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Missing Him

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by zzzero, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. RedState

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    Aug 24, 2008
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    When all this shit first happened to me I was within an inch of telling my parents.

    But I realized that I wasn't thinking clearly and that I would be doing it out of simple desperation and not because I felt the time was right.

    The fact that your brother already knows makes things a little easier, and it will probably help ease the burden a little....and he will also be able to give you advice not only on "break-ups" but also on telling your parents (if or when you decide to do that)

    Good luck.
  2. MagicalMatt

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    Aug 5, 2010
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    Hey, love. I posted on your wall, but god, I'm so sorry.

    I've talked to you about independence and being comfortable with yourself already, but here's a few other things.

    If it hurts like hell, it will for a while, and you can't be afraid to let it happen. I find that the best way to get rid of bad feelings is to feel them. Let them go, get help from friends if you need to, but feel those feelings, and then don't. Do what you need to do emotionally and then walk away.

    Also, as much as you'd like to be friends, generally (and this is an over-generalization maybe) it doesn't get to be that way, at least not for a much longer time than you anticipate (or even imagine). I went out to the clubs with one of my ex's 3 weeks after we broke up and it was really fun and not awkward after the first half hour or so of meeting up with him and some friends beforehand. However, to this day, seeing him in the hallway at school is kind of weird. That was almost 8 months ago.

    I don't mean to make things worse, but I am a realist. I wish you the best, and I think that preparing you will help you most.

    Big Big Big Love from Oklahoma,
  3. Mirko

    Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Hi Taylor! I think that sounds like a good idea. If you feel ready to come out to your brother and he is essentially waiting for you to tell him, give it a try on the weekend.

    Hope you will feel a bit better once you had the chance to talk to him as well. (*hug*)
  4. zzzero

    Regular Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Hey everyone... Now I'm starting to feel a LOT better.
    I know a lot of people say it's in my best interest to not talk to an ex right after you break up, but honestly, we spoke today and it went pretty well I think. We want to work on being just friends. I don't want to lose him as a friend and he doesnt want to lose me as a friend.

    I have no interest in forcing him to love me or anything. If he doesn't want to date, then we wont date. I was feeling better after going out with friends and i'm feeling even better now. Of course I still get a little upset because this means that likely our contact from here on out will likely be strictly online.

    He said things might ahve worked out if I had lived closer and could have seen him more often. This all makes sense to me and i'm really not even upset about it. I think that I was mostly upset because I had this idea in my head that he and i could never talk or see eachother again.

    Also, I'v come to my parents house this weekend, they've agreed to lay off the chores and whatnot and clearly know something is up with me. I feel strange, like maybe I'm becoming okay with this too quickly or something. I'v been so sad and depressed and lonely the past few days that I really don't think I can do it anymore. I'm physically incapable of spending more time sitting by myself in my room feeling sorry for myself.

    I'm still going to come out to my brother this weekend, unfortunately, I did not get to see him tonight as he was out with his GF all night. I have already told him that I needed to talk and then when I called the house earlier (he just graduated college so he's living with my parents) he picked up and asked if everything was okay. It's times like that when people ask if things are okay that I start to really get choked up about stuff, but I think a lot of that is happiness that I have people in my life who are there for me and do care, even when I think they don't.

    Anyways, I will be telling him tomorrow (though it will really be telling him something I already know that he knows). but no longer will I mope around the house and not going out.

    I had a hell of a shitty week this week, and it's only up from here. I got dumped, my cable/internet got shut off, my ..... account got hacked (thankfully they did not get to any serious personal information) and I'v had my normal shit ton of work to get done for school. But i'm thinking of the positives now.

    From this relationship and the break up, i'v become more comfortable with myself. It forced me to come out to pretty much everyone but family. I no longer think i'm fat ugly and stupid, because I know someone out there has been attracted to me. I have gone through this stuff once, I'll know what to expect next time. I'v had some dating experience so now I'm better prepared for the future. Before I met him, I had no idea how to make a move for a first kiss or anything like that at all. But the best thing I got out of the whole situation is that I am completely surrounded by loving caring friends and family and of course you guys!

    I'm keeping my chin up and looking on the positive side of things for as long as I possibly can stand to. I really couldn't have handled this without you guys. I'v got some more progress to make, but at least I can eat and listen to music and interact with people again on a normal level.

    Thanks everyone. You guys are great, I really don't know where I'd be without EC... I'd probably still be in the closet and miserable...

    I'll keep you guys updated. Hopefully soon I'll be 100% out of the closet with absolutely NOTHING to worry about.
  5. Mirko

    Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Hey Taylor,

    First off, I'm glad that you are feeling better and I think it is great that you were able to talk with your ex-boyfriend and that it helped you. It's great that you two have decided to stay friends and from the sounds of it do need each other.

    I think it would be perfectly alright if you two would try to visit each other from time to time too. Your friendship doesn't necessarily have to be online only. I think it would actually be good if you two could also meet in person whenever possible.

    Take a break from things and try to enjoy your time with your brother and family. You deserve it.

  6. zzzero

    Regular Member

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    Well it's done! My brother knows. I was hanging out with him last night and found time alone with him so I just asked if he had seen my facebook profile and stuff and he was like, yeah, well you know, whatever makes you happy is all that matters to me.
  7. Jay D

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    Sep 10, 2009
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    Norwich, Norfolk.
    Hey Taylor ... well bravo for telling your brother and I'm glad you've managed to talk to your ex. It sounds like stuff is starting to work out for you, so keep being brave and keep trying and remember we're all here for you.

    Jay x
  8. x2x2x2x2y2

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    Oct 15, 2009
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    Wonderland (and California, USA)
    Congrats on coming out to your brother!! I'm really glad that things are going better for you.
  9. Lmont

    Lmont Guest

    I'm sorry Taylor! Guys are real jerks sometimes. I feel as male humans we were made to always wait for the next best thing...the problem with that is that we are never right in our judgments are what is "the next best thing" sometimes we fail to realize that the best thing is already in front of us! You will be ok...there are tons of us boys out there...you'll find your "next best thing" soon...keep your chin up! If you need to talk...let me know!