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Meeting Someone from Online

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Notreallysure, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Notreallysure

    Full Member

    Jan 3, 2010
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    I know that this isn't the place for this, but I have a serious question about meeting someone from online. I have met a guy from a gay, internet website, and I was wondering if it is wise to meet him in a public place. I have talked with him and gotten to know him. I do not feel that my safety is at risk, but I fear meeting someone from a website. Everyone has heard the horror stories!
    My other concern is that I am not out to anyone yet. If I meet this guy, I am meeting him and outing myself in person for the first time. That is my biggest fear. I'd really like some advice from people that have met someone online before or someone that has experience coming out to someone they barely know. Thanks in advance!
  2. FreeSoul12

    Regular Member

    Aug 22, 2010
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    New Jersey
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    I am kind of in the same boat except I can't really see anyone I meet online. I'm no expert, but if you are going to meet someone from online, this is what I would do:

    -Make sure you meet at a public place
    -Tell a bunch of friends or family where you are going (you don't have to say why, or you can say, "I'm meeting a girl", or whatever works).
    -Meet in the day (it's probably less scary! lol jk). But really, if you meet at night, and this guy turns out to be a predator or something, then there could be all kinds of excuses to get you to go someplace you don't want to be.
    -As for your biggest fear, no one really has to know you are out, except this guy, which he already knows because you are meeting him from this gay website. Use the excuses in tip number 2 I gave or make up your own.

    If I didn't address everything, then feel free to point the stuff I missed out, or ask me some other things.

    Again, sorry, I've never done this, but I'm kind of in the same boat here and these would be the kinds of things I would do.
  3. MagicalMatt

    Full Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    Stillwater, OK
    Hey, just wanted to say that I've met plenty of people from the internet for various reasons and I'm still alive. No bad experiences. But don't be stupid. Mk?

    Day. Public place. Someone to call.

    Oh, and no one will find out. Come up with a good story.
  4. Lexington

    Full Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Out to everyone
    First off, all the following advice assumes you're above the age of consent. If you're not, call it off, and assume the gargoyle gave you the stern talking-to.

    OK then. Yes, meet in a public place. Coffee shops are ideal. Pick a place roughly halfway between you two, so neither of you has to do all the driving. Get a drink, sit down, and just start talking. About what you've discussed online, and what you're expecting from it all. I'm assuming this is a sexual hook-up (you weren't really clear about that in your post) - if you were just looking for a friend, you'd probably meet in a "public place" as a matter of course, and go do something fun. Assuming it is, tell him what sorts of things you're interested in trying, and find out what HE is hoping for from the encounter.

    If at any time you don't feel comfortable with him, thank him for meeting with you, say "I'm afraid I'm just not feeling much connection with you - I'm sorry", pay for his coffee, and go.

    If you feel comfortable enough to continue, I'd suggest going home and thinking it over for 24 hours. But it's often tough to think with the upper half of the body in times like this. So, just in case, bring along condoms and lube. And make sure you've practiced using them before you go. Go enjoy yourself. Focus on giving HIM a good time. And if at any time he tries to make you do something you don't want to, feel free to stop it. If you need to, the scrotum makes a good emergency brake. :slight_smile:

  5. VentinIntrovert

    Full Member

    May 27, 2010
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    Um... I dunno if all this is a good idea... A good place is meet is probably in front of a police station... Regardless, people on the internet make be nothing like they appear in real life. They could be some desperate creepy guy, or a perfectly nice dude. The thing thought is that if you aren't 100 percent sure that you know this person, then don't meet them. Even out of the 99 safe meetings that you've been in, it only takes 1 to ruin in. Regardless if whether it's a public place or day time, some of these people can play you, what until you trust them then take advantage of you. If they are older they can easily manipulate you and coerce you into doing something that you don't like. If you really are tempted to go, bring a friend. I know it sounds weird, but make it a casual meeting rather than a date. Also use all the protection you can get. If this one guy is willing to hook up with you, imagine how many others he could or have hooked up with in the past through this site. Good luck and stay safe.
  6. Lexington

    Full Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    ^ Sorry, not going for that.

    The key thing is to take simple precautions. And meeting in a public place for coffee is probably the best way to take care of that. Could he still be putting on an act, and be some sort of psycho? Of course, but so could one of your friends. (Maybe they're waiting for you to put your guard down.) To my way of thinking, going straight home with a guy you met online is like running across a busy highway. But going home with him after an initial public meet-up is like walking along a sidewalk. Yeah, a car might still leap the curb and hit you. But you've reduced the risk to nearly nothing. If the guy was just looking for someone to fuck-and-fuck-with, he'd skip over the guy who said "let's meet at a coffee shop to see if we feel comfortable", and go for the guy who said "You sound hot - let's do it".

  7. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    northern CA
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    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    In spite of having heard lots of horror stories, I'm not quite as cynical as VentinIntrovert.

    However, I would say a couple of things

    -- If he is more than 5 years older than you are (unless you're 22+ yourself), I'd advise against meeting with him. It's not going to be healthy and if something comes of it, based on what I've heard from virtually everyone I've spoken to who's done so, you'll probably be unhappy with yourself later.

    -- If he claims to be close to your age, ask him to either talk to you on webcam (keep your clothes on!) or ask him to make you a picture that isn't one he could easily fake (example: Holding a can of soup and making a face) This is a simple way of verifying that his pics are actually him. Sadly, a very large percentage of the time, people use somebody else's pics. How that's supposed to work when they actually show up, I have no idea, but people do it anyway.

    -- As Lex said, try and take things a little bit slowly and do your best to think with your brain, not your other head :slight_smile:

    -- Let us know what happens!
  8. Words

    Regular Member

    Jan 11, 2008
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    Vancouver, Canada
    Sexual Orientation:
    I'd just like to add that sure, there may be creeps out there, but online dating for gay guys is a pretty normal thing. As a non-out gay guy, you can really only meet gay people by pure chance, by going to a gay bar, or online. A lot of people are not super lucky, nor the gay bar type, so there's lots of very normal gay guys out there looking to meet people online.

    I've recently been meeting some people, and it's been pretty safe and problem-free. I just met a guy today from a gay site and had a great time hanging out with him all day, we got along wonderfully, though we're just going for a friendship right now.

    Just meet in the daytime (gives you more time with him if you'd like anyway) at a nice public location. Ask lots of questions as normal when first meeting someone, and you'll get to know them quite quickly. At this point, it's really no more dangerous than talking with anyone you've met by any other method. Go for it, because you never know what you might miss out on otherwise. And yup, don't forget the condoms and lube just in case, no matter what your plans are.
  9. St. Jimmy

    Regular Member

    Jul 30, 2010
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    How long have you known this person? I have a couple online friends from different places. I got to know all of them really well though msn mostly. I'd say I'd meet almost all of them (in a public place) if I got the chance, but then again I've known all of them for over a year. I think that's a big factor in deciding.
  10. Notreallysure

    Full Member

    Jan 3, 2010
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    Thank you for ALL of your help. I appreciate the different perspectives and plan to take each into account. I was hesitant to put something private like this up here, but I figured that it was going to me and hopefully someone else too. I haven't agreed to meet the guy yet, but there is a chance that it could come up one day when we are talking. I do agree Words though. For those of us that aren't out or into the bars, the only places to meet other guys is websites. It personally makes me a little embarrassed, but I realize that it is my only option. Thanks again everyone!