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Are you having LGBT dreams?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by greatwhale, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Dasher Anne

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    Oct 29, 2012
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    Male (trans*)
    I have some dreams that are like this once in a while. I used to have dreams about a girl I used to love, and we kind of had something going. I would show her around my town, which was completely different in my dream, and treat her like she was my princess. We used to have a little joke that she was a princess and I was her knight, so my dreams kind of followed that in a modern sort of way. But we've both moved on now.

    Now I have dreams about this girl I have a crush on. I'll be on some sort of adventure or something with my brother, and when I need some support but my brother isn't around, she'll show up in the somewhat-backround in a group of people or maybe walking down a road alone or something, then notice me and maybe wave or smile as a sort of greeting and then I know I can continue the task of the dream. Just her being there, even if she doesn't say a word, is enough to keep me going. I love those dreams. c:
  2. Convoy

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    Feb 20, 2013
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    I have positive dreams about LGBT things sometimes and a favorite one of mine has been one where I was just walking on the beach with a guy, holding hands and talking. Something about it that just seems so, simple and beautiful at the same time.

    It would be kind of open, since I know everyone around here and it would basically be outing myself to the community; but I wouldn't care. I won't see any flack during most of the day, and any fear is just irrational.

    I've had not so positive dreams too (or nightmares if you call them so) that focus on negative aspects, family, bad relationships, etc. But those aren't too common, aside from the results of stress and some past trauma.
  3. Oddish

    Oddish Guest

    I have a lot of dreams about attractive girls I've seen throughout the day, imagining them in my bed.. or holding my hands, or having sex. Though my sex drive is kinda non-existent, I do dream about it. A lot.

    I actually had one the other night where I apparently hooked up with an attractive lady in her mid-20s, and she brought me back to her apartment. We had tons of rough sex, with lots of kissing and hands everywhere. I ended up falling asleep, and woke up to her making coffee and tea for breakfast. It was pretty hot.

    I also have dreams of me being male-bodied, in which I go around, picking up girls, and guys... and just being a downright douchebag charmer stereotype. But I think a lot about being physically male, in my last dream I was.

    Oh, I also dream about lots of cutesy things involving myself and my partner.
  4. 4ever Hearth

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    Feb 21, 2013
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    My greatest LGBT dream involved Jesse McCartney, whom I despised at the time(I was in the 8th Grade). If anything it was really more so a "How-To" accept that I was gay. This was when I first realized that I was in love with a guy. Now the dream took place in my room, which had become less of a bedroom and more of a "Man-Cave", with a pool table in the center of the room. Apparently, we had been playing pool before the dream began and he was winning, I suck at pool and never learned how to play it. So he's drinking and we're talking about me, school, home life, career plans and finally love life. Once we hit that subject, I tell him idk what to think about the situation and "I have no idea what i'm doing"(in reference to the game of pool but I now realize the pool game was a metaphor for being gay and accepting it). So after I told him that, he steps behind me and shows me how to handle the cue stick, to which I respond by becoming fluttered and hot but manage to keep my cool.

    As he's showing me how to shoot, he goes "Well are you ready?" So I ask "For what?" then he goes "For them to know?" And at that point, I hear someone coming up the staircase to my room(my door rests at the top of the staircase, it's straight-forward once you hit the second flight) while my door is cracked open enough for them to see him and I in this intimate position(also my hall light was off so I had no idea who it was or how close they were). So, naturally, I start squirming. Saying things like "Get off me man" and "C'mon stop playing. They're going to see us." He responds by holding his ground and not saying anything to me. In fact, he spoons me from behind which made it even worst. I actually enjoyed the warmth of him pressed against me, the faint sounds of his breathing in my ear and the tickling sensation his hair created as it braised my neck. But the more I enjoyed it, the louder the footsteps became. So I beg him one last time to let me go. He answers "Are you sure?" and in anxious haste I reply "yes." So he lets me go and my grandmother comes into the room and tells me dinner is ready, I tell her here I come then she leaves. When I look around my room, several of the things(including the pool table) is missing. And i'm stuck begging him to comeback. The worse part was how empty and cold everything felt after he was gone. Also my room started to lose color before I woke up.

    Now here's the Good and the Bad.

    Unfortunately, the dream acted more as a vision of sorts. During the following week, I lost the person I was in love with and just about sure was in love with me as well because I didn't "stand-up" like I should have. Instead I let the worry of what other's thought get the best of me. To this day, it still hurts.

    Fortunately, after having all this hit me like a ton of bricks, I emphasized on it. I watched more and more LGBT movies and took from those what peace of mind I could find. I worked harder and did my best to live life like the person I was when he was around me. I never lost my faith in love and if anything, the situation made me believe more wholeheartedly. "Peer Pressure" never made much sense to me after this. Oh and sometime afterwards, I was with my grandmother and cousin and she asked me if I was gay and I lied. Though she did say, and I quote, "If you are, you know there's nothing wrong with that. Right?" :lol:
  5. cassexy

    cassexy Guest

    Feb 20, 2013
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    mangalore, karnataka state, india
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    well i have, i dream of having women and men in the same room and lots of lgbt dreams as i am bisexual
  6. fuzzywuzzy

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    Feb 19, 2013
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    Southeastern Europe
    Coming out to myself started with an lgbt dream. I had a crush on my best (male friend) but I was in a relationship with a girl. I didn't think much about it since I was focused on the relationship. Then it hit me. In my dream I saw myself and my friend cuddling and holding hands. We were out and on the opposite side of the street we saw my gf (now ex) looking at me as if she's going to kill me and then tear me into tiny pieces. All I did was shout at her "this is the real me, deal with it!" . Then I woke up and said out loud "I like boys!!!". Damn that was a funny experience. Apart from that I occasionally have romantic dreams of me being with another guy.
  7. LoveMusicPoetry

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    Feb 18, 2013
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    Yes, I have had several. I've had them all my life, you'd have thought it would've given me a clue as to my sexuality really wouldn't you? I had a dream about the girl I like at college last week. I also had a dream a couple of nights ago that I was sat around in one of the gay pubs in Oxford with a group of other gay people and for some reason my nan was there. She said something really stupid and embarrassing and I was a mixture of horrified and laughing. I woke myself up coughing at that point. I think this was linked to the fact that I had been worried about telling my nan that I'm gay, but I'd managed to tell her and she was fine about it.
  8. SaleGayGuy

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    Jan 7, 2013
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    When I was young, perhaps 10yo, I did have some strange dreams about being tied naked to large X shaped structure and having a jet of water from a hose, directed by some unseen entity, at my arse and entering my body. I have no idea where this imagery had come from and had not looked at any porn of any description at that age. It is possible however that I may have heard school friends talking about bidets and that set my imagination going.

    Since after beginning to realise, in my mid-40s, I had attraction to men I have been playing back my life memories looking for clues that may be linked to my sexuality, I now wonder if this childhood dream involving arse play was one of those clues.
  9. Dublin Boy

    Dublin Boy Guest

    Feb 12, 2013
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    I had a dream about my crush, he was naked & in bed & I was at his beck & Call, fetching him things & looking after him, not sure what the meaning is Lol

    Every time my dream involves anything of a sexual nature, I usually wake up :confused:
  10. GayAndHappylol

    Apr 16, 2013
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    I had a dream of me and my crush making love.It was really really intense..when i woke up my heart was beating really fast.I guess that made me fall even more deep inlove with him..now im completely stuck..
  11. Black Swan

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    Apr 19, 2013
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    My major coming out dream was when I dreamt that my best friend turned gay and was snogging her girlfriend in public. It was an unusual dream since I don't have those feelings for my best friend, but it did help me come to terms with myself, and sort of initiated the questioning process.

    Mmm, recently had a delicious dream about my crush and I. We were in a dark pine forest dancing under the full moon, and she wore a stunning white knee-length dress.
  12. Sinopaa

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    Feb 14, 2013
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    Uh...*pushes Onstar*
    Female (trans*)
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    I once had a dream where I was talking to the brother that I am stuck in the body of. He looked exactly like I used to look, while I looked how I feel I should in my mind. We both sat on the living room couch and talked about how different things would have been had we both been born in separate bodies. What jerked me awake was when he said that he wasn't angry that I took over his life, forgave me for erasing what's left of him from our families lives, and then hugged me. I woke up feeling like I involuntarily murdered him and broke down crying. :frowning2:
  13. Eliza

    Eliza Guest

    Before I came out to myself, I used to dream that I had a girlfriend and she was really mad at me, throwing stuff and yelling because I was cheating on her with a boy and she just KNEW it and HOW COULD YOU I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME.

    I would be like, "No, sweetie, there's no boy, there's nobody but you," and she would cry and call me a liar.

    That one made me feel pretty guilty.
  14. WhisperinShadow

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    Oct 25, 2011
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    Over the Hills and Far Away...
    Yes, I dreamed several times of the same woman I know in real life and have/had a kinda crush on..

    In one of the dreams she confessed her love to me in a text message and when I woke up I wasn't sure if it was real or not. But when I took a look at my mobile phone I knew that it had just been a dream..

    In the first dream with her my ex-boyfriend also showed up. But it wasn't a sexual dream, it was a kinda weird dream..I think I dreamed that because I wasn't so sure what to do back then because I was still in a relationship with him..

    I don't really remember all the other dreams but I think they were kinda sexual but like I said, I don't really remember...:eusa_doh:
  15. LailaForbidden

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    Nov 19, 2011
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    I have dreams of falling in love with women all the time. As well as a couple of friends i've had raging crushes on. The sad thing is, they usually die at the end. It's horrible. I'm all like... thanks, dreamland.
  16. Yep, that's about right. I'm beginning to wonder if my sub-conscious mind has a grudge against me :dry:

    To answer the question though, I've had a couple. It was an indicator for me.
  17. JillandJill

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    Apr 19, 2012
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    I've had very intense dreams about both of the girls I've been in love with.... although I just attributed it to the fact that they were on my mind, whether consiously or not. I never attempted to interpret them beyond that but recently I had a dream about a straight co-worker of mine, she mentioned a dance she was going to and was playing with my hand in hers and flirting with me... that one still confuses me lol :slight_smile:
  18. BMC77

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    Feb 27, 2013
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    Well, since this post about "I think I'm gay" dreams, there has been a change... I had a dream a couple of nights ago. I can't really remember the details, except one strong impression of what I think must have been a nude guy. At least, I recall him being nude in one specific region, and if that part was uncovered, we can probably assume the rest was, too. This region also definitely told me that this guy was a guy.

    However, I woke up before anything happened. Sigh. My one shot at a boyfriend this week...
  19. damn liar

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    Apr 8, 2013
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    Yeah, a week or so ago I had a dream part of which involved me :kiss:ing my crush, which was just awesome. :grin: The way it happened was that he actually went up some stairs to kiss with another guy (he's straight irl - can you say 'wishful thinking'?) and I followed them and shamelessly went for it. And then he grinned. :icon_redf He went on to explode or something shortly afterwards, but oh well.

    Now that I think of it, I definitely remember having other dreams in which I either wanted to or actually kissed other guys, while pulling away when girls wanted to kiss me. I think maybe (a big maybe) once I actually just stood there while a girl kissed me... but I never actively pursued it... very revealing, these dreams, eh? :grin:
  20. gravechild

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    Mar 20, 2013
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    I've been having a few recently, some PG and others R-rated. The other is never 100% revealed, though, so I usually call them 'nameless strangers'. It's really strange, considering most of my opposite sex dreams involved a familiar party, thus more of an emotional connection.

    Dreams are rare for me, and a lot of them involve finding some room, part of town, or forbidden location.