Argentina and Canada are starting to look pretty damn good right about now

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by travelinsoul21, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. Lady Gaga

    Lady Gaga Guest

    No one said they did.
  2. Étoile

    Full Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    The Peach State
    Christians say it all the time.
  3. Lady Gaga

    Lady Gaga Guest

    Oh. I thought you were trying to say I said that. @_@

    Well, those Christians are stupid.
  4. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    honestly, there is one major reason why socially, economicly, and domesticly america is so screwed up right now. It is the republican party. They cannot justify why gays shouldnt be married by providing quantifiable proof that it is detrimental to society. They give huge tax breaks and handouts to the rich, and the coorporations that pay most of their campaign costs, then dont give a shit about the lower and middle class, which make up 96% of the nation. They force us into a war in iraq, without ever proving justification for being there, and basing it on nothing more than a series of willfully known lies, then sink buttloads of money into both it, and into contracts for companies owned, or once managed by bush administration members, many who still earn a buttload of money each year in the form of pensions and stock dividends from said contractor companies.

    What has screwed up america, and prevents progress is a inability of the republican party to look at history, and see how the econamy always declines under them. to see how the middle class suffers heavily, and that giving the top 4% huge breaks and handouts is hurting america's econamy. They dont give a flying shit in hell about the way the world views us, and refuse to properly try diplomacy to get things done.

    Some among their ranks blame the gays, the jews, and the blacks for the ills of the nation, and the party as a whole rarely ever questions or pushes back against such bigotry.

    Welcome to assfuck central, population: Stupid bigotted basterds
  5. I don't see why it's so hard for them to wrap their heads around the idea of marriage equality. America prides itself on all the good things it done for people, both at home and internationally. But so many tax paying, voting, money spending Americans get denied all of their rights in the fucking Land of the Free
  6. Lady Gaga

    Lady Gaga Guest

    I love your logic. Not your spelling. :3
  7. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    My english proficiency does tend to fly out the window when I fire off alot of text on the internet at once.

    America is gridlocked because progress cannot be truly achieved when a whole faction of society within the country would much rather stick with the Status Quo, when that has meant nothing but economic destruction, social stagnation, diplomatic diaster, and sending us backwards to a time before the constitution, the decleration of independence, and the enlightenment movement that led to the formation of a america democracy when the church wanted nothing more than to destory all democratic thought, which they viewed as a destruction of their self-created ownership of all power on earth, as dictated by their belief god chose them above all.

    the founding fathers were all liberal progressives of their times. They advocated something so radical that they were deemed heratics and outcasts.

    republicans dont want america to be a shining city on the hill. they want to manipulate the system so they can fund their money on blood money, cheating the system, and greed.
  8. Phoenix

    Phoenix Guest

    This. And nothing will ever change that for me. Sure getting marriage equality is taking a while but that's not really one of my huge priorities that I expect from the government. But I acknowledge that it might be more important to other people than it is to me. Different people prioritize different things.
  9. Swamp56

    Swamp56 Guest

    Abandoning one's country based solely upon gay rights in the absence of mortal danger (like in Iran) shows short-sightedness in the scope of things. The same rings true for hope in one's country in my opinion as well.
    #29 Swamp56, Jul 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2010
  10. Lady Gaga

    Lady Gaga Guest

    Good thing everyone who posted here who has lost faith in America put reasons other than gay rights. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  11. Fiorino

    Full Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    I don't think we should be so quick to bash America.

    The Global Gay Rights movement has important roots in our country and
    we have been the birth place of many new ideas, movements and inventions.

    The thing is: America is a big country, made up of 300 million people.
    While it is also very diverse, gays are a minority, so the fact that changing
    additudes of the majority in our favor has taken decades is not surprising.

    A few of our states have already legalized Gay Marriage and hopefully many
    more to come, and of course one day all of them.

    When America does legalize Gay Marriage nationally -and the younger generation
    is becoming more and more accepting, so that is not such a far stretch to assume
    will eventually happen- It will certainly still be among the first in the world to do so.

    On the other hand though, I think it's embarassing that Argentina is more progressive than us -no offense to Argentina, I've been there and it is lovely- but you would think that the world's #1 superpower could get its' act together before they did! For that reason, I am embarassed of my own country.

    I definitely have one more reason to marry an Argentine now though! :wink:
  12. blueeyedcutie

    Full Member

    May 3, 2010
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    In a wardrobe, searching for Narnia
    I am very embarrassed for my country. I always felt that we are not providing equal rights to her citizens(USA). Traditionally, the republican party was for having little to no governmental interference in the lives of citizens. To me that means, the government has no right to tell me who I can marry, what job I can hold or whether or not I can have an abortion. The republican party has turned their backs on what they truly stand for and play to the conservative christian evangelicals of our country. They f-ed up when we went into war without no end in sight, kept cutting taxes and not noticing the obvious cracks in our economy. I am a moderate democrat but am seriously considering moving to Canada!
  13. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    I am confident that they noticed the cracks in the econamy... if they didnt, then they all need to be institutionalized, since they are a danger to themselves, and every living being on this planet.

    no... they noticed. they just arent paid to care.
  14. Let me clarify - I love my Country - I'm proud to be American because of all the good things Americans have done. But I am disgusted with the lack of action towards gay rights. The chance that I would ACTUALLY leave the country is so slim it's not even funny to speculate on. If I did, it would be for opportunity, not just for the rights. I was just ranting because I was upset, and I still am. Would I move to Canada? Yes, I would, but as I said it would be for more reasons than just my rights.
  15. RedState

    Full Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    The Southeastern Conference
    Oh please. The Republicans haven't been in power since December of 2005.
    But, I suppose it is an easy tactic to blame someone else when the other party is performing just as poorly.

    Neither party has anything to brag about. The Republicans increased the national debt by $3 trillion from 2000-2005....which is horrible. The Democrats did that during the first 3 months of the Obama administration.

    TARP I (Bush policy) bloated an already uncontainable budget.
    TARP II (Obama) added to the problem
    Stimulus (Obama)...don't even get me started on that disaster.

    The debt ratio versus GDP is the highest it has ever been.

    The House Budget committee, chaired by Rep. John Spratt (D-SC) can not even perform its sole task: to pass a budget...and they have a majority.

    Even Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, admitted that we have begun the largest redistribution of wealth in U.S. History. I don't think that's a really good thing.

    One of the President's own economic advisors, Erskine Bowles, came out publicly and stated that should we continue with these policies the country is headed to certain bankruptcy. The inflationary consequences could be horrible.

    From a rights standpoint, the Democrats have had complete control of the government for 5 years. Last i checked, don't as don't tell was still in well as ever other "restriction" that is placed on the gay community so to speak.

    The Republicans are far from perfect, but there is going to come a time when Democrats in DC are going to have to start taking responsibility for their own actions and quit blaming other people.