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i'm avoiding the enevitable

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by darkcheesse, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. Lexington

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    Dec 20, 2007
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    Do post your letter here if you think we can help with it.

    And give some thought to the "bored = weed" segment of your equation. Because it seems like even when you attempt to cut out weed (and other drugs) from your life, you're not replacing it with anything. There's an old adage that if you tell somebody not to think about an elephant, suddenly, they can't think of anything else. So instead of simply making an effort to "not think about the elephant", you should see if you can come up with some alternate things to fill your time with. What are some things you could do that would help alleviate boredom that don't involve weed?

  2. darkcheesse

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    May 12, 2010
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    my deppersing reality is i can't think of anything that would aleviate my boredom, i seem to have lost all my interests, everyting i used to enjoy now bores me to death. when i find something that interests me, i do it so much by about a week later its been done to death. i can't seem to hold an interest for very long, i wish i was doing things but the only idea's i can think of are boring ones. ive tried racking my brain as hard as i can but, nothing i just can't even think what i would find interesting.

    i can sit and numb my mind for hours by watch tv or other things, but i wouldn't even say i like doing that. i can't even remeber the last thing that could hold my interest for more than 10 mins, and that just deppresses me. i starting realise how much of dull person i really am. i tend to avoid thinking about myself in general, not just what do i want, but i feel like for all of this year all i have managed to do is ignore myself, im trying to do that now but i can't. weed dosn't make life interesting for me, it just makes being bored shitless bareable. when im stoned i just can sit there and not think, therefore not bored, but i dont like doing it, i regret it afterwards because i just wasted most of day. i want to go out and do things, but i don't know what.
  3. Lexington

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    I guess I want to clarify something a bit, just to make sure we're on the same page.

    "i wish i was doing things but the only idea's i can think of are boring ones. ive tried racking my brain as hard as i can but, nothing i just can't even think what i would find interesting....i starting realise how much of dull person i really am."

    A common misconception that people have is that there's some sort of broad definition of "boring". Your life isn't a reality show. The things you do don't have to be interesting to an outside observer. They only have to be interesting to you. I spend hours upon hours futzing around with music on my computer, and anyone watching me would probably die of boredom within fifteen minutes. But I'm not doing it to interest the world at large. I do it to interest ME. Because it DOES interest me.

    The thing is - I didn't really instinctively know that music (or historical books, or writing, or any of the other things I do for fun) was going to entertain me. I just tried a bunch of stuff. I've tried all sorts of books, for instance. Some didn't do a damn thing for me. I thought I'd really like fantasy books about elves and dragons and all that, but it turns out I don't. But I know that because I read a few. And I learned that they don't interest me. And that's a huge part of treasure hunting - finding out where the treasure isn't. If you found gold every time you dug, it wouldn't be called "treasure hunting" - it'd be called "treasure getting".

    So you don't know what might interest you. Fine - go hunting. Get a list going. Put it on your computer or phone, or carry a little notebook with you. "What might I like?" These ideas don't have to majorly excite you. Just a passing interest is fine. Get some ideas going. Nobody is going to see this list but you, so don't worry about some of the items being "silly" or "dumb" or anything else. Just anything at all that you think you might get some enjoyment out of.

    And you don't even have to carry some (or most) of these to fruition. Let me just take one suggestion and run with it. You mention playing video games. Ever consider designing them? If so, why not go down that road a bit and see where it takes you. Get a couple books out of the library about video game design. Find some websites that describe the process of video game design. How would your video game look? What would the goal be, how would you make it interesting, what would the package look like, what could you do for a sequel, what sort of product tie-ins would you have, all of it. And this whole thing might never be more than a mental exercise. You might never learn a single bit of programming code. And that's totally fine. The key thing about hobbies and interests isn't the final result. Sure, if you end up designing a game and actually enjoy playing it, that's uber-cool. But if you don't, it isn't time wasted. It's time passed. They're called pastimes for that very reason. It's the journey not the destination.

    So give some more thought to that. What things might interest you? What sort of books might you enjoy reading? Any physical activities that might appeal to you - hiking, biking, and so forth? Cooking, drawing, martial arts, guitar, writing, gardening, cup stacking?

  4. darkcheesse

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    May 12, 2010
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    cheers ill try and make a list, although video game design is no, the course at college destroyed all the interest i had for it. tonite i found i loved paintballing, but i'm not sure how much i would enjoy it sober. which unfortunatly put more thought into my head to get more speed, but i won't. i had an realisation ealier when a mix of thoughts i just hated and
    the chemical burn on my lip, and gerning pissed me of too much, yes speed is some of the most fun i've had but its not worth the rest of shit that goes with regular usage. i'm going to try and sober up, im not sure if this wanting to stop is going to last but i'm going to try anyway.

    i know i didn't give quiting a fair chance last time and even i'm sceptical as to whether i can quit. the other reason im quiting is because liking speed scares me, because i didn't notice when my pot usage turned into an addiction, and it worries me because i enjoy speed, it's more likely going to happen if i buy it regularly. i want to stop this before even given chance to start.

    i feel like tonight ive had a moment of clarity, probably the first time i've been thinking straight in months. tonight i have been through a whole heep of diffrent emotions and i feel better because of it, even though most of them were negative. im going to tell a few friends because i know dealing with this on my own is probably too hard.

    thanks for all the adivce.
  5. Love etc

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    Jan 28, 2010
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    I offer (*hug*)s. :frowning2: Addictions are horrible... You need to be kinder to yourself. You are worth being on this planet. And I know, feeling can be scary... but it's something you're going to have to learn to cope with. Do you have friends and family that may be able to support you going through withdrawal's and detoxing substances from your life?
  6. Lexington

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    >>>tonite i found i loved paintballing, but i'm not sure how much i would enjoy it sober.

    That's a mindset you need to work on getting beyond. Most of the populace enjoys activities and whatnot sober. Paintballing wasn't invented as "something you can enjoy while you're on weed/speed/drunk". It was supposed to be just be a fun activity, period. So keep working on the list, and keep trying crap out. The sheer fact that you're trying stuff will help keep you occupied. Again, it doesn't matter if you end up loving it or not, or end up "succeeding at it" or not. Just trying stuff out will give you something else to focus on, and that may be what you need more than anything right now.

  7. blairSW

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    Jun 20, 2009
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    Hi darkcheesse,

    As I read your posts, I can sense your despair. There isn't much left for me to say as it has all been said.

    Mental health and addiction are are misunderstood and complicated. Mental health professionals are often dumbfounded by mental health - me included. So, if professionals themselves are dumbfounded, then the layperson must be lost.

    I get the sense that your lost. You have so many different people offering you advice, you have a lot of fear, and you don't feel like anything is certain, but conditional. I can see why you are paralyzed.

    One thing I have read about mental health and addiction is that hope is cornerstone of change. So we need to find ways to foster hope in ourselves. Think of a time, place, moment, no matter how brief, when you felt hopeful. Hold on to it, imagine it, feel it through all your different senses. Do this for 15 minutes as it will help to minimize the psycho-physiological symptoms of your withdrawal as it calms that flight or fight response. This sometimes helps me when I'm upset, overwhelmed, and distressed.

    Also learned that medicine isn't only drugs in your case. I have helped people develop wellness plans. Things that they can do to make themselves feel better, whether it be a warm bath, a favorite television program, poetry, a walk, or any combination thereof. Social experiences such as these can activate various parts of our brain that help us recover.

    Another element of healing is feeling empowered, which I see you feel dis-empowered. Feeling empowered can be difficult. The first part of empowerment is taking responsibility for ourselves and our healing. I think reaching out for help will be the first step. Also, not feeling badly about your relapse can be empowering as well. We fall down, acknowledging that we have fallen and what we must do to get back up is a great first step, even if we don't get back up right away.

    Non-violent communication is a strategy I offer to people who are feeling overwhelmed and afraid of disclosure. Using "I" statements when communicating difficult stuff helps to defuse the situation. Many teenagers I've worked with have used this with their parents and it has helped.

    If you like, you can PM me your letter to your parents, I might be able to help you write it. I would encourage you to read it to them like a script. I don't have a lot of time for one-to-one support as I am in the thick of my master's at the moment, but for you I can offer a bit of time.

    I don't know your parents nor does anyone else on EC, so we can't say for sure how your parents will respond. Your the best judge of that, but I think you'll see once you reach beyond your fears, you might see that they won't be as unforgiving as you think.

    Being in the closet is one of the single biggest stressors for youth who are gay and can lead to mental distress.

    I hope this helps. I am sending you positive energy via the cosmos to you.

  8. darkcheesse

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    May 12, 2010
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    today, ive been sober and just sat at the computer all day and i'm bored. i've tried find somthing to interest me, but there is nothing to do at my dads, my nearest friend is a three hour journey by public transport. with my brief experiances with locals my age, i found out their not really the people i want to know. my other option is to stay at my mums, but im trying to avoid the temptation of drugs, which i don't get at my dads as i don't know any dealers locally. even though i threw a way my drugs last night(felt empowering) i just feel like i can't trust myself round them. idk am i just overthinking this or not?
  9. Lexington

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    You're "overthinking" but I don't think your conclusions are incorrect. As you go through the withdrawal symptoms again, your brain is sort of revving on high without any ground to cover. So you basically end up obsessively going over the same piece of ground over and over again. You've removed the drugs from your life (and great job on that), but there's now this huge void where they used to be. Futzing around the computer is fine for short periods of time, but I think you need some bigger project to occupy your time and mental energies. Can you get to the library and start doing some research?

  10. Chip

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    Congrats on the steps you've taken. It's going to take some time to clear your head, and as Lex said, your mind will go into overdrive for a while. Many people that have given up weed have said that life has been incredibly boring and unfulfilling for several months afterward, but once the brain biochemistry resets itself, that will all change and you'll see a richness that you probably haven't seen in a very long time.

    You're making the right choices by avoiding the bad influences. And to some extent, you will just have to accept things not being quite as exciting for a while. But I agree with Lex that you can do some intellectually stimulating work -- researchign something at the library, reading a bunch of books, working on something meaningful to you.

    You're taking the right steps. Just keep doing so, one day at a time. :slight_smile:
  11. D_Alejandro

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    Your problem is real. And in life, you can't just always take the easy way out. You have to conquer your struggles in order to achieve your desired goals. Just because you went to a counselor once, does not mean that all other counselors are useless. You never know until you try it. I think that telling your parents about your problem might help you because you will not be alone. But then again, you have the people in these forums for support as well. <3
  12. darkcheesse

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    May 12, 2010
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    well, im still sober, but as i can't for the first few hours of the day manage to find the motivation to get out of bed, so i havn't visited the libray. i wait everyday to go to bed, because i can't find anything to do. i try to find things to do but when you get up around 6pm most of the day is gone.

    my diet is getting worse, im eating less, sometimes i even pop by the fridge look at the food, thinking what do i want to eat, but i end up closing the fridge getting nothing. my sister even asked me to day if i was anorexic, which i denied. sometimes i don't get food as i don't want to waste it. and if i get more food out than i can eat i just seem to pick at it for hours. i find myself constantly obssed with food, but just don't seem to want to eat it. any advice much apreciated
  13. Chip

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    First, congrats again for staying sober. I know it isn't easy, but just gotta focus on each day as it happens, and before long, each day will be a little bit better than the last one.

    Being exhausted and lacking motivation is pretty normal coming off of the history you have. Just consider it a blessing that you have the opportunity *to* sleep as long as you want and do very little while you're in recovery. That's a gift you won't have later on in life, so take it and make the best of it now so you never have to worry about returing to this place.

    What's your height and weight now? That will give us an idea of whether you have anything to be concerned about. It is fairly normal to have a decreased appetite as your in the initial stages of recovery, so unless you're already underweight, I don't think you have anything to worry about; your appetite should return within a few days.

    And... i'll put in another plug about considering therapy. I know you don't want to, but you'll be a lot happier if you do.
  14. darkcheesse

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    im about 5,7(i may be taller i haven't checked in a few months) and wieght about 8 stone, but as my dads scales a broken so i can't check my wieght. but that was about two weeks ago, and im geussing im even lighter. even when i was getting stoned everyday i was still barly eating and losing wieght, i just fear its getting worse.
  15. Chip

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    in English (US) measurement, that's about 112 pounds (thanks, Google!). That seems a bit underweight.

    You need to eat! Anorexia is less common among men than women, but I know of at least a couple of guys that have experienced it. You're already at the very low end of the scale so you really need to take steps to gain some weight. If you are finding it hard psychologically to eat, this is all the more reason you need a therapist to help you get past this. If you lose much more weight, it could reach the life threatening stage.

    Please try and eat enough to put some weight back on. If you're finding it hard to eat solid food, go for protein shakes and supplement with whatever you can stomach. If you can't eat anything, you REALLY need to get help soon.
  16. Lexington

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    And these things do feed on themselves (PNI). I know when I've stopped eating (while dieting), my metabolism slows way down, and I find it hard to get up and get moving. Eating more will probably help get you moving a bit more.

  17. Eleanor Rigby

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    Feb 21, 2009
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    First thing, congratulations for staying sober (*hug*).
    Second, you always talk about not eating enought, but all you seem to have are snacks. Don't you ever get some meals ?
    Maybe you can try to cook yourself something you like and that you're family would enjoy as well.
    Cooking would keep yourself occupied, and eating family meals, where you sit down together and talk may be a way to reconnect with your family. Who know, you may even discover you enjoy that.
    Take care, Cécile
  18. darkcheesse

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    May 12, 2010
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    well, i've got stoned again, i know i shouldn't but there is a void in my life and i can't find anything to fill it with. i can't handel my mind being bored out it skull all day, and also constantly obbsessing over my issue's. im gonna keep looking for something to fill the void, but i can't stand not being high, because my life sucks i know it sucks, when im high i don't realise my life sucks:tears:. so i just feel for the moment this is my lesser of two evils.

    i know your all going to tell em to stop, but i feel like my life is pointless sober, high i just don't realise it. i thought you guy deserved to know.
  19. Chip

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    well... relapse is part of recovery as they say.

    If you're serious about getting help, then just throw the shit away again and start over with sobriety again.

    Your life isn't pointless... like I and others have said, it will take several *months* of sobriety before you really start to feel better, and you're going to have to get used to that idea of just trudging through that period if you want to help yourself.

    On the other hand, if you're not serious about changing things -- and it sounds like you aren't -- then there isn't a thing anyone can or should do to help you, because no matter of support or advice is going to make any difference to someone who doesn't give enough of a damn about himself to want to make change.

    The support is here when you want it. But I suggest that you think about whether you care enough about yourself to want to make the change.
  20. Eleanor Rigby

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    Feb 21, 2009
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    So, what about this letter you were writting to your parents to let them know you need help ? Because, clearly, you need help, you're not going to make it alone.
    You said you started to write it so, even if it's not finished yet, I suggest you to post whatever you have written so that we can help you finish it and that you can give it to your parents as soon as possible.