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LGBT and religion.

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by JimmyJam, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. BradThePug

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    Jun 20, 2011
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    I started to attend church with my friend I was little. My parents never came to church with me, I just went with my friends. I quickly became involved. Church was the first place that I really felt accepted. I became the student youth leader of my church. I always knew that something was different with me though. I was taught that homosexuality is bad, but we always talked about gay people. The first time that I heard about bisexuality was on a television show. That was when I really began to doubt my sexuality. However I just ignored it and instead just kept involved in many different activities so I did not have to think about it. But every summer, I would not be busy and be forced to think about the fact that I might be bisexual. Finally the end of my senior year of high school I accepted that I am bisexual. Now my problem is that I am a member of a somewhat homophobic church. So I am putting off coming out until I go to college.

    But to be honest about religion... I'm not sure what I believe in anymore. After years of questioning why God could not accept me for who I was, I started to doubt my religion. Some of my church friends know that I'm bisexual and do not care. But if I told some members of my church, they would disown me. So, to sum it all up, religion has played a big role in my life. But I don't think that it will through college.
  2. MyDecember

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    My mother played a bigger role in my life than religion ever did.
  3. Just Passing

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    May 25, 2011
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    I'm not religious and while I learned bits about various religions, usually Christianity and Islam (I'm still disappointed about not learning Buddhism, which is the one religion I wanted to learn about), I never believed in any of them, though from what I've read about Buddhism ideals, they would suit me most should I ever become religious at any point.

    Anyway moving on, religion has never made a stable influence in my life and from what I can tell, religion isn't that much of a big deal in the UK as compared to other places. Plus I find the hypocrisy of religious texts and the fact that various religious extremists fight wars over each other.
  4. LovexGinger

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    Jul 10, 2011
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    My Dad is a Bishop and therefore I'm exposed to religion a lot.

    Many people say that God doesn't make you gay, you do. I think that's bull.

    I would LOVE to want a girl, get married to a girl and have kids. But I can't. The idea of settling with a woman is just wrong to me. Plain as dirt.

    I want to be a woman, get married and, medical discoveries permitting, have kids or at least adopt a new born.

    I believe that God has a plan for us all,but no definite end. He creates paths for us to follow. We can go to the left or right. (Doctor Who fans who have seen the episode "Turn Left" will be able to make the connection) one decision can change our destination. God made me this way, as a boy on the outside and a woman inside.

    I'm the end God wants us to be happy. Why would he deny us what he wants us to have?

    He wouldn't. He may not like it, but if you're happy, God is happy.
    #24 LovexGinger, Jul 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2011
  5. nebenebe

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    Jul 18, 2010
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    I don't think I've ever really belived in any religion. I grew up going to church every sunday, and living in the Bibble Belt, every one was Cathloic, but I don't think I've ever belived in a god. WHen I was likkte, I thought the church was taking money from my mom, I would refuse to put money in the basket.

    The church has never done any thing for me but hate myself. My grandmother, nanny, and uncle would hate me if I told them, and my former best friend hates me already.
    I do consider myself an atheist, but no like: "You're stupid in beliving in god!" like some are. I don't really care what religion you are as long as you don't hate me for not having one.
  6. fragomatrick

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    How do I like this on Ec?!
    You are cool. :newcolor:
  7. DreaminCali

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    Jan 23, 2008
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    I have similar experiences as JimmyJam most times when i get to worship by myself. but the most powerful was AFTER I came out but before I gave my life to Christ. It is the Holy Spirit. It's God saying, "Yes, I'm here and I'm very real." I've noticed you don't get God when you are in a religion. Religion to me is just a social structure run by men earnestly to get others to live for God, without God's help! Churches often talk about the Love of Christ conceptually. As if it were a concept to be grasped in the mind. You would have a hard time finding the love of God there cause it's not something to be grasped. These churches rarely, if ever, get to see the power of God before them (Healing, prophecy, etc.) The thing is, God rarely shows up in religion cause God didn't make it. Man did. I don't follow new-age christianity. I hope that my beliefs line up with the Bible and I study to make sure that what I believe does. I know about God because I read the bible. I know His love and the warmth of His presence because I worship Him and pray to Him. I am beginning to understand minuscule parts of His heart with mine because I live my life for Him, and in that life I mess up a lot! I can be really hypocritical when I'm not right with God cause I'm afraid to tell other people I've messed up AGAIN! But the God I know is far more forgiving. I can get right with God very easily, not just because I'm making Him up. But because I actually messed up really bad here recently. Had sex with my girl-friend and it was like all hell broke lose around me spiritually speaking. but I can't get into soul ties and relationships, and curses and blessing, and angels and demons at the moment 'cause that's not what this is about. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Jesus Christ is a very important part of my life now and forever and btw, I'm attracted to guys! (emotionally much more so than physically) I don't live this part of who I am out, but it is here, in me. And He loves me. He has too... because I've never done so much to hurt someone as I have to Him, and people have received far less from me and cast me out of their lives... yet He still accepts me. He still calls me back to Him. He still tells me everyday, "I Love you... more than you know how" That is the God I know... That is the love I know.
  8. BenIsScared

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    Jul 8, 2011
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    You said you saw the world through new eyes during your religious experience. You said you then lost your way. Were you happier being in the midst of religion, or being lost? I believe being religious is different from being in a relationship with Jesus. Being religious is sort of going through the motions. Pray about it. Tell Jesus what you're going through. He will always be there, and He will always listen to you. In the bible it says Jesus will never leave you, and never give you more than you can handle. If you talk to Jesus about what you're going through, ask Him to help you deal with it, and to give you guidance. The bible says that if you have enough faith to ask, you have enough faith. And if you have enough faith, Jesus can do ANYTHING. Remember, He created this whole world. He has control and authority over everything that happens in His world. I'll pray for you!!
  9. robertplace93

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    Jul 23, 2011
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    I feel lead to post this note right now:

    Whether or not God and Jesus are real (which they are of course), the "Jesus event" was the most important thing to happen in all of human history since creation. Just ask any person the year, and they will say 2011, right: 2011 AD "Anno Domini"=year of our Lord. Ask someone from the US where they are from, and they will say the USA, which was founded on Christian morals, faith, and beliefs. US money has "In GOD we trust" on it. The best-selling book in all of history (and also the most shop-lifted): the Holy Bible. Those are just to name a quick few. Why would our very countries, societies, and lives be based on something that is false? It does not make sense, except for it to be true. And look at the church. The church is an amazing support system. Whether or not the beliefs are there, there are morals (which of course come from God), projects to help the poor and needy, a home for the homeless, hope for those without hope, friendships, food, inspiration, experience, amazing music, and opportunities. There IS good being done through the church.

    As for similarities in religions: of course they have similar beliefs. That is the whole idea of false prophecy, to imitate something good: to make it seem friendly and similar and good. Fortunately, Jesus warns us of such beliefs and how they are wrong. How do we know God is God? Because He, unlike any stone statue, tells us so; because Jesus came and died and was resurrected, and how many other 'gods' can do that?; because the Holy Spirit is really present in the lives of Christians (Christ-followers) and He empowers us to live Holy lives and to make disciples for the transformation of the world; because He, unlike any other 'god', truly speaks with us, protects us, and knows every hair on our head.

    Homosexuality: There is Scripture in the old and new testaments condemning homosexual behavior. The beliefs vary greatly on doctrine established by each denomination of the church. Whether or not homosexuality is wrong, Christians are (or should be) willing to help. ACCEPTANCE is the key word. That is one of the historically great things about the church. The goal of the church is to bring people in so that they can be introduced to Christ, not to bash them into grief and shame. Attacking people for their wrongs is exactly what the pharisees and sadducees did in Jesus' time. Yet while they were slapping people in the face with Bibles (or what was available of the Hebrew Bible), He was dining with the poor, neglected, and shameful. Jesus slapped the religious people in the face, condemning them because of their self-righteousness. The church is meant to live in the example of Jesus, not the 'religious' people.

    It is not our place to judge humanity for their sins. It is only God's place to judge, and only He knows how to judge. I sin, you sin, we all sin. But God loves all of His children, including homosexuals. Jesus died for all the sins of the world, including those of homosexuals. He rose to save EVERYONE that would accept Him, including homosexuals. Wow. A person sacrificed His life out of love for YOU. Can any other 'god' say that?
  10. GayWithGlasses

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    Sep 27, 2012
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    To put it simply, the church can think whatever they like. They cannot change my mind nor can they send me to hell for it! I just accept their views and carry on with mine.
  11. myheartincheck

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    I've had many deep spiritual experiences actually, and I can say with 100% certainty God exists. I've also known alot of people personally who've had incredibly deep experiences as well.

    I wish the church wouldn't use the bible to condemn homosexuals, (though not everyone does) and that the LGBT wouldn't use their negative church experiences to hate Christians/other religious groups. (though not every LGBT person does and I can understand why they do it) It leaves me feeling like I'm somewhere in the middle. I admire anyone who can keep their faith strong while facing all the trials we must face as members of the LGBT community though.
  12. Lark

    Lark Guest

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Well, if it hadn't been for my parents and a few individuals at my school, I would probably be a Christian today.

    The religious background of my family is quite odd-despite my mum having a Spanish background, she has and always will be completely Atheist. My dad is Irish, and comes from a mix of Catholic and Protestant backgrounds. He grew up as a Protestant Anglican but stopped practicing in uni.

    However, my grandparents are deeply religious and I often have to go to Church with them at Christmas, et.c.
    For a while, when I was younger, I believed in God. But particularly in the last year, and since I joined senior school, my belief in a higher power has faded completely. One of my friends is an Anglican and she is kind, smart and a all-round nice person. However, the majority of the student body is not, and the most religious person I know happens to be the most vocally homophobic. So, you could say that most of the experiences I've had with my religious peers have not been positive. I know there are Christians et.c. out there that are tolerant and loving (eg. you guys) but I can't help but notice those that aren't more, as they tend to be more vocal.

    Also, I have the firm belief that if there was a benevolent higher power out there, he wouldn't make the world so depressingly narrow-minded.
  13. MixedNutz

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    Oct 18, 2012
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    I grew up a Jehovah's Witness. I was heavily involved in the religion up until about two years ago. I knew I was gay my whole life, and hated myself for along time. I think the hardest part of being in a close family with a heavy religious faith is.. as you grow up, you grow up knowing or at least believing your parents love you conditionally. This is something that I've had to come to terms with and I haven't even become to come out to my parents. I've come to terms that the worst case is probably the reality that is eventual. Not an easy road or thing to believe, but if it means internal peace, then it's worth every minute.