Taking the first step...

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by titaniumCloset, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. titaniumCloset

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    Apr 16, 2010
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    So now I'm out to my close friends and they didn't care. I didn't think they would. But now I've been putting off coming out to my parents. They went on a 2 week vacation and got back two days ago. I didn't want to come out before that and ruin their vacation so I told myself I'd come out to them when they got back. Well that time is now. I leave for school in mid-August and want to be out by then, so I have about a month.

    It's two short words, "I'm gay". But it feels impossible. It's too easy to just continue putting it off and not even thinking about it, just saying "I'll do it in the future".

    I can't take the first step by bringing it up. My relationship with my parents is not a very open one, we don't talk about feelings or anything and everything is as non-confrontational as possible. The only idea I've thought of is to e-mail my mom at work and tell her I want to talk about "school/moving" that night with her and my dad...and then once they're sitting down just drop the real bomb. That way I'll be forced into talking with them. I just don't even know if I'd do it then though. The thought of it now just made me feel sick to my stomach. The reason I don't come out is just because I feel that they'll either be on one side or the other and they'll be very drastic. Either they'll tell me I'm not gay/shouldn't be gay and they don't approve or they'll be accepting, cry and apologize for making fun of gay people. I don't know if I could handle the first one though, that's been my worst fear for years.

    How can I build up courage to tell them or feel more confident? Once I tell them my brother and sister will also find out because they're at home right now. My brother calls me a fag or gay pretty much every day and every thing is "that's so gay". My sister is kind of a bitch and I don't know if she even realizes that I might be gay...my brother definitely thinks I am I think, I've been called out on it previously.

    Anyway, I just don't see how all of you can just tell your parents you're gay, to me it feels impossible. I want to do it and I need to do it NOW but I've never been good at bringing up things like this that I don't want to because it's so easy to not do it. I wish I could just write them an e-mail, disappear for a day and then come back home, but I know I can't do that. :frowning2: I don't even think I'll be able to read them a full letter without crying and not be able to talk. I'd rather hand it to them, but that's awkward and they'll probably just stop reading once it says "I'm gay" so that makes it kind of pointless.

    Thoughts or ideas? I just feel horrible. :bang:
  2. zzzero

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    I haevnt come out to my parents for pretty much the same reason as you. It's a big scary daunting task and there's no easy way to approach it. Though recently I'v decided it's better to do it however you're comofortable. So if you dont think it's gonna be possible to bring it up in person to them, then write a letter or something...

    I came out to my roommates yesterday via text and to be honest, it wasnt a big deal at all. Texting it to them wasn't really a problem. We had a brief conversation after i told them and they were completely okay with it. Your parents will love you no matter what, even if it takes some time for them to adjust to it. I know it's hard to bring up, but that's what makes humans great, we dont have to communicate in one way. There's a number of different ways you could do it and still get it out of the way.
  3. titaniumCloset

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    Apr 16, 2010
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    What would you do if you wrote a letter though? Leave it for them in the morning? Hand it to them and wait? Read it to them? I feel like if I leave it I'll be horribly nervous all day or they'll just call me as soon as they read it and tell me to come home if I'm at work.
  4. Moth

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    Jul 8, 2007
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    "A fantastic place called Wis-consin."
    I have a similar relationship with my parents, we're not very open and we just don't talk about serious things... it's always small talk. The few times we have had big discussions it was very awkward and none of us knew how to handle it. When they did happen I always used to write emails or paper letters to them, because if I tried talking to their faces I would get super angry and start crying. I couldn't stay rational and objective. So if you have to write it out, then write it out. If you feel more comfortable writing, I'd say your best bet is to write something and give them the opportunity to write back, whether that's a paper letter or an email. But be prepared for the possibility that they'll call you and be upset. It's a big thing for parents, too.

    While I still haven't told my parents about myself (and now don't know if there's even a point) one thing I've learned about situations that you believe will be traumatic is that life goes on afterward. Your parents may be upset at first, so prepare for that, but they'll most likely calm down after they've had time to digest the news. On the other hand, it may be way better than you expect and they may be just fine with it. If it bothers you a lot to keep it secret from them, I think you're going to be best off just getting it done and over with, and then deal with the situation as it unfolds based on their reaction.

    It's difficult, but break it to them the way you feel most comfortable and hopefully it turns out okay. And if they don't take it well, don't lose heart or give up! That doesn't nessecarily mean that they won't come to terms with it later.

    Best of luck to you! :slight_smile:
  5. titaniumCloset

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    Apr 16, 2010
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    If I were to do it face to face, how do you guys recommend bringing it up? That's the hardest part of it, once I start talking I'll be fine.
  6. george678

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    Oct 13, 2008
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    "Mum Dad I have something to tell you. But remember I will still always love you..."

    Start it off like that. But then sit them down.
  7. Chip

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    Not sure i'd go with the "remember i will still always love you"... it sounds like you have a terminal illness or something.

    Just "Mom, dad, I have something I need to share with you."

    What a lot of people do that seems to work is to write a letter and hand it to them to read while you sit there. That way you aren't scrambling for words, you can get the full thought out without getting interrupted, and generally they know that you've had a chance to think about it and how to present it to them.
  8. titaniumCloset

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    Apr 16, 2010
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    Yeah, the letter is probably what I"ll do, but I guess I have to choose between handing it to them or reading it to them. I feel like if I hand it to them they might not read the whole thing. I guess I could start off with something mentioning/telling them to read the whole thing before talking to me. There's no easy way to do this I've found out, but I'm trying to choose the best way for me and for them. :\
  9. BrettV

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    Jul 2, 2010
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    I sent my parents a raw email, basically just stating things as they were. I expected the worst, and received the best. Of course, it was easy to send an email as opposed to saying it in person because I live 2500 miles away.

    That being said, they told me that they appreciated getting it in email form because it gave them time to really think about it and discuss it before talking about it with me.

    Good luck. I was scared for nearly 30 years of the very same thing that you're frightened of.
  10. titaniumCloset

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    Apr 16, 2010
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    Yeah, kind of sucks that I live at home, it'd make sending an e-mail more normal. When I go off to school I'll be relatively close as well.

    However, I have sent prior serious issues in e-mail as well when I didn't live at home and like you said, it gives them time to think before calling you or whatever. If for some reason I don't meet my "deadline" of coming out before going to school I will probably send an e-mail that ends with them asking to talk about it and then call me. I'd really rather not do that though, I told myself I'd come out before going off to school. I want to restart my life. I hate being in the closet. Hearing gay jokes or anti-gay comments and not being able to do anything about it sucks. My parents asked me tonight about having kids eventually and meeting "cute girls" at my future job and I just like "Ehhhhh, not really, I guess."
    #10 titaniumCloset, Jul 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2010
  11. titaniumCloset

    Full Member

    Apr 16, 2010
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    Thought about it last night, decided on writing a letter and then reading it to them. Tonight I will start typing it up.
  12. titaniumCloset

    Full Member

    Apr 16, 2010
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    Thought about it last night, decided on writing a letter and then reading it to them. Tonight I will start typing it up.
  13. BrettV

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    Jul 2, 2010
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    Los Angeles

    You're very brave. My well wishes go with you.
  14. titaniumCloset

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    Apr 16, 2010
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    Well the first step is to type it, after that I'll still have to build the courage to read it to them. :\ I think I'll have a panic attack doing that, talk about worst moment of my life! Not fun. Hopefully I don't break down and can't finish reading it...
  15. padre411

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    Jan 30, 2010
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    My thoughts and prayers are with you. This has been the hardest thing I've ever done but every step is one more degree of freedom.

    I hope that losing their material support is not a risk for you.

    Peace, Mike
  16. BrettV

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    Jul 2, 2010
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    Just a thought .. but how about having them read it with you in their presence? I don't want to take away anything from you, but I also don't believe in extra stress unless it's deemed absolutely necessary. The result will be the same ... and you'll still have done what you've set out to do ... it's just that you won't be the one .. vocalizing it.

    If you read it, make sure you have the kleenex handy .. and in arms reach of everyone.

    I really wish you the best.
  17. titaniumCloset

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    Apr 16, 2010
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    Thanks guys. (&&&)

    Started writing some tonight but I have work at 7AM tomorrow so I need to get to bed (11:20PM). Hopefully I have time to finish it tomorrow or Thursday. My sister is leaving for a trip on Thursday to visit her boyfriend so that's good. It will leave me with less people as a distraction of my parents and possibly leave me with a moment to tell them. We will see I guess.

    I'm hoping they don't hate me after I tell them but you never really know, I think it will either be 100% acceptance or 100% rejection, they're very confusing. On one side they love me and have said before they understand gay people, but on the other side they've made very anti-gay statements, called an openly gay person we know a "poofter" or a "queer" in a derogatory manner and other similar negative things. My dad is usually the one who is saying the negative things. I think he thinks he's being "cool" by doing it and thinks that I agree with him. If only he knew. :\ The nights where they say those things I usually just go to my room and feel like shit for hours.

    I feel like they HAVE to know I'm gay - I have zero interest in girls, no girlfriends and whenever they bring up the whole "you should have <brother's gf> set you up with a friend" I just try to shrug it off and say I'm not interested and then change the subject. Maybe they just think I'm shy. Plus I dont look/act stereotypically "gay", so I think that might confuse them. If they accept me I will be the happiest person alive as I restart my life this summer. If they reject me I will probably be the saddest person alive at least for a while until I can try to forget about them. Hopefully it's the first.

    Thank you for all of your support, I will probably post the letter here once I'm finished so I can get some suggestions on what to add/delete.

    - John
  18. titaniumCloset

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    Apr 16, 2010
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    I have thought of that, however, I fear they will get to "...I'm gay." and stop reading, therefore defeating the point of the letter. I've thought about that though definitely. I think I'll just read it and if I start crying too much to keep reading I'll just hand it to them and they can keep reading if they need to. My guess is if that happens though they will have heard enough and will start talking, hug me, or tell me to get the fuck out.
  19. Chip

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    They won't tell you to get the fuck out. And I think there's a third possibility besides what you described; they might get really angry/upset/crying, but then be totally fine the next day; that isn't an uncommon response. So the thing to remember is... if the response is other than wonderful, don't take it to heart and don't freak out. Everyone's emotions will be running high, and when that happens, people say things and respond in ways they don't really intend.

    You're ready, and I think, from what you've said, that they probably already know or suspect, so I don't think it will be a surprise. Be sure and let us know what happens!
  20. adam88

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    Nov 15, 2009
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    Congratulations on these steps! I'm sure it will go well for you. :slight_smile: I second the letting-them-read-it option as it will let them read it at their own pace.

    Maybe after this you'll have to change your user name. Aluminum-alloy Closet perhaps? Styrofoam Closet? Balsa Wood Closet? :wink: