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Four days later, Jade Goody

Discussion in 'Entertainment and Technology' started by Wander, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. Louise

    Full Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Sorry to go against the tide but I have a lot of admiration for Jane Goody. She was the person that she was for good or for bad but she at least had the guts to stand up and be counted despite the tidal waves of disapproval from a good majority of people who have never had to suffer the indignities of cancer.

    This woman exhibited herself, and I chose my word there, she did exhibit herself in a manner most demeaning, bald, ill, dying so that this subject can be talked about. It is not something shameful that must be born in silence. Thousands of women are going through what she went through and if she can be an inspiration to just one of those women, to hold her bald head up high and look death in the face, then I say good for her. If she can push girls/women to get off their back sides and go through the two minutes of indignity that is a smear test and potentially save some lives I say GOOD ON HER!!! She was a woman with the attitude, if you've got it flaunt it. Though that may be distasteful to many of us she was true to her principles and lived her life as she saw fit. Did she harm any one in her outragious behaviour or did she potentially save some lives?

    I could never do what she did, I am a private and reserved person and would rather die in dignity as it were than to put myself on display but we need people like her; brash, larger than life, exuberant, over the top, devil may care... or anything else you like to say about her but at least she had the balls to stand up and be counted so that her death will do some good.

    As for the money side of things, meh, each to their own but who are we to judge. Those little boys have lost their mum, do they have to be farmed out to a child minder while their dad goes out to work to earn a living or can they at least have their dad present in their lives, a minimum of comfort, money for university, a nice house and holidays always thinking 'I know mum can't be here but she did leave us all this', rather than, no mum, no dad coz he is always out working trying to put a roof over their heads and no little creature comforts to compensate for the loss of their mum.
  2. Martin

    Board Member Admin Team Full Member

    Nov 14, 2007
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    You make life sound disturbingly simple. Just because he can remarry, use her money and other jargon doesn't mean he'll be dancing round her coffin singing. What use is money or anything else when the person you married is dead? Yep, he knew she was dying but if you love somebody then why shouldn't you be entitled to marry them regardless of their health?

    I don't agree with the publicity her death or illness got, but she did it because she could. I know there are people on here who would throw themselves into the limelight of the media if they had the opportunity, and chances are some of you will be friends with people who would, so trying to dumb down her death because of how she acted is a tad sickening, imo. Perhaps I am biased because I know somebody who died of cancer, but it's nowhere near as simple or painless as some responses on here have been. You could have given me all the money in the world and I wouldn't have been happy. Just because this family was all over the media doesn't make their pain any less human than ours would be.

    She played the media, and good for her. It serves them right for being story craving morons. If you don't like it then blame the media, not her or her family. Her attention has caused cervical cancer to become much more presented in the public eye, and a change like that (whether minute or gigantic) makes it worth the few weeks of news articles we had to endure. It wasn't like they were that overbearing either. It's hardly mission impossible to turn over the page on the newspaper or whatever.
  3. Just Adam

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    Mar 17, 2009
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    My AV room
    i do make life sound simple born live die taxed on the way thats the real simplicity. as for the husband ive nothign wrong with marrying someone or to marry someone whos dieing everyones dieing slowly its only a matter of the timescale. what i dont like was i dont believe in their love. they did a tv series jade bride to be.. then they did jade the wedding series.. the whole things was jsut a massive media event and i still dont believe doing all this is to give the kids a good life money dont give you a good life if anything it can make you sheltered. as for my view on pride and dignity it wouldent be a death in a bed surrounded by loved ones if i am to die i always wanted it to have meaning saving the world be a good way to go out.

    anyway truth is she has died i jsut hope the kids get the emotional support they need i shant comment on this again its just one big sad affair on many levels
  4. Crackajack

    Crackajack Guest

    I hate her, sorry, just my opinion her, but she didn't really do good, she was annoying and racist. Sorry for the family though, loved one dying is always painful.
  5. Crackajack

    Crackajack Guest

    Btw, Its JADE goody, not Jane :slight_smile:
  6. Louise

    Full Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    My bad, I know I watched enough of her on tele, just had my mind elsewhere :eusa_doh:
  7. carrie90

    Full Member

    Feb 13, 2009
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    Originally Montana but currently San Fransisco
    who was jade goody?
  8. Wander

    Wander Guest

    Jan 23, 2008
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  9. silas99

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    Nov 3, 2008
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    In my own world....Wales!
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