Questioning my oreintation

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by Pursuitstar, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Pursuitstar

    Regular Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Texas Ya'll
    Sexual Orientation:
    Ok, so I've been around this sight a lot lately due to questioning my sexual orientation. This'll be a long read, I think, because I'd like to get my full story out there in order to to make sure that I can get some proper advice. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

    Ok, I started questioning my sexual orientation when I realized that I liked the idea of pegging. I have been watching porn for since I was about 11-12 years of age and I started out with heterosexual and nude women. I would always just look up trying to find hot women to look at. eventually that switched over to hentai. I also remember at about age 13 I was looking up a sort of yaoi type porn. However, I remember then switching to reading smut of all types but usually either straight or lesbian( I am a guy). Now, I watch primarily lesbian porn but watch gay porn on occasion. When I was watching gay porn ( it was rape btw) I had a question pop into my head: Am I gay? Since then I've been obsessed about the thought that I was gay. When these thoughts first started I thought I was gay and i was trying to find a cure, somehow. I found all these religious websites claiming to cure homosexuality, but I felt most were a load of Bullshit. I then found a neuroticplanet and an article written by a homosexual man stating that many people, that sounded a lot like me, are suffering from HOCD. However, even after finding that, I still worry, even with my current GF.

    When I walk around at school(I'm a senior at highschool) I never notice any guys, I'm always staring at the girls cleavage( I love boobs haha). However, even that is starting to scare me because I fear that it's just a routine and that I'm still gay. I also have thoughts about some guys that I think are "hot" or "cute" but nothing more. I don't find any sexual yearning for them, just a random thought that they're hot or cute. For example: today I had a random thought that Marco Rubio was cute. Which freaked me out and led me to come on here and check how to tell if you're gay.

    I'm not sure what's going on. I'm scared, quite scared really, that I'll have to give up my current life with my girlfriend. I love being intimate with her( as I get incredibly horny around her) but I also love being with her in general and I don't want to give that up.

    Thanks to anyone who replies to this! Also, I love most of Lex's responses to posts here, quite humorous :wink:
  2. TheCatLady

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    Dec 17, 2012
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    I don't know if you are REALLY attracted to guys or not but what seems quite obvious is that you are attracted to females (you love boobs, you get horny around your girlfriend, you love being intimate with her, etc..). I'm still questioning but I think I'm a lesbian and I've NEVER felt something similar with guys. So, I don't think you are gay, you could be bisexual (maybe but maybe not), so you don't have to worry about losing your girlfriend. Relax and enjoy your relationship without paranoid thoughts! And if in the future you'll fall in love with a guy, then you'll think about it, but at the moment you have nothing to worry about! A hug :smilewave
  3. June Cleaver

    Full Member

    Jan 21, 2013
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    United States of America
    If you must put a name to it, you sound a bit bi curious to me. Just because you might be attracted to a guy too does not mean girls are out. Most girls you cannot tell that to or they might not accept it. Just explore your options and see what feels right. Even if you are fully gay, what is so scairy about that? Humans pair-bond and as long as you love and enjoy the person you are with, what's the wrong with that? My partner Mike is a wonderfull person who provides me with a rich full life, filled with love. I could not have asked for more. I am his first male bodied partner and he could care less what anyone thinks. He says life is too short to live by someone elses standards and I am the woman that makes him happy. Anyone with a problem can take it up with him. So far only his cousin has and he wished he did'nt when it was over. June
  4. AKTodd

    Full Member

    Feb 9, 2013
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    Norfolk, VA
    Hi There:slight_smile:

    Based on what you've written, I'd say that you're straight but that you're also a high school age guy, which means that your sex drive is going through the roof (as I recall, men are supposed to hit their sexual peak at age 18 or so). On top of that you basically say that you watch a lot of porn and quite a variety of types of porn. Although you don't say it, I'm going to assume that you are most likely masturbating while watching said porn. However, you are also quite strongly attracted to women from other stuff you've written here.

    Putting all this together, I'd say that rather than being gay, you're a horny straight guy who is both into women and porn and sufficiently adventurous in his sexual tastes to look at (and presumably get off to) a lot of different types of porn, including gay porn. Depending on what about the gay porn is exciting you, you might eventually reach the point of wondering what it's actually like to do something with a guy, in which case you'd be bi-curious (if you tried something with a guy and then either came to like both males and females or just males, then you'd be bi or gay). But at this point, I'd say you might be just as likely to start wondering about actually doing some other type of straight sex that you've seen in porn and actually doing anything with a guy will never interest you.

    Ultimately and at the end of the day, you should do what makes you feel happy and fulfilled, and at this point that sounds like it's women and your girlfriend. If that changes later in your life and you find that doing stuff with guys is not only something you want to try but something you like as much or better, then you will presumably find *that* to be something that makes you happy and fulfilled and so won't feel like you're 'losing' anything by no longer being interested in women or only women. Just go with the flow and what feels right for you and don't worry about what society thinks you 'should' be doing. As long as you aren't hurting anyone, you're pretty much fine.

    Hope this helps,


    P.S. - If you ever do get around to doing something with a guy - Safe sex is the only sex. For that matter that should be your rule regardless of who you're having sex with.
  5. Pursuitstar

    Regular Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Texas Ya'll
    Sexual Orientation:
    Thank you guys! I'm very grateful for the responses and I think i have found my path in life :slight_smile: