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Tell me about that strange dream you had!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by always true, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Adarya

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    Oct 23, 2012
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    I think I posted this dream story in another post, but it still continues to be one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had, and that's scary considering how much most of my dreams are fucked up. This dream happens to be a nightmare.

    It starts out as me walking through a large forest during the afternoon, when the sun is just beginning to dip lower in the sky. I know that it’s winter because I can see the snow on the ground and the streams that I come across are frozen over. The coldness never strikes me, though; it’s like I can’t even feel it. I walk on like this for a while, before I come across a clearing and meet a man (this is where the weirdness of the dream comes in). He seems to be raising about three raccoons and while I walk up to him I notice that he has a hut for himself and a fenced in area for his raccoons. He starts talking about his three animals; what their names are, how he’s raised them, and you can obviously see that he cares about them very much. I strike up a conversation with the man- whether because I’m lonely in my dream or I don’t really think about stranger danger in my dreams, I don’t know- but soon enough I notice that three men on horseback are also passing through the clearing, herding some kind of animal (I can’t remember at the moment what kind of animal they were herding). Once they are through I noticed that another man on horseback has stayed behind. He was gazing over a slope which led into what I think would be called a small valley. The land beyond the slope had scattered trees and a frozen lake near the center of it. I hadn’t noticed the areas layout while I was talking to the man, which leads me to believe the area had somehow changed during my dream. I now walk up to the man on horseback and I notice that he has a shotgun slung over his shoulder; he’s staring at something in the small valley. He said “That one there could be trouble” or something of the sort and I followed his finger to where he had pointed while he spoke. In one of the trees near the frozen lake I notice that there was a cougar/mountain lion. It seems abnormally big and the one detail that is weird- not in the way like it is messed up, but in a way that scared me- was that it had large, somehow familiar, eyes and it was staring right back at me.

    Then- for some reason I can’t remember- I turned away for one second, only to look back and realize that the large animal was on the ground, only a few yards away and below me and the man on horseback. That is when the temperature around me seemed to drop several degrees and then I felt the coldness.

    Suddenly, I heard the man beside me shout something- maybe to warn me- but it was too late, and the dream from here on seems to go extremely quickly. The ground underneath me crumbled, and I had no time to jump to safety or even to scream as I skidded down the slope. I went at unrealistic speeds- because I saw the world around me blur past me, even the cougar as it appeared to be running towards where I had originally fallen- and before I could notice what was happening I was in the middle of the frozen lake. I could finally feel the cold against my cheek and when I breathed I could see my breath in the air.

    And I couldn’t move.

    I tried to get up, but I had no choice but to lay there as I noticed that none of my muscles seemed to be working. Extremely frightened now, I could only use my senses to try and figure out what was happening around me. It was getting darker with the approaching night. Then, I heard footfalls and vaguely I remember that I somehow knew that it was the cougar approaching. Right before it was upon me I had this very weird feeling that it wasn’t there to hurt me, but it was there for something else. I never figured out what it was though because when the animal is almost right on top of me I wake up.

    The first time I had this dream I awoke shaking, sweating, and my heart racing at 3:40 in the morning. After that I was still extremely frightened and I couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. Later on I tried to tell my cousin about the dream that I had (because nightmares and dreams came up in a random conversation) and I started crying for no apparent reason when I came to the part of telling her about the animal in the tree. I know that the cougar is significant, especially with the way that it interacted in my dream and how its eyes seemed different. I originally had the full dream about five or six months ago, but since then parts of the dream have been reoccurring and I always wake up with my pulse racing and the sense that the full intent of my dream wasn’t accomplished.
  2. Reptillian

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    Oct 20, 2012
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    Most of my dream is black.

    If I do dream, it's mostly about being a woman having sex with men and it feels so arousing to imagine the sensation from the other perspective. Oddly enough, my climax lasts for over 20+ seconds, I don't know why... Some other dream is about me being a man having sex with women. But it's almost never lesbian sex or gay sex. Just heterosexual sex.
  3. photoguy93

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    Dec 27, 2012
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    St. Olaf
    You all do not know how amazing this thread is. I had a really messed up dream last night and it has been bugging me all day long.

    I don't usually have bizarre dreams. I just have "WHAT?" dreams. Everything is pretty real. Just...odd. And it usually has to do with things I've been thinking about.

    Like, last night.

    I think that I was at this school. I believe the flu was going around. And then people were starting to die (or getting really sick.) I bet this has to do with hearing about the pandemic level this flu has hit.

    Then, my old anatomy teacher was there and she died and I think they were preparing her body for her funeral. I saw her walking around school last week (I really dislike her.) I remember, in my dream, smelling something and it was just weird.

    But it wasn't gross, like I wasn't doing it to her or something. It was just, like.. a real life thing. That's what made it so weird! I know it's because I am retaking anatomy now and I'm dreading the cadaver day. It really messed me up.

    Do any of you connect your dreams to how you are feeling? Like, there's a strong connection? I never put two and two together, but I always had dreams about not being able to call 911 or lock the door. My therapist told me it was about my fear of losing control.
  4. Cthulhu

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    Jan 26, 2013
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    GTA, Ontario
    I remember one dream where I was on a distant planet populated by reptilian beings. I was the captain of this spaceship, and my crew and I landed on this weird planet where gravity was odd - everything was falling upwards except all the life forms. I, then, walked towards this house that was standing on the edge of two cliffs and entered inside.

    Inside, I saw mostly emptiness fill the house with the exception of an old man strangely dancing around a stool in the middle of the room. The old man, while dancing, told me, "All that's in here is a stool!" Bewildered, I leave the room and see that the reptilian beings began to gang up on me and my crew. So, we ran towards the rocket ship and entered inside.

    Then, I woke up!

    That was a weird dream.
  5. Rawr Ima Bear

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    Feb 2, 2013
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    As I have a soft spot for dramatic romance, I tend to have dreams centered on them. It's usually something like "meet girl, fall in love with girl, get separated, try to get back together", but i ALWAYS wake up before the good parts..its like watching dvds that are scratched all to hell, man...
  6. FranklinK

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    Dec 18, 2012
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    I just woke up from one and I was not going to post it, but it scared the shit out of me to the point that I can't get back to sleep. Hopefully writing this out will help me get it off my chest and I can get back to sleep. I haven't had a nightmare in a few years.

    The first part of the dream was more like a movie. The second part was more of a play the role experience. I don't know if anyone else can feel things in their dream..

    It's night time and a family (mother, son, and his younger sister) is just finishing up their move into their new suburbanite home - they have just finished pulling the last box out of their trailblazer and are headed inside when the door opened for them to get into the house. This wasn't a big deal seeing as how the door had been left open and the mother assures them that it was merely the way the airflow worked in the house. They set the box down in the living room. The lights flicker. Just once, nothing major, then the sister sees a woman walk from one room to another. The first thing they did was unpack all of the kitchen stuff so they could have a nice meal in their brand new home. The brother and sister are in their rooms unpacking while their mom was preparing dinner. When she finished cooking she made everyone's plates and set the table. After setting the table she walked down the hallway to let them know dinner was ready.

    They made their way to the dining room table when his little sister looked over her shoulder and saw a lady move from one bedroom to another. Before she could say anything the lights flickered once. Then the lights in the kitchen started flashing on and off followed by loud clamor and banging. Every light was going on and off in the house now. The mother ran to the kitchen all of the drawers had been pulled out and cabinets were open and dishes, pots, pans, silverware, and utensils were flying around the kitchen. The son called out for his mom and grabbed his sister. They left.

    Part 2. Same family moves into another home. This time I can see through the brother's eyes. I think for him and feel for him, but I am not him (weird perspective I know). I'm going to tell this part of the dream as if I am him to save confusion.

    Mom is at work and my sister is in her room asleep. It's around midnight. We still aren't unpacked and all a little shaken after our last move a few days ago, but it was nice to be able to lay down in my own bed instead of the bed in the hotel we had been staying in. I looked towards the foot of my bed and I saw the boxes I had to unpack - which I wasn't looking forward to. My bed was against a wall of drawers which was actually really cool and is why I chose the room. The drawers were of varying sizes and the fixture my bed set against wasn't overbearing at all. I close my eyes and finally fall asleep.

    A loud snapping noise woke me up. I open my eyes and I feel something pressed against my back. I sleep on my side so I try to roll over. Immediately I realize that what I am feeling are the drawers - they are pulled out and have me pushed almost off the bed. I look towards the foot of my bed - my boxes have been opened and everyone of the socks I own have been pulled inside out and placed in an ornate fashion reminiscent of an obsessive compulsive nature.

    I grabbed my phone from under my pillow in a panic - I always keep it there just in case. I call my mom at her work, the dispatcher picks up (my mom is a police officer). I ask for my mother and the dispatcher puts me through to her. As soon as I heard her say hello the line goes to static, but I can still hear my mother on the other end through the dull roar of static. I go to scream for help, but my throat tightens and I can't move my jaw. I start to drool as I struggle to get out muffled 'muh muh muh'. I was trying to yell out 'mom come home now'. A feeling of helplessness sweeps my entire body in waves of chills as I struggle to move and I can't. I felt a lot of pressure around my throat and eventually on my body pushing me into my bed. End dream.

    It feels like someone stepped on my throat and at first I couldn't move after I woke up. I got chills up and down my spine and after that was done I rolled over. I needed to get that out. Now that I've written this down I can go back to sleep I hope.

    #46 FranklinK, Feb 3, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2013
  7. akhc

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    Jan 9, 2013
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    Waterloo, Canada
    I have this recurring dream whenever i have a fever

    I see sailor moon and the rest of her posse standing on a cross shaped silver structure
    I feel hot

    the view pans backwards and suddenly im goin in between environments that are each coloured with one colour of the rainbow (red, yellow, blue, etc)... the environment/colours rotate so quickly i dont remember whats in each one

    THEN... i see brown, everything is rusty, and mud is everywhere. It looks like im in some back alley of a factory during the industrial revolution. I stand still shaking and quivering.

    i violently wake up from the dream covered in sweat and the fever is gone
  8. DeanIsHome

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    Jan 30, 2013
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    Seattle, WA
    I hate my dreams there always scary as in I'm going to die scary not supernatural, anyways a few days ago I had a dream....
    I was laying on my bed and i slowly got up, the sky was still dark but that's usual at 7 a.m in Seattle during the winter, my chest started to hurt like a squeezing tight pain and i stopped myself from getting out of bed and just stared at the ceiling, after a few minutes i got up and walked to my grandfathers safe and took his pistol, i went to the living room wandering the house and no one seemed to be home so i began to write a note that i don't even remember what it was about, after i finished i put it on the table next to my picture frame and put the pistol in my mouth facing up towards my brain..... BOOM! end of my dream, i woke up and was all sweaty, this is why i HATE dreaming.
  9. Thieves

    Thieves Guest

    Jun 27, 2012
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    The strangest, yet most beautiful dream I've ever had has been a bit of a psychedelic one...

    I remember myself sitting on a field that consisted of several hills, which kept going on for miles upon miles. I was sitting quite high up on one of these lovely hills, and populated randomly throughout the rest of the field were easels, and on these easels were various huge paintings. I happened to be sitting before one of these easels, and I recall that I was finishing a particular painting since I had a good amount of paint on my fingertips. The sky was a swaying, odd mixture of bright colors, something that reminded me very much of watercolor paint -- very transparent, with the way that one color bled smoothly into the other. Another strange thing was that all of these hills that were in the field were actually the same way as the sky, and the texture of the grasses and the colors themselves were changing (from pink to orange, from green to purple) and moving beneath me, as if on a spinning wheel, even though I was sitting in one position the entire time. Much of this was almost like having 3D glasses on and seeing a permanent filter of colors, now that I think of it.

    The biggest thing that stood out to me was that all of the paintings (which were often portraits of certain people) on the easels were actually moving, and coming to life -- they were talking, moving about, and singing. One of these portraits was of Jimi Hendrix, and I remember him at one point actually coming alive in the painting as I was painting him, and he was talking to me, though I don't remember exactly what he said. So in the dream, I was just sitting there the whole time, painting while the hills and the sky were all simultaneously changing colors, and all of these paintings of characters were coming alive at the same time.

    It was an amazing dream, to say the least. Very psychedelic, and eye-opening. And apparently I'd been listening to too much Hendrix before I fell asleep. :slight_smile:
  10. Sinisteress

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    Jan 30, 2013
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    I had a dream about the world after the zombie apocalypse and only my sister and me survived along with Selene (From Underworld) and Alice (From resident evil). For some reason snakes where everywhere and i was walking with all of them: including my sister when she stops and looks at me with this terrified look on her face and she says "R*****(My name), thats mine"
    i look to see a small yellow toy trailer and the next thing i know she is beside it, so i go up to her to see that she had put her hand in it, but of course a small but deadly death adder snake is biting her, she is screaming out my name telling me to stop the pain and blood starts pouring from her eyes, mouth, nose and ears. I try taking her hand out but its like she is stuck there. then Selene picks me up and takes me away to some random place with Alice..
    And while i am mourning and balling my eyes out over my 8 year old sister dying. I am randomly making love to both of them at the same time..

    I felt guilty haha
  11. always true

    Full Member

    Dec 16, 2012
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    This is really interesting. The dreams are funny.

    ---------- Post added 3rd Feb 2013 at 02:00 PM ----------

    Scary. Especially having your friends kill you
  12. Sartoris

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    Nov 12, 2011
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    Wanted to post in a thread I already participated in, but can't seem to find it just now.

    In the beginning I was in a living room, which appeared and was similarly configured to how my current one used to look when my mother and I were living here the first time. On the television, The Trial was playing, yet looking back none of the scenes looked familiar. Though I was under the impression that at least one was of K being pursued by a number of young girls down passageways [which does occur in the film.]

    After this, though I'm unsure if they were linked, I was saying goodnight to someone, presumably my mother, who asked whether I'd familiarised myself with or studied some material I was supposed to. Which, I believe, was for the purpose of becoming a cardinal in the Catholic church. Apparently I indicated that I hadn't, as this person pulled away some piece of furniture [like a large cabinet or armoire,] revealing shelves built into the wall behind it.

    It looked fully stocked with a large variety of books and videotapes tightly packed onto the shelves. They appeared brand new, yet there was the sense that some, if not most or all, were roughly thirty to forty years old based on the design of their covers and varied among large, small, hardcover and paperback. Some appeared to be false covers hiding further ones but all, supposedly, were connected with the same subject. Looking through the titles, they seemed concerned with the history of Italian organised crimes, reaching back, going off of one book, to 1700.

    However, I picked up two of the videotapes which were about musically-related conspiracies. One about John Gielgud conducting Wagner, though not a particular work I could recall, and the other of Montgomery Clift for some composer or piece I didn't register at all. What was interesting is that the footage included in the former was from the eighties, whereas the latter was from the sixties. Clift even appeared to be made up as he looked when he was in Freud. Apart from being packaged as part of the same series, both were linked in the fact each performance had been falsified in some way. Gielgud's having been 'lip synched' for a live performance and Clift's intended and credited for use in something, yet replaced by a different recording. At some time during this section, I pointed out the criminal connections, but either received no response or cannot recall one.

    Then, I wasn't sure where I was. It seemed to be in a small house or a set made-up like one where I and, I think, a woman about my age were hiding in. Either from or waiting for some other people. Eventually some other men did arrive, dressed in Depression-era clothing and who we, or I, 'attacked' by pointing my fingers at them as though they were guns. Apart from some of them appearing to go down, I don't recall how it ended or transitioned to the next part.

    The final bit took place in some sort of subterranean location. What it most resembled, for me, was part of a hydroelectric plant yet also like a sewer because there was a slow moving stream of water flowing through which gave the atmosphere something like being in or around a hot tub. I was floating down this, perhaps in the midst of an escape attempt related to the previous experience but eventually I saw a woman, though I can't recall whether I first saw her in the water or standing somewhere off to the side.

    Nonetheless I began to wonder what she was going to do. In the context of the dream I recognised her, and she reminded me of Vinessa Shaw, and suspected she might try to drown herself knowing that I would be able to see. I may've been wondering whether I should approach her, even after she entered the water. Eventually I climbed out and started to move away, moving up stairs and to various landings above the water with the intention of ignoring her. But I must have gotten or convinced her to get out as well, since we were eventually standing and walking together. Though the end is foggy, we seemed to be in a pleasant, if downbeat, mood. Something was mentioned about France, but I can't remember what.
  13. myheartincheck

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    Sep 25, 2012
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    The Golden State with a Golden Gate
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    Mine is a bit... mature...

    *enter dream sequence* alright so in the dream I had last night I was walking arm in arm with a beautiful African American woman and we went into this building to have dinner. So we're talking and she tells me, "I absolutely love your figure!" and I say "Well thank you, but I've always wanted a figure like yours. It's just a perfect hourglass figure."

    So then she's like "I don't know about that I wish I had a body like you." To which I give the cheesiest line EVER LOL
    I say "You've always wanted a body like mine huh? Well if you come a little closer you can have it..." :wink: so she does and we start making out on the table... Then I woke up... :confused:
  14. js28

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    Oct 4, 2013
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    Last night I dreamt that Vincent D'Onofrio and Katherine Isabelle were having sex in my kitchen but because of where I was standing all I could see was D'Onofrio's poop-chute.

    I think my subconscious hates me.
  15. DrkRayne

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    Sep 26, 2013
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    One weird one recently was that I was at a poetry slam with Wyclef Jean and Shakira. We were watching the performances and Lauren Hill got on the stage and did one.

    It was just weird.
  16. SemiCharmedLife

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    Oct 20, 2013
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    I don't usually remember my dreams too well, but this one was kind of hard to forget:

    My family and I were driving in two cars across the US. We were somewhere in the desert in New Mexico and we'd gotten separated. I stopped at a roadside cafe in the middle of nowhere. I ordered a sundae that had vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, peanut butter, and bananas. The waiter brought it to me and it was MASSIVE...

    and then I woke up before I had a chance to eat any of it. I was so pissed off
  17. AwesomGaytheist

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    May 19, 2013
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    I'm in some office building and everybody in the entire building is in their birthday suits, and I'm the only one with any clothes on, and I'm dressed in a jacket and tie for some reason. Some girl comes up to me and starts unbuttoning my shirt and just in the nick of time, my alarm clock goes off. My boyfriend asked me later that day if I'd had a nightmare.
  18. Hrantou

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    May 18, 2013
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    Funny this thread should pop up...alright here's mine.

    I recently had a dream about a guy I've started dating. It was in the future, we were together building a house...and it was nice. We also had a girl roomate living with us, but I've never seen her before. We had a butler too. And apparently I was some sort of food critic? Because in the end of the dream, some guys started stealing our cars because I reviewed their restaurant very badly. So I made a deal that if they returned me and my partners stuff unharmed, I would write them an awesome come-back review. They did, we went back into our house, sat on the couch and I put my head on his chest, and I woke up.

    Dreams are weird...but I liked that one.

    A totally out of this world one was when I dreamed I was home in bed. I got up because I heard the door open, and when I got up the door started swinging inside and out, and that was weird because it only opened one way. I ran to close it...then I couldn't move. I physically couldn't move. So I took all my willpower I had in the dream to move, and after a few seconds, I woke up in bed really groggy.

    Like I said...dreams are weird...
    #58 Hrantou, Oct 29, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2013