Your Craziest Dream from 2012

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Polter91, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Polter91

    Regular Member

    Dec 13, 2012
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    East Coast of Nowhere
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    The craziest most bizarre dream from 2012 and possibly my entire life, I dreamt that I met this really attractive guy at a gas station and we connected instantly and it turned out that he was in reality an alien cockroach from space and he was in his human form but when not on earth, he would be back to being an alien like cockroach. He asked me to go back with him and his family to their home planet and marry him, and I wasn't sure because that was a big question and on top of that he was a freaking cockroach. And then I remember thinking, "fuck it" and then we got married and somehow ended up having cock roach babies, despite us both being guys. I ended up marrying him for his human like looks and not his cockroach looks. It was the strangest dream I ever had.

    Can anyone top that with anything more disgusting or bizarre?
  2. Robin

    Full Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    In an octopus's the shade.
    I had a dream that my arm (and only my arm) got attacked by an army of miniature squids. I think that counts as weird. :lol:
  3. darlig ulv

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    Aug 30, 2012
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    New York City
    I had a dream were I was a psycho-teacher, some kid was talking so I grabbed a throwing axe from my desk and threw it at the wall a centimeter away from his head while threatening that bext time I "might just slip". For some odd reason the kids liked me...
  4. CTJ

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    Jul 27, 2012
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    UK, East Midlands
    One really bizarre dream i had, which was only a couple days ago. For some reason my penis fell off and i was devastated, carrying it around in my pocket while trying to find some way to reattach it. It turned out that the only company that could perform the operation was where i work (i work in a supermarket) and the only person qualified for the surgery was an old lady that works there. Bless her, she is lovely but she isnt someone you trust with anything more complicated than sweeping.

    Anyway, so i had to make a decision. Do i opt in for the surgery to have my penis reattached and run the risk of dying at the bumbling hands of this old lady, or do i continue on without it and become genderless.

    I had the surgery, nearly died of an infection and woke up.

    So yeah. Pretty crazy.
  5. None

    Full Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    On the dark side of the moon, running to the east.
    It ranks more as a nightmare then a crazy dream .. I actually took the time to write it all down but eventually I decided not to share it and ended up deleting it .. sorry :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: .. but believe me its better that way :lol: ...
  6. Lark

    Lark Guest

    Feb 23, 2012
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    I had a dream that for some inexplicable reason, my town decided to host a pride parade. However, the entire main street had shrunk and twisted so it was akin to being in some kind of maze-like dwarf town.

    As I was walking through, I noticed that all of the usual shops had been replaced by rainbow chocolate stores and pride accessory stands. The weird thing was almost all the people in the street were just walking by like nothing was happening, and trying to ignore all of the paraphernalia around them.

    However, as I got to the end of the street, a group of guys dressed in black spotted me and began to chase me. I got lost in a flag shop, and managed to hide from them before they caught me and beat me up. Then, a shelf of chocolate fell on my head and I woke up.

    If that isn't the gayest dream ever then I'll eat my chocolate unicorn.
  7. nostreborem

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    Nov 22, 2012
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    Perth, Australia
    I was being chased by chocolate bears and dinosaurs but in the end i ate them \(-_-)/
  8. haliyo

    Regular Member

    Jan 1, 2013
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    All but family
    I had a dream that I was in bed with this girl just cuddling and watching a film. In the film the beardy man from the film Hugo fell down some concrete stairs at night and we watched as he hit his head on the concrete and died (he had been hurrying away from something.)
    We were then in the film and the girl had turned into the blonde girl from Atonement? She insisted on going into the guy's house (as we had the key and some people were after his diary.) I went in with her and the whole house was through a trap door? It was very brown (very warm lighting) and very cool. We searched and could hear people above us. Just as I found the diary in the corner of the pillow case my dream ended ;A;
  9. Polter91

    Regular Member

    Dec 13, 2012
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    East Coast of Nowhere
    Sexual Orientation:
    And I thought I had weird dreams. Just the other night, and by gosh, I swear this is true, I dreamt that I was taking a bath, and a man with an HIV infection took a dump in my bath water, and for some reason, I was still taking a bath in the water, while a turd floated to the top and then I got out worried that I caught HIV and I was freaking out. It was the weirdest thing I have ever dreamed. And kind of scary too, lol.
  10. Pseudojim

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    Sep 6, 2009
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    I was walking along the road carrying shopping bags and suddenly realised i was pregnant ( ! ) and that my water was breaking. I rushed to my home which for some reason was a rustic cottage, went to the bath and gave birth, painlessly. I was in fact quite relaxed. My "baby" was about as big as the palm of my hand, was a sort of tan-brown colour, had scales and a jagged body with limbs that had claws on the end, an angry looking face and long, needle-sharp teeth. It was quite heavy, for its size, but felt desiccated. Its eyes were closed, and it also didn't make any noise or movement whatsoever. Suddenly, my sister was next to me, and I said:

    "I had my baby, what should I do?"

    "Just put it in a bowl for now, let's go, you can come back later."

    Which i duly did. I laid it in a bowl, went downstairs from the bathroom to the loungeroom of my rustic cottage and then out the front door with my sister.

    The whole time, i was wearing a mumu (i am tall and skinny in real life)

    Believe it or not, i have had weirder.
  11. SarcastiSinger

    Regular Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    I had a dream I was a woman in the miss universe competition, I felt so out of place. It helped me sympathize more with you transgendered folks, I would never want to be born a woman *shivers*
  12. Lexington

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    Dec 20, 2007
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    I have so many bizarre dreams that I just sort of accept them and move on. I'm never weirded out by them anymore.

    For instance. Last night, I dreamed about this guy.


    I had picked him up at the airport, and was driving him in some small golf-cart-like contraption. He was going to be playing some charity event by playing on elevated train tracks. I'm not quite sure how that was going to play out, but he seemed excited about it. We stopped to pick up some groceries for him, and then I spent a long time helping my brother picking out stuff and helping him check out. When I finished, the lacrosse player was gone, so I started heading out when I ran into somebody else.


    He looked like that (from his early 1980s heyday), not like he looks now. This guy was, for some reason, very excited to see me, and wanted me to see his new home. Ends up he had bought a bunch of cabins or condos, and connected them to make a huge home. I went there, and the place WAS very nice and huge. But absolutely every piece of furniture was made of the same dark rough-hewn wood that the outside was. I said "I guess you can afford to do this sort of thing thanks to 'Can't Fight This Feeling'." He and his wife found that REALLY hilarious, and laughed about it a lot longer than they probably really needed to.

    As these things go, this is actually a pretty dull dream for me. And had I not just typed it out, I can guarantee by this weekend, I would've forgotten all about it. :slight_smile:

  13. Shiny Espeon

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    Jan 1, 2013
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    Kansas City, Missouri
    I had a weird dream where I was renting a room from Dave from Storage Wars. Eventually, we started having threeways together. He would normally bring home a woman, and I'd watch. But eventually, he did manage to get Colin Kaepernick to our home. But he didn't have the tattoos. And Colin insisted we call him Greg.
  14. Adarya

    Full Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    One of my weirdest dreams also happens to be a nightmare.

    It starts out as me walking through a large forest during the afternoon, when the sun is just beginning to dip lower in the sky. I know that it’s winter because I can see the snow on the ground and the streams that I come across are frozen over. The coldness never strikes me, though; it’s like I can’t even feel it. I walk on like this for a while, before I come across a clearing and meet a man (this is where the weirdness of the dream comes in). He seems to be raising about three raccoons and while I walk up to him I notice that he has a hut for himself and a fenced in area for his raccoons. He starts talking about his three animals; what their names are, how he’s raised them, and you can obviously see that he cares about them very much. I strike up a conversation with the man- whether because I’m lonely in my dream or I don’t really think about stranger danger in my dreams, I don’t know- but soon enough I notice that three men on horseback are also passing through the clearing, herding some kind of animal (I can’t remember at the moment what kind of animal they were herding). Once they are through I noticed that another man on horseback has stayed behind. He was gazing over a slope which led into what I think would be called a small valley. The land beyond the slope had scattered trees and a frozen lake near the center of it. I hadn’t noticed the areas layout while I was talking to the man, which leads me to believe the area had somehow changed during my dream. I now walk up to the man on horseback and I notice that he has a shotgun slung over his shoulder; he’s staring at something in the small valley. He said “That one there could be trouble” or something of the sort and I followed his finger to where he had pointed while he spoke. In one of the trees near the frozen lake I notice that there was a cougar/mountain lion. It seems abnormally big and the one detail that is weird- not in the way like it is messed up, but in a way that scared me- was that it had large, somehow familiar, eyes. And it was staring right back at me.

    Then- for some reason I can’t remember- I turned away for one second, only to look back and realize that the large animal was on the ground, only a few yards away and below me and the man on horseback. That is when the temperature around me seemed to drop several degrees and then I felt the coldness.

    Suddenly, I heard the man beside me shout something- maybe to warn me- but it was too late, and the dream from here on seems to go extremely quickly. The ground underneath me crumbled, and I had no time to jump to safety or even to scream as I skidded down the slope. I went at unrealistic speeds- because I saw the world around me blur past me, even the cougar as it appeared to be running towards where I had originally fallen- and before I could notice what was happening I was in the middle of the frozen lake. I could finally feel the cold against my cheek and when I breathed I could see my breath in the air.

    And I couldn’t move.

    I tried to get up, but I had no choice but to lay there as I noticed that none of my muscles seemed to be working. Extremely frightened now, I could only use my senses to try and figure out what was happening around me. It was getting darker with the approaching night. Then, I heard footfalls and vaguely I remember that I somehow knew that it was the cougar approaching. Right before it was upon me I had this very weird feeling that it wasn’t there to hurt me, but it was there for something else. I never figured out what it was though because when the animal is almost right on top of me I wake up.

    The first time I had this dream I awoke shaking, sweating, and my heart racing at 3:40 in the morning. After that I was still extremely frightened and I couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. Later on I tried to tell my cousin about the dream that I had (because nightmares and dreams came up in a random conversation) and I started crying for no reason when I came to the part of telling her about the animal in the tree. I know that the cougar is significant, especially with the way that it interacted in my dream and how its eyes seemed different. I originally had the full dream about five or six months ago, but since then parts of the dream have been reoccurring and I always wake up with my pulse racing and the sense that the full intent of my dream wasn’t accomplished.
  15. PerfectInsanity

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    Sep 16, 2011
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    Several of my dreams last year were meaningful and usually representations/metaphors for things I was going through at the time. I know I had other wacked-out, bizarre dreams too, but the more straight-forward dreams are the only ones I remember at the moment.

    Back in the spring when I was still having strong/beyond-crush feelings for my closeted friend (who ended up dropping out of contact with me this past summer), I had a vivid dream where I was hanging out with him and our other male friend in a living room at someone's house. We were all laying next to each other on the floor in front of a TV that had static on the screen and I was in the middle. To my right was the other friend, who is openly bisexual but whom I do not have feelings beyond friendship for. On my left was my crush and I was situated more closely to him than the other friend, to the point where our arms were touching and neither one of us were moving away despite the skin contact. In the background, the song "So Far Away" by Avenged Sevenfold was playing, the pertinent chorus lyrics of which are "how do I live without the ones I love?". In real life my mom was dying from cancer at the time I had this dream and this was one of the songs I had been listening to a lot, but in this dream the lyrics coincided with this different situation that had been on my mind.

    Months later after I had last had contact with the closeted friend that I had a crush on, I had a couple of dreams that both involved situations where I was in crowded rooms with him, his girlfriend, and his jock/redneck friends. In both dreams I was still really physically attracted to him, but he was being a complete asshole to me with condescending, belittling insults about how much better he was because he still fit in with the straight world by having a girlfriend (even though he's a fucking closet-case). In the first dream, I turned to his girlfriend and told her that she "deserves better than him". In response, she told me that "he still like you, you know?". Both dreams were very vivid though by how vitriolic and hurtful he was being with me and in some ways helped me with my process of trying to get over my feelings for him. In real life, even though he was a friend and made indications that he wanted more than that, he ultimately ended up kinda using me since he wasn't totally present as a friend (rarely responding to text messages and leaving me hanging the last time we spoke when I asked him to let me know a date when he'd be available to help me with something that he had told me a few times he wanted to help me with, and never responded....I unfriended him on Facebook a couple months later).

    At the end of November on the day that my dad and I ended up putting down our dog (she had been battling cancer for a month), I had a feeling that that day would be the day we had to euthanize her. After cleaning up some blood she lost that morning, I fell asleep on the couch and had broken sleep with 4-5 dreams all involving my dad and I taking her to the vet and her dying, and with each dream I woke up crying. A few hours after that, it happened. I guess even in my sleep that morning my mind was preparing me for the emotional toll that event was going to have.

    Hopefully I have better dreams in 2013...