
Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Lacri, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. ccdd

    ccdd Guest

    My answer to this view - which I've heard a lot - would be: I wish that people would stop telling other people what they feel, and how to interpret their own feelings. I know what I feel, and I know that better than anyone else.

    I think that bisexuality is a valid orientation in itself. I believe this because I both experience it, and even if I were entirely straight or entirely gay, I wouldn't presume to tell another person what their feelings meant. This is not to deny that sometimes people might pass through a stage of feeling or believing they're bisexual before realising or accepting that they're actually gay - as this does happen - but it doesn't make it an invalid orientation.

    Bisexual people can be more attracted to one sex than another, or both equally.

    The way I have experienced bisexuality is that I am more frequently attracted to women, but that when I am attracted to someone or in love, it is with the same intensity. That is what I mean when I say "more gay than straight": that I am more frequently attracted to women than men, not that the feelings I have for men when I have them are any less than those I have for women. Also, it doesn't mean I like men and women at the same time, but rather, that I have the potential to love a man or a woman, and that at any one time I might be gay or straight, depending upon who I am attracted to or in love with at that moment.

    That's my opinion and experience anyway :slight_smile:
    #21 ccdd, Nov 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2008
  2. Derek the Wolf

    Full Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    Bisexuality does exist, period. No debate.
    I can't imagine being attracted to only 1 gender. I've never felt that way.
    It's just that simple.
  3. Omg thank you. I've been trying to explain my feelings for the longest time and that's the best way I've heard in a while. I'm more frequently attracted to men, but when I am attracted to a woman, it's with the same intensity that I'm attracted to a man with. That's why if I had to explain my feelings to someone and I had to use a label, bisexual would be the best label.
  4. Psychedelic Bookmarks

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    Oct 24, 2007
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    That's a really interesting comment. Thank you :slight_smile:

    I think it's important to recognise that a person's label is their own business - even if you can't understand bisexuality, I think that people who choose this label should be respected and not told that they're faking it / confused / attention-seeking / cowardly. Because although some may be like that, isn't what we're fighting for the rejection of stereotypes and the acceptance of people based on their personality, not their labels/preferences/identifications?
  5. ccdd

    ccdd Guest

    I agree with you on the point that it's up to the individual how they label themselves, and I'm glad my way of thinking about it helps a little :slight_smile:
  6. kh23172

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    Oct 23, 2008
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    Orlando, Florida
    Ugh this is funny. My story is very very frustrating and complex. I have also thought that I was bisexual, but I never dated girls, and experimented with boys. So, recently, I identified as gay, came out and all. I was fine with it, because I'm perfectly comfortable with myself.

    Although, in the last few days, with one of my close friends that is a girl, we have been talking about dating. I really do like her a lot, and she feels the same way. So.. we were talking and decided that we might start dating, because she can't seem to find a guy that treats her the way she wants - i pointed this out at least. So.. I've come to the conclusion that I AM bisexual, or pansexual, they're very similiar. I think that I can fall in love with people and be attracted to them independent of their gender.. apparently it is possible.

    I have strong feelings for a lot of people, including guys and girls... so I think that bisexuality does exist.

    That is my take on it, at least. :]
  7. Larry Myster

    Full Member

    Jan 16, 2008
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    Coos Bay, OR
    I see alot of people I know personally that thinkg bi sexuality for dudes is wrong, but 100% good with women....
  8. Trumpetplyer23

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    Feb 24, 2008
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    Sadly, I know people like that too. Mostly guys. They're like, 'hot chicks making out? SIGN ME UP!!!!!! WOO!". But if it's a bi guy, it's like, "Ewwww...he likes dick and he has a dick! EWWW...*runs away like a little girl*.

    It's not right, and it's not fair, but, that's just how the cookie crumbles, unfortuantly. I wish that everyone could see that bisexuality existed and that it wasn't a phase. And that there wasn't a double standard like SpielDog mentioned.
  9. jazzrawr

    Full Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Ontario, Canada.
    To quote Shane from the L Word - Sexuality is fluid. That's what I think.
    I identify as lesbian, and I am almost only attracted to girls, physically, sexually and emotionally.
    But, I do have physical attractions to some guys. I'm not interested in dating them or in sex, but I'm not only attracted to women.
    Some people just dont understand that sexuality doesnt have to be concrete. You can identify as whatever you want, but it doesnt change who you're attracted to.
    So, to answer the question, yes. I think bisexuality does exist, and it varies from person to person how much they are attracted to either sex.
  10. jazzyspazzy

    jazzyspazzy Guest

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Sexual Orientation:
    I've only been out as bi for, what, a month and I've already got "bi people are greedy/nymphomaniacs/gay and in denial/can't make their minds up/straight and trying to make themselves interesting/etc." I think that people think that it's one of two choices - straight or gay. They think that even if you do like guys and gals, you must have some sort of preference. I don't have any preferences whatsoever - whoever I like, I like, and I don't wake up one day and think "oh, I'll be into girls today" and the next day "oh, I'll be into guys today".

    Sexuality just doesn't work like that. I don't even think that you can give yourself a score from 1-10 depending on how gay you are. Things change, and you fall for people no matter what gender they are. People should just learn to love eachother and celebrate their sexuality. I don't think you can really give yourself a label and be completely accurate. There have been people who're straight as rulers but have fallen head over heels for another guy/girl. I think it's better to be easy about who you have feelings for than to direct yourself in a particular path. I'm not trying to be anti-gay or anything, it's just I think people in general should stop worrying about sexuality and just HAVE FUN!!! :thewave:
  11. BeautifulStranger

    Full Member

    Aug 26, 2007
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    Jukjeon-dong, Yongin-si
    My theory is alcohol.
    I have had sex with a woman, although it was under the influence. According to Kinsey's scale, that would make me 5. Which would classify me as 'bisexual'.
    I would never even consider having a relationship with a woman. In my oppinion, they spend too much time doing some of the most ridiculous things.
    Such as their nails... Cut them and get it over with.
    Shopping... I can do what they do in 1/8 of the time.
    Picking out an outfit... Again, I can do that in 1/8 of the time.
    Not to mention I just don't find anything on a woman appealing.
    Yes, I can admit that Dita Von Teese is absolutely gorgeous, or that Kristin Chenoweth has an amazing rack.
    But does that mean I want to hold them and kiss them and spend the rest of my life with them or any other woman? Absolutely not.
    I think there are plenty of other 'true homosexuals', which is the only label I can give us according to your theory. The ones who consider a relationship with someone not of their orientation, are still in denial.
  12. silentsound

    Full Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    I tend to think that less people are bi than say they are (I say coming from an environment where girls do it for attention) but quite honestly, after having been through questioning hell myself, if you tell me you're gay or straight or bi or trans or whatever I'll believe you, because the last thing you need is to have me telling you you're something that you're not when you've probably had enough of that from yourself. It's none of my business, it's your life.
  13. mj89

    Regular Member

    Jan 15, 2008
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  14. ccdd

    ccdd Guest

    Yeah, I hate it when girls pretend that they're bi for attention - not only does it add to people's misconceptions, but it's also really not very nice towards those of us who have to actually deal with being bi. That's not to say that I consider all girls who think they are bisexual, but then think they are straight, are doing it for attention - some people may truthfully be confused - but I've come across a lot of girls who pretend they're bi just to get the guys. It's actually really demeaning to those of us who are bisexual if someone who knows they're not pretends they are. Luckily I'm at an age where people do that a lot less, but when I was a bit younger it was really common - "cool" even - for straight girls to pretend they were bi. But not cool to actually be bisexual.

    Sorry I'm tired which is why I took so many words to say just one thing...

    Basically I dislike it when girls in particular fuel misconceptions about bisexuality by pretending to be so when they're not.
  15. musicgirl112233

    Full Member

    Apr 19, 2008
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    South Carolina
    I believe that love is blind.
  16. WhiteFox

    WhiteFox Guest

    Jul 18, 2008
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    Az Lake Havasu
    Sexual Orientation:
    ive read a couple posts on here of people that think that "bi" does not exist. well i have no reason to lie especially to this community that I am bi. i know because i was with a girl for 3 years and would probably still be with her if I never moved away and now i currently have a BF. I dont see people as men or woman I see them as simply human beings. the only thing that plays a factor in who I like is personality.