Any advice????

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by moonlight, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. moonlight

    Full Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    I haven't posted here for such a long time. But I am feeling the need to reconnect.

    Life has been a bit manic for me just lately, I started college last september as an adult student, I am totally loving the course that I am doing. But there seems to be so many other things going on in my life that I can't even get my head straight.

    I had just thought that I was dealing with my depression without having to take medication, but just before Christmas last year I went into a really deep deepression that took me months to come out of. It all came to a head in March this year when I ended up self harming for the first time in a very long time. I went to the Dr and she diagnosed me with major depressive disorder and started me on medication and put me on the list counseling (which I am still waiting to here from them). Whilst all of the has been going on I have also been getting extreme tiredness (that I thought was due to the depression), but that is under control and yet I am still extremely tired, but it is a very kind of tiredness to normal, I don't feel any better if I sleep, if I do any extra physical activity, I spend the next few days feeling as though something has completely zapped my energy and I just feel totally physically and mentally exhausted. I have also been getting night sweats, seem to permanantly have a cough. I don't seem to be getting any further forward with the Dr, all blood work has come back fine, chest xrays fine. I think it might possibly be a mild form of chronic fatigue syndrome, but I am unsure as to whether I should mention it to my Dr. I am just so fed up with not feelig well all the time and not knowing what is wrong with me.

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated (although I probably shouldn't be asking as I haven't posted here for such a long time.)

  2. katie

    Full Member

    Feb 8, 2009
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    Wolverhampton, UK
    hey, im really sorry you're feeling like this.
    firstly, im glad that your doc has put you on the list for counselling, it took mine a year and a bit to realise that i needed help and by that time i was in a really bad way, so that's a really positive step forward. keep talking to your doctor about that, asking how long you're gonna have to wait before you hear anything about it and stuff like that. keep pushing and you'll get seen quicker.
    second thing, yes i do think you should talk to your doctor about how you are feeling right now, and that you think it's chronic fatigue syndrome. your doctor can't help you if you don't talk about it. i find it easier to write down what you want to say to the doc, but maybe that's just me and my doctors, who tend to inturrupt and not really listen properly, but hey. yeah, write down how you're feeling, so you know you havent left anything out or forgotten something.
    hope this helps. hope you feel better soon
    much love
  3. dude99

    dude99 Guest

    Hi there
    Welcome back to EC. Anyway with depression it is very important not to keep inactive for an long period of time. Spend more time with family and good friends, start an new hobby, join an GLBT group, do an volunteer job.
  4. silverhalo

    Full Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    Hey you sound like you need lots of (*hug*)s (*hug*) (*hug*).

    Dont worry about not having posted for a while that doesnt mean you dont have the right to post now, everyone here is welcome to come and go as they please and be as active/inactive as they like thats what makes it so great.

    I think as the others have said its best to keep talking to the doctor and telling him or her how you feel and whats getting better/worse or staying the same, they cant read your mind and dont always know whats going on.

    I think its great that you felt you could post here for help and support.