A dream I had that confuses me

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by AlexPatrickMorrissey, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. OK, so I am in a building that looks like a garden, filled with flowers and tall grass. I see a dozen and a half or so children running around and playing. Suddenly, a male comes up to me. He looks to be about fourteen or fifteen. He has medium length brown hair and is about 5 foot 6. He says, "Welcome. We've been waiting here for you. I'm so glad that you could show up." I tell him that I don't know where I am. He tells me that I can't lie to him or hide anything. "What does that mean," I said to him in a nervous voice, "I don't have a clue". I turn around and see a rainbow flag painted on the wall. He puts his hand on my shoulder and tells me to come with him. I start walking down an endless hallway. I look to my left and right and see young children in small booths, looking at mirrors. The mirrors show the same kids bloodied, bruised, and scarred. They're sobbing uncontrollably. He eventually points me towards and empty booth. I walk in front of the mirror and see myself as a child and I notice my mom screaming in the background. I look just like the others. I ask him what's happening. He says that we're in a place for the lost souls of LGBT youth. I then woke up. Any idea what this means? It freaked me out.
  2. RaeofLite

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    Apr 7, 2009
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    (*hugs*) Sounds like there are some religious or conservative beliefs in your life? Maybe internal homophobia or fears about coming out? Do people in your lives or your area seem to believe that being gay is a mental illness? Or maybe you think something bad happened in your childhood that made you gay (or you think that your mom or loved ones may assume this?)

    I'm not a dream interpreter by far but it sounds like something along those lines.

    I remember having a dream about walking to a psychology test for extra grade credits and I was locked in a room with glass windows so people could view me like I was some animal at the zoo because I was "an alien to them". People would walk by and laugh, sob, show hatred, sympathy or desert me because I was different.
    I had that when I just started coming out to people though.
  3. Mondo

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    Dec 2, 2009
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    Haha, that's a crazy dream.

    I think it's just your worst inner fears about being gay and coming out surfacing. Don't take it seriously, you're not gonna end up bruised and bloodied like that. It's just your imagination running wild. I guess you have a lot to think about before you're ready to deal with being gay, but you have time to do it. No rush and no worries.
  4. Revan

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    I wish I could give advice, but all I can just say is that's the most intricate and elaborate dream I've ever read.
  5. malachite

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    Sometimes in dreams things from our subconscious surface. This sounds to me like your scared someone will find out your secret and that when you do come out your parents won't react well.

    Dreams usually act on metaphor, but this some seems pretty straightforward.

    You scared about coming out becuase your worried about how the people in your life will react, which is not uncommon.

    I used to have similar dreams: like someone would find my stash of hot guy mags and start asking questions, and I would try so hard to come up with excuses.
  6. Chip

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    May 9, 2008
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    I would echo the thoughts of the other posters. I'll add the following:

    Our dreams were thought by Jung to be the most direct way in which our unconscious speaks to us. In your case, I would see an unconscious fear that you aren't being yourself and if someone finds out the "real you" that they won't like it (which would be consistent with being closeted, so no big deal there.) The booths with the injured youth would, to me, be a way in which your unconscious is opening up to you about issues in your childhood that were painful and difficult. It could be emotional stuff, stuff relating to being aware you're gay but having to keep it hidden, and it could also be a metaphor for memories or events that have happened to you in the past, but which are not in your conscious memory.

    On the whole, I'd say this is a really *good* dream, in that it is showing that your unconscious is feeling comfortable enough about where you are in your life that it is starting to show itself to you and let you have access to the parts of unconscious that have not been accessible to you so far.

    There's also another, entirely different way to interpret the dream. In many spiritual traditions, it is thought that spirit guides (or angels, depending on your belief system) can come to us and speak to us in dreams. If you look at this dream from that perspective, then the first part could be a spirit guide coming to you and essentially introducing himself. For those who are comfortable with this sort of belief system, guides can be very helpful to them in seeking self understanding and growth.

    Either way, I would see it as a very positive thing, and i'd encourage you to keep a dream journal and record as many details of your dreams as you can. It may be invaluable to you later in exploring feelings about yourself and helping you to understand yoruself at a deep level.
  7. Ander Blue

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    Nov 12, 2009
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    Is it a positive that outside at the start of the dream, you're set in a peaceful happy atmosphere? There are other kids running around having fun. Yet, they are there with you too. I like to interpret it that those kids have grown beyond the mirror, and have advanced to the next stage of their life: being happy.