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LGBT News LGBTQAs denied admittance to Catholic Church service because they have"dirty hands"

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by flymetothemoon, May 5, 2013.

  1. Ridiculous

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    New Zealand
    Re: LGBTQAs denied admittance to Catholic Church service because they have"dirty hand

    I think this line of thinking is condescending. We're atheists and we're doing fine, but they need religion because they aren't strong enough to cope without it. Not very nice.
    There are far more effective and less dangerous ways of giving people a purpose in life other than telling them someone is looking over their shoulder and threatening them with burning in torture forever.
    We don't need religion in today's world, as very successful countries like Sweden and Norway can attest to. The least successful countries are the ones that are the most religious.
  2. FemCasanova

    Full Member

    Dec 6, 2012
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    Re: LGBTQAs denied admittance to Catholic Church service because they have"dirty hand

    Oh well, it`s the church that`s missing out. They can take away the right to enter, but they can`t take their faith away, so I would just call it their loss. Religion is struggling as it is, priests and churches like this pushing more people away is just harming themselves.
    That`s my theory anyhow.
  3. JPC

    JPC Guest

    Re: LGBTQAs denied admittance to Catholic Church service because they have"dirty hand

    Is anybody really surprised by this? It's not exactly as if the Catholic Church has a great track record with the LGBT community. They believe what they believe, and though I don't agree with what they did, they're perfectly entitled to do so as far as I'm concerned. They are under absolutely no obligation to accept everybody into their congregation, particularly people who's lives aren't in keeping with some of their core beliefs. It would be like if I set up an organisation that believed blue hats were an 'abomination' and against the core teachings of the organisation, and several people showed up to one of our meetings wearing blue hats, I would be perfectly within my rights to deny them entry. I know that's a pretty poor analogy but you get my point.
    Again, while I wholeheartedly disagree with what they have done, it is hardly shocking or unexpected.
  4. Bobbybobby99

    Bobbybobby99 Guest

    Re: LGBTQAs denied admittance to Catholic Church service because they have"dirty hand

    Well, I suppose that they are just harming themselves anyways. As said before, they can go ahead and deny us entry all they want. We are, after all against there policies. If they act better than us, they are wrong. If they start threatening us, they are wrong. If they say that someone is wrong with no proof, then they are wrong.
  5. flymetothemoon

    Full Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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    Newark, NJ
    Re: LGBTQAs denied admittance to Catholic Church service because they have"dirty hand

    I was indeed referring to allies since the article specifically states that many allies were with the group and were also denied admission.

    ---------- Post added 8th May 2013 at 08:47 PM ----------

    Not all religions tell people that someone is looking over their shoulder and threatening them with burning in torture forever. There are some religions that actually teach that God loves everyone. The Catholic Church just isn't one of them.
  6. Jay

    Full Member

    Feb 14, 2009
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    East Boston, MA
    Re: LGBTQAs denied admittance to Catholic Church service because they have"dirty hand

    To be fair, priests are EXPECTED to remain chaste which includes not only not have sex, any type of sex, but also to not masturbate.
  7. Cardshark

    Regular Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Hogwarts (Mentally) Springfield (Physically)
    Male (trans*)
    Re: LGBTQAs denied admittance to Catholic Church service because they have"dirty hand

    This just proves how hypocritical most churches are.
  8. Re: LGBTQAs denied admittance to Catholic Church service because they have"dirty hand

    I would really like to talk to the people who honestly interpret the bible to mean- well, This!
    I have several catholic friends who are some of the nicest and most supportive people I know. One of them even got up and left once when the church service took a homophobic turn.
    It makes me feel sick to know that honest people like them are being reflected badly by their religion's 'codes'.