General News Harry Binswanger: "The 99% should THANK the 1%."

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by unknown17050, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. unknown17050

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  2. Joanne

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    Aug 7, 2013
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    I feel sorry for people like that who feel wealth greed and riches create any level of true happiness.

    True fortune is found through cultivation of unconditional love compassion and understanding.
  3. Aussie792

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    But it does help to pay the bills.

    Am I the only one who thinks extreme wealth would be unpleasant? You never have to work hard to achieve things. They're just there, taken for granted.

    Of course, the whole statement is disgustingly smug. I'm sure the people on minimal welfare with little to no education are very grateful to Wall Street.

    Full Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    Though I can see were they are coming from. The majority of job now are corporate ones, with very little independents. Now since corporations provide jobs, stimulate the economy, and allow people the live comfortable lives, the major share holders and board members feel entitled to a little money for themselves for keeping a machine that has thousands of people dependent on it afloat.

    This puts us in a situation where we could thank them, and think that the little piece of society that holds all the wealth is allowed to do so because they end up distributing it through having employees.

    However this creates a problem for anyone that wants to simply run their own business and make a modest living, which then could create better wages for skilled employees(small business' tend to pay better). Because you have to be able to compete with business that has yearly revenues in the millions. They already have their place in the market, you have to prove yourself worthy. Which is next to impossible when you are dealing with big companies. They have access to the cheapest supplies, cheapest manufacturers, have the money to spend on advertising already, have locations are the world, have their logo imprinted in your mind.

    I don't want to sound like a hippie, and I was not for the 99% protests, but I do see a problem with all the wealth being hidden in one corner. It is always going to stay there, markets have already been established, and the cliche it takes money to make money means even more now. Unless you can come up with an entirely brand new service and pay to pilot it you are forced to get a job working for already established companies.

    Services like hotels, restaurants, general retail, and many trades, that have been around for hundreds of years and easily attainable in an entrepreneurial sense have been ruined by big chain everything. Even business' like industrial pipe fittings have been absorbed by larger overall "franchise" business, that is the constant growth of a company without limits and the create of a publicly traded business.

    One cannot open their own business without having to deal with these monsters that aren't run by a single person. This allows very few people to profit off business that is being done thousands of miles away from where they live, they are taking money out of one local area and bringing it to themselves from several different locations.

    This is a poor distribution of wealth. Just because a few people had a entrepreneurial spirit and cashed in on it, and then decided to do so in other towns where they don't live; they could just pay someone crap wages to do their job instead of a real store owner from that community fully profiting off their local area. Corporations literally need to be capped at the amount of a market they can own, where they can do business...etc, this allows more local business to thrive, and people of individual towns to profit off their own people, and not having some CEO's of big chains profit off my hick town while they live in the u.s and the money flows south.

    Coke has eaten the beverage market and completely crushes any competitors or buys them. It is unfair, and unjust.

    American's and Westerners really need to re-think how valuable a fully free market is.

    People need to be governed, even in their business, because there are greedy people that will take advantage of any situation they can get.

    Ha I know sort of a rant, I think hard working people should deserve to be millionaires if their business takes off, but the stock market shouldn't exist; it harms markets and prices, and business should be capped at an amount of a market they can own, allowing local business to thrive. I am not comfortable with Canadian retailers barely doing well in my country while we all shop at American and other retailers, which in return profits another country. The free market is only good for a couple really strong competitive countries that eat it all up leaving smaller countries like Canada with no ability to compete.

    For every walmart or mcdonalds there is in Canada one Canadian loses the ability to fully profit off their local market. McDonalds is a great thing to own even for a Canadian, because people just flock to it, but that's due to conditioning, and a little bit of that profit still heads south the America, when all of it could have stayed in Canada, and possibly in the town it is located in.
    #4 AAASAS, Sep 25, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2013
  5. Aussie792

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    When corporations have more say in who gets elected to the legislatures than entire electorates, that's a problem. When those political allies (what I consider bribed puppets) refuse to implement poverty control laws because the large businesses don't want to have to pay workers, when they influence the government to reduce corporate tax and the upper tax bracket, but refuse to let them lower the tax on the lower class, when they refuse to allow public health to receive money, I consider it a matter worthy of arrest.

    The poor don't owe anything to the rich in the US. Some of the rich, yes, but others? Hell no! Not once has the decision of one of these companies put the people of the country or the financial needs of the government first.
  6. 2112

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    Jun 4, 2013
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    :rolle: That's all I need to know about this guy...
  7. This.
    Captailism seems to just lead to Corrupution and misuse of pwer.
    #7 TheLovelyAudrey, Sep 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2013
  8. Hexagon

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    May 1, 2011
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    Wow. I just had a stabbing urge.
  9. gibson234

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    What a load of crap. I afraid what makes the economy tick is the spending of the middle class.
  10. ClosetedFather

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    What middle class???
  11. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    it is 100% impossible for the 1% to exist without the 99% doing all the real work; if it was not for the workers doing the actual work, and then going out, and buying goods and services provided by other workers, who get paid, and go out and do the same, these 1% people would starve to death with no real work ethic or skills to rely on.

    there is no such thing as a top down econamy. the top is slave to everyone else who actually do everything.

    that is why no republican president has ever created across the board econamic growth without adopting democratic ideas, and why democratic presidents, like clinton and obama, are able to turn around econamies, even with lazy, waste-of-space republicans doing everything they can to block whatever they can. democrats spend less money, and they require what they do spend to have a quantifiable return. republicans spend and expand goverment faster than any other political movement in existance, and dont require that their spending brings fiancial return.

    that is why republicans bloat the deficit, and democrats shrink it.

    so the 1% can go to china, who shares their views.

    leave america to the rest of us who actually care about having a economic system that is focused on the movement and circulation of money throughout all levels of the econamy, instead of the BS facisem that sends most all the money to a bunch of lazy shits at the top who don't actually work, they just sit at a desk, and let everyone else make every cent they have ever had.
  12. NEWFrontiers22

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    Jun 13, 2013
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    That seems rather egotistical, narcissistic, and arrogant to me. :confused: