BMI Testing...

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Jerr, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. Jerr

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    Ok... the fat tax got me thinking and I remembered the BMI testing that the school wanted us to do... because in Arkansas we had Huckabee and.... well... hopefully he shall die a slow and painful death...

    At my school we are no longer allowed to buy cokes before 1 p.m. so really only after school. We don't have snack machines anymore... although the pizza is still greasy as ever even if it doesn't come from cici's like it use to... Why? Because we are fat... ok look around your class... there are REALLY only about 5 people you would be like FAT... then there are like 30 at max that you would call overweight... then there is the other 200 people in the class who are skinny, average or athletic... at least that is how it was at my school... I mean even in band there were REALLY only like 20 people I would call overweight/fat out of the 250 members we had I mean that is what I saw.... I was probably missing the massive amounts of MASSIVE students they talked about...

    Another thing... because we are fat... my mom (Pre K Teacher) is NOT allowed to give candy as a treat... she gave 1 skittle or m&m of their choice color as a treat... she would now get in trouble because she is creating fat youth... with the one skittle or M&m which they burned off by writing their name on the paper..... gah... angers me...

    Huckabee was once fat then lost a lot of weight so now everyone must lose weight as he has done... (they showed his son and I would HATE to be his son... his son is like 270-300+ easy)

    Well I Just have STRONG distaste for all of this stupid crap.

    Here is what a website said about it:

    What's Your BMI? It's Important

    BMI, which stands for Body Mass Index, isn't exactly a household word, but you should know why it's important.

    BMI is a figure calculated from your height and weight. It's recognized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and The World Health Organization as the best standard to judge obesity.

    People with BMIs between 19 and 22 live longest. If your BMI is too high (25 or above), you're at greater risk than people with a normal BMI to die prematurely from chronic health problems. Examples of chronic health problems are high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, respiratory problems, and endometrial, breast, prostrate and colon cancer, the NIH says. Conditions associated with being overweight are the second-leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Smoking is the first.

    Diane Krieger, M.D., director of the South Miami Hospital Diabetes Care Program, says your BMI is an important health tool because your weight alone "doesn't tell the whole story."

    "I look at it as a vital sign, like blood pressure, heart rate and temperature," says Krieger. "It just helps people to understand where they are in the risk category."

    Knowing your BMI is no longer strictly for adults. To combat the rising obesity rate among children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published the first BMI charts for children.

    Making sense of the numbers

    BMI = [Weight in pounds ÷ Height in inches ÷ Height in inches] x 703. For example: A person weighing 210 pounds and is 6 feet tall would have a BMI = 210 pounds divided by 72 inches divided by 72 inches multiplied by 703 = 28.5

    According to the NIH, your BMI score means the following:

    * Underweight: below 18.5

    * Normal: 18.5 to 24.9

    * Overweight: 25 to 29.9

    * Obese: 30 to 39.9

    * Extremely obese: 40 and above

    About 97 million Americans - 55 percent of the population age 20 or older - are overweight or obese, according to the NIH, which says obesity "poses a major health challenge." In addition, 11 percent of American children between the ages of 6 and 17 are overweight, compared to 5 percent in the 1960s and 1970s, according to the most recent federal statistics from the National Health and Nutrition Survey.

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says seven out of every 10 overweight children ages 10 to 13 will likely have weight problems as adults. However, the new BMI charts for children give pediatricians a better tool to identify potential weight problems at an early age. These BMI charts are more accurate than the weight-to-stature charts that pediatricians have been using since 1977 for boys younger than 12 and girls age 10 and under, according to the CDC.

    The website has its own thing for you to enter in your height and weight... to find out your bmi!
  2. tinkerbell

    Regular Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    My high school did the same thing. I support it. America is fat and unhealthy, and things need to change. It is also filled with eating disorders, and treatment should be free and at local clincs instead of specialty ones in Los Angeles whose prices are staggering. That is another topic altogether--sorry.
  3. 24601

    Full Member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    24.4, wow! I am normal, for once in my life! Haha... barely, though. For my whole life I have been fat, and I've gotten around to losing weight now. My old BMI was 30.1. Yikes.
  4. Qu_

    Qu_ Guest

    I'm comfortably sitting at 21.85 :icon_bigg Although it has gone up from the even 20 I was not too long ago, but quitting swimming is to blame for that.

    We also have similar restrictions at our high school, and it's annoying as crap. Although, I can see where it is coming from considering all of the overweight people at my school. I'd say around 30% are overweight. But seeing as that is a rather ambiguous term, I'll also say that only like...maybe 10% could be considered fat. The rest are just on the pudgy side.
  5. Mine's 22.2. Im normal. Yay.
  6. Micah

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    Feb 8, 2005
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  7. Jerr

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    They would send you home with a message that you are at high risk of becoming overweight... although you are close and someone would say "Oh, they are close!" Telling a 9th grader they are at high risk of getting fat in the future was a bad move... although I love the weight I lost as a result! (High risk my ass... can't predict the future!) (Yay eating disorders!) I did it fast and in an unhealthy manner... of course that weight did drop FAST... I mean hell it was only a summer I dropped 20 lbs... 180-160...

    Oh and with mine I believe I got a 23 (I forgot to click... I did mine but I did others as well)

    My lowest weight I can get to period... without just removing an organ is 158. I believe it was 22 something... (Again too lazy to REALLY go back and check)


    If the US didn't pride beauty above all else and worrying about everyone getting fat... do you think there would be as many eating disorders?

    Does it really help to punish all kids because some are overweight?

    Wouldn't that make the kids who aren't overweight mad and thus encourage teasing on the overweight ones?

    Oh... and Who teases on the fat kids anymore? I mean yeah you do up until like high school MAYBE... The only reason I did at all was because the fattest person in our grade was friends with my best friend of the time... and he was ANNOYING as hell. Him being fat was just an easy thing to target on... Course there was also calling him gay and such. (Hey in 5th/6th grade gay was still an insult I used... meh fear of being I guess... although doing 3rd base with a friend should have clued me in earlier lol)
  8. I did the same thing this summer went from 180 to 160
  9. Kimi

    Full Member

    Feb 17, 2007
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    21.1 WOOHOO I'm a normy:icon_bigg

    My old school in Alabama had same kind of rules because Alabama is the fattest state in the U.S. or something. Basically, they stop selling french fries(chips) at cafeteria and tea(it's not ordinary tea, but it has about 40% of suger in it) and other drinks and snacks too.

    But there were still vending machines in the gym building and art building, and we can buy anything whenever we want.

    It did break my heart that there is no longer french fries:tears:
  10. liszak

    Regular Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Even for those who are not overweight or obese, eating a high-sugar, high-fat diet can be unhealthy. I'm pretty sure schools are mostly concerned about general health consciousness, not just whether or not students are fat.

    And as for who teases fat kids -- almost everyone. I've been out of high school for a while now, but from what limited exposure I have to youths -- and, in fact, even from some of the discussions that have taken place on this board -- I can tell that it's still really, really hard to be an overweight or obese kid/teen in today's society. And it's not much easier to be an overweight or obese adult either.
  11. Jerr

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    w00t for us!

    Oh, In Arkansas all students are required to have at least 30 minutes of PE a day... so basically if you are in Athletics or in one of the grades that has PE mandatory you are fine... if not you have to come to school at 7:20 to walk the track... OR Have a parent sign off that you do get at least 30 minutes of physical exercise a day...

    I had Band for one semester and in that one Semester I did more of a work out then anyone who walked the track for like a year solid... at least... Color Guard... woo lol So I got to chill on hot pavement during school and after school and I got to twirl a flag... ALTHOUGH... twirling was done even when they were stopped and working on the other half of the field for the sheer fact of wind = good lol
  12. Jerr

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    Well the plus side is... all those who bought things from the vending machines every day... now buy the packs of the stuff from walmart for cheaper!

    Our schools hate it... They were getting money off of us! lol

    I guess I just don't surround myself with those who are mean to fat people... other then my mom... she is mean to my sister... but I think that is more some stupid way to try to make her get healthy so she won't have issues... (Issues are expensive!)

    Does it help how overweight kids are treated by taking all these measures? I mean honestly if a kid wants to eat unhealthy things... they will. Stopping it at school really does nothing but make them smart enough to save their money by buying the boxes of it.

    As for the thin ones who just enjoy a candy bar every now and then or a bag of chips... Who are they going to blame for the loss of our num nums? Huckabee!!!! Well... he isn't within sniper range... so The fat kids!!!

    More money is a good thing I guess... more money easier to buy the extremely overpriced games of today... or the freaking A awesome games of yesteryear! (Hello awesome SNES RPGS that cost around 25-40 each!)
  13. xequar

    Full Member

    Mar 20, 2007
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    Detroit area, Michigan
    BMI, from everything I've read, is NOT a great indicator of health. Instead, one should consider their body fat percentage. Body fat percentage can be measured in several ways, and tells you EXACTLY what your body's composition is, and quickly and easily reveals if you have too much fat. For males, over 20-21% is overweight, and over 25-27% is obese. The numbers are different for females, but i don't recall what they are at the moment. BMI is imprecise at best.

    At the moment, I'm at 17-19%, depending upon when I jump on my scale (I have one that measures body fat via electrical resistance).
  14. Jerr

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    That reminds me...

    If they admit that those are are physically fit are often considered overweight because of what the BMI doesn't take into account.... who do they base how many overweight children there are in Arkansas? Plus... what about the naturally skinny people who CAN'T gain weight... (Although a few of my naturally skinny friends ended up scoring obese on the bmi... don't ask I was as shocked as they were) Or well... maybe they can't gain weight but they can weigh a decent amount but have no fat on them... bone/muscle...

    There are a lot and by a lot I mean at least 1/3 of my graduating class that was all like people in shape... 6 pac and worked out all the time. Highly Athletic Individuals...

    So because the BMI shows them as overweight.... our overweight kids numbers just went from like oh 10-20% of my class to 40-50%.

    If they wanted to measure the body fat. That would be awesome.
  15. wtfbrandon

    Regular Member

    May 19, 2007
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    BMI is 16.8 [blah, underweight]. Not sure my body fat percentage, but I don't imagine it's very high.
  16. Kimi

    Full Member

    Feb 17, 2007
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    We had a thread about body fat few month ago:

    And you can estimate your body fat percentage by this site:
  17. tinkerbell

    Regular Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    If the US didn't pride beauty above all else and worrying about everyone getting fat... do you think there would be as many eating disorders?
    No. Gods I wish they would pull their heads out of their asses. I blame my anorexia on the media...even though it's actually part of an anxiety disorder.

    Does it really help to punish all kids because some are overweight?
    Yes. It helps keep them at a healthy weight.

    Wouldn't that make the kids who aren't overweight mad and thus encourage teasing on the overweight ones?
    Fat kids will always be teased.
  18. Miaplacidus

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    Feb 3, 2007
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    20.1 here. It used to be like 18.
  19. CrimsonThunder

    Full Member

    Jul 2, 2007
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    South Australian!
    BMI is wrong. It doesnt take into account how much muscle you have.
  20. JayHew

    In Loving Memory Regular Member

    Mar 20, 2007
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    Glennallen, Alaska
    Some above have gotten the word, the BMI is a lousy measurement of health or obesity. It fails to take into account lean muscle mass verses fat mass. The military adopted it and found they were sending letters to men threatening them with discharge because their BMI was too high and they were classified as obese. When looking at the men in person, each was a runner up to Mr. America in build! It is another government sponsored mess up that fails to live up to its claims. Lean muscle mass to fat mass remains the best measurement. Use this calculator with caution or at least a grain of salt.