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Religion is not all bad

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by TheRoof, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. Greggers

    Full Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    BC, Canada
    (sorry im posting on this so much fyi, i just have strong feeling haha)

    Yea, seriously, the bible says we are ALL created in god image. It dosnt matter what color my skin is, the world has gotten over that. It dosnt matter what my sex is, the world has gotten over that. It dosnt matter what my sexuality is, the world WILL get over that.

    The vast majority of white conservative males who cant accept people being diffrent really hasnt helped america much. Image were the world would be if blacks and women and gays were all treated equal from the moment the deceleration was signed. I think America would have reached other worlds by now if it could get past all its ignorance
  2. Ben

    Full Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Absolutely, the true meaning of Jihad is an "inner struggle" to improve life around for oneself or society. It's probably the most misunderstood Islamic concepts and goes against one of the fundamental topics of "No compulsion in religion".
    It's one example of how words are easily twisted and these false words can be preached to large groups of people.

    Yes! If God is an all powerful, all knowing and all loving being (as religion would suggest), then he would not make people gay simply to go on to to condemn them for it, as that would be hypocritical of him.
    That's the largest flaw in anti-homosexual arguments in religion, in my opinion.
  3. Steve

    Regular Member

    May 30, 2008
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    Born in australia, but now living some where else
    holy sdhit people are quoting me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  4. Wander

    Wander Guest

    Jan 23, 2008
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    Central Alabama
    Sexual Orientation:
    Not all cancer is bad. It can teach the victims the value of time and to enjoy every day to its fullest.

    I understand that religion can be a positive force for some people, but as a whole I dislike it. I honestly think we would be so many more steps ahead if it were not for "traditional values" and the "sanctity of X".
  5. pirateninja

    Full Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Bath, England
    Are you a Saw fan? :grin:

    I remember a specific South Park episode "Red Hot Catholic Love" and their description of religion at the end is definitely one of my favourite morals:

    #25 pirateninja, Dec 13, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2008
  6. Daniel

    Full Member

    Jun 4, 2008
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    Buffalo, NY
    Just to point this fact out: The Roman Catholic stance on homosexuality is that it is not a sin to be a homosexual. However, sex outside of marriage no matter who a person is, is a sin. And marriage as in the Bible is between a man and woman in the current understanding of the translations.

    And that is the churches stance on homosexuality. It's fine but the whole sex thing without marriage is bad.

    Anyway I think religion is a good thing. I believe this for many reasons, many listed already. I also understand why people would not like religion and view religion as a bad thing.
  7. Numfarh

    Numfarh Guest

    I think I will say the exact same thing I said in the abortion thread.

    I am pro-science.

    I used to believe in the Christian personal God, but I'm pretty sure that s/h/it doesn't give a rat's behind about us on an individual level. Sure, you can pray all you want, but God won't do anything. Currently, I am forming my own belief system loosely based on the idea of energy flow. I'm trying to reconcile the concepts of entropy and enthalpy with the idea of a "soul". But I mostly do this as a comfort mechanism. In all likelyhood, there is no such thing as a soul, but those who we have loved and lost remain alive as long as there are those to remember them. Yeah, my religion is Lion King. Deal with it.

    Also, as a student studying evolutionary biology, it still boggles my mind that there are scientists who don't believe in evolution. People who honestly think that everything just plopped down in one big go.
  8. shakerdancee

    Regular Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    hehe, fagnosticism.
  9. Kryz

    Full Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Mexico City
    Believing in something it's not bad.
    Religion isn't bad either.
    But ignorant ppl managing religion.... that's bad.

    Nontheless I think ignorance isn't a choice...
  10. Meropspusillus

    Full Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    New Mexico
    Be careful with your analogies. Some people would consider your comparision of religion to Cancer to be VERY offensive.
  11. hoping

    Full Member

    May 20, 2007
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    I'm catholic and i believe that everyone has a right to believe what they want to believe but something i hate is when people go out of their way to criticise people for believing in something.
    Everybody who is religious doesntr mean they are bad people.
    It seems that so many people automaticly go with hate towards catholics because its deemed we are gay hating as a whole and yet and i know there are differences but i went to a catholic high school, all my friends were catholic and everyone one of them didnt care if a person was gay or anything, the school had a policy for everything
    gays, lesbians, black people, asians, there was no discrimination allowed and you know.
    My fathers mother is an atheist which is fine but everytime i see her she questions everthing about why im catholic and why i shouldnt believe in that and thats incredible offensive and i have noticed people on here also say things that are offensive to myself as a catholic it would be like someone coming up to you and screaming '' faggot'' in your face.
    My grandfather is incredibly old school catholic but you know what he hates when people spread hate around, his best mate of 20 years his nephew is gay and hes fine with it.
    So i guess what i'm trying to say is before you go and judge people for being religious try thinking about how you would feel when people judge you for being gay, black, asian, white, woman whatever, cause by doing that its one step towards living in a place we can trully be totally happy in.
  12. Trumpetplyer23

    Full Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    If religion is used in a proper way to aid everyone it's a good thing. However, when groups like the WBC take God's word and twists it, people get hurt.

    God does not hate homosexuals. God is a loving, kind, being. Condemning someone to hell just because they are attracted to the same gender isn't really God's thing.

    And Steve is right, we were all created in God's image. Why would God create an image that he hated of himself? If he hated homosexuality so much, why does he allow it to exist at all? He is an all-powerful being.
  13. Ben

    Full Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    The WBC use religion as a tool to try and justify their own outrageous views, and are very selective about their quotes to do so. That's how extremities of "religion" come about. If it were not for religion, they might twist science to encourage homophobia.
    Extremists like the WBC rarely take much notice of anything other than the most controversial verses.

    Postmodern Christians would even often argue against the whole concept of hell, commenting that it's just a tool used in the scriptures in order to scare the person into behaving themselves and living a good life (afterall, the whole point in punishment is retribution. Eternal burning in hell takes away the chance for retribution - thus rendering hell as either temporary or non-existent).
    If God exists, she loves gays. Anything contradictory to that would be contradictory to religion itself.