the conclusion I am definitely bi. Girls as so sexy to me, I love watching shows with lesbian couples, I have always had more girl celebrity crushes than men (Joan Jett, Brody Dalle (The Distillers), Mila Kunis...yum). I have a couple close friends/co-workers that are bi, and one of them and myself flirt constantly at work. They've asked me if I'm bi and I've always said no. I wish I hadn't now, this is honestly the first time since I was young that I have said it, I am bi. I like girls.

    I don't know where to go from here, I have a guy that I'm dating, but I'm not 100% happy, but I never am. I want to let some people know, but I'm scared, and that surprises me because I shouldn't is intimidating.

    Tl;dr I am bi, after years of knowing it, I finally admit it and accept it. I just don't know if I want to really come out.
  2. Amerigo

    Full Member

    May 30, 2013
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    between land and sea
    even i admired mila kunis once, when i think back to it though, i must have just been jealous of her hair :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    welcome :slight_smile: no issue is too complicated to be dealt with on EC, we're here for you and will give you all the advice with your best interest at heart
  3. Tex

    Regular Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Currently North Dakota; Michigan at heart.
    Thanks for the reply. That girl is hot though. That's how I know I'm bi, I'd do devilish things to her haha.
  4. Hot Pink

    Full Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Minnesota, USA
    Hey, we've already talked through wall messages, but I wanted to welcome you officially because I noticed you were pretty new. Welcome to EC~ :3

    My best friend is bi and she actually struggles with dating too. She hates it too because she doesn't want to be a stereotype, but she often feels like when she's with a girl that she wants to be with a guy and vice versa. Very fully satisfied with any relationship.

    Even though I'm gay, I've never had a relationship with a girl before. I've kissed and made out with girls before, so I know how you feel there. It wasn't until two years ago that I actually finally accepted that I even liked girls. Most of my dating and sexual experience is with men, which I didn't completely mind--which made coming to terms with my sexuality even more confusing. I'm actually panromantic, so I don't mind dating men and I don't find men sexually gross. I'm just not nearly as into them as I am girls. I consider myself a Kinsey 5.

    Not sure why I went on a rant like that... Anyway, welcome again to EC and I hope you find many friends. :slight_smile:
  5. Tex

    Regular Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Currently North Dakota; Michigan at heart.
    Thank you ^_^ appreciate it.

    I really more identify with pansexual more than bi, because I'm not exclusive to female and male, I have and would be totally fine with being with someone that's trans too. It's all about the person to me.