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Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Thatoneguy333, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. kem

    Full Member

    May 24, 2010
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    Kerava, Finland
    I drink every two weeks or so, and only if I'm partying with my friends. Drinking alone I get really depressed and blue. At first I drank more than I probably should have, but now I can limit myself better.
    I've never blacked out or done anything incredibly stupid, although I tried running upstairs once in a bit of a tipsy, tripped and hurt my foot. I don't really get drunk, as in wasted, but apparently one can tell whether I've drunk or not.
    I don't like beer and don't care too much for wine, when I drink, I drink liqueurs.
  2. Kidd

    Kidd Guest

    I was very straight-laced growing up even though I've always had a license to kill from my parents, basically. They couldn't have cared less what I was doing. I was all about school and my grades and getting into the college I wanted and I wanted no distractions. And then I turned 18 and I had my first drink. And then two months after that my love and I went on spring break together which changed everything. I turned into a party monster overnight and went on a legendary bender that started in March and ended in December.

    I don't get too crazy now though. I'm just a wino these days. My friends and I are all about Moscato and we usually split a bottle or two, or a dozen, every weekend and maybe once through the week.
  3. Yeah...I had all my real bad partying experiences pretty young. I was about fifteen or sixteen when I drank a lot. I honestly think it was self-medication because I wasn't getting the medication and treatment I needed.

    Now that I'm older, better medicated and much more stable...I don't drink often.

    But I actually really like beer. The taste of it moreso than getting drunk, which I RARELY do.

    But yeah. Like Porphyrogenitus said, I really drink only socially and occasionally have one drink of something nice (like my favorite locally brewed beer or chilled white wine with fruits in it) to relax on a hot evening after a long day.

    Like others here, I come from a family where alcoholism is common and so I'm really pretty careful to examine whether I should be drinking or not and what my reasons are for doing so.
  4. FJ Cruiser

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    Jul 17, 2011
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    Deep in the Heart
    My grandparents have always been connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages, and it was always a part of family get togethers and holidays, almost never just because, and no one ever got close to drunk. I had sips occasionally from the time I was 13 or so and never liked it. Now I've acquired a taste for certain types, but the cheap stuff is disgusting.

    I've only been drunk once, and I don't really get the appeal. Maybe it was the vodka we were drinking, but it made me feel miserable, giving me dehydration headaches and cramps before it even wore off despite the fact that I was drinking water like crazy. When I see people get drunk, it's only because they're too uncreative to think of anything else to do or they're trying to get in someone's pants. Using my brother's near fatal accident and all the debauchery I've witnessed my freshman year of college as examples, I don't see how the positives of getting drunk could ever outweigh the negatives. Use alcohol in moderation to enhance good times. Don't make it the sole focus. It's retarded.
  5. olides84

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    Jun 5, 2008
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    I really didn't start drinking till I was about 19, other than random glasses of wine or margaritas. Now if I'm socializing with friends, I drink beer. And I live in the country with amazing beer so that's a big plus. If I'm socializing with family, I drink wine. But if I'm alone, I never drink alcohol. I hate getting drunk (well it's the hangover I hate) so pretty much try to avoid that, but less than that is just nice social lubrication.
  6. timo

    Full Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    But you Belgians brew so many great beers, I'm a bit shocked :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  7. The only thing stopping me from drinking a lot is my parents. They like to watch how much I drink. So usually it's them giving me the stuff. I'll ask my mom to go buy some wine but she never does...sigh*
  8. RebelD

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    Dec 27, 2011
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    Republic of South Africa
    Other than the occasional glass, I really started drinking at 19. Alcohol is cheap in SA, so I go out with my friends rather often (once a week at least). I love vodka and wine (we have awesome wines in SA). I don't mind getting drunk, don't get hangovers much and I have a lot fun. I like being a little crazy from time to time. :icon_wink
  9. Ben

    Full Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    I've had to stay away from alcohol for the past 9 months for medical reasons (no, I wasn't pregnant :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:), but I'm allowed back on the juice now. It's the longest I've been without alcohol for many years now, and I had some the other day, but it just didn't go down as easily as it used to. I've drank heavily a handful of times, and I usually wake up the next day feeling a tad embarrassed about most of my actions, but I've had a few adventures as well.
  10. Gazza123

    Gazza123 Guest

    I've never really been into alcohol and drinking, etc. I mean I'm not into the whole partying/clubbing side of things anyways but... I don't know. Just never really saw anything about. My family have never hid away from and said no you shouldn't but I've never really drank alcohol at all, or not that much.

    I mean at Christmas and maybe birthdays I would have the odd drink which usually comes to about 1 or 2 cause I don't see the point personally.

    If you haven't gathered this yet. I've never been drunk before, maybe on the tip of the tip of tipsy.
  11. SlickyPants

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    Oct 6, 2007
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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    I first drink was when I was at a friends apartment and we were watching the Stanley Cup playoffs in 2003 (The Devils won that year. Doesn't look like they have much of a chance now, but I digress) and I was 17. I told them I wasn't interested in drinking and they respected that and previously in the past when they offered. But then I knocked over my buddy's king can of Molson Dry and they all started chuckling and said "Now you gotta drink it." They were just kididng around but I drank what was left (half the can) anyway. I didn't at all enjoy it.

    My first legal drink was actually illegal too. I turned 18 when I was on vacation in British Columbia and the drinking age there is 19 so my dad gave me a beer for my birthday. The legal drinking age is 18 in Manitoba.

    Sometime after turning 18 I developed a keen interest in brewing, winemaking and distillation. I must have watched some documentaries on TV or something because I found the whole brewing process and somewhat "romantic." Maybe it was something I didn't fully understand at the time but it seemed like something of an art form and it made me want to try some different things, namely beer at the time.

    I drink fairly regularly but in moderation. When I was in my early adult years I got drunk a few times and never found it to be very fun, especially the next morning. It's all about the taste for me. I don't really care about getting buzzed.

    I'm really jealous of all the Belgians. I've been saving some money and Air Miles and hope to take a week or two to have a beer vacation one day. So many breweries to visit, so many beers to try.
  12. ThatCoopKid

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    Apr 12, 2012
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    I started drinking when I was 17, and it started out as a way to prove to my best friend that I wasn't a tight ass. Seven or eight hours and a handle of vodka later, I proved my point, met a bunch of new friends, and got the nickname "The Tank" from my friends.

    Drinking is good fun if you do it in moderation and around the right people. I'm in college, and I typically drink at least twice a month, maybe more depending how how much cash I have and how my schedule is for classes. Me and my best friend here get drunk and play Nazi Zombies at my place pretty often, and we have a good time.

    But, I don't drink by myself, a) because it's not fun, and b) because I typically don't crave alcohol unless it's in a social setting, such as a party. If I'm not around a party or someone who wants to drink with me, I can go without it for months at a time. I don't particularly have a taste for it - I just got used to beer, and harder liquor is disgusting although I stomach it well. Just do it in moderation, based on how you react to alcohol, your morals, and who you're drinking with.
  13. BradThePug

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    Jun 20, 2011
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    I really do not drink much. When I do it is in a social setting. I have been drunk a couple of times, but it was not like pass out drunk or anything. I don't drink that much...

    I always drink in moderation because I don't want to be that person at the party that hurts themselves because they got so drunk.
  14. stupidIvan

    Full Member

    Dec 28, 2011
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    I drank for the first time when I was sixteen (not very long ago!), and I got drunk for the first time this year. I actually adore drinking, and if I could I probably would be drinking every week because I have nothing better to do most days.

    It's pretty fun just hangin' around with a can of Blast (so good but soooooooo bad for you, sigh..) and playing scary video games. Well, I think it's pretty fun.
  15. Phoenix91

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    I live in the 650!
    I took my first sips of alcohol when I was around 12 and it was a Corona... I did not like it at all. My family would offer me sips here and there of Mexican beers just to see my reaction. Not pretty. Than at 16 I was introduced to Kahlua which I really liked but my dad controlled how much I could have. In high school I went to friends parties but never drank since I was usually the drunk patrol making sure no one was driving and such. As you can see I have never gotten drunk and don't want to get drunk since I have seen the crazy s*** my friends have done when drunk and also have seen the next day effects. Plus I'm a bit of a control freak and would not like to feel out of control drunk that things can happen. When I turned 21 I just bought a Baileys and had a glass. Lol I'm practically an alcohol nun.
  16. Lewis

    Full Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    United Kingdom
    I feel the same! In the UK it's the norm to drink every other day...

    I think it's more dangerous to NOT drink regularly and just get really drunk on special occasions, because when you drink on regular occasions, you learn how to moderate and when to stop. Your body also becomes much more resilient to the effects of alcohol.
  17. Harve

    Full Member

    May 25, 2009
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    For me, the negatives of drinking are far outweighed by the positives. I still get quite drunk, and although I may act like a twat, I've not done any stupid actions for a year or two. This may include hitting on straight guys on multiple occasions, trying to drive when I can't sober, outing a guy, spilling various other secrets, going on an abusive rant to an ex, getting with an ex, the token 'night-where-we-stole-a-shopping-trolley'. Those days are behind me, I think. :grin:
  18. DJT

    DJT Guest

    I was never really a big drinker, I'm still not, and I regret the times I did drink and get drunk. I would always make a fool of myself whilst drunk and would always regret it! (and I've only been drunk a few times) I think it's kind of shameful that the only reason I took a drink is that "my friends were doing it!" It was totally peer pressure, I was an idiot!
  19. jony8472

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    Jul 22, 2008
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    Melbourne, Australia
    I had the occasional glass of wine at Christmas, or family birthdays/gatherings from about 15. Other than that, I avoided alcohol until I was 17. When I was 17 I had my wild acting out teenage rebellion and I'd go out on the town every weekend - lots of spirits and beer. But not much wine. Then when I turned 18 that all stopped... I don't really drink that much now. Usually, it's just a beer, or cider every once in a while with dinner or something. Wines have always been for special occasions for me. I never party on wine >_<
    I had an amazing champagne for my 18th!!
  20. Mad Man L

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    Jul 31, 2011
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    Brisbane, Australia
    I haven't had alcohol before, although I suspect that I'll probably end up drinking alcohol in one form or another at a party sometime this year. I almost did at a party a few weeks ago. My parents are really restrictive about alcohol, so I don't see them giving me any alcohol until I turn 18.