I sexually experimented with another male in 3rd or 4th grade - please help

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Theagonist, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Theagonist

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    Jan 7, 2013
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    I sexually experimented with another male in 3rd/4th grade

    I was 9 or 8 I think, (I'm a sophomore now) and I had a neighbor who was a year younger than me. We would hang out at each others' house quite often, and One time for some reason I convinced him to do sexual things with me. I don't count it as sex, since he wasn't even hard (I was though), and I didn't what sex was, nor did I not what homosexuality was. There was anal penetration I remember. One time we rolled around naked together, and I remember it felt amazing. Also at this time I began to watch porn and masturbate, and I was like 9 or 8. I feel really, really bad and shameful from this, like now almost anytime I masturbate and think about this - and it makes me feel really bad, and I already have a depression and self-harm issue and this only makes me worse. I moved to a diffrent state than there about 4 years ago, so I don't see him anymore, but I'm friends with him on facebook, and every time I see him post things I think about that again - which I hate. I know I'm gay now, and I've known for a long while, I used to be in denial in it, but now I came to terms with it. Pretty much everybody in my school knows I'm gay and no-one cares really, except a few people ostracize me, but I do go to a Catholic School (but I'm not Catholic, more of an Agonist Theist). I feel liked I stole my innocence, and I hate it... I just want to forget it and never think about it again, but everytime I have sexual thoughts/actions I think about it, which is probably I'm super scared to date a guy.. though I really want to. I've told two people, one who I don't talk to anymore, because I ****** that friendship up, and The other I never see except for like 10 minutes before school. Don't suggest telling my parents, I already have an... abusive realationship with them, and I think my mom kind of knows I'm gay, and she's really scared I am, and because of that I basically have no social or love life. I don't ever plan to come out to my parents, ever. My mom is super conservative - especially socially, my dad is a very devout Catholic, he says he's a libertarian republican (I'm just a plain old libertarian :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:), but he says that homosexuality is a birth defect, which basically destroys me. I just don't know how to handle this, please help :/
  2. lepermessiah

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    Jan 11, 2013
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    Re: I sexually experimented with another male in 3rd/4th grade

    I also did something similar with a friend, 5th grade I believe. Don't sweat it, young minds are very curious and you did nothing wrong. As far as your home life, gain some self confidence.
  3. Lance

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    Re: I sexually experimented with another male in 3rd/4th grade

    It is quite common for young kids to experiment like that. I really wouldn't feel too bad or worry about it very much. And it's probably not a good idea to come out to your parents, I know you said you don't plan to, but I'm just reinforcing that feeling, especially since it sounds like they probably wouldn't be very accepting of it. It sucks, but you have to look out for yourself first.
  4. photoguy93

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    Dec 27, 2012
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    Re: I sexually experimented with another male in 3rd/4th grade

    Oh man, you needed to post this. Because I'm pretty sure we all have these stories.

    I did this when I was the same age. I think the last time was when I was 11. I had this friend who seemed kind of curious. That was experimentation, I guess.

    But when it happened at age 7-9, I HAD NO CLUE. I was, I guess, turned on. I didn't even begin to think about being gay. It was like this animal was in me. I had NO CLUE. I just wanted to have some contact. The guys didn't love it, sometimes they did. Sometimes we would do stuff. But I had no clue what was going on (as in being gay.)

    But once I learned, it was different. I immediately felt bad and had these thoughts that I was some terrible, horrible predator.BUT I WAS 7 or whatever. You know?

    We know the difference, now, and are ok.

    And with your family - just stay safe and confident in yourself! You matter.
  5. Aniot

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    Jun 18, 2012
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    Re: I sexually experimented with another male in 3rd/4th grade

    I don0t think you should fell that bad with you. You were in an age where we try to discover new things and that was what you have done. I believe that almost everybody already made that kind of things or similar things. It is just the human being thing, the discovery feeling that everyone have and always will.

    Be happy. Believe my, you didn't lost your innocence. You were innocent to do that just because you wanted to know things. Only when you understand things you lose your innocence.
  6. Chip

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    Re: I sexually experimented with another male in 3rd/4th grade

    Playing around among young kids is pretty normal. It does not commonly escalate to oral or anal, but it seems pretty clear that you were a bit ahead of your years and it doesn't sound like it was harmful or traumatic for either of you by itself.

    I will say that catholicism seems to hold the prize for instilling the most guilt and shame in people, so i think it might be worth exploring what exactly it is you're feeling so shameful about.

    Kids fool around and explore each other's bodies, and when you find something that feels good, you sort of want to do it again. So can you help us understand better what exactly it is that's making you feel so shameful? Is it just remembering what you did as a kid? Because absent a lot of other sexual experience, it seems natural that you'd remember the experiences you did have and find them arousing, and if you're worried that doing so while masturbating somehow makes you a pedophile or something... it doesn't, because you're remembering yourself in that situation at that time.

    If there's something else that's making you feel the shame around this, it would be helpful to share it, because the way we eliminate shame is to talk about it and bring it into the open... at that point it loses its power over us.
  7. Suffocation

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    Sep 14, 2012
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    Re: I sexually experimented with another male in 3rd/4th grade

    I experimented with another boy when I was 5 years old, in Kindergarten.

    I remember he started touching me, and I said, well, why the fuck not touch him.

  8. Argentwing

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    boys will be boys, I suppose. I never had any experiences like this so I don't have any idea how traumatic it must be. Know that what you did wasn't shameful, though, and it doesn't make you a dirty person.

    If it's not too awkward, perhaps you could talk to him on fb about it? If you get his feelings, maybe you'll lessen some of the stress you've got on your shoulders surrounding what must seem like an awful secret.
  9. Bree

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    Apr 10, 2012
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    Him being a year younger than you and you only being eight or nine isn't really that bad. Have you considered writing him a letter about it and how awful you feel? Maybe he doesn't remember it the same way you do.
  10. JoshXD

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    Nov 28, 2012
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    I also had experiences when I was around that age too with my best friend. We look back on it at as a "exploration of our sexuality." He is straight, and I am gay. We're still friends, because it was a decision we made at that age, we both enjoyed it, and don't see it as a bad thing.
  11. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    I used to play with both girls and boys, with our briefs on, but we kissed our bodies, and I did it from age 5-13. I feel bad about it too, to a point. I mean the last girl assumes I am gay. Well, not exactly...I am well, a transgender guy. I maybe a bit bi as well. Only reason I didn't penetrate somebody is #1 I didn't have a penis, and #2, we more frotted. I think to this day, the only thing I would be interested in doing without briefs on with another man is frotting...well and kissing anybody is good.

    I think we were innocent. I think we were doing it in play, even if it were way too far. I can see with penetrating your friend you feel like you did him wrong. I feel same way for all the friends I did stuff to. But we all were consenting children, and doing it without knowing of the immense emotional and psychological impacts we could create. It was impulse, curiosity, and child's play...even though we know it was sex. My friends and me called it playing sex. We all enjoyed it, but I think I enjoyed it most. Does it make me evil? Well, I went into the closet thinking I was evil. I heard somebody say homosexuality is a sin about then, and since we moved away, I chose to never have sex with another kid my age again. However, I also was trying to undy why I thought of myself as a boy, and was ashamed of that too, and hid in my room trying on boy and boyish looking clothing, imagining myself a man. Life for a Queer kid is hard. We don't have Queer relatives to show us what we can expect...so we feel really really different. And culture shows us different is bad, to be avoided. I am happy you are coming out and okay with being gay, but I think we just have to undy that if we were straight (and in my case cis-gender) we may have done similar with kids in a straight way. Mom told me she did and brothers did too. I think stuff happens, and we don't talk about it. Let's try to forgive ourselves.
  12. PeteNJ

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    Nov 30, 2012
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    I think checking each other out and experimenting is completely normal. For me it was at about 10, pretty similar to you, with 2 other boys.

    Of course, now that I know I'm gay, maybe its something straight boys don't do -- but so what?

    You say that you feel shameful -- I'm not clear, is that shameful about what happened with him (having homosex), or are you ashamed that you still masturbate and think about it?

    What happened years ago was, from everything I've read, professionals I've spoken to, something a lot of kids do. And its normal.

    And as far as still thinking about that pleasurable experience and jerking off -- well why not? Again, perfectly fine.

    Sounds like to me that bigger thing is that in your home you have parents who you are pretty sure would reject you being gay. I'm guessing you're 15 or 16? Sounds like you're quite sure you're gay. And this is a time in your life that it would be great to be out -- so you could hang and go out with other gay guys.

    That's hard for sure. Is there a gay/straight alliance at your school? A gay pride or lgbt center you could get to? I am sure you'll find you're not alone in living in a household that seems very homophobe.

    I can only say to you -- look ahead to going to college, when you'll have lots more freedom. Look for some IRL support (in my area, a number of churches have gay youth support, though for sure not Catholic churches). For now, keep posting here about what's going on. We're here for you.
  13. inthedark4eva

    Nov 25, 2012
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    To the OP~

    I'm not sure why you feel guilt or shame about what you did.

    My best friend (also a neighbor) did similar things from about age 4 or 5 until about age 10 or 11.

    I don't feel any shame or guilt. I think a lot of kids do this kind of stuff. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's normal.
  14. Niqk

    Niqk Guest

    Jan 2, 2013
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    I had quite a lot of sexual experiences in my younger years. Unfortunately it started with being molested when I was 12, which I never got over. The rest wasn't exactly sex, but a involved lot of grooming on me, by older boys which I had consented to.
  15. PatyR

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    Dec 15, 2012
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    I had a kinda sexual experience in kindergarden with a classmate (girl), but I don't feel bad about it. Curiosity is normal for kids because you want to know your body, no matter hetero or homosexual.
  16. Theagonist

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    Jan 7, 2013
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    I feel like I robbed myself of my innocence, which is something that can not be retrieved... And I really feel bad because I led him to do it, which hurts me the most, cuz he might have immense shame too, and I would of course take responsibillity, and from his Facebook it's obvisous he's one of those ignorant stupid Christians (not that there's anything wrong with that - it just seems silly to me, except the Jesusism idea) - so because of that he might also feel tremendous guilt. I really, really dont want to talk to Him about it
  17. Theagonist

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    Jan 7, 2013
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    Re: I sexually experimented with another male in 3rd/4th grade

    I feel like I robbed myself of my innocence, which is something that can not be retrieved... And I really feel bad because I led him to do it, which hurts me the most, cuz he might have immense shame too, and I would of course take responsibillity, and from his Facebook it's obvisous he's one of those ignorant stupid Christians (not that there's anything wrong with that - it just seems silly to me, except the Jesusism idea) - so because of that he might also feel tremendous guilt. I really, really dont want to talk to Him about it

    And I'm defiantly not Catholic - I was raised to be so, but I'm an Agnostic (pan)Theist