Are you a disease?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by The Enigma, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    A lot of good points were brought up. But...imagine a world with no more gay people... Not only would our clothing industries come to a grinding halt and tainted with unoriginality, Trading Spaces would fall off the air, that bald guy from the TV guide channel, WWE wrestlers (you know who!), good waiters, all the ambercrombie / fitch models (yeah I went there), Calvin Klein--ALL OF IT would disappear. Gone...the worst part?

    You'd be insurmountably lonely.
    Who wants to feel like the last man on Earth?
  2. TheRoof

    Full Member

    Nov 15, 2008
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    i am what i am, and there's no f*cking thing anyone can do about that.
  3. MyStIcAl WoNdEr

    Full Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I don't think homosexuality is a disease
    I think of it as the way GOD made me, everyone just consider being straight a normality, idk maybe if there was a gay gene i guess that could make it better since there has to be a "why" for answering that why am i gay question. No one wants to accept this is the way GOD made me, deal with it
  4. starfish

    Full Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Hippie Town, Alberta of the US
    I'm not religious, but I do have faith. I know that may sound contradictory , but basically I believe in God but do not subscribe to any particular religious doctrine. I mention this because several people think I am an Atheist, but I am not.

    One thing I have heard born again Christians say over and over is that they are much happier since they decided to quit worrying and let Jesus or God take care of those things they can not change. Very interesting statement.

    Ever since I came out I have been much happier because I accepted that my sexuality is something I can not change. This is just the way it is. Who knows why I am gay, for some reason at some point in my development some bits flipped inside my brain.

    See the correlation between our to statements.

    We are both saying we are accepting that which we can not change. Only difference is they attribute these things to God and I just write them off as... Well just the way life is.

    So it with great irony that both sides are causing our selves so much grief over homosexuality. We are not going to change the religious fundamentalists minds and like wise they are not going to change ours. I can't control how someone else feels and like wise they can not change me. Really the only thing we can do is to lead the best lives we can and let the chips fall where they will.

    Basically live and let live is my stance. If someone hates me because I am gay, well their loss. I am so much more than just a gay guy, so they will never know what a great person I am. I know the main reason my coming out was accepted so well was because everyone knew my character and judged me as a whole. There has been one person that I have not heard since I told him and oh well that is the way it goes.

    So I drifted a bit, like always :slight_smile:, but my point is this. Don't worry about stuff like this. Just be a great person and let people in so they will know. That will go much further to change opinions than any argument will.
  5. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    That's because you're not an athiest. You're Agnostic like me. :slight_smile:
  6. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    I belive in god, and i am a christian... I just dont see the logic in god hating me for how he made me.

    the problem with the fundies is that, well, how can you argue a person who claims they are always right because of divine edict?
  7. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    Lol No one is always right and they're fundamentally corrupt and hypocritical if they think so--especially if they model themselves after Christ or the Almighty. Even Judas knew he was a liar you know.

    And that's exactly my stance. Why're we being persecuted when ACCORDING to THEIR logic we were all created by God? If its not a life style and a 'choice', then we are sinning...but WHY would he have given us this CHOICE if it was wrong? The bible is disturbing and I could post a good youtube video but I don't want to get flagged for it or anything.
  8. starfish

    Full Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Hippie Town, Alberta of the US
    Exactly my point. So why worry about em. Focus your energies on those that will listen.
  9. Alex19

    Full Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    New York
    NOT a disease and NOT a choice. who would choose to live their lives being discriminated against? why would i choose to have God hate me? why would i choose to have ppl look down on me b/c if this? why would i choose to potentionaly loose friends and/or family b/c of this? i wouldnt b/c its not a choice. And lets see if a 'cure' can b made for this 'disease'. i believe in God and if he lets it happen, then its a sin. if not, it isnt. if he created us this way he wouldnt allow someone else to change it. maybe thats why nobody has found the cause for it. and even if they do, whos to say a 'cure' can even be made? what if 'curing' it would mean potentionaly killing the person or having them be born dead if they try doing it while the person isnt even out of the woom(sp?)? that would be evil. its not like were doing any damage. were not out killing ppl or trying to convert little children. what they need to remember is that were their children, their parents, family, friends, and if they love us, theyll just let us live.
  10. jotheoneandonly

    Jan 13, 2009
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    because we have to exculde people with chicken pox, does that make it disease descriminaton? whoops, i forgot, equal rights, sorry everyone its contagious, have fun with the new epidemic!
    i don't want to be 'cured' anyway, i like being contagious:lol:
  11. jotheoneandonly

    Jan 13, 2009
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    there is a beautiful quote by lex that i can't find, but its about how his sister came home crying and not explaining why because it was too horrible for her, a while later they found out that she'd left a pear in her locker and it had gone bad. that was it, the pear had gone bad. sometimes, sexuality is just blown out of proportion.
  12. Jonah 4

    Regular Member

    Dec 9, 2008
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Ah, well I think it would be sweet if I actually was disease cause then maybe I wouldn't have to worry about whether a crush was straight or gay.
    Ok, well now I feel bad for saying that.

    In all seriousness though, it comes from a genuine belief that their understanding of the Bible(a distinction they will not make but I do) is inerrant and that unless one adopts their mindset one is eternally damned. From that perspective it makes sense to try to do whatever they can to save us. Unfortunately though, I don't think they realize that their attempts at 'saving us' for the next life are ijust damning us in this life.
  13. jazzyspazzy

    jazzyspazzy Guest

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Sexual Orientation:
    even if it WAS a disease, and there WAS a cure, I would still keep it! i shouldn't have to change who i am... there's nothing wrong with being gay except how people react to it.
  14. LornTehViking

    Jul 29, 2008
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    Bumblefuck, Illinois
    Sexual Orientation:
    I guess I have three different views on this.
    1.) Well they're acknowledging us, and saying that they're affected. That's a start, maybe.
    2.) Call in gay to work, they'll realize how dumb they are. (Or you'll lose your job, or be thought of as a fool.. I actually don't recommend doing this.)
    3.) Whatever. They'll grow up eventually, and unless we collectively stand up as a community, nothing's going to change immediately.

    I'm in an awful mood today, thus my response may have been worse than usual.
  15. ColdSnap

    Full Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    C-diff - Wales
    well, ages ago being gay stopped being seen as a pathology so i wouldn't worry about it, it's generally the malinformed that think it's a choice anyway. But if there was a cure wouldn't you jump at the chance to take it? I would, I would be getting my rogue on sharpish :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  16. ccdd

    ccdd Guest

    Being gay isn't a disease at all.

    Diseases cause illness. Do you feel ill? Some diseases can be contagious. Have you ever found yourself able to pass on your "gayness"?

    But more seriously, I quite liked the X-Men gay sub-theme - we are not a disease, and we don't need to be cured.
  17. Miles D

    Full Member

    Jul 20, 2008
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    San Diego, CA ⇒ Great Barrington, MA
    No, we're not a disease, and I don't believe we can be cured.

    I am worried, though, that someday scientists will be able to tell our sexual orientation when we are still young enough to get aborted, and then gays will be a dying breed (along with mentally impaired/ people who need help learning, and other diseases and conditions.)
  18. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    LornTehViking- "2.) Call in gay to work, they'll realize how dumb they are. (Or you'll lose your job, or be thought of as a fool.. I actually don't recommend doing this.)"

    LOL I wish I could call in gay to work. "Hey boss...Im feeling particularly queer today. I am sorry but I cant come to work. I need to go watch some Young and The Restless. But you have a great day, handsome! :wink: "

    I can just imagine that LOL.

    Ccdd- "Diseases cause illness. Do you feel ill? Some diseases can be contagious. Have you ever found yourself able to pass on your "gayness"?

    But more seriously, I quite liked the X-Men gay sub-theme - we are not a disease, and we don't need to be cured."

    I've seen a few of your posts and I think you should be an adviser. What you sparsely say, or perhaps I look in the wrong places, is usually highly intelligent. I do sometimes feel ill though--being gay that is. But, I think that is all of us coming to terms with WHAT we are and WHO we are. And yes, one time I thought I did pass on my gayness. >_<)

    and to Mr. Coke: Isn't that truly frightening? That was one of the keypoints of posting this...Isn't that thought terrifying? We could be victims of a silent genocide.
  19. Legnaj

    Legnaj Guest

    Yay, I like discussion threads. Here's my view on it. The bio freak in me will come out so please bear with me :slight_smile:

    Homosexuality is not a disease, virus, mutation, population check, mental disorder or choice. Let me explain starting from the beginning.

    Biologist are constantly under a lot of heat because religious groups have created this idea that because they can't explain everything only certain things which leads them to fill those gaps of unanswered questions with "because God made it that way." Biology is the study of living organisims. That is the simple way of explaining it. There are many branches to biology but the one the spiritualists have fun with is the origin of species also known as the biological species concept. This was a fixed idea with a fixed definition but some topics shook this whole idea to the core:

    1)Interbreeding with other species for example a horse (which is a type of species) and a donkey (which is also a type of species) mate together to have a mule (which is NOT a species) classified as a hybrid which cannot reproduce and reproduction is required to be classified as a species. So we have animals that arent really animals just things made by animals.

    2) Homosexuality. We are a species. We reproduce with our own to make our population grow but we breed people who are drawn to the same sex and puersue relations with the same sex, have a drive to have children but decide not to make them yet take them (biological view on adoption). How ever you want to look at it homosexuality knocks down the biological species concept yet it is as normal as heterosexuality is. It happends naturally in nature, which is a study of biology. To sum it all up insted of taking 5 pages to do it, Biologicaly...homosexuality is a "Catch 22".

    For the longest period of time science had the notion that we are on this planet to reproduce but with interbreeding and homosexuality and a number of diffrent topics biologist can only explain the who are we, what are we, when we began, were we began but not the why we are here. (This is where the God debates start and I will stop)

    Homosexuality is not a disease because it does not impair bodily functions
    Homosexuality is not a virus because it does not reproduce inside cells
    Homosexuality is not a mutation because there has not been a gay gene found to back that info up
    Homosexuality is not a population check because our population is still breeding homosexuals.
    Homosexuality is not a mental disorder because homosexauls can (mentaly) function normaly in everday life.
    Homosexuality is not a choice because heterosexuality is not a choice, it is inborn...but that is the explination for now.

    So what is homosexuality? Better question what makes us homosexual? Better yet what is heterosexuality? Better yet what makes us heterosexual? all four of these questions have no SOLID answer to this day. All we know is that homosexuality just is and that idea of just is bothers science because after all their whole purpose for being scientist are to answer questions and mysteries of the natural world. Having an idea being thoust of as "just is" is like that annoying tag on the back of your shirt that rubs on your skin.

    More and more studies are being done to explain it but the studies being done with only theorise why we are homosexual. We still don't know how homosexuals (biologicaly) contribute to nature. That will be figured out once we know why we are the way we are.

    The way I see it homosexuality is more like what Mr. Kinsy described...a scale of prefrence where heterosexuals are on one side, homosexuals are on the other and bisexuals are in between. This would explain the phenomenon of Ex-gays. The better title for them would be Ex-bisexual but religion has its ways of wrongly defining things. anywho I saw the word disease and thought biology and went at it. lol sorry for the long post.

    Oh and if we found a cure...wait we dont even know what it is, dont worry bout it.
  20. No One

    Full Member

    Oct 2, 2008
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    wow i have never really associated that movie like that.