I guess I'm a sick, twisted, demented, asshole?

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by mojoe, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. mojoe

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    Aug 2, 2012
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    I have to be the dumbest mother fucker on the planet. I just read through my whole thread from something like 4 months ago. I'm shocked as to how i'm, once again, going though, thinking, and feeling almost the exact same things. We are fighting again, and once again over me being open about my feelings for him. I guess I can only blame myself for letting him back into my life. His actions remained the exact same, and my feelings for him did as well. After something of a mental breakdown, I felt I needed to tell him exactly how i feel. This spawned the worst fight we've ever had. But now i've devoted even more of my time, energy, and attention to him. The last thing either of us spoke to each other was a text from him telling me to go fuck myself and that I should kill myself, all because I didn't answer his phone call.

    Is it even worth me trying to salvage this friendship? I'm having a hard time finding a reason to do so, aside from the fact that I really care about him and actually enjoy his company. Part of me feels like I've wasted the last 6 to 10 months of my life on him. Now that truly is my fault for letting myself fall for someone before they explicitly state that they are gay. (though he never said he was straight, or that he wasn't gay until 3 days ago.) I just don't know if I can be friends with him after this, or if I can see him as just a friend. Especially if he keeps calling me constantly and treating me like we're dating.

    I guess I'm just happy that he said so many mean, angry, and hurtful things to me. I can be angry and block out all the sadness. I've been listening to the song "Somebody I Used to Know" by Gotye a lot. I know that if I weren't so pissed off I would be very depressed. And once again I'm confused as to why he, himself, is so angry and hostile towards me. I just don't get it. I've had a lot of girls tell me I'm hot, hit on me, and one or two of them fall in love with me and damn near stalk me. Did that ever really bother me all that much? no. In fact, one of the stalker girls is one of my best friends now. If he is really as straight as he claims, then this should be no different for him. A person he isn't, and can't be, physically attracted to that really likes him. For now I just feel hurt, and mad because of it.
  2. confused1234

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    Jul 22, 2013
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    I think your friend is either deeply in denial or a selfish asshole not really worthy of being your friend, but I am having trouble deciding which. Regardless, I think you should sever ties until HE is ready to have an open and honest conversation with you about what is bothering him. Because at this point, it just seems like this friendship is just a lot of pain for both of you.

    If anything, let him salvage the friendship.
  3. mojoe

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    Aug 2, 2012
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    I think you're absolutely right. I will be honest in that I did really hope he was gay. Not so much for my sake, but for his. If he is gay and deeply in denial then I could understand, and actually relate to his sporadic, inconsistent, and ridiculous behavior. Otherwise, if he really is straight, then he's nothing but a selfish asshole. I didn't want to believe that he's a total dick. I see so many good qualities in him. At this point though, he's going to have to work very very hard to make his way back into my life. I know it won't take him long to realize that he's completely alone and miserable without me. I think he's already realizing that but I'm nowhere near ready to let him back in. I need time to heal.
  4. Pat

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    Oct 12, 2012
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    Woodstock, GA
    You did everything right. The only mistake is considering him as your friend. He should have agreed that it's different and he just wanted to be close friends. The dude's gay. And this is the type of gay guy that starts to kick your ass after sex... you just need to get away from him. I mean, he's standing in the way of you meeting someone else. I can assure you, any boyfriend you want is going to wonder why the hell this guy calls and texts you so much. That's just weird. And have you thought about how he's going to feel when there's another guy in your life? Your "friend" is possessive, narcissistic and completely in denial. Those aren't the kind of "friends" you need. Not suggesting that what he's told you isn't real, but if he's going to be in denial about it and can say the things he's said to you without apologizing, it's time to move on. Change your number. Be done. He'll find you when he learns how to act. Don't settle for people who treat you like shit. Be true to who you are and what you want. You did everything right in my estimation. You came out, you addressed your feelings for him directly, you told him when he made you uncomfortable, you opened your heart and your mind to him and he rejected you and continued to behave in a manner that's downright confusing. I don't like being teased, been there done that with straight guys. I'll out them before I let them fuck my emotions up. Foreal. Lol. Anyways! You're not a sick, twisted, demented, asshole. It's just time to move on from this guy. He'll call you when he knows how to act and IF you want him back in your life to some capacity, he'll do it on your terms. I would suggest that you just...end everything.
    #44 Pat, Jul 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2013
  5. SomeNights

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    Dec 11, 2012
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    Mojoe, you've gotta know when to say enough is enough! I was in a similar situation with the first guy I came out to in college. We got really close and then he would do something really selfish or assholish. After not talking to said person for the better part of 6 months and moving on, we are now very distant friends and quite frankly I'm going to do my best to keep it that way. Everyone suspected he was gay and I knew that he had actually done stuff with another guy, but until he's ready to come out, there is only so much you can do for him.
  6. mojoe

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    Aug 2, 2012
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    I think he got the point today. Tuesdays have been our day to hang out. Has been for months now. For a long time he would call me all morning, beginning at sunrise, until I woke up. Recently he's been just showing up at my house and waking me up. Well today I turned my phone off. I went so far as to leave the house. I know he tried to get a hold of me. I turned my phone on at one point and oddly enough he was calling me as soon as it was on. I turned it off again right away. I know myself well enough to know that simply by talking to him I would break down, feel bad, and let him back in. As it is I do feel a little bad but everyone is right. Until he can talk about all this without getting defensive and hostile, it will never work. My main issue is this, however. We work together. I will have to see him tomorrow. I'm honestly afraid to. I'm afraid because I still care about him. Even after all the awful things he has said to me. I'm afraid that I like being treated like shit. I'm afraid that I will end up in an abusive relationship regardless.
  7. Pat

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    Oct 12, 2012
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    Woodstock, GA
    You're the only one who can control it. If you want to know what an abusive relationship is.. ask my friend Franklin K on here, he'll tell you all about it. I don't know if you have self esteem issues or something, but you need to figure that out. And you also need to explain to him that you want to take a break because he's confusing you.. You have to set the standards.
  8. castle walls

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    Sep 14, 2011
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    Western USA
    First off, you aren't a sick, demented asshole or the dumbest motherfucker on the planet. You're just a guy that has strong feelings for someone else.

    There was one lesson that I was fortunate enough to learn in high school. In fact, I consider it to be one of the more important life lessons that I've learned so far. What is the lesson? You need to know when to let go. It is harder than it sounds. Back in high school, I was really interested in this girl. Long story short, she took advantage of my feelings, manipulated me, and the list goes on. This went on for years. I knew I didn't enjoy what was happening but, at the time, I didn't get how unhealthy the entire situation was. I think that I was too close to the issue and I couldn't back up to see the whole picture.

    Regardless of why this man is acting this way, it is not appropriate behavior. Even if he is secretly gay and in denial, that does not excuse his behavior towards you. Being in denial does not give him a free pass. It doesn't sound like you've set any limits. I read the entire thread and I'm getting the impression that no matter what he does if he just waits awhile to contact you and then apologizes then there are virtually no consequences for his behavior. He gets you back in his life. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If this is the case, then he can just do whatever he wants so there is no reason for him to change his behavior.

    His sexuality aside, I think he has shown you who he is as a person. The reasons why he is behaving this way are irrelevant. If you did end up in a relationship with him, the chances of it being abusive seem to be quite high. He is already possessive, acts obsessed with you, and has done things to go out of his way to hurt you. That isn't good boyfriend material. That isn't good friend material. It is your choice but, after all he has done, I think that he should be out of chances. If you let him back into your life, he will continue to behave the same way. The longer you hold on the more it'll hurt in the end. You can't control who you fall for but you can control who you keep in your life.

    I know that it is easier said than done but I think you need to stop contacting him and don't respond if he contacts you. You don't need a guy like this in your life. Change your number. Tell mutual friends that you two no longer associate with each other and you will be keeping it that way. Only speak to him at work if necessary for work related activities. Keep your doors locked. If I was in your shoes, I would stop him from visiting my home as well. If he stopped by my house repeatedly, without opening the door I would calmly inform him that he is trespassing and he can either remove himself from my property or I'll call the police and they'll remove him. You could probably get away with just ignoring him though. However, if he begins to harass you, I'd call the police. I wouldn't usually suggest something so drastic but it may be the best method with this guy. He seems to have difficulty understanding boundaries so you need to make it simple for him.

    You are a human being that deserves to be treated with respect. If someone can't do that after you've discussed it with them, then they need to go. It sounds like you have given him more than enough chances. Life is too short to keep people like this guy in your life. Don't make the same mistakes I did and let this guy treat you so poorly for years on end. I deserved better back then and you deserve better now

    Best of luck!
  9. KyleD

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    Jul 4, 2013
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    Here's the thing. No doubt he's gay but he's in serious denial of his feelings for you. Stop worrying about him - he can survive without you but for your own sanity you need to get out. Ignore his texts and calls. People like that are dangerous.
  10. mojoe

    Full Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    @ catle walls, Yeah unfortunately you are correct. It's been as simple as him waiting it out and then trying to talk to me again and then i cave. I let him back in with no repercussions for his actions. I know that this is mostly my fault. I've put myself in this situation and I feel stupid for it. I don't want to be mean myself. I want to be the bigger man here. So far I've acted in an immature and childish way in that i've simply avoided and ignored him. Is this wrong of me?

    So far it's been working, in that he's no longer a part of my life. I've been able to hold my resolve and keep my distance. Although it is slowly eating away at me. I just feel like I need some closure. I just wish we could have a conversation about all this without him getting angry, defensive, and hostile. I know I shouldn't be thinking about him at all but I can't help it. I just want to know what's going through his head. I just want to know if he feels bad at all. I want to know if he's sad that he's lost what was and will be the best friend he's ever had. I don't want to sound conceited but it's true. I would have, and did do literally anything he ever asked me to. A few weeks ago me and him went on a road trip to Texas for a convention down there. I ended up paying for almost the entire hotel and I drove almost the entire 2000 miles round trip. All to get treated bad while we were there and without even a thank you. All the while I was in anguish. I spent the better part of one morning in tears while he was sleeping in the bed next to mine.

    I guess what scares me the most is that i haven't let myself really feel anything. I have yet to grieve, or even feel sad about losing what we once had. I know that this thread makes this guy out to look like an absolute douche, but he wasn't always that way. We had a connection deeper than I've ever experienced before. There were nights where we would sit up and just talk about anything and everything until the wee hours of the morning. That's what i'm going to miss, eventually. I always enjoyed his company and even after spending 6 days together in another state, I didn't get sick of him. When we parted ways after our 20 hour drive I longed for him to be beside me. I just wish i knew how i let things get to where they are now.
  11. castle walls

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    Sep 14, 2011
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    Western USA
    In this situation, I don't think that ignoring him and avoiding him is childish. It sounds like the best thing for you to do at this point is to cut him out of your life and ignoring him would be the best way to do that. If you keep him around, this situation will only get worse not better. He has had more than enough chances to change his behavior. He chose not to do so. He needs to face some consequences for that choice. Why do you allow him to treat you so poorly?

    If you try to talk to him again to get closure, wouldn't he just be able to work his way back into your life and you'll have the same problem?

    He knows that you'll do anything for him and that he can get away with doing anything he wants to you with no consequence so there is no reason for him to treat you appropriately. He'll get whatever he wants regardless. I know that I've said something along these lines before but I can't say it enough. This story that you've shared is more evidence that I think supports my assertions.

    The grieving process can be really difficult. I know quite a few people that didn't start grieving until the person in question was gone. It could be that you aren't comfortable grieving the friendship yet because this happened recently.

    Often times, people that treat people the way this guy is treating you start out nice. As time goes on, it seems like the nice side comes out less and less and you see more of their dark side more and more. If you've only known the guy for less than a year and he is already acting this way, I'm concerned about how much worse his behavior will get.

    I think that you should kick this guy out of your life and I'm not the only one on this thread that thinks so. What do you think you should do?
  12. mojoe

    Full Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    I think I should take everyone's advice. I think I should maintain my distance from him and just move on the best I can. That does, however, contradict what I want to do. I want to put everything back the way it was when we started getting close. I want to feel the excitement and nervousness that came with the beginning of our friendship. I want to feel how I did when he started to call me almost daily. I want to feel that same way for him again. Is that ever going to happen? Probably not.
  13. Dakine

    Regular Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    It's funny I'm reading this (well not funny but u know what I mean) you know about my situation and ironically I'm at the same kind of crossroads as u r. My friend and I got into a bit of a disagreement last week over something really petty. Needless to say he said some pretty cruel things to me. He has since apologized but said he needs space from me. See the thing is, we rarely hang out and I may text him once or twice until I realize what friend I'm getting that day. He is very hot and cold. We could be best friends for a few days followed up by complete strangers the next few days. This happens over and over again. I'm not sure what his definition of space is, but he has had PLENTY with me. So, I decided to give him all the space he needs. I refuse to start conversations, I refuse to give emotion. If he texts or calls, I will be quickly civil, but that is it. I have finally reached the point where I will no longer let him control our relationship. He can't pick and choose when he wants to be friends and when he doesn't. Funny thing is, he's already showing major signs of missing me. It's not space he wants, he just wants to lose his feelings for me. This is his last chance with me because until this situation, I was like u, he got so many free passes because of his "denial" issues. However, there comes a time where you can't keep getting emotionally absurd by a person. I didn't get a free pass when I was discovering my sexuality, why should he. I agree to give some slack but a free pass....not any more. He now has to prove he deserves to be in my life, whereas before, I used to always think how was I so lucky to be in his. Idk, I just think in your situation your friend should no longer get free passes. If u avoiding him gets him to finally start accepting himself, great. But you should no longer be held hostage. I know I'm not letting myself be hostage anymore.
  14. Deranged06

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    May 18, 2013
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    Run for the hills... it's hard to be around a person like that. I know that you still have feelings for him but its consuming you... He needs to come into terms with himself and it might take a looooong time. He might be fighting hard to not feel what his true feelings about you, but you are always around so it makes it more difficult for him to do this so it angers him that you bring these feelings out... So while hating himself he brings that anger out on you because you are kind of like the source and you are an easy target because you are always available. but his hostile behavior towards you has to stop and you are the only one who can make this craziness stop. don't let this turn into codependency..
  15. mojoe

    Full Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    So things have been rough so far. Having to work with him is awkward and makes my anxiety even worse than it already is. Doesn't help that he doesn't make any sense. He first told me he can't be friends with me, that were done and that i should keep my distance. Then later that night he calls me at like midnight. I was going to sleep so i didn't answer. That's when he tells me to go fuck myself. Then last weeks he's calling me and texting me telling me he's sorry and asking me to please answer my phone. I don't know what he wants. So far I've done as he initially asked, and as everybody here suggested. Keep my distance. Work makes it almost impossible though. i damn near have a panic attack as soon as he walks in the door. I'm going to need to talk to him eventually. I'm afraid though, that it will end like it has every other time. with him getting hostile, angry, defensive, and just hurting me. My new thought; if he can't have a real conversation about all this I might send him a link to this thread. Is that a bad idea? I mean sure it will probably anger him that I've been taking about him on the internet but it's basically anonymous. At that point I won't care if he's mad at me. i just want him to hear me out. So what does everyone think? If nothing gets better should i send him a link to this thread so at least understands what I've been going through for him?
  16. SomeNights

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    Dec 11, 2012
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    I would HIGHLY advise against sending him this specific thread. At work, just focus on work. Your not there to socialize, just give him the bare minimum contact as needed to do the job. If he can't have a conversation that's HIS problem not yours. As hard as it is, keep your distance.

    The other thing, stop focusing on him. Stop living your life around his expectations of you. Find something/someone else to focus on.
  17. mojoe

    Full Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    I think I've made a mistake. I finally had a conversation with him about all this. In a way I feel better, but it's also brought out the sadness I've been bottling up and blocking out for awhile now. After exchanging a few long texts it seems plausible that we might remain friends after all of this. He apologized several times and told me he still wants to be my friend. But he also told me that he doesn't, and can not love me the way I love him. Actually being told that directly finally struck a nerve with me. I know it shouldn't bother me but it does. I was content and indifferent to him being gone. I just can't help but feel like I am stuck alone. I can't help but feel like there's something inherently wrong with me. I really do feel like i will never know what true love is. It's not just him causing these feelings. It's the number of times I've done this and how I felt it was different this time. It's the overwhelming loneliness that I've felt my whole life. How can I move on from this and be content with where I'm at in life? Is it even possible to be his friend while fighting off my feelings for him? i've been trying to find someone just so I can focus my mind elsewhere. I feel bad for doing so because I really have no interest in meeting other people. I just need to get my mind off of what it can't have.
  18. ryanalexander61

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    Jul 26, 2013
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    It hurts, I know but time heals all wounds. You will find this love again with someone who can and will reciprocate.
  19. Mystory

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    Apr 3, 2013
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    I am where you are... there's really not much that can be said to help it. I know that fact. You will have days where you believe that you are getting better, that you are getting over him, that you will be fine, and that things will finally turn around. But then something happens, something happens to remind you of him, or the fact that it has turned out this way, and you will fall again, and you will fall hard and feel hysterical. Wanting to be the cause of his happiness- wanting the vision that you had so etched out in your mind to be true, wanting so bad that for once things could be different, that things could be different and that you two could be together. Wishing, and hell, if you're relationship is similar to mine, almost asking him to try to love you. You know that it will fail but you try anyways, just hoping for something unconventional. And then, just like that, you will wake up one morning resolute to change things, resolute to change yourself and the situation... but then this is short lasting- and you find yourself falling again after what little strength remained with you. Throughout this whole ordeal however you will never lose hope in the firm conviction that you two will somehow be happy, and you will continue to hope and hope. It's not an unfortunate thing- it is your character- your essence and your being- to hope. And as unconventional as this may sound- sometimes you do need to just hope. But you hope, always hope, with a grain of salt.

    I cannot tell you that you will find someone else, or that magically things will get better, or that someone will come and love you, and will be able to love you- because I see that as a simplistic answer to something that is unanswerable, and left unquestioned. I can only offer you comfort in the knowledge that it seems to get easier time and time again, that even when you think that you are at square one, you will pick yourself up again, and try again because you are strong and resilient... Even when you believe that there is no end to it- there will be a small, tiny part within you that knows that everything will be alright- that somehow everything will work out- that somehow you can make it. I will not say that you will move on- but I will say that you will grow because of this. This will still be very much a part of you, but you will grow and grow until it no longer seems like such a big thing.

    I understand the fact that it hurts- the idea that you two are just friends- but it doesn't make the relationship that you two have any less meaningful- or any less significant. You two have been through thick and thin, and have always found a way of working things out and making something work. Compromising...

    For now, the only wisdom I can offer you is to no longer attempt to analyse or think- just enjoy. If you think about it, pain is only there if you think about it- if you ponder upon it and if you let it get in your way... that said, what you need now is a few days, weeks or months even to just cry it out- cry everything out- take all of your sadness and cry it out until there is nothing left to cry about it. And before you realise it, the sun rises the next morning...

    i hope this has been helpful...
  20. mojoe

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    Aug 2, 2012
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    I figured that I should post something of an update on my mental health and the situation as a whole. After a few very sincere apologies I have started working towards being friends again. I feel bad for going against the advice almost all my friends and almost everybody here gave me. The most common piece of advice I got was to let him go, get him out of my life, and to completely move on. Unfortunately I couldn't cut him out. I really believe that he meant his apology and so far things have been better. He has been nothing but nice to me. I know now, that I need to be more open about how I feel. I need to call him out when he's being an ass and I need to keep reminding him when he's crossing the normal friend boundaries. I know he has told me that he's not gay and I need to take that for what it is. Whether or not I believe is another thing. Honestly, no part of me believes that he's completely straight. That said, I know that he's entirely unavailable, probably because he's very deep in denial. I know that whatever it is between us, it is he who needs to address it and make it into something more. I will not be waiting around for something that may never happen. I need to keep myself open to other possibilities and plan to do so. I really see the immaturity in him after all this and I know that needs to, and will, change for us to even be friends. It's obvious he's nowhere near ready, emotionally, for an actual relationship. And that's completely irrelevant to his sexuality. If/when he grows a little and becomes more self aware, and then if he decides he does want something more with me I'd be open to it. For now, though, I have to remember that I can find someone who can fit me better.

    No matter what, it's going to be challenging to hold onto the friendship. Sadly, I'm willing to face that challenge. We have so much in common, and have already gone through so much together. I know that it won't be easy to find another friendship that's as close and usually comfortable as ours. I am going forward knowing that nothing will ever happen between us until he specifically tells me that he wants something more than me. until that happens I can not, and will not put all my effort solely into him. I know it's already problematic that I really don't believe him that he's straight. i believe that he's too frightened to even put any thought into his sexuality. It seems all to much like my experience in "liking" girls because i believed I was straight and that's what I was supposed to do. It wasn't until I had an actual girlfriend that things started to become more obvious. As cool as thought it was to actually have a girlfriend, and as pretty I thought she was, I had no interest in having sex with her. Holding hands, hugging, and kissing really did nothing for me. I was nowhere near coming out, or even self-acceptance but this made me really think. and this was me at almost 18. My friend is barely 20 and is emotionally immature in some ways. I know that holding onto some glimmer of hope is probably not healthy but it helps me feel good. It helps me hold onto all the great aspects of our friendship and forgive some of the troubles. But I'm and if i meet someone who's available, interested, and who sparks my interest, I will give it a go. Thanks again to everyone who has responded, or even read this. It has helped immensely getting advice from all of you. Hopefully I can let this thread die out and start one an awesome knew guy I might meet. Or maybe, some time down the road I can revisit this thread saying that we are finally actually together and happy. No expectations though.