Depressed Basically

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Justindee13, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. Justindee13

    Full Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    Acton, California
    Long Beware

    So during the school year I am usually pretty active both in school and outside of school, so I am kept pretty busy. Well now its summer and I am going insane. I have only spent like a day or two with a friend who is actually my sisters friend. (She is 21 and I am 17.) I mean i have fun with her. Anyways All of my friends I feel have like abandon me. I try to hang out and there like sorry I am busy, when I really think to busy all the time, come on I mean like i have tried to plan things weeks in advanced and they are still like sorry I am busy or don't even respond. I just feel like I have been left alone. My mom has restricted my driving seeing how she pays for gas, so I can't go anywhere. I live in a small town and so I can't just drive to near by cites u know. Like I have spent my time reading, playing video games, running/hiking, and online meeting people to talk so I have someone to talk to. But I feel so alone and im getting more and more depressed by the day. I try to talk to my friends about it but again with the no text reply or I have to go. I dont know what to do here. Please help. I fear I might do something stupid (not hurting myself, but like something else), and by the time school rolls around I wont have any friends. I just dont know. :confused::icon_sad:
  2. RaeofLite

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2009
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    BC, Canada
    Are you negative or complaining all the time? Do you share interests with these people?

    Not to be harsh, but people don't generally like being around someone who is negative or complaining all the time. If that sounds like you, then maybe you can try picking up a couple hobbies, get a job or do something you enjoy and you'll meet new people who have similar interests?
  3. Justindee13

    Full Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    Acton, California
    Nah I am not, and I get along great with my friends, same music, same interests, same hobbies. thats what so weird about it. It turned summer and now they dont want to hang out, when during school friday nights and weekends we would always be together.
  4. RaeofLite

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2009
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    BC, Canada
    Maybe you could try asking one of them what's going on in their life? Do you talk to them on facebook/msn or text? Showing interest in their lives might perk their interest in yours.
  5. rockyr89

    Regular Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    Hi there to be honest they don't sounds like great friends, if they are ignoring you, and are constantly "busy" then you either need to ask them what the heck is going on?? Or make some new ones. because if one minute you's are inseparable and the next they can't be bothered to even reply to a text then that just sounds really nasty, like they are just your friend when they want to be. Ok they may be busy but as you said you've tried arranging weeks in advance, I'd think about meeting some new friends because the current ones obviously aren't conducive to you being happy. Sorry to put it blunt but if you aren't happy do something which will make you happy as waiting around for them to show their faces aint working.