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I want to tell somebody SO BAD......

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by justgowithit, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. justgowithit

    Full Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    I've been wanting to tell someone that I'm confused about my orientation for a really long time, and it's like this weight on my chest getting heavier as time passes. But the problem is 1) I'm pretty young so no one will take me seriously and 2) Since I don't even know what my orientation is I might not have anything to tell anyone. I'm just so...lost.
  2. BoiGeorge

    BoiGeorge Guest

    *hugs* Its okay if you dont know all the answers right now. I had a hard time dealing with my own feelings of attraction as they ranged from straight to bi to gay! The answers do come to you. You just need to be patient. Theres no rush :slight_smile:
  3. starmarie

    starmarie Guest

    I felt the same way about wanting to tell someone when I first seriously started questioning my orientation (my questioning seemed to happen all of a sudden, and it scared the heck out of me). Do you have anyone close to you who would be supportive or is open-minded about stuff like this? Others have gone through this before, perhaps even when they were young, so I'm sure there's someone who would take you seriously. I felt a lot better once I told someone. It does seem kind of weird saying "I'm trying to figure out something personal" instead of "Hey, I'm gay!" or whatever, but it still is something to tell, and it feels good to let someone know what you're going through.
  4. skylan

    skylan Guest

    Dec 2, 2012
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    I know that feel. :frowning2: I'm the same way, and I'm a private person. It can be a tough secret to keep. Same as boigeorge, I thought I was straight for a really long time, then bi for a little while, then realized I was almost totally gay. I'm still questioning and confused, though, while all of my friends and family seem to be totally sure who they are.

    If you have any open-minded friends that you're sure won't spread it around, I'm sure it'll help to tell them that you're questioning or confused. If not, it's definitely better to just keep quiet (like if your friends might tell others, or if your family isn't accepting).
  5. SkyTears

    Full Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    Renton, WA
    If your pretty young as you say then you have time to learn more about who you are and I'm sure you will develop the answers. I don't know if you have a close friend or person you can talk to but if you do you can always confide in them in what your feeling.