How did you know you were gay?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by pocketrush, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. pocketrush

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    Sep 15, 2013
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    How and when did you know you were gay? Was there confusion, or were things straight forward? Did you exhibit and attraction to the opposite sex? Lastly, please tell me about your first ever crush, and love. What was it like?

    ---------- Post added 29th Sep 2013 at 05:49 PM ----------

    *exhibit any attraction
  2. MerBear

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    Dec 25, 2012
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    east coast
    There was a lot of confusion because, i let everyone's opinions get in the way, i realized, I was gay by just, acknowledging my romantic attraction for females then my sexual attraction to females and then looking back at my past since i dated guys and realizing i wasn't ever attracted to them and that, I just thought, it was a necessary process.

    my first crush, i would have to say was in middle school on a girl named rosalyn, she was Ecuadorian ....and there, i found how much i loooovee hispanic/latina girls
  3. Hefiel

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    Apr 11, 2013
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    I didn't refer to myself as "gay" in the past (at least until this year). In saw myself mostly as "Straight, but curious", in that I was attracted to girls, but I was watching gay porn because straight porn didn't cut it for me. I couldn't think of having sex with girls at all, but I had no issue imagining sex with guys (even though I felt guilty about it). I was "never" attracted to guys though (or so I thought until I understood all those signs later on when I came to terms with my sexuality). It was really confusing to say the least.

    The female anatomy just never did it for me, the personality did. Because I never saw homosexuality as a possibility, I just thought that I was "normal" and that I was attracted to girls, when in reality I wasn't attracted to their gender at all. I only "understood" that I was gay when I saw the question online on a forum and I looked back on my life. It all "clicked together".

    My first (straight) female crush...I don't quite remember it to be honest. The last crush I had on a girl was definitely the strongest I've had, but I couldn't exactly explain why. I guess we just had fun together, more so than with other people.

    My first (gay) male crush...I'm not sure I remember it either. I know when I was on a trip in France I met a guy a year older who was an asshole, but I thought he was really hot (I was 14...and straight *cough*). I'm not sure I'd be able to describe my current "crush" that I have on 2 guys in particular. One is really good looking, the other one I'd classify him more as "cute"/"I want to bring him home." with a nice personality (look at me using that kind of words...bwah!).
  4. Colours

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    Jun 26, 2012
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    It definitely was not a straightforward thing for me. I've never really experienced confusion when I felt attraction towards a guy but it took me years to actually recognize that attraction as... well, attraction.

    That said, during the years of "confusion" I still held on to any attraction I had towards girls, and thought I genuinely liked them in that way. Though the more time passed, the more I started doubting that and the more desperate I got in finding a girl. At some point (I was almost 20 at the time) I just really accepted my attraction towards guys and figured I'd just stop wanting to force my attraction towards girls and see where it would lead me. Oddly enough I haven't felt anything for a girl since so it didn't take long for me to see that I was solely interested in men.

    I've had several "crushes" on friends during my teen years, but I don't really see them as crushes because I was in full denial at the time.
    My first serious crush was my best guy friend when I was 19. I had never experienced such feelings for anyone. He was basically straight but we dated for a month. He dumped me because he felt it wasn't right after all and felt like he was leading me on. So yeah. Judging by how terrible I felt when he did indicates that I really did love him. I mean, we're still great friends at all and I still love him. But differently (though sometimes I doubt what exactly is it that I feel for him).
  5. thelaststand

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    Sep 29, 2013
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    I had my first crush in the seventh grade on my best friend Avery. At the time I had a boyfriend (You know, those silly middle school relationships) but I distinctly remember having a crush on her and just figuring because we'd been best friends for our entire lives that it was just a girl crush, because we were so close. I never told anyone about the crush, nor acknowledged it myself really. I thought I was straight. I dated another boy in the eighth grade but by November I knew for sure I definitely was not "normal" (i.e. straight) but it wasn't until my freshman year that I completely accepted the fact that I have no whatsoever attraction to men. I cannot fathom having a romantic connection with a man.
  6. Jencat

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    Aug 19, 2013
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    When I was in the thick of questioning-ville, I just thought about what I wanted in romantic and physical relationships (separately). There was no chance I wanted a physical relationship with a guy, but I could almost see myself in a romantic relationship with a guy. As I figured things out more, got to the point where I am now (which is just like a month or two later)/realized that I would never really want to experience any side of a relationship with a guy.

    It also helped that I looked back for all the stereotypical hints from like, my childhood and stuff. For example: never being interested in guys and a very distinct feeling of dread when elementary-school me thought she had to date them when she grew up. It helped that I was harboring/still am harboring a major crush on another girl.
  7. BiPenguin

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    Jul 10, 2013
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    Well, I like both genders but how did I know I like boys as well?

    Well, the very first time I saw another penis filled me with the greatest emotions I had ever felt. Growing up as a teen in the 80's was no easy time for it and when I was in places where you got changed together such as before and after martial art classes and when I was in high school(an all boys high school at that. All that meat), it was hard to not let myself have a good perv.
  8. Lindsey23

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    Jul 17, 2013
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    Liberal state
    I knew I was gay when I was in middle school but I was confused because I really couldn't accept it. I came out as bi to some friends because I thought that was somehow better. I always pretended to be attracted to guys but I never felt physically attracted to them. Emotionally though I am attracted to men, if that makes sense. They make great friends.

    My biggest crush was in high school. At a school dance a girl asked me to dance! I've always hated dancing but I loved dancing with her. It was so awesome, I still think about it sometimes. Nothing ever happened between us but yeah...she was pretty cool.
  9. 2112

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    Jun 4, 2013
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    I don't know exactly. One day I just suddenly realized it.
  10. lovely lesbian

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    Aug 25, 2013
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    I think I always knew had boyfriends so to speak but nothing serious just found women turned me on but didn't think anything of it just thought it was just a phase then a few months ago I realised I was into women and not men.
  11. blueberrymuffin

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    Jul 20, 2013
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    Summer camp when i was 12 was first time i noticed the attractions. Did some mild experimenting. Either out of confusion or denial, didn't put a label on it until the fall. No, I've never liked the opposite sex so that probably helped come to terms with it early on.

    First crush was a friend i had since like 1st grade. This ended very badly. I'm in love now though, with a guy since june. Have to decide whether to renew my lease and thinking of asking him to get a place together.
  12. Trailblazer

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    Sep 4, 2010
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    I learned what gay was at a very young age, so it never took an epiphany later in life or anything like that, I knew there was differences to what you found attractive. Prettymuch as soon as I was able to feel attraction to someone I was looking at guys. I'd say I have known since I was 5 or 6, hard to say really, but I know when I first found some porn my mom had I liked what I saw and that's about it.

    First crush I don't even know, I mean there was teachers who I couldn't take my eyes off during school and friends parents that I thought were gorgeous, but for a first legitimate crush on someone would probably be within the last year. I've just started to get cool with it all lately at 22 and finally talked to a guy that I knew was gay and just the fact that I was talking to someone around my age with the same interests (country oriented guy; trucks, camping etc) it just felt awesome. It never went anywhere though, but it was cool to know there is guys out there like that. Just need to find one that's interested lol.
  13. monotone

    Full Member

    Aug 22, 2013
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    This describes how I realized I'm gay better than I've ever described it.
  14. kibeth

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    Mar 18, 2013
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    Male (trans*)
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    I started questioning somewhere around the time I was 16. I had this huge crush on a girl, but found everyway on earth to deny it: as in I'm in love with her brother (they have very similar traits) or she's just a good friend whom I admire. and it will blow over its beacause of of a bunch of traumatic stuff that happen the previous year. But it didn't "blow over" and her brother really isn't attractive.

    As so as I acknowledged the possibility of being gay that was very early this year things just fell into place. When I look back all the tell tale signs are there, not obvious and in your face, but there. The extreme relieve when I came to the conclusion: I'm curious about my sexuality and thats ok! a huge weight lifted of my shoulders, another weight lifted when I accepted myself.
  15. Thunderlane

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    Sep 3, 2013
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    I don't remember well when was the instant T. I think i was 13 or 14. At time i was homophobic (i didn't even know the word homophobia) so i saw myself as wrong and horrible.
  16. sparkpenguin

    sparkpenguin Guest

    Around 14 I knew I was gay, I don't know. I just knew I was :slight_smile:
  17. Werbinich

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    Sep 9, 2013
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    I started having the hunch that I find boys attractive both romantically and sexually since I was 13. However, since I was born in a conservative family, one which opposes to homosexuality, I had been living in denial until 15 when I realized my uniqueness could not be averted. So, yep, I'm officially gay from then on though only four people know that now.

    First crush and current crush:
  18. CheesyGoose

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    Jun 24, 2013
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    I can not believe that this is like 95% exactly the same as the situation was with me. I just haven't had a gay male crush yet :T
  19. Mr96shyguy

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    Aug 6, 2013
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    hmmm well I found out a few months ago when I watched the Kate Upton staring contest video (search it on youtube) a few months ago and I wasn't the tiniest bit aroused. I mean, she is one of the most beautiful women on the planet, me not getting aroused to her must DEFINITELY mean something. Oh and also, all the small crushes that I've had in HS and middle school were on guys, I haven't felt any romantic attraction towards girls (at least not yet though)
  20. DDT

    Regular Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    When I was 12 I started to realize I had an attraction for men. At that point I didn't associate it with being gay because I denied those thoughts. My first impression was wtf is wrong with me why don't I like girls and why am I staring at guys. Then it was maybe it's just my age and I will grow out of it. In HS I started to find out that being gay was a normal thing. Thank goodness my school was gay friendly. I eventually associated what I was feeling with being homosexual. I started to get depressed my junior year of highschool because I never wanted to be with girls but didn't feel comfortable being with guys so it was very lonely. When I graduated I started to talk to a few friends about it and I came out to my sister. Eventually it ate me so much in side I just shouted it on facebook because I got tired of people asking me about GF's and why I never tried to get with girls. I have no regrets for coming out and life has been sunshine and rainbows ever since.... Cheers!