Help me please

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by md1953, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. md1953

    Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Straight but curious
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    Hello. I am new to these forums, and am wondering if anyone could help. I think of myself as straight, but have recently started liking male porn. I like girls too, but am getting more and more interested in guys. I almost watch guys in the showers after gym class at school, but don't because I don't want people to think I am gay. Also, I don't want to be gay. Being gay goes against my religion. Please tell me how I can get help so I am not at all gay. Also, please tell me what is happening so that I like guys now. Thank you!
  2. Akira

    Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Milwaukee, WI
    1) Why are you starting this? Hormones or realization, probably the former

    2) I can't help you with your religious quarrells, you have to figure that out for yourself, in regards to change your religion, disregard it, is it phase, is true ect. I can't tell you that.

    Hope I helped ^^
  3. TheAnonymity

    Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Well, you are coming to the realization that you might be gay. I struggled just like you. No, you cannot change this, because it is who you are. It's not an illness or anything of the like, it's simply you.

    As to the whole thing about your religion supposedly being against gays, you're going to have to tell us what religion you practice so we can help you.

    Because many people in the US (that's where I'm assuming you're from) are Christian, many of us deal with the realization that we might be gay. If you're Christian, then check out this great site: Homosexuality Is NOT A Sin: What Christ Said And More | Forum | Gaia Online
  4. Raeil

    Full Member

    May 11, 2011
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    Hi there, and welcome to EC!

    I definitely identify with your religious belief contradiction problem. I never really considered myself straight (though I attempted to force myself to believe it), but my religion kept me from accepting my sexuality for 7 years because I believed that it was against my religion to be gay. For me, my mental health became more important than my religious beliefs (I had a nervous breakdown one night because of the required double-think to keep myself from recognizing my sexuality), so I researched my religion and came to the realization that I was not banned from being gay just because I was Christian. So, I definitely know it's hard, but know that people have gone through what you are going through.

    Now, I want to address two of your statements: "Please tell me how I can get help so I am not at all gay." and "Also, please tell me what is happening so that I like guys now." For your first statement, that's actually not possible at this time. Sexual orientation, according to the research that has been done so far, is unalterable by anything a human being can do. It's all driven by hormones, genetics, brain functions, etc. which cannot be altered yet in order to reduce or induce same-sex attractions. So I can't really help you there. You could try prayer, but I'm of the opinion that that will be useless, since it hasn't worked for anyone else yet.
    As far as what's happening to cause you to like guys, that's a great question. Most likely, if you're a young teenager, your hormones are really starting to kick in, and your brain is beginning to desire what it naturally wants. If you're not a young teenager, then I really don't know, as not a lot of research has gone into same-sex attractions emerging in post-puberty individuals. Know this, though, it's a natural thing, a part of your body's nature. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and it certainly isn't something to despair over.

    Last little bit of advice coming up: Don't stress over this too much right now. It is possible (though not very) that this is a phase, and you'll go back to being fully straight soon. If it's not, then take some time and examine your religious beliefs. Really look into why you believe they go against being homosexual. You'll find your way, the path has been paved by millions of us, and we here on EC will do our best to help you down it if you'd like. If you'd like to talk to me specifically about anything in this post, please feel free to post on my Public Wall. :slight_smile:
  5. Kidd

    Kidd Guest

    I don't want to, you know, scare you or anything but if you're gay/bisexual then you're gay/bisexual. There isn't anything you can do to change it.

    I always say this but it's true: some boys fall in love with other boys and that's alright, and some girls fall in love with other girls and that's alright too--don't worry about it. Love is love.