
Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by bitou, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. MeskElil

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    Apr 29, 2008
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    I'm glad Obama won, but I honestly think this whole primary has split the Democratic Party right down the middle, and probably the only way to bridge it would be for him to have Clinton as his VP (which would probably be a smart move to have some experience on his side, I think.) I'm not sure if he will, though, considering she has been a real bitch to him (no offense to her supporters, who I'm not that far from, incidentally) because of her *slight* mudslinging and lack of acceptance of defeat. But I hope he does...I think it really would be a smart move. She is a really good politician and either one of them would have been good on the november ballot.

    As Republicans go, I honestly think McCain would be a good president compared to Bush, who was just a #$@% @#$#@ $#&, if you know what I mean. At least he knows what a horrible thing this war is and knows that the country is REALLY screwed up, instead of sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling LALALA like Bush is doing.

    This is really going to be an interesting presidential race...but the thing is that this country couldn't get much worse.

    I wonder what people generations from now will say when they look back on George W. Bush in their history classes. "And here, students, is the worst president in the U.S. history, who fought a useless war and reduced the value of the dollar to dust, as well as much much more..."

    Anyway, that's my bit.
  2. bitou

    bitou Guest

    No one care about those who think that Obama will ruin this country. He will be far better than Bush who is very deficient. Mccain is a war monger , I am not scare to say that. Obama will the greatest president of our time . I really have a word for some folks here. We should know how to discuss by respecting other people opinion. It is not helpful to try to destroy Obama because you support someone else. I know Obama is great , and some people won't vote for him because he is black. Others and I believe the majority will. I think that I am very dismay by some people words here on EC. We want people to respect us and respect ours sexuality. How do we expected that if we can't respect each others here. I am a strong Obama supporter and I would not let anyone say nasty stuff about him. You can disagree with him , but in a classic fashion. Obama is the next president and if someone don't like it , I think the person will just have to deal with it. Like we are dealing with Bush .
    #42 bitou, Jun 5, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2008
  3. MeskElil

    Full Member

    Apr 29, 2008
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    Southern California
    Amen to that! Let's be civil here...but honestly, politics is very thin ice to walk on...I always avoid the subject at school, where about 76.5% of the people support bush (I made the number up, but you get the point.)
    Let's everyone play fair, okay?
    (Wow, I sounded like my PE teacher...pardon me for that.)
  4. yaoi fanboy

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    Jan 6, 2008
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    in a closed-minded town
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    everyone on the track team calls me Obama

    anyways Obama swayed the crowds by his excellent speaking ability. Just like Adolf Hitler........
  5. Quitex

    Quitex Guest

    And just to add: As we dont want people trash-talking Obama, I wouldn't like people Trashtalking McCain either: It is just being fair.
  6. bitou

    bitou Guest

    Well , I had to hit back. As we have deal now, that cool
  7. Quitex

    Quitex Guest

    My apologies, I didn't directed this just to you. It was for everyone.

    I do understand this political thing is important and blah blah blah, however, in my opinion, it is getting off limits. We already have two threads discussing how Hillary should've won, how Obama is best and how McCain shouldn't win. Do we need a third one saying that McCain should win?

    My point is: Just lets take it easy. As I already pointed out, the multi quoting and the humongous questions being directed here and there are making me nervous.
  8. beckyg

    beckyg Guest

    Mar 19, 2007
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    I'm sorry but McCain has publically supported a federal marriage amendment which would permamently define marriage as "one man, one woman". I'm not sure why you think he would support gay marriage.
  9. Austin

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    Apr 5, 2008
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    Out to everyone
    I don't want either of them ;-;
  10. jroakwood

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    Apr 7, 2007
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    im not afraid to say that obama is as popular as he is because he is black.
    african americans flocked to him because of that, because of something as trivial as his skin color.
    the only person who has made it about race is him, and his supporters.
    i honestly dont blame anyone who doesnt vote for him for that same reason.
    it works both ways.

    i dont support obama, i dont know if i would support obama if hillary was on the bottom end of the ticket either.
    i love hillary with all my heart, but i dont want to see her as second-banana on the demorcratic ticket.

    the democratic party stabbed her in the back.
    i wish she would turn her back on them.
    and the liberal media were against her from the beginning.
    she is probably too loyal and too good of a person to do this, but i wish she would run as an indpendent, because she is the only candidate that i want to be my president.

    i personally could not say i have respect for hillary and then support obama after this primary season and the things he has said about her.
    i dont respect him, especially for that church he went to.
    even if hillary tells her supporters to back obama, i dont think i can do it, because i know in the long run, hillary would want us to do what we feel.
    #50 jroakwood, Jun 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2008
  11. 24601

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    Jun 18, 2007
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    Saying that everyone who dislikes Obama dislikes him because he's black is a little bit of a stretch, don't you think? If people honestly want to put race in the past, then it's kind of silly to use it as an excuse for liking or disliking a political candidate. It bothers me when black people say they support Obama just because he's black, or white people say they dislike him because he's black, or any mix of the two. People should put a little more thought into who the next president should be and not base their decisions on such superficial things. I realize there are bigots in the world who don't like Obama because he's black, but bringing up the issue over and over is not going to make it go away, and it won't change people's minds.

    I never really liked any of the candidates, but felt like Hillary had stronger and more definite positions, as well as a more solid background. Obama, however, does have the charisma and leadership to truly inspire people (as anyone who has seen a speech of his has seen), which is also huge for a president, and lack of experience does not necessarily mean he will make bad decisions in office. I have never supported McCain for a number of reasons, but I do think a lot of attacks against him are unwarranted. As a Republican, he has voted surprisingly liberally in the past, although his warmongering does detract quite a bit from that.

    As a Democrat, I'm very disheartened that there is such a divide in the Democratic Party, and wonder if things might have gone a little better had other candidates gotten the momentum from the start, like my old pal Bill Richardson. Regardless, though, things are how they are, and Obama is a lot better than McCain. With his victory in this past primary, I now fully support him in the upcoming general election.

    I just hope the split can be healed, and McCain does not win the presidency, as I fear looks likely at the moment.
  12. bitou

    bitou Guest

    Well, I will stand by my words. just look the message above you . that person says I quote"black people flocks on Obama because is black" . What a limited and reckless statement . I am mixte , and raised by parent of two races. I am proud to share a part of the two races. Obama make the African americain community proud. Yes it is not that as bad as that person want to put it. Do you know the story of the africain americains ? I don't think so. If you see I least one person who came from a minority group and his best qualifed to become President , How bad is it if he has the support of that group. Do you have ( the person above you) any idea how Obama may change or affect the lives of Africain Americain kids and other races. you have no clues , don't you ? do you even know the historical significance of what is Happening now in this country? you don't have to be black to see that. I am very shocked that some people here who want to be respected in this society because of their sexual orientation are the first one to carry the flag of bigotry. Saying that Obama has the support of black people because he is black is some quite offensive. Clinton had the support of women , why? because they want break the barriers by having a first woman president . I don't think that is bad . but for you some black people should not do that. Why? because they Black?
    #52 bitou, Jun 5, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2008
  13. Jeimuzu

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    Aug 22, 2007
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    Look, people, you've now got a choice. It's simpler now.

    Obama or McCain?

    Think about their policies. Think about their attitude. Think about what you want for your country. Then say who you really want. Don't make this about Hillary.

    To people thinking about her as 'second' if she joins Obama, keep in mind that right now, she's one of the two senators looking after 1/50th of America. You support her on her VP ticket, and suddenly she's the second most powerful person in America. Suddenly, she's got the biggest promotion of her life. Okay, so she's not the president, but do you honestly not think that she'd be in a better position to make decisions if she sided with Obama?

    So many people here claim to like Hillary, yet in a choice between seeing her as:

    The second most powerful person in the country, with the only man above her agreeing on most policies and only disagreeing on certain things that could undoubtedly achieve a compromise;


    Seeing her stay in a position as the junior senator of New York, while the person who differs in beliefs with her the most is given complete control of the country you live in;

    It appears that plenty would prefer the latter. Are you sure you're Hillary fans? I mean, if I liked Hillary, I'd want to put her in the strongest decision-making position I could.

    Finally; if Hillary runs independent, McCain wins. On the balance, just over half the democrats would vote for Obama, just under half, for Hillary. This isn't even nearly good enough for either of them to win. If you combine those votes, that might just do it.
  14. jroakwood

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2007
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    my point is, why should hillary swoop in and back obama when he made her out to be a racist, and went to a racist church?

    she didnt have a 90-10 % point difference when it came to women, as obama did when it came to african americans.
    i dont like that i am called a racist because i dont support obama and that i think that he has the support of african americans because he is black, which is pretty much what you just said, but when i say it its taboo.
  15. jroakwood

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    Apr 7, 2007
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    what happens if nobody would win the required amount of electoral college votes needed to claim the presidency?
    im hoping im not incorrect in saying that the senate would decide?

    i dont know.

    but as for hillary being in a more powerful position....
    i just dont see hillary playing second banana. and i dont expect her to.
    nor do i want her to.
    she does an amazing job as a senator.
    and ill just wait until 2012 for a second chance.
  16. bitou

    bitou Guest

    Well , I don't think that you see that the way I see it. I challenge you the read the Africain Americain history ( you don't have to). You will have an idea of where they caming from. they are proud to see one of them who can break the odds. Do you know the rate of africain americain kids who are growing up withoud a father in the house? I don't think so. 49% you see that? Now , do you know how inspiring Obama election can be for those kids? you don't care. Do you know how important Obama will plays as a role model? why is it wrong for those kids parents to support him? so they can teach their children. If a gay person was running for an Office and people were refering to his sexuality as a liability ( that is what you doing) how would you feel about that? Understant others before to judge. I'm not refering to you as a racist, but you just don't understand.
    #56 bitou, Jun 5, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2008
  17. jman77

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    Aug 16, 2006
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    im very happy obama got the nomination even though im not going to vote for him lol i would rather see him in office then hillary. his nomination is obviously a huge step and everything but im still voting mccain lol
  18. Jeimuzu

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    Aug 22, 2007
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    Right now, she's playing something like eightieth banana in the US, if we're gonna put it like that. Right now, she's behind Obama anyways.

    And if she becomes VP, and if Obama is not good enough, she can go for it again in 2012. She'd have spent time gathering even more experience, it'd be yet another feather in her cap. Whereas otherwise, she's the person who never quite made it. Just another name. People don't remember who the failed candidate for the democratic or republican ticket was. But they remember VPs quite often.

    Right now, she has the joint control over New York. If she joins the Obama ticket, she'd gain joint control over America. So she'd not be President. She'd still be in a position to influence America. And either way, she can still run again in 2012, can't she?
  19. Nodnarb

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    Oct 10, 2007
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    Three scenarios here:

    1.) Hilary accepts the VP spot, and Obama had a successful 8 years in office - Hilary become the front-runner for 2016.

    2.) Hilary runs as an Independent against Obama and McCain - Her political career is virtually over. Enough people in the Democratic Party don't like her as it is; if she tries to sabotage the November election, she would be HATED by more than half the Party.

    3.) She goes back to the Senate and tries again in 2012 or 2016.

    There were other comments in this thread that I really wanted to respond to, but I don't want to say something to one of you guys that I would regret.
  20. bitou

    bitou Guest

    Well , even though I am a strong Obama suppoter , I think that she is an extraordinary political figure.