Is anyone else like me?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Gazza123, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Gazza123

    Gazza123 Guest


    I've always suffered from low confidence throughout my life, right the way through school and college and University and it did get better over time. I'm not as bad as I used to be but too be honest there's a lot more that bothers me than my low confidence.

    I don't really go out except with family. I'm not the party type and spend most of my time in the company of my family or just spending time in the my own room. I don't really have that many good friends well I should say friend rather than friends but he lives far away and we rarely get the time to meet up.

    I wish I could be more outgoing but it's just not me. I'd rather sit and playing my games, watching my dvds, writing, drawing and most of this does not involve meeting gay people. Things such as gay groups, etc wouldn't be good for me as I'd feel uncomfortable and ah well... I just go around around in circles.

    Is anyone else like this?

    I just feel I will never meet a guy or whatever because I'm not outgoing and all that blah blah blah.
  2. Epipleptic

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    May 19, 2012
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    A lot of your description fits me. When I go out it's usually with my family. I have a few friends that have haven't seen in a while and don't feel particularly close to. I had not been very outgoing in the past, but since accepting myself my behavior has changed a little in that I'm going out and interacting with new people.

    I also had low confidence, and depending on who I'm with the amount varies. I find I can be much more confident and comfortable when I'm with LGBT groups than I am otherwise. There's just something great about just being who I am with complete acceptance. Sure, I can still be my awkward self, but all in all it's pretty good.
  3. secretguyX

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    Jan 31, 2012
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    I used to be like that. I had a few friends, not many, but I never really saw them outside of school, except on rare occasions. But recently, I've made some new friends who I actually talk to and hang out with, and it's pretty nice to go out. I guess it helped changing my attitude and trying to be a bit more friendly, even though I'm still shy. You could just try going out, even one night, and just talk to people, even if you're uncomfortable. Staying home won't get you anywhere, and you never know who you could meet.
  4. SimplyJay

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    Apr 21, 2012
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    Yep, I can relate to allot of that...

    * I've always had low self confidence (and add to that also am too shy), its gotten somewhat better over the years...
    * I almost never go out, and never been a partier (also never been to a bar/club/etc)
    * Most of my spare time is spent on the computer or with family
    * I have very few friends...its more so just 'co-workers' & 'neighbors' (and no gay friends)

    Sure I wish I could be more outgoing/less shy/etc, but I can't/its not me. Some sorta GLBT group might be kinda cool, but there is nothing near me, and I'd be too uncomfortable to go anyway.

    I honestly don't see myself meeting any gay-guy friends simply due to the whole shyness/not-outgoing'ness thing (plus the fact I'm not out and would not risk comind out) .. plus the fact I'd be looking not for sex or even relationships, but more so 'just friends' (at least at first)... just too many factors working against meeting anyone (but "never say 'never' " is still my belief )
    #4 SimplyJay, Jun 28, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2012
  5. Level75

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    Mar 5, 2012
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    Yes. That sounds exactly like me for most of my life so far up until recently. And to a degree, I still wonder if maybe I'm just fooling myself into thinking I can thrive as a social person.

    I've been pretty much a loner. Not going to lie to myself about this one, I'm pretty unapologetic about how much I love video games here. But it's a very solitary hobby and one that is difficult to find peers for.

    I also didn't have "friends" so much as I had "friend". I was picked on when I was little, and the resulting attitude just kind of carried on well until the end of high school. I guess I didn't like myself for that, so I went about thinking that any kindness people showed towards me wasn't genuine. After all, who would possibly be nice to me? So when all somebody did was invite me to hang out with him for a while, I just kind of clung to that. In retrospect, I must've been very annoying to him at times.

    I think it was maybe 2 years ago that I made the conscious decision that I didn't want the rest of my life to be me going home after work and engaging in solitary hobbies. So, as silly as it sounds, I went about looking on the internet for local groups that went out to do things. I did find one and have met some casual friends through it.

    As for gay groups, I actually found that through the internet too. I really wanted to enjoy playing video games with other people. Unfortunately, those kind of get-togethers only seem to happen in the city. And I'm not going all the way to the city just to play video games with people. Instead, there was apparently a board gamers group nearby...for LGBT a gay bar. I just kind of thought to myself, "Games are games" and just decided to go for it.

    Turns out "Games are not just games" and I really suck at board games. All the same, people in the gay bar turned out to be very welcoming actually. They do joke about sex a lot, which sometimes makes me uncomfortable because I'm a very reserved person. But they're pretty cool people. And board games are fun. Even if I do suck at them. There are even 2 straight couples who come to the LGBT game night. The lengths people will go to get their game on...

    Sorry that turned into a long story. But it is actually something that has been weighing on my mind lately. Like I said, being a social person is not something that comes naturally to me. Other people make it look so easy. It's something I have to consciously work at. My natural inclination is still to just go home after work and mope about how hard work was today. And I can't promise everybody else will have such a good experience from trying to go down the same route. But I think most people will be pleasantly surprised if they take a risk of putting themselves out there.
  6. midwestgirl89

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    Jul 21, 2011
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    Yeah I can definitely relate. I've always struggled with low self-esteem and I used to be very shy. I've gotten better with my shyness in recent years. I still like to stay home a lot but I got a little more social during the last year of university. You could try hanging out with friends who enjoy playing games because then you'd meet on common grounds.
  7. Yup,

    I tend to have a wall up when meeting new people, and I can come off as cold when meeting people. It can take a long time to get to know me. Even then, don't be so sure.

    So, in that sense. I don't have a lot of friends. I have my 2 best friends in real life, a couple other good friends who aren't as close, quite a few really amazing friends I've met off various other websites whom I'm sure would be really great friends in real life, and a whole lot of acquaintances.

    Personally for me though, I very much enjoy my alone time. I prefer to be left with my thoughts, doing whatever I do. I'm comfortable being alone. Luckily enough, I have friends who understand that about me, and don't get upset, and aren't so clingy. So, I see my best friends about once a week to every 2 weeks. Sometimes even months. Depending on our schedules. After work, I go home. That's it. I'm not a big socializer in real life, hence spending most of my time online.

    Now, I've made it a goal of mine to "get myself out there." Because, let's face it. I'm not going to meet a guy spending all my time in my house. I still don't go out every weekend, or anything. But, I've made it a goal to go to festivals and things that I haven't gone to before (things I enjoy, just never went). And things of the sort. With much success so far.

    So, for your situation. You don't have to join an LGBT oriented group per se. You can join a club with interests that are close to your heart. Perhaps you'll meet an LGBT person by chance. Perhaps not. But, you might meet some really accepting and wonderful people that happen to have a gay friend. Nowadays, everyone seems to have an LGBT friend. Either way it's a win win. You can meet new people, get out more. Spend some time doing something you like. If not, it's not a big deal.

    You don't need to be outgoing. There are lots of people who aren't that way. Now, as long as you don't feel depressed about being alone. Then that's a problem. If you're deep down happy about being alone with yourself. Then that's just how ya are!

    Just some advice would to be, take some baby steps and try to do something new, once a month. Even if it's by yourself. Whether it be going to a concert, or festival, or whatever. Just so you can get comfortable being in crowds and things. You might meet a friendly stranger who'll strike up a conversation with you. It's just something that's worked for me.

    Sometimes it can be hard, I know. I'm not sociable by nature, and I do have to actively force myself into those situations. People aren't going to come knocking at my door!

    Don't worry though Gazza123, you'll meet a guy one day who'll compliment your quiet demeanour.

    Just take some baby steps, that's all it takes.
  8. lyn

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    Jun 29, 2012
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    Don't worry you are not alone. I have always been a shy person. I think I tend to seem standoffish because I am so quiet. I have been like this since high school and let all of my friends drift away because I let my lack of self-esteem consume me. I find that the older I get I am slowly gaining confidence in myself and becoming more comfortable talking to strangers. I still stay at home a lot. Like the post above me said take baby steps. That is what I am doing. I have decided that I will attempt to try new things even if I have to do them by myself at first. I found a good therapist and have adopted a new optimistic outlook on life. Don't lose hope. I know I am going to meet someone and so will you.
  9. EllieSong

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    Jun 29, 2012
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    My first visit at the therapist almost went terribly wrong because of how I acted :slight_smile: My therapist then said that she is not surprised that I don't have many friends because of the first impression that I make.

    When it comes to being sociable, I usually prefer staying in my room, I don't know why.
    I find it hard to actually be friend with someone for a longer period of time, from my primary school, which ended just 4 years ago, I only have two friends left and I wouldn't say that I have much more than what, 5 or 6 friends.
    If I go out, I usually go alone or with one of those few friends sometimes (but they mostly live in other cities) and it gets hard to see people on the street, couples and everyone...

    But as Lyn said, you should not lose hope. I think one day you will find someone who will love you exactly the way you are!
  10. Mlpguy88

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    Thank you for saying this. I'm exactly the same way, I thought I was the only one.
  11. Mej7

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    Mar 4, 2012
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    That is classified! (ü﹩α)
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    This is me. minus the games. I'd rather be outside. I walk alone in the woods. I don't care to be around ppl and hate large groups. Even small groups rly. Just groups in general. I'm rly rly rly not a ppl-person. But, I loove talking to ppl on EC. wierd.
  12. Rinto

    Rinto Guest

    Trust me, we're like twins! That's how I am exactly although there are these times where my playful and, well, cranky side go out. :slight_smile:
  13. laras

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    Jun 29, 2012
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    I know you are not alone, I am not that person but I find myself only dating that type of people.

    I am really big into my family relationships, I have only a couple close friends (even with me being social) However the "friends" i have made when going to partys were always in a blink of an eye.

    I was big into games and found myself wanting to connect with people online more than IRL. I have had relationships online... and i find that the emotional connection you can obtain online is more intense than someone you connect with physically. But you can also get more hurt... i just got out of a 5 year relationship with someone I have lived with. I find myself still more hurt about the online relationship than him.

    but I am a firm beliver that there is someone out there for all of us!
  14. ultrabluecheese

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    Sep 10, 2009
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    Your description fits me rather well, to be honest.

    I mean, I have a decent circle of friends with whom I can be completely myself, but I see them pretty irregularly, which is mostly due to the fact that I am a complete homebody. I like being with my family (I'm from a pretty big family of eight!) and staying inside, and in many ways, I'm constantly around people. So, my natural reaction is to withdraw a little so that I have some sort of time for myself because I like the buzzing of my own vapid thoughts and the personal comfort of being a loner.

    I have noticed, though, that I am becoming a lot more...antisocial—by choice, of course! I have a hard time tolerating being around a lot of people, which never used to be the case at all, and at times, I become noticeably aggravated. For example, I went out to dinner with a friend of mine about a week ago; as soon as we arrived at the restaurant, I already wanted to leave! :lol: Even in the case of EC, I've been a member for three years now (give or take a few months), but I just have a hard time wanting to be a social person. Whether it is in real life or cyberspace, t really is not in my personality to do that very often.

    And meeting people is a difficult task, but it is not so much because I am a loner and reserved; I attribute it to the fact that I—for some inexplicable reason—tend to not go out of my way to meet others, and that I am extremely uninterested in meeting people whom I will probably never see again. I think the one way to be comfortable with being outgoing is to go about your day with a good attitude and to approach people with a sort of warmth; because even if you're introverted and reserved, a positive attitude gives us a magnetism of which we are not aware, and it can really attract people toward us! :slight_smile:
  15. SA Boy

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    Nov 2, 2011
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    I also have issues with social confidence. Very few real friends and most of them have moved away. All my friends are straight males so i don't feel comfortable talking to them about much in fear of giving myself away. I don't go out with friends often normally on the PS3 or watching anime etc. I have high hopes for the future maybe next year, uni or work i intend to at least try and become more social.
  16. malachite

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    You remind me of myself at 22.

    confidence is something you build over time, experience is a huge factor. You're still young and learning who you are and how the world works. From the ages of 10-20 video games were my main friends.

    I'm still not big on the huge party scene. I'd rather spend the night with a few friends and play some D&D or Mario Party then go out to some loud, crowded club where every horny jerk-hole is looking to stick it in you for the night.

    Here is the thing about growing up. When your a kid you want to fit in you want to be accepted, but once you grow up everyone wants to stand out, but they get stuck in those "safe" social ways they picked up as a kid and have to unlearn them.

    Trust me your better off being the odd ball as youngin' it'll make you a better adult
  17. JillandJill

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    Apr 19, 2012
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    Yep, you pretty much described my life in a nutshell.
  18. turtlestyle

    turtlestyle Guest

    A lot of the time it depends on who I am with.

    Although I find it quite draining being around loud and vibrant atmospheres too much.
  19. cenedria235

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    Jun 27, 2012
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    You are definitely not alone I'm the same way. I've actually been likened to a hermit before because I prefer to stay in and read/game/watch movies etc. I have a few close friends but only 2 of which actually live in the same town as me and they are a couple so the times we do get to hang out aren't frequent. I'm way more comfortable staying in and am also scared that by being hermity I wont find someone. The idea someone mentioned about maybe finding a LGBT gaming group or a LGBT group for something you are interested in sounds like good advice though. I think I'm going to try looking in my area to see if there is anything like that here.
  20. Gazza123

    Gazza123 Guest

    Good for you. Hope you find a group of some kind. Me on the other hand, I've been looking and can find nothing... unless I'm not looking hard enought lol.

    Yeah. I've also been referred to a "hermit" which I why I to think I will never meet anyone