Cycling Woes

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by SlickyPants, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. SlickyPants

    Full Member

    Oct 6, 2007
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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    So earlier this month I purchased a bicycle and have been pretty much getting around exclusively by cycling or walking. It's saved me a ton of gas and/or bus fair and it is good exercise.

    Anyway, after work I went to the gym and then started to head home but while on the highway I somehow popped my rear tire. I carried my bike to a nearby dirt road and changed the inner-tube. What a real pain in the wazooo! The rear tire in particular. That and it is mosquito-season where I live (generally considered bad for mosquitoes) and I was eaten alive while I changed the tube. Maybe it's time to invest in a cell phone to call for a ride if I get stuck that far from home :grin:

    My front tire went flat a few weeks earlier as well(my fault, didn't see the pothole).

    Maybe I'm just unlucky but does anyone have any cycling horror stories to make me feel better?

    (Yes, I'm a terrible person for wanting to hear about other people's troubles to cheer me up!)
  2. jayy237

    Regular Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Live in Wales, uni in England
    if i cycled more then i would not want to hear horror stories because it just would leave me paranoid

    one time i was cycling with friends up a mountain a long long way from home, and my chain snapped and i went flying over the handlebars and badly hurt my arm and cut my face. i then had to carry the bike home, which took 4 hours. not cool
  3. Hoppip

    Full Member

    May 27, 2008
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    When I was five-ish, I was going down a hill REALLY fast, and I completely face planted it. Practically peeled my face off.

    I lost a permanent tooth and two baby teeth. (The permanent tooth was one of the frontmost ones on my top jaw). I have a retainer with a tooth on it that I wear now.

    And I have a scar on my nose.
  4. cc6log

    Full Member

    May 29, 2008
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    When I was younger I used to try and ride my bike a block with my eyes closed. Got pretty good at it until I tried doing it up a hill for a block and apparently when I stand on the bike I tend to veer one way and the next thing I knew my front tire met the curb and I flew over the couple feet of grass between the road and sidewalk to land right on the sidewalk. I ended the eyes closed riding after that... These days I've lucked out with the bike problems so far...
  5. smilealways

    smilealways Guest

    Worst thing ever that happened to me was the time I was biking home from school.
    I was going down hill really fast and then I noticed that the handlebar was in a higher position. It felt strange so I looked at it and then I found out that it wasn't attached to the bike frame anymore. :eek:
    But the lucky thing was that brakes still worked so I applied them slowly and it came to a stop after about 10 seconds but it seemed like ages.
    Funny thing is that I can't ride with no hands at all (still can't) but some how I managed when this happened. :confused:
  6. Poring

    Full Member

    May 28, 2008
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    Somewhere in Asia :o
    Ouch. :eek:
  7. eclipse

    eclipse Guest

    My bike is my main method of transportation in Boston. Freakin love it... except for crazy drivers. I was hit once by a woman who cut me off while she was talking on her cell phone. If it wasn't for the fact that I was wearing a helmet, I would probably have been in a coma. Yup - I hit my head on the pavement. No worries though, I miraculously had only a few scratches and bruises.