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Exposed my secret to my two best friends.. hard part still remains unexposed

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by ScentedRegrets, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. ScentedRegrets

    Full Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    New York City
    First, let me say thank you for taking the time to read my post. I am 23 years old, living just outside of New York City. I am gay, and have identified myself as gay since I was in the 9th grade; though, ever since the 6th grade, I always knew that I was much different than the other boys my age. Don't get me wrong, I come across as (in my opinion) a normal, everyday guy. I wear the same clothes that most other guys my age wear. I watch the same baseball and football games that most other guys my age watched. But something was always different. Something always kept me socially separated from my other male peers, ever since middle school.

    I publicly denied being gay all throughout high school, and then college. I tried to date a few girls just to end the suspicions of my friends. Nothing really went quite so well, so when I graduated from college last May (2007), I ended eight years of highschool and college life with two simple dates and nothing to show for it. I've literally spent the past month reading the coming out stories of others, and it really saddens me that I was so caught up in trying to satisfy the expectations of others that I never took a moment to set myself in the right direction to satisfy my own self. In a five months, I will turn 24, and in all likelihood, I will do so without ever having gone out on a date with a guy like I have wanted to do since I was in 9th grade.

    So here's the coming out part. My two best friends are actually two brothers. I went to a high school that had under 100 kids in my graduating class, so everyone knows everyone. So my best friend was always hanging out with his younger brother, and I often tagged along. Soon, we became very close friends, all three of us. To make a long story short, I ended up going to college with the older brother, let's call him Tim. Tim and I are the same age. Apparently, as he says, he's known for three years that I was gay. He always said that I am very "in touch with my feelings" and a very "flamboyant person." He said I am a masculine person overall but have very feminine movements sometimes. His brother, let's call him Louis, agrees. For the past two years, they'd always tell me that "dude, you're gay." I would always strongly deny this to them. Then, the other day, we were playing xbox 360 and they were talking about my flamboyancy. I wanted so badly to tell them that "yes, I am flamboyant, and I like guys!." But I didn't. Then Louis was telling me "dude, you really are flamboyant, and its really okay." So after trying to change the subject several times, I led them into the question. I said that I would tell them anything they wanted to know. They immediately asked if I was gay. I stumbled for several seconds, and then said "yeah, yes I am." And they responded by saying "now doesn't that feel like someone took a huge dump off your chest." And it really did.

    The next thing I have to do is figure out how to tell my parents. My mother will be okay with it - disappointed, but okay with it. But my father won't say anything, but deep down he will resent it. I didn't know him much growing up, and he will probably "blame" himself for some of it. But deep down, I think (and hope) that the love they have for me will stay the same. I just know that it is going to make everything feel awkward. Both of my teenaged neighbors are in steady (straight) relationships, and my father always reminds me that "those were the days." They would never tell me, but once I come out, I know they will forever think in the back of their mind that I am keeping this family from being a "normal" family. I just have to find the right time to tell them, and right now, I do not know when that will come. My best friends (Tim and Louis) have half-offered to tell them for me. They kind of envisioned me chickening out and them coming over, kind of like in Juno when she told her parents she was pregnant, and telling them for me more or less. I just do not know what to do. Have Tim and Louis tell them for me, email them, leave a note before going to work, or just tell them myself. I have a strong enough relationship (especially with my mom) that it would be insulting to email or write a note, so I kind of have to do it in person. I just don't know what the best time and setting to do it in would be. Any insight or advice would be more than appreciated. I bet my fellow community members on here can relate to how hard this is for me.

    Thanks again, and again I'm sorry for the length of this post.
  2. Cheese Love

    Full Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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    First of all, welcome and nice job! Your friends seem pretty fantastic. Heh, even though it sucks when they've been telling you for years. Trust me, I've been there.

    And good luck with your parents! I hope it goes well! <3
  3. Blaz

    Blaz Guest

    Jan 18, 2008
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    This is just awesome. You remind me very much of my best friend. . I hop[e he's not denying it like you were, but I think he is. He's tried to date but nothing ever lasted. He's a Dude overall, but he does have very feminine movements at time. And he's in touch with feelings, and he's told me he can't picture himself having sex with women. I've asked him too, but he just said "I'm 100% not gay, yep, not gay. . .so. .that's that".

    Anyways. . .

    Congratulations, you have some real good friends there. I hope everything goes well with your parents.
  4. Mirko

    Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Out to everyone
    First of all, hi and welcome to EC! Congratulations on coming out to your friends! You have made a huge step forward. I'm happy for you that it went well.

    When it comes to coming out to your parents, take your time with it. There is no rush. You need to feel comfortable and ready. Your parents might be in shock for the first little while (in particular if they don't suspect anything) but in time they will understand and come around to it. I do agree with you that you should come out in person rather than over e-mail. Also, I don't think that it is a good idea for your friends to tell this to your parents. It is something that only you should do because you are the only one that will know when you are ready for it.

    You will know when the right time has come. Having said this, try to avoid coming out to your parents during an argument or when they are in a rush. Try to tell them when everybody is relaxed and has the time to listen to you. Be prepared for some questions or any concerns that they might have. Maybe when you come out to them have some PFLAG material ready for them. You will find some of the information under the Sticky Thread in the Advice and Support section. EC will help you to get ready. No worries!

    I hope this helps!
  5. ScentedRegrets

    Full Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    New York City
    Thanks all for your comments - really, very much appreciated! As Asteroid said, I do not feel too much push to come out to my parents just yet. But then again, I am 23 years old and single, haven't had a boyfriend yet. Since I live at home with my parents, I see it as me having two options, since living at home and having a boyfriend *may* work, but I don't think it would be a comfortable option.

    First, I could put my focus on finding a boyfriend (not just a one- or two-date thing, but an actual person whom I love and who loves me back), and finding a place of my own. Then, once everything is set, I come out to my parents and give just a little distance to the situation.

    Or second, I could put my focus on coming out to my parents and family, and put finding a boyfriend on the back burner. Ultimately, I would like to find my own place within the next year. But something tells me that I just won't feel comfortable having a boyfriend and living in the same house as my parents.

    Here's the deal on my parents. My mother will be far more open and accepting than my father. She will say she loves me, and will ultimately stand behind me. But in the back of her mind (I know how she operates), she will be looking at everything differently, but never admit it. My father on the other hand, I doubt would want to kick me out of the house, but it would definitely put some *more* distance between us. And he would view me as a disappointment, though I doubt he'd tell me as much.

    Ideally, I would just find a place of my own, find a boyfriend, and not have to worry about coming out to my parents and family. But I fear that while my coming out may cause some tension, my failure to come out and then have an unexpected discovery without me coming forth beforehand, could tear apart the family.

    Sorry for the length of this post, too! Does anyone notice a trend :wink: Any advice is greatly appreciated. So many people on these forums seem so happy, I just want to get there myself!
  6. Mirko

    Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    No worries about the lengths of your posts. The more info you provide the better we can help you. :slight_smile:

    Of course it is really up to you as to how you want to go about it, but I think it might be 'easier' if you would come out to your parents first before settling down with a boyfriend. I think that if your parents know about your sexual identity their reception and acceptance of your boyfriend (which might be important to you) might be more positive than if you would surprise them with it. Of course your parents' reception of a boyfriend that you might want to introduce them to also depends very much on how they will react to your coming out, but something tells me that coming out to your parents first might be a better way to go.

    The idea that you have raised about not coming out to your parents or to your family at all, is something that I have pondered as well but I have come to the realization that this is not an option (at least for me) as it would mean the continuation of hiding an important part of me. Before you make that choice (and you've already hinted at a potential consequence of it) ask yourself if this is really worth it. In part we want to come out because we want our parents and other family members to get to know the real us. Coming out and being honest with them, allows us to stop the hiding and be ourselves. In some ways, by coming out to our parents we show them that we love them and that they mean a lot to us and that we want them to get to know us. As you have said, there might be some tensions, but in all likelihood it will pass and it will be forgotten with time.

    Having said this, timing and the approach you are going to take is of course very important in all of this. If you feel that your mom is going to accept you for who you are and is going to be supportive, I think it might be a good idea to come out to your mom first (whenever you feel ready to take that step). You could also try enlisting her support if you feel that you need it. Having the support of your mom might make it a bit easier for you to come out to your dad.

    Never underestimate the love that parents have for their children. Acceptance might take a while (and from the sounds of it especially that of your dad's), but with time they will accept you for who you are. Often parents are disappointed but that disappointment will not be in you but rather they will be disappointed that their dreams for you and their ideas about what life is going to look like once you have grown up haven't materialized. But, they will come around to it and realize that it is your life and that you live that life and no one else does.

    I hope this helps a bit.
    #6 Mirko, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  7. wantout16

    Regular Member

    Dec 31, 2007
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  8. GlindaRose

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    Jan 20, 2008
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    Welcome to EC and congratz on the coming out!! :grin:
  9. ScentedRegrets

    Full Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    New York City
    Thanks again, all. This past week has been a real roller coaster. I've seen the two best friends I came out to (two brothers) twice this past week, and it seems as if nothing has changed, which is *WONDERFUL*! We were actually watching a movie last night, and one of them said how hot this one woman was - later on, she had a baby and there was blood everywhere. I get very squeemish about the mere thought of three things: boobs, vaginas, and blood. And there were all three within a minute or two. And oh how good it felt to not have to pretend to be fascinated with the woman's body.

    Since my parents were down the hall, I actually, for the first time, threw in a small joke about my, umm, gayness LOL. I said "thank god I will never have to see that in real life." My two friends just laughed it off. Great night!

    I am so happy that things are unchanged between my two best friends that I really want to reveal my secret to my parents ASAP. But I can't get over this fear that everything will change for the better. My father was never really around when I was younger, but when I was in high school, he became more of a figure, although was never a very good role model. But he did come back for me. We have never been really close, and I just don't want him to view everything he's done in raising me as a failure, or to see me as a failure. And I don't want to break my mother's heart.

    But then again, something in my gut tells me that my coming out may not be all that much of a surprise. I am 23 and never had a girl friend, I do not have the types of posters you would expect late teen and early 20's straight guys to have, and I have always been very comfortable hanging out with my friends who are girls. I just want to go outside and SCREAM!!!

    Thanks to everyone who has taken the time out to talk to me. I have now officially spent six hours collectively today reading through all kinds of posts, and this community seems just down right awesome. I think I am going to be much more active here. Time to continue out of my shell!!

    Thanks again all!!!!
  10. GunStarre

    GunStarre Guest

    Good luck with telling your parents.
    If you feel uncomfortable telling your parents in person, do what most ECers have done: write them a letter.
    This way, it would give your parents time to think it through. You won't have to listen to them saying this is just a phase and whatnot.

    But, as you said, never having a girlfriend all your life may be a big clue for your parents to think you're not at all straight :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    But I'm super happy that your friends took your coming out well (!)
  11. ScentedRegrets

    Full Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    New York City
    Do you think this is really an indication of my orientation? I am just trying to figure out why my gut is telling me that my parents won't be surprised... but rather will just be disappointed when I confirm their suspicions.

    Aww, thank you :smilewave
  12. BitterEdge

    BitterEdge Guest

    Congrats...however I will say not having a gf ever doesnt mean your gay...some people just don't do those types of things...I have a few friends like that and they aren't gay.