Boys Don't Cry?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Martee, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Martee

    Martee Guest

    This was on my mind tonight:

    Why are we so afraid of emotions?

    Why do we turn our heads or blink repeatedly when we feel those first tears?

    Why are we afraid of showing those raw emotions?

    When did tears become something that made us less of who we are or less of a man?

    Has it always been this way?

    We can train ourselves to not cry outwardly, but that doesn't mean that many of us aren't crying on the inside. Some of us have been raised in an emotionally closed home. While others of us have been raised to express our emotions openly.

    Are you stronger to hold in the emotions during something sorrowful? - or - Are you stronger to let out those emotions and feel them race through our bodies?
    Is it pride or something else that keeps our tears at bay?

    Personally, I have always thought that nobody should ever see me cry. As a kid sure I'd go bawling to mom if I was hurt or if I needed a reassuring hug from her, but as I grew older I saw tears as something that I shouldn't have. I don't believe this was as a result of my upbringing, but rather just something I learned whilst finding my place in the world.
    If something was heavy on my heart, I'd wait until I'd be alone for the day or at least a few hours and then let it all out. I would always feel much relief after letting the emotions come out and be free. I have cried a few times over the past few years in front of a few friends over some deep issues, but it doesn't change the fact that I feel embarrassed to cry and that I think I'm not supposed to cry...not completely sure why.

    Any additional thoughts?
    #1 Martee, Jun 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2012
  2. King

    King Guest

    "Being a man" involves being a stoic rock. Don't show any emotion at all, just sexual lust. Oh, except for when you're in a relationship, then behind closed doors you're allowed to show love. But don't overstep it, no! You might be called... uh oh... a "fag". God forbid one should be one of those!

    I cry. Not often enough to say "Yeah I'm a cry-er" but enough to embarrassingly admit I've done it at work more than once. But I find it takes a bit to make me cry. I have to be really stressed out. Like just before I came out to my dad! I was bawling at work. My supervisor (and close friend) took me outside and I just bawled. I cried like a little baby. And then, I cried more because I was embarrassed.
    That's what this is about. Why was I embarrassed?
    Who knows.
    All I know is that I don't enjoy crying in front of others. Not because it's "unmanly" but because it's embarrassing to be all red and puffy eyed and sniffy and stuff.

    King x
  3. Martee

    Martee Guest

    me too.
  4. Swift

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    many of the differences in sexuality are based on the society stereotypes imo.. as far as how they should act.. Me being FTM, I feel what makes me know I am male, is that I look at myself and feel things missing.. parts missing.. and am always looking.. forgetting I don't have those parts.. But imo, the rest is more stereotypical.. there are very emotional males and very rock solid females.. We are all different and all special in our own way.
  5. bob94

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    May 26, 2012
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    This is exactly what I do. I haven't cried in front of anybody in YEARS. I don't think this makes me "tougher," I think it makes me emotionally weaker. I get along with my parents, but neither of them are the type of people who show their emotions, so I guess that's rubbed off onto me. And since I'm only out to one friend, the issues that I do cry about aren't exactly the sort of things that I can openly discuss with people I know.

    I must appear as an unemotional rock on the outside, but there's always something going on on the inside.
  6. Martee

    Martee Guest

    This is also true of me. My house growing up was never "emotion-friendly" if you will. We had them, but they stayed inside until it was one little thing and we'd have a small meltdown. Next morning...everyone's fine.

    I know that I do not express my emotions properly. I suppose I am emotinally immature? My friends will never know this because I'm the one they rely on and I'm happy to oblige them and never want to them to feel they are burdening me with their problems.

    I suppose me being this way works for me and I shouldn't it let it bother me too deeply, hey?
  7. pastol

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    meh, you'll get over it.
  8. Martee

    Martee Guest

    ja I know...still doesn't mean it's not on my mind or not something that bothers me.
  9. needshelp

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    Sep 15, 2011
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    i think it has to do with masculinity and how being masculine means showing no signs of weakness. crying is a sign of weakness. when men show signs of weakness, their manhoods are questioned which means that others will look down on them. sometimes, we care too much about what other people think of us and it shapes us to do certain things that we're not naturally inclined to do such as showing emotion.
    #9 needshelp, Jun 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2012
  10. Aeon Magus

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    Nov 4, 2011
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    I wouldn't say that I'm afraid of emotion itself, but more afraid of how it controls how I behave and react to certain things. It causes a smile, a frown and tears, depending on which ones you're experiencing.

    I used to cry a lot when I was a child. Yeah, that didn't last long, because nothing really came of it. So "training" yourself not to express your emotions openly can work, sure, but keeping all of it locked up won't do you any good. Your emotions need an outlet through expression. For 15 years, growing up, I've not cried a single tear, then at the beginning of this year I had my emotional breakdown for holding on to WAY too much hurt and suffering. All you need is ONE trigger, and all those walls you've built come crashing down. Luckily, I had a brother to help me through it, so it wasn't a worst-case scenario.

    Today - I don't turn my head or suck those tears back through the ducts by sheer force of will, I let them roll - I don't give a damn who sees those escaping drops of emotion, and anyone who has a problem with it can fuck right off.
  11. Witchcraft

    Witchcraft Guest

    [YOUTUBE]The Cure "Boys Don't Cry" - YouTube[/YOUTUBE]

    omg I'm sorry but when I saw this thread I immediately thought it was about the Cure....

    Anyways, I don't think crying makes any guy any less of a man. It's a lot better to let your emotions out through tears rather than bottle them in and release them in short outbursts of anger. Crying in my opinion, can make a person stronger.

  12. Drakey

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    Apr 23, 2012
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    well the last time I cried in front of my dad he told me to shut up and that my problems weren't as bad as everyone else's. So I never cry anymore because I know that if I show signs of weakness, then people will take advantage of me. I lived in an emotionally repressed home, whenever you show emotion in my house, my parents will tell you to act normal :/
  13. Kidd

    Kidd Guest

    I cry a lot. I never cry for pity though. When I went to the rehabilitation centers for the first time with my mentor and I saw how genuinely horrible it was there, I was shocked. I cried that night when I got home for the inmates there even though I know very few of them will appreciate those tears and what they represent, and that in itself made me cry. I cried when my professor invited me to lunch to "discuss my future" because all of my hard work had finally paid off and I was finally getting somewhere and moving on with my life. I made posts about both of those incidents when they happened in the other What Are You Thinking? thread.

    Crying in itself is just an act and like all acts is in itself devoid of innate badness or goodness in my opinion. What motivates that act is what truly matters. I don't think anyone should cry in a pity me world sort of way even though I think all of us, myself included, crave moments like that at times. I think it's very important to just be honest with what you're feeling and acknowledge sorrow and grief and heart-stopping joy because they all enable growth in their own respects.
  14. SiberianHusky

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    Lol I'm like a dog I feed off peoples emotions and react with em.. don't believe me? we have a home video of my dad holding me and purposely making sad faces just to make me ball. and after about 30 seconds of doing that he would have a huge smile on his face and I would immediately stop crying and start giggling. so ya I don't really care when or where I cry.
  15. LaplaceScramble

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    Personally, I haven't cried in over a decade. Not because I don't want others to see me cry, or I think it is a sign of weakness, a sign that a lack masculinity (I couldn't care less about that), but because I don't see any reason to. There may be times when I'm watching a sad movie with friends; they're all crying, but I am not, because I don't find any rational reason to cry. That example extends to anything: from being hurt physically or emotionally to finding out someone I knew died.

    To be honest, I wish I could cry. I think that it is a great to express yourself, but I just can't trick my body to do it.
  16. LailaForbidden

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    Nov 19, 2011
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    Okay,so...I'm a woman and so I may be out of place here, but i've been pondering this about myself recently and, honestly, i've discovered that i'm terrified of being vunerable and showing emotions to anyone, even the people i'm close to. I absolutley hate crying in front of people even in the movies and such. So, yeah, i hold it all in. Or at least until I'm alone in my room.. kind of depressing. Now, when I was a kid, I balled quite a lot.
  17. Linthras

    Linthras Guest

    Apr 9, 2012
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    For me, it's more than when I cry, I usually want to be left alone, but if people see you cry they immediatly want to console you. Which is a great sentiment of course, but 9 out 10 times I'd prefer it if they waited until I've stopped crying.
  18. Aldrick

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    Apr 23, 2012
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    I'm exactly the same way. I don't know if it was my upbringing or just what I learned from the culture growing up.

    Either way, if I am confronted with an emotional issue that could prompt me to tears, I freeze up. I push it down. Sometimes, this is incredibly difficult and hard. There are times when I've failed, and for me - it's a deep sense of shame. I feel exposed and vulnerable.

    I was bullied horribly growing up. It wasn't just name calling and threats, at times it was intensely physical - I was pushed down a flight of stairs, for example, and experienced things worse than that. I never cried. It was the only thing that I could control, and I knew that by crying I'd seem weaker and make it worse.

    I remember when my grandmother died. I loved her as if she were a second mother to me. I actually got physically sick from holding in my emotions, but no one saw me cry. I bawled my eyes out when I knew I was alone and had time to do it. For two straight weeks. But at the funeral and around other people, I had to remain "strong" - I supported and comforted others, but suffered my own grief silently.

    If you want to toss a bit of cruel irony in there, if I were being true to my emotions I'd definitely be a cry-er. I can feel the urge to cry if I watch a sad movie for example, and if I see someone else crying I want to cry along with them. I guess it's because I'm intensely empathetic - when someone else is suffering and in pain I can "feel" it. So, rather than crying along with someone, I try to make them feel better. That way I can feel "gratitude", "love", and "compassion" instead of the emotional pain.

    You know, I can actually count the number of times I've seen my dad cry. Twice. Both times was at a funeral - the deaths of his parents. I remember when I saw him cry the first time, with the death of my grandfather, it actually frightened me. I didn't know what to do or how to react. I think I was about eleven years old.

    So, I don't know if I learned it from my dad or culture in general. But I do think it's a problem. I don't think it is healthy emotionally, physically, or psychologically.
  19. RebelD

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    Dec 27, 2011
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    When I was little, I used to cry about EVERYTHING! Until people started making fun of me and I stopped completely. I have since started crying again, but always on my own. The last time I cried in front of others was 5 years ago at a friends funeral. I think society plays a part in this. When we cry others make fun us or tell us "don't cry" (even when they care). Crying has been associated with weakness and we can't afford to be seen as weak. But crying is essential as an emotional outlet in my opinion.
  20. SA Boy

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    Since i was about 12 i made it one of my main aims not to cry in the presence of others because i dislike showing emotion but i certainly do not think crying makes you any less of a man. I have cried a few times recently watching emotional parts in anime and cried a couple of times when i felt a bit down but apart from that i haven't been confident enough to let my emotions show.