I "turn off" people too easily

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by rocking23, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. rocking23

    Full Member

    May 3, 2008
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    I was with my friend the other day going through a yearbook, and a girl who i was really good friends with came up and i said "ugh, i hate her so much now" .. we were really good friends like 2 months ago. and my friend said "wow you really turn off people easily" and im pretty sure i just realized that i do

    por ejemplo (do we love my spanish or what?)

    if im really good friends with someone, or just a regular amount of friend with them .... haha.... i can be like inseparable with them, but the moment they do something that pisses me off I can, over night, completely not care about them anymore, and my actual though process is "k, im not going to waste my time with them" and even tho they were a really good friend of mine, its like, bam i want nothing to do with you.

    This definitely is happening with someone who is supposed to be like my best friend, but they did something that i found to be very rude and selfish, and even tho people are saying ooohh take the high road, i honestly want nothing to do with them

    So, if that made any sense, id love to hear how you intemperate this!
    thanks fo readinss!
  2. Daryn

    Full Member

    Mar 29, 2011
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    Why are there eggs scrambling in the street?
    I'm like that sometimes, I want nothing to do with somebody if they do something that really pisses me off. Sometimes its good to break away from people, but its also important to recognize when somebody makes a mistake or doesn't mean to do something stupid and is sorry.
  3. AtmaWeapon

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    Mar 12, 2011
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    Sounds like being emotionally impulsive and it's being unstable with people. Some people, like yourself it sounds like, latch onto people but are the same people you have to walk on egg shells not to offend. That turns most people off because they can't trust the person and have to be fake and be on guard to keep the relation from crumbling. Maybe you're just too intense in that sense and might need to lower expectations and keep reactions in check, realizing people are different and are human, too. We all let people down at times.

    Having said that, I can, in my own ways, be touchy. Sometimes I don't like people disagreeing or challenging me on certain things and can go cold. We all have our things and our ways.
  4. Jim1454

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    Mar 13, 2007
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    You certainly do seem to over react to things. Because have you ever stopped to consider the fact that the other person may have not even known what they did, or that they had no intention to offend or hurt you?

    Do you even tell them that what they did has bothered you? Because they might have absolutely no idea why you've suddenly disappeared and having nothing to do with them. And that just makes you come off as being a little unstable.

    The reality is that every single person you come across is going to do something that is going to bother you or hurt your feelings at some point. So you need to decide to either deal with these situations in a more mature and effective way, or plan on alienating virtually everyone you know.

    Might seem harsh, but that seems to be whats going on based on what you've written.
  5. Dave the rave

    Regular Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Sexual Orientation:
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    Not out at all
    SELF PRESERVATION that's what it sounds like to me.Have you been hurt by someone in the past?. I have a friend who's Mum just up'ed and left one day without warning. Within weeks he was getting into all sorts of trouble.Fighting and pissing people off.Everyone was turning against him and he had practically no friends. Then he had a stand up fight with a teacher. This led to police getting involved then Social Work. He then had to go and see a Doctor who worked out that because his Mum had done a runner on him he felt he should not rely or trust anyone else because they could hurt him. Hi is getting better he still falls out with people very easy but after a couple of hours he realises that he was being defensive again and then he will go and make up with the person. Don't know if this helps but it might
  6. malachite

    Full Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Out to everyone
    that was teens are like. BFF one minutes non-BFF the next. You'll grow out of it.