Low points.

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Pasalacqua, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. Pasalacqua

    Full Member

    Jun 9, 2009
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    Most of the time, I'm fine with who I am. I have accepted it and this is who I am.
    Cool, whatever.

    But from time to time, like now for instance, I just get in these moods where I just hate who I am, and almost nothing can pull me out of it. Sometimes these last for days.

    Wondering if anyone else gets like this.
    And, if so, what can I do about this?
  2. Maddy

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    Mar 23, 2008
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    Yes, a thousand times yes. Sometimes things seem to be going along fine when suddenly I spin out and it can take me a few days to get back on track. What I've found to be the best way of dealing with it is to let it happen - to cry and punch things and vent and write things that terrify me when I look back at them a few days later. When it's out of my system, it stays out for a while.
    Sometimes I feel really guilty when I do this, because I feel like I'm burdening other people with my issues when they're dealing with worse.That's not true, though, for me or for you, and if you're venting at us on EC, that's what we're here for. Never feel ashamed about being at a low point, and don't feel like you have to shove it aside and keep on a happy face.
  3. Greggers

    Full Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    Blame the world. Literally.

    Dont worry too much honey (*hug*) The main thing is, like you said, you *know* that this is who you are and you are fine with it.

    The world is always saying "your not fine. your wrong. your bad. you dont belong. you cannot be happy." and ect. ect. ect. Everywhere we turn we see the heterosexual family that we will never be. Its going to take us all a long time to accept ourselves 100%. We can accept ourseles 99.9%, but we still will have those down points were all the stuff we just took in like a sponge from the heterosexual world gets us down, because we are and never will be that.

    So, dont feel bad for feeling bad, cause feeling bad is not bad its normal......yea :slight_smile:

    Now, for the doing part. When i feel bad this is what i do:

    I curl up with a pillow and a nice warm blanket and i just watch the most *gay* movie or tv i can find on my computer. Queer as Folk is generally what i turn to. After i have immersed myself in some gay entertainment i generally will pop onto EC and read some threads or go into chat and just chat. The more i am around other gay people or culture when im feeling bad about being gay, the faster those feelings seem to go *poof* and im back to good old proud greggers :slight_smile:
  4. Pasalacqua

    Full Member

    Jun 9, 2009
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    That has the exact opposite effect on me, actually.
    Anything and everything relating to homosexuality or gay culture just seems wrong when I'm like this.
    It really just fucks with me.
  5. Greggers

    Full Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    Well then, if your problem is with gay culture itself maybe you should go to a pride this summer! It could do you alot of good. The gay culture is NOT something to be afraid of, so if its making you worse by watching it then you might want to figure that out. Maybe on some large level you still dont accept yourself?

    It *should* be helping because if you surround yourself with thing that re-enforce "Your gay and thats not bad" that should comfort you when your feeling bad for being gay. I even did this before i accepted myself. I would watch Will and Grace and the world would seem a better place because these two gay men were happy AND gay at the same time, something i never knew before Will and Grace.
  6. paco

    paco Guest

    this definitely happens to me sometimes, and it makes me not want to talk to any of my friends, which in turn makes me more depressed..its a vicious circle.

    i usually just follow my instincts and do whatever i really want to do most...and usually that involves going to the beach, day or night and just let the feelings run their course. then after that its good to go do something fun with your favorite friends.
  7. echapper

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    Jun 10, 2009
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    The same here.

    When I hit a low point, all I can do is wait for it to pass. No quick fix :frowning2: If you find one, let me know :wink:
  8. Pasalacqua

    Full Member

    Jun 9, 2009
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    The only thing that somewhat works for me is listening to slow, sad music that provokes tears. :/
  9. Kaim

    Kaim Guest

    There are times where I feel very similar to how you are feeling. I deal with it somewhat differently each time, but generally I indulge in fun, solitary activities like listening to your favorite music, watching your favorite TV show, playing video games, reading a book, anything I find entertaining to try and ease your mind off your inner conflict. The time then just flies by usually and that timeframe allows your sadness to get out of your system gradually. Just hang in there, I'm sure you'll get better soon.(*hug*)
  10. Eleanor Rigby

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    Feb 21, 2009
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    I do have the exact similar feelings sometimes and I think that's completly normal. We are all human beigns with some strenghs and some weaknesses. Sometime we are self-confident and fine with ourselves, and sometimes we can't stand who we are and blame ourselves for everything.
    When that happens to me, I try to find some comfort in things I like to do : I drink some tea, cuddle with my husband, call some friends... But sometimes, it is not enought and I can't find the strengh to fight these feelings down . In that case, I just let it go and usualy ended to cry for a while wich is often efficient for me. I can cry several times a day for several days, but once it's over, I feel a lot better for a while.
    Just try to find something that helps you to evacuate those feelings. It could be anything as long as it works for you (except self harming) : doing some sport, drawing, writting, playing music, singing, crying for hours... And keep in mind that everyone has the right to feel down sometimes.
    Take care, Eleanor
  11. Maddy

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    Mar 23, 2008
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    I can definitely see why that works - being able to cry it out is really effective for me, and if sad music is what you need to bring on the kind of tears that help you to heal, then that's a great thing to do. Let yourself feel, let it out, don't let it bank up inside you.
  12. jp xch

    jp xch Guest

    I'm sure thats happened to a lot of us.
    I know its happened to me.
    I usually just cry my feelings out.
    Talking to a friend also helps.
    Just know you're not alone.