My friend needs some help.

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by FindingMyself, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. FindingMyself

    Full Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Kansas :/
    Okay so I have this friend, whom I won't name, but she is a girl and I've only known her well enough to chat with her in a class over a year ago and occasionally text. However, being her only gay friend, she confronted me with something and I would like to know what you guys have to say about it.

    So here's the breakdown: faced with nothing to do, she, like I, spends her summer having strange, deep thoughts about life after death, sexuality and also has some major anxiety issues. She says that when she has her anxiety waves she thinks about the possibility she could be gay or bi. But when she comes out of an anxious week, she just moves on and shakes off the idea, resorting to convincing herself she's straight. She also says that she looks back on her life so far (she's my age, 16) and feels there are lots of childhood signs indicating she's gay but that usually she ends up deciding she just admires strong and beautiful women.

    There was more substance than that to the conversation, but that's the important stuff. I'm wondering if maybe she's just scared. I mean, for four years I hid under the bi rug just to reassure people that I "still" liked guys and would marry one. But with enough time to sit and mull things over I know I'm gay, so maybe my friend just needs to accept that there's a chance she's different?

    Basically if anyone has any thoughts to add that might help the situation that would be awesome. I really have a lot of care for girls I know who are going through questioning stages of their lives, and I figured it'd be safe to come here and ask.
  2. john1b1

    john1b1 Guest

    I think the most important thing to remember is that no matter what your orientation or gender, it's all okay. Don't be afraid of accepting yourself, whether you are gay, straight or bi. Or whatever else :slight_smile:
  3. FindingMyself

    Full Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Kansas :/
    That's pretty much what I told her. (It sucks we live in a world where parents don't tell their kids this stuff.) Also, kudos to you and the rest of the Bay Area. I love it up there.