For those previously in a straight relationship

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Frustrated, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. Frustrated

    Regular Member

    Dec 23, 2011
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    So I've been on EC a couple of months now. Since then I've come out to my immediate family who are all supportive. The problem is that I am married and everyone that knows (therapist and family) feel that I should get a divorce NOW, like in the next couple of months. I have wanted a divorce but now that it is so close I am really freaking out and depressed. I guess what is confusing me is if I am making the right decision.

    Here's what I am feeling: Maybe me not being straight doesn't matter and I should just continue ignoring my sexuality - even though I know that this is really unfair to my husband. You see, my husband and I get a long pretty well on a lot of levels; it's just that I've never wanted to have a sexual relationship with a man. I mean, I can fake it and I wonder if I shouldn't just do that. In the past he has been emotionally abusive to me but not so the past several months. In the past he has brought up divorce a lot and it has just gotten to me finally, even though now we are getting along pretty well.

    I love my husband but am not in love with him. I think he's cute but I don't want to get naked with him. Sometimes I wish I did and would just be fucking normal but instead I'm this other fucked up thing that strongly resists sex with men. I am so sad and feel so guilty it's really pretty unbearable. I can't talk about any of this with my husband because he gets pretty angry. Christ, I just want all of this shit to go away and me live some kind of peaceful sexless life. I mean, I'm starting to really not want to be gay at all, it totally sucks. Maybe I'm not even gay but just a tremendously fucked up woman. I am feeling so torn right now and so sad, guilt ridden. I don't know what to do.
  2. PianoNate

    Full Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    St Louis, MO
    I have no answers .. but I do have a hug.

    And I have the exact same feelings even though I'm a man married to a woman. Weird! I say don't rush to any decision, you get to decide when and how you want to do things. It's your life, right?
  3. Frustrated

    Regular Member

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Thanks, Nate. I am feeling so torn and the thought of leaving is really tearing me up inside. He is really a sweet guy in a lot of ways so why does it have to be like this? I especially freaked out today because I felt like maybe I was trying to put myself back in the closet again, thinking that maybe I wasn't even gay, or that sexuality doesn't matter. I wish I didn't feel so guilty. Thank you for responding. I also like how you changed / added the profile picture :slight_smile:
  4. ameliawesome

    Regular Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    south jersey shore
    hugs to both Frustrated and PianoNate! if you are sad, there is no reason to continue being sad. you need to do something that will make you happy. if divorce is the only way, then maybe it's time to work on that. if you can think of another way to work things out, start that as soon as possible. and no you are not a tremendously fucked up woman, there is also such a thing as asexuality. not that labels are completely necessary, but sex is one of those things that isn't as simple as some people try to make it.
  5. Frustrated

    Regular Member

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Hi, Amelia. I used to figure that when God created us and gave us sexuality that he just sort of forgot to give me one. I would be attracted to guys and make out but did not want to have sex with them at all. I was also attracted to girls but figured I was a creep so didn't allow myself to have those thoughts. The past couple of years I have realized that I really want to have sex with women. It's just that now I'm sort of wishing that I didn't feel that way and wish that sex just didn't exist because it is causing me problems. I think I am way too horny to be of women just arouse me too damn easily! I feel like I want to go back to pretending like I don't exist and just sit here waiting to die, you know? The guilt I'm feeling comes from knowing that I'm about to hurt someone, and from not being able to be the wife they deserve.
  6. PianoNate

    Full Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    St Louis, MO
    I'm continuing to think about this thread, so I wanted to say some more too.

    You probably feel like I do, you hate to hurt your partner. I know a big part of my reluctance to come out and move on with my life is how much pain it's going to cause to someone I really care for. She's a beautiful person inside and out and has been my best friend for more than two decades. More and more, however, I find myself thinking: she deserves to have something genuine, and that's something I just can't give her. It makes me sad ... and a little bit crazy sometimes ... but it's reality.

    That being said, there's no rush to decide. We each define ourselves on our own timetable. The trick is to try not to act when you're in your 'crazy'. lol
  7. ameliawesome

    Regular Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    south jersey shore
    :frowning2: i'm not from a particularly christian background, but from what i understand god does everything with intention. god/the universe/whatever you'd like to call it did not forget about you. both you and your current husband deserve to be completely happy, i wish you so much happiness!
  8. Maxis

    Full Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    I'm not married and never have been married (as I'm too young to get married :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) but I ended up breaking up with my boyfriend at 1 1/2 years of a relationship because of my sexuality. It took him a few days to get over it but eventually he was okay, and we're still best friends. I was so scared of hurting him, but he actually took it pretty well.
    I'm not saying that that'll be the case for you and your husband if you do get divorced, but it is a possibility. As the others have said, don't try to rush to make decisions, you have a lifetime's worth of time on your hands. If you decide to divorce, try to talk it out with him nice and easy, in a calmly manner. It worked out well with my ex, so why not your husband? :3
    And don't be sad, it's okay. We're here for you.
  9. TruffleDude

    Regular Member

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Northern California, USA
    Read this book: Finally Out, Letting Go of Living Straight. The author is not judgmental and writes about the possibilities in your situation well. It is written by a psychiatrist who came out later in life, while married. He does end up divorcing, but writes compassionately to those who may not see that as an option.
  10. greeneyes

    Full Member

    Aug 23, 2011
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    So true. Thanks for saying this.
  11. greeneyes

    Full Member

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Sorry that was unhelpful - I have no answers either. I'm 20 with no marital experience. Everything said sounded good to me. I guess it's also about what marriage means to you.
  12. KneeDragger

    Full Member

    Sep 8, 2009
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    I've been where you are at. I was married and came out at about the same age. It's normal to be confused. In my case, lots of the confusion and foot dragging was because I hadn't fully accepted myself and my situation. Once I became more comfortable with myself, I was able to move forward.

    I recognized early on that I'd never be happy staying in the same place. Staying in the marriage was only going to cause our problems and issues to continue. So we decided to divorce. We worked together on the plans so that we could still be part of each others lives. We have kids, so we didn't really have a choice. We made our plans to slowly separate in order to give our kids time to adjust. Today, I live a couple of miles away. I see the kids 3 or 4 times a week. We all go to church together and out to eat each week. My wife and I are both in a better place now. We aren't both living the perfect life, but we are living a much better life than we had.

    I'm not telling you to divorce, I'm just telling you to look at the relationship as a whole and decide if you can make it work or not. You and your husband both have to be happy if you're staying together. If you're separating, try to work together to make it as easy as you can on each other.
  13. unknownerror

    Full Member

    Mar 6, 2012
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    Skullcrusher Mountain
    I may not have ever been married, but this describes me quite well also. well with the specific genders switched :wink:

    firstly (*hug*)

    secondly, I'm working through this too, but the one thing I keep coming back to is that I can't change who I am, and I really can't go on living the fake life I have been. It's incredibly frightening to think about it after so many years the "accepted" way, but I don't think we really have a choice. I've been unhappy with any "lovelife" i've had for my entire life and I'm just not going to take it anymore...
  14. Homo Novus

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    Aug 8, 2011
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    P.E.I., Canada
    I know the feeling you're describing. I've been there. You get along great, you're very close, you DO love him, but getting intimate feels like a chore... Have I hit the nail on the head here?

    Trust me -- I know it's difficult now (one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do), but once you do it, you will be SO much happier. You need to take the reins and go after YOUR own happiness. Life is too short to sacrifice your happiness in order to avoid upsetting others -- even if you love them to pieces. If you don't take care of you, who will? In fact, if you're unhappy in your relationship, you'd be doing yourself AND your husband a favor by cutting it off sooner rather than later. Don't invest more time in your relationship than you need to if you know deep within your heart that you'd be happier dating women.

    And by the way, just because things don't work out romantically between you two, doesn't mean you still can't be close. My ex-boyfriend felt more like a best friend to me than a lover, particularly near the end when I was struggling with my sexuality. I DID care for him deeply and loved him dearly, but I wasn't as attracted or connected to him as I could have been. Long story short, we split, and remained best friends to this day, even though it is now years later. It's difficult at first... but once you get through it, you will be so proud you did. You will be much happier. And hey, as Kelly Clarkson once said, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Going through with it and handling it in the proper manner will only help you grow and help you in future relationships to come. Don't let it wait and allow resentment to build and unhappiness to settle in. Take control and make yourself happy. That should be your number one priority.
  15. Jim1454

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    Mar 13, 2007
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    Sometimes those around us are able to see things that we ourselves can't. This might be the case in this situation.

    The 'vibe' I'm getting here is that your husband isn't an ideal guy. He's been emotionally abusive in the past and with this current situation he's in denial mode. He certainly isn't be supportive of you, and isn't looking to actively resolve the current issue.

    I'm not sure you're doing yourself an favours by staying. Other than, perhaps, avoiding the unknown. And that's a natural response, because the unknown is scary. I didn't want to divorce either, but it was my wife who decided that she needed to do that for her own sake. She wasn't sure I'd ever be truly happy with her and she didn't know whether she would ever be able to trust me (I had cheated on her with other men). And I was terrified with the idea of having to start over.

    In the end, it was the best thing for both of us. We're both happier than we were at the end of our marriage, and I'm happier than I've ever been. Yes - I pulled the rug out from under my wife, who was living the life that she wanted to be living. But I didn't 'ruin' her life either. We were very fortunate to be financially comfortable, so we were able to sell our one large home and buy two small ones that we were both happy with. We maintain a very good relationship - which is important given that we're parenting our two daughters together, and will continue to do so for the rest of our lives. We'll always be parents together.

    She has since remarried, and so have I. (Yay for same sex marriage laws in Canada!) We live within 10 mintes of each other so that we're never far from our kids. It's a pretty amazing arrangement that we have. I'm lucky.

    So things can likely be better for you. Don't stick to what is familiar. It sounds like you have lots more to offer, and lots more to enjoy.
  16. Frustrated

    Regular Member

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Thanks so much to all of you for replying, it makes me feel so much better and less an insane woman knowing that I am not alone. Yes, I do love him for his sense of humor and intelligence; he has an amazing mind and I respect him in a lot of ways. But, like all my relationships with men, sex is a problem because I don't want it with a man.

    The past several months I have slowly accepted that I am gay and now that it is getting closer to really doing something about it (our lease is up in June), I am wanting to retreat and just forget "all this gay stuff" and settle back in to a life disconnected. I know that would be crazy, though, but confronting the elephant in the room is terrifying to me. I guess I'm going to have to be the one who steps up to the plate and it sucks.

    I also know that he is really unhappy, as well. I am so withdrawn from him that it is really hurting him and I feel so guilty for that. In the past year, we have had major breakdowns in which he threatened divorce, so I know that actually doing it will be a relief to him. I'm just so damn scared right now. I mean, I am *really scared* of what kind of future I can expect. Well, I have an appointment with a divorce attorney in an hour so I am trying to be a big girl. Thank you for listening to me, I need to feel like I am not alone.