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General News Britain to block porn by default

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by Stridenttube, Jul 22, 2013.

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  1. UndercoverGypsy

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    Feb 19, 2013
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    Alberta, Canada
    Wait, there was a Pirate Bay ban? :roflmao:

    Side note: Damn I'm posting a lot.
  2. Harve

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    May 25, 2009
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    We shouldn't be debating about whether porn is a good or bad thing as I doubt many in here thinks that it's bad enough for it to be illegal, and even if it was such a terrible thing, it wouldn't stop people from watching porn, it'd just make more 'criminals'. It's not being criminalised anyway.
  3. Just Jess

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    Jan 19, 2013
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    You know the further into transition I get the less interest I have in politics. I mean the politics themselves are still fascinating, just the side they bring out of people I'm not fond of.

    And on that note hey MerBear, I really feel like you're feeling attacked or not listened to. And I don't think a single person responding to you wanted to make you feel that way. I think this is a really complicated issue and while I agree with a lot of the things the people you're arguing with have to say, I'm glad you're adding your voice and you're making a lot of awesome points :slight_smile: And even better, you're doing it completely on your own. It's way hard to be the only person on a side in an internet forum and you get tons of respect from me for whatever that's worth.

    And I'm definitely on your side with some of this. I'm especially glad you spoke up about porn. I'm not as against it on the whole as you are, but some aspects I'm right there with you and maybe even hate more.

    Sex work is something that people do get forced into. It happens a lot, and it makes me sad and angry when it happens. Especially with us trans folk, I hate to say. It's a terrible and exploitative industry just on the whole. I mean there's the secrecy surrounding the whole thing because it's taboo, which means a lot of people get paid under the table or even with drugs and favors. And you have the fact that people are basically addicted to porn, which means that no matter what happens there's enough money to just pay the legal fees and keep going. It's a recipe for treating sex workers like shit and getting away with it. And cracking down on the really exploitative stuff is one of the reasons why I like computer security as a job.

    Just what I hate about politics is the people coming up with these bills think about this stuff. I mean what's going on is there's one issue, government control over the internet, and another issue, porno, and of course there's us and the fact that we know how hard it is to be gay, and that's on the chopping block whenever porn is because we're basically telling society it's okay to block out anything that's not socially acceptable.

    So what happens with stuff like this - or another good one is the Ender's Game movie where it's awesome sci fi vs the author being a terrible person in public - people pick the one thing idea they feel like they have to defend the most and they defend it. Which really sucks when you're conflicted or you care about more than one of the issues on the table.

    Which is the whole reason why people do it. Basically the idea is to make one idea - in this case, either internet censorship or being against porn - and make it more attractive to people that are normally against the other idea. Politics is all about getting the majority of the people to agree with an idea. And the problem with that is, that the majority of people don't agree on anything. So you've gotta get them into two camps, ignore the people that just jump on and support you right away, and then win over the converts.

    So all the people that are normally pro both ideas anyway, you've already got their support. And now all the people that are either pro censorship - and hey language, I know "pro censorship", who the hell would be pro that right? But what about "pro safety"? See it's all BS - or against porn, you've got all of them on your side. And that's a majority, so your bill passes and you can ignore and even talk trash about everyone else. Which is a good idea, talking trash about other people makes people on your side feel better about themselves. That's politics.
  4. MerBear

    Full Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    east coast
    Thank You. I'm not saying ban all porn, I'm just saying that Maybe it would be easier if it wasn't as accessible online ya know? To buy porn is better than having it be free , or so i think for tax revenue purposes.
    I'm not for or Totally against porn but I do recognize that porn is unhealthy and not a necessity in life. The average age for a kid to watch porn is 11. We can't ban all of it and banning it would be a struggle but I think, it would be good to try and control it a little?

    I spoke up about porn because of my personal experience with it, others experiences, statistics and Just common sense. It's become an issue in modern society. it's more of an issue in the US if I am correct. Our soceity is so sex driven, Porn hasn't helped that. It makes some men think of women as sex objects and it's disgusting and their sex drive goes through the roof. its out of control, yes ...hormones are a big factor but porn is probably going to increase that by a little.

    I think, it's important we all recognize the obvious and try to acknowledge that Maybe we should look for alternatives instead of trying to ban all porn such as the one, i Proposed

    Because think of this way, you have 18-21(in the US) to buy porn....you Have to be 16
    I believe in the UK? correct me if im wrong there. i have a different number of resources saying its 16 or 18.

    I think, Only people at a certain age should view porn, 18...to me because your a legal adult then and its up to you, what decisions you want to make.
    Instead of going totally against the government's proposal, Maybe, we can try and Make a compromise....Its unrealistic, I know but if we try to compromise with our enemy's, maybe, it would be a good thing
    #84 MerBear, Jul 28, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2013
  5. Just Jess

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    Jan 19, 2013
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    I agree completely a good compromise would be best.

    The problem I see is, and this is the thing I really hate about politics, is that it's all kind of tug of war. A lot of the time if you set out to compromise and the other team is willing to be a little immature, you end up losing a lot more that way. Wiser and kinder usually loses to louder and meaner, even though we'd all be better off the other way.

    I think what some of us are scared of, is that some of the reasons the government would control access to porn, would also work against the LGBT community. I'm not saying they're right, but there's a lot of people that feel about us the way you do about porn. They think being gay, bi, or trans is a lifestyle choice. And while the numbers and facts usually disagree with them, and I think they agree with you more, they still view that "lifestyle" as a harmful one, just the same as you and I viewing some porn as harmful.

    So that's why people mention "slippery slopes". People are worried - and I agree with them here - that if we've decided porn can be censored from the internet, that other things that people find offensive, such as us, can be censored from the internet too. Or that people will abuse the power and say things are "porn" when they really aren't. Like what happens in China.

    So I mean it gets real complicated. Because the situation with porn is terrible. But if we want to do anything about it it's real important to make sure that no one else gets hurt.

    Sex is also a hard thing to learn about and come to terms with. Censorship could cause problems for things like health classes. And for a lot of us, gay porn is honestly the safest way we have to explore our feelings.

    Also I would feel a little bad just coming out full against porn. I know you aren't and no one here is. I'm just speaking personally, the kind of "porn" I like happens to be just words and stories people write, no pictures. So I mean I'd be arguing against something I don't really get in to.

    So I think it's a complicated problem. I mean one one side I would feel really good at being able to protect, for example, kids from getting hurt. But it's going to be hard to find the best way to do that.

    And usually when people are making laws, it's not so much that they're trying to find the best way to do things :frowning2: A lot of the time they just want votes and making their team happy.
  6. Salazar

    Full Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    The Tories need to be very careful not to appear moralistic. Personally, I can't see this policy being enacted, and it will be easy enough to circumvent.
  7. SchwulIstCool

    Regular Member

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Dans mes rĂªves de New York et des blazers...
    Nope, still 18. :slight_smile:
  8. Nathan N

    Regular Member

    Sep 11, 2014
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    A few people
  9. NingyoBroken

    NingyoBroken Guest

    Wow, that sucks.

    But hey, if I lived there, all I'd have to do is set up a Japanese (or other foreign country) VPN (which I use already).
    And there you go, porn unlocked.
  10. Abdadhie

    Full Member

    Aug 29, 2014
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    Whats the point. Is porn really hurting anyone? Most teenage boys watch porn and thats how it has been for years (except more with playboy mags for older generations) David Cameron is just a spoilt rich kid who would vomit if he saw a cock. I don't think he's really worth listening to if its about anything remotely sexual.
  11. LD579

    Full Member

    Mar 25, 2013
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    This is pretty old news. Please check posting dates before posting. Thanks!
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