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Abortion poll (may be triggering)

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by MerBear, Jun 29, 2013.


What is your stance?

  1. I am female and Pro-life

    10 vote(s)
  2. I am male and Pro-life

    20 vote(s)
  3. I am female and pro-choice

    65 vote(s)
  4. I am male and Pro choice

    122 vote(s)
  5. Mixed/unsure/No opinion

    24 vote(s)
  1. SkyDiver

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    Mar 17, 2012
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    I just don't know.

    I'm definitely a lot less against abortion than I used to be, but I feel like I'll never really know where I truly stand. It's not my place to determine if it's right or wrong.
  2. MerBear

    Full Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    east coast
    Its okay :slight_smile:
    don't worry, you don't need to make a decision haha :slight_smile:
  3. catboy

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    Jun 30, 2013
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    Altoona, PA
    I am pro-choice. I do feel strongly that a baby is a small human from conception on, but I have no right to say what a woman does with her body. I do think if the abortiion fails they shouldn't snip spineees or just let the baby die. There are alternatives.
    #203 catboy, Jul 1, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2013
  4. PrinceOfAvalon

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    Apr 4, 2013
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    Missouri, U.S.A.... in a town no one knows of lol
    Male. Strongly Pro-Choice.
    I agree a lot with what Aldrick said in response to Mike.

    Personally, I think if the situation is one where the person cannot raise the child/doesn't want to, or isnt in a place where they can physically do it either without risk or case of rape, Abortion is an option.

    I think like... in the case of... some rich person gets pregnant accidentally. They have the money and standings to carry the baby to term. They could always give it up for adoption. I don't see the problem with that. Alternatively, a rich person in the same circumstances could choose to have an abortion simply because they don't want to deal with the trouble. That's where I draw the line in the sense of what I personally would do. Able to have the baby with no complications, wasn't a rape, simply doesn't want the trouble of raising the baby. In that case, making them keep it as "punishment" is ridiculous to me. An unwanted baby is a very sad being :frowning2: At the end of the day, you could have an abortion simply because its convenient... although i don't agree with that personally

    I'm basically at the point where only in that above situation do I think an abortion should not be the choice, but its all up to the person to decide.
    Again, would personally think in this situation, Adoption is the better choice, but situations vary extremely, even If i haven't heard of a situation where a person could have a baby and give it up for adoption, but would rather have an abortion simply because its easier... i'm a bit confused on how i feel there honestly xD Basically Adoption>Abortion if its Possible. Abortion should imo be the last choice for these situations, while I can understand it being the first for others.

    Its not a question of "morality" in that sense, but convenience, even if that sounds shallow >.<

    The topic of legislating Laws related is where I turn entirely pro-choice. It is one thing to believe something is immoral, or to dislike something that is against a religion's teachings.
    It's another thing to impose that thought on other people through Law and remove individual choice from it. The idea that you don't have to agree with something, just respect it. As long as it doesn't infringe on other people's rights.. I think America in particular has lost sight of that. Thats why things like Gay rights and abortion are ridiculous to me. I can't possibly understand how people can possibly think "This makes me sick... I don't want other people to do that, so lets legally discriminate against them!" I can definitely understand "This makes me sick... So I'll look away". Which is better? You tell me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    Back to my example. Person with money/wealth is pregnant, COULD carry the baby for 9 months and give it up for adoption - (with ease, let's say there are a ton of couples looking for a baby at this time or something, its just an example) That would be my first choice. Aborting it because its "annoying" to be pregnant and just so you can go out there sleeping around is irresponsible, where I can see Adoption as being more responsible than careless sex, and even more responsible than keeping it as your own...

    Yeah I repeated myself a ton here, and confused myself xD

    Sorry ^_^
  5. kulele

    Regular Member

    May 27, 2013
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    Also keep in mind that abortion, even when illegal, still happens - in fact, I don't think the rate of abortion even goes down that much, but I could be horribly wrong on that one and accept it if I am - just far more unsafely which will result in far more deaths. Also, the rich will always be able to access abortion if it is legal somewhere in the world. Making abortion illegal, or restricting access to it, will always disproportionately affect the poor (and so will likely disproportionately affect those groups that are more likely to be poor).
  6. MerBear

    Full Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    east coast
    dont be sorry. you did a good job explaining your stance :slight_smile:
  7. FruitFly

    Regular Member

    Jan 1, 2013
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    Ha, one of those appears to be a quote from a post I made.

    Again, I apologise for being an uneducated arse. My understanding of what is/is not appropriate in terms of wording is growing at a similar rate to the speed of a lethargic snail, especially as I'm still perplexed over what cissexism is and what is classified as cissexist.

    (Although I must admit from my limited reading into the subject I assumed such posts assumed cisnormativity, as opposed to being actively cissexist? Similar to how there's assuming a heteronormative life and actively being homophobic? Or is cissexism the term that is used whenever people assume a cis sex state as opposed to using more inclusive terminology?)
    #207 FruitFly, Jul 1, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2013
  8. I gotta say that I am pro-life. As a female who got pregnant when I was 19 with my bf at the time who was 18 we were scared shitless. I did a lot of researching on abortion and can tell you I was honestly horrified at what I saw. I strongly believe that once a heart is beating, that is a viable living thing that deserves to live. If a person is not ready to raise a child why not choose adoption? At least then a loving family can have a child they really want.
  9. Fairybread

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    Apr 20, 2011
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    Non binary, female body, pro choice. I believe everyone has the right to decide what to do with their own bodies, and that it's better for the child to not be born unwanted - even if its being adopted out.
  10. Aussie792

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    Apr 5, 2013
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    There are far too many children in orphanages, and most abortions don't kill a "living being with a heart". Most abortions remove a non-sentient foetus in order to save it and the parent a very difficult life. Abortions aren't done lightly, and adoption isn't enough to give all orphans homes.
  11. chercheur

    chercheur Guest

    Aug 8, 2013
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    I sometimes feel out of place weighing in on this, cause in NO way does it affect me, but I am 100% pro-choice, up until the point of viability. It's no ones place to tell a woman what she can and can't do with her own body, and as long as a fetus is dependent on her for survival, it IS apart of her body.

    It's true that if men could get pregnant, abortion would be endorsed in the Bible. It's sexist thinking that says a woman doesn't count enough to have the right to choose that says abortion should be illegal.
  12. AmityRanch

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    Aug 26, 2013
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    Stevensville, MD
    But you will happily post a comment discussing the issue, anyway...?

    That's such a flimsy substitute 'solution'.

    1. The mother would have to put up with the baby for nine months before she could finally bid the child farewell.

    2. Adoption services are an incredibly tricky business. Many children that go through adoption end up with no parents for elongated periods of time (if not their entire childhood).
    As for adopting while the baby's still a fetus, nothing is set in stone. Foster parents might not show up, and the mother will be forced into abandoning her child or becoming a mother herself.

    This situation could've easily been avoided if she just got the abortion.
  13. WillowMaiden

    WillowMaiden Guest

    It doesn't make sense for me to tell every woman in the nation, without knowing their story specifically, how to handle an important decision because of how I, personally would handle their situation. The rest of this I wrote a while ago on the topic.



    If It Were Me

    If I got pregnant by accident, despite whatever happened being unplanned or even bad, I would not abort. Eh, I like kids, I like single parenthood, I get lonely, and abortion would be a lot of hassle for me with the probing and the leg things. Even so, I'm not gonna tell someone else what to do with their tummy tadpole. So what does that make me: pro-life and pro-choice? I'm only asking rhetorically because I never understood why when someone says they're pro-choice, some pro-lifers takes this to mean that the person is some evil baby hater that hates children's giggles, wants an emotionless "Equilibrium" (awesome movie)-style nation, and wants all pregnant women to sit on a giant baby eating vacuum. It's not that deep. That only enflames the argument, makes it more personal than need be for a lot of folks. I remember back at University when some people would say they're pro-life they got this snooty air about them that said "yes, I love life and happiness and daises. Hmph."

    "Okay...Yeah, me too. Well, I'm more of a lily person, maybe a nice orchid, but I'm not not opposed to the daisy. The daisy is okay by me. As far as life and happiness, I'm pretty keen on those as well." Uppity cunt. :dry: --You see what that attitude made me think about an otherwise nice person? Bad.

    Abortion Clinics & Two for One Deals--Not Cool.

    It's bad when some women use it as birth control, like having abortions multiple times a year and crap. Condoms, the pill, the sponge--for fuck's sake use something. That's just unhealthy and irresponsible, but bare in mind that's on the women who do it, not the law they're abusing. Unfortunately, at some point with people like that helping out of a bind becomes promoting reckless idiot behavior and wasting money of stupidity; which taints the good intentions of the law. Plus, just concerning those ladies', it could really fuck up their bodies, so yeah, setting a limit would be good for those that come in so frequently they get the next one free.

    The Two Realities

    1. You know, I never see the use in fighting abortion. Some pro-lifers get all up in arms about it as if making it legal means the government is going to force all women to abort their pregnancies from then on. You don't want to do it, don't do it. Legal doesn't mean "mandatory of all female citizens." You can let go of your ovaries. No one is going to take them from you.

    2. It's been around since the Roman days and probably before that. Did no one else see the episode of "Rome" when that prostitute bitch got that abortion tea from an herbal shop pretending it was for her when really it was for Pullo's wife who was like 6 months preggers at the time? ...I love that episode. Anyway, what I gathered from that and other movies/shows/documentaries/books/lives like it is that the Big "A" is here to stay. It's going to get done whether it's legal or not. Illegally means it'll probably be very dangerous (i.e. coat hangers, basement doctors, bad drugs.) Making it legal is--in my eyes--just an effort to eliminate the risk of some girl dying in some old woman's basement with a wire up her vagina or ODing on some toxic concoction. That's the basis of why I wish it was legal. Not even all that hippy feminist "a woman's body is her temple" stuff. Don't get me wrong, it's good stuff. I agree she owns the joint, but that's not my angle. I just don't like the idea of someone hurting themselves or endangering their lives and then on top of that not getting help when things take a bad turn because of shame or some crap. Maybe that really makes me...fuck, I don't know...pro-legal or something.

    The Message

    There isn't one. People are gonna feel how they feel about it, do what they do about it, and I respect that, you know whether we agree or not. (Except if you're one of them crazy lifers that be killing motherfuckers and throwing bricks and shit. Bad. You guys need to chill the fuck out.)

    P.S.--Gold star and a high five for whoever knows where "the sponge" reference is from. :slight_smile:
    #213 WillowMaiden, Sep 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2013
  14. Elf Wynd

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    Aug 10, 2013
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    The reality is I dislike the idea of abortion having to be used, however the reality is that so many people have unprotected sex that abortion is a necessary evil.

    If it was up to me, every teenager would be sterilized for 8-ten years - there are methods now for both males and females, a one time installed device that works for 8-10 years. At the end of their 8 year period of 'safe sex' - as safe as it can be when it comes to contraception, they can re-opt in for another 8-10 years or take the risk of being a parent.

    I am also for eugenics - not Hitler's Master Race eugenics, but the idea of individuals being educated on their genetic destiny and through informed choices opting out of the gene pool to end the misery of the great many genetically linked disorders:

    List of genetic disorders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is a short list.

    Until such time as we all learn to take out contraceptive choices a bit seriously, I fear abortion is going to be a part of life.

    Too many unwanted children are given up for adoption and end up being on the merry-go-round of foster care, or worse, end up in abusive situations. It is not a tenable option.

    Not in this imperfect world.
  15. Zac

    Full Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Victoria, Australia
    I don't care
  16. Tightrope

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    May 31, 2013
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    I am male and have a mixed opinion on this, so I voted "other." I really wish that birth control was discussed, planned, and that the fertilization of an egg did not occur to begin with. Personally, I would rather not be a party to an abortion. I also struggle with the point at which viable life begins.
  17. iHateThinking

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    Jul 19, 2013
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    There's soooo many angles to go on this, making it a pretty complicated opinion.

    From what I can analyse from myself personally, I am generally pro choice. Up until a certain point, the fetus really isn't a human. The first few weeks is just, quite literally, a conglomerate of cells. While it has the potential to BECOME a human, it does not mean that, at that point, it is one. However, I think there should be some kind of restriction on WHEN a person can have an abortion... You really shouldn't be aborting a baby over 4 months or so into the pregnancy, that's just... dumb.

    I agree with Tightrope, there really needs to be more education on birth control. People freak out over it because it's "not natural" and then wind up having kids they don't want because contraception is immoral or something. Or simply because people aren't aware of the purpose or use of birth control, they don't use it... Instead of hiding from the fact that people, well, have sex, why not use that as an opportunity to teach people (Especially high school/college students) methods for having safe sex? I'm pretty sure if more people were educated on it, there would be at least a little decrease in the amount of unwanted and abortions.

    The problem with adoption is that there are so many kids who need to be adopted and not enough parents TO adopt or want to adopt already. Why add another to the list of sufferers?

    Because women, just as much as men, have the right to do what they want with their bodies. Other women/men and the government should not impose major restrictions in that manner.

    If the mother is mentally incapable. Possibility of extreme disabling genetic diseases, where the child remaining alive is worse for them than being gone... The list goes on and on.
  18. Sarcastic Luck

    Full Member

    Jun 3, 2013
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    Problem. Not all women have regular cycles.
  19. Ohhai

    Full Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Nottingham, UK
    Female, pro choice. I got pregnant at 17, an although I decided to keep my baby, I'm glad I had a choice.
    I do think the abortion limit is too high though. 24 weeks is crazy. It should be halved.
  20. redneck

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    Aug 29, 2013
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    I voted pro-choice because I feel it is your body and you should have a choice in whether or not you want an abortion. However this doesn't mean I support abortion in any way. In my eyes it is a legal form of murder. I believe you have a right to choose but if you choose to have an abortion I will not support you in your choice.