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most embarrasing moment?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by crimsonarcher, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. erod123

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    May 27, 2009
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    Temple, TX
    i would say when i fell going up the stairs in school
  2. Ugh. One time when I was like, eight, I was at a restaurant. It was a restaurant at an airport. I was hanging out by the gumball machine. I saw this dude who looked EXACTLY like my dad. I said "Daddy, can I have a gumball?" at least 10 times to him. He bought me the gumball, but when he turned around to give it to me, I saw that he was, in fact, a different person. I wanted to fall off the face of the earth when that bullshit happened. Looking back at that incident, I think the dude was a pedophile. Why else would he buy candy for a little boy that he doesn't even know?!

  3. VampConspiracy

    Full Member

    Jun 23, 2010
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    Choosing a single incident is difficult. Why? Because it happened a multitude of times during my childhood and even up into the first couple of years of high school. I used to have rather violent emotional reactions, sometimes to what other people would see as minutia. Literally went to a mental hospital at six years of age. And after the reactions? Scared as hell, and wanted to find a hidey hole. Not fun.
  4. Colton

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    Jan 1, 2010
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    Probably today when I was talking to my friend, and this conversation happens;

    Brother: You lesbian!
    Friend: Uhhhh...I'm straight, thank you very much.
    Brother: Haha it's fine. Colton's bi. Huh? Who's Austin? You called him sexy"

  5. Harve

    Full Member

    May 25, 2009
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    apart from the whole paedo bit, i think similar things've happened to me like 5 times. the worst thing was that for some of them i was like 12 :|
  6. x2x2x2x2y2

    Full Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    Wonderland (and California, USA)
    I don't really have any embaressing moments, atleast not any that I can think of. One thing I do do alot is trip over nothing, although I usually catch my balance so that I don't fall. It's pretty embaressing.

    Oh!! Remembered something: when I was like 10 my dad and I were at my grandmas house with some of my family. We were all sitting outside talking. So I really have to go pee but I don't wanna go in the house because all the lights are off and it's creepy. I kept telling my dad to go with me but he keeps telling me to wait. Finally, I can't hold it in any longer and just go in my pants. In front of a lot of my family. I was so embarrassed.
  7. GoinStag

    In Loving Memory

    May 28, 2010
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    Metro Detroit, Michigan
    I was actually able to think of a better one that happened like the last week of school this year. We have a History teacher named Mrs. Johnston, and she has OCD. Like she repeats herself ALOT, and has to have everything that she writes on the chalkboard a perfect certain way. Well anyways she had to talk to my friend Tyler after class while everyone went to lunch. After the talk, she got down to the lunch room (her and a few teachers have the same lunch time as us) before Tyler did. Well she sat at the table behind us (idk why). My side of the table had our backs turned to her but I still noticed her sit down. Well my friend Martin didn't lol when Tyler sat down my friend Martin nice and loud said "Ay Tyler how many times did Johnston repeat herself". I thought I was gonna die she totally heard. Then to make matters worse, he said it again lol we finally pointed her out to him he was so embarrassed lol.
  8. UnAmourFatal

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    Jun 21, 2010
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    oh, i just remembered, so we had this school-leaving ceremony thing in 8th grade, and i was kinda the nerd of the school, going to competitions, having straight As through all the 8 years, and it turns out that the local TV wants to interview me, so this reporter woman walks up to me, and I totally mistake her to the grandma of one of my best friends, and I give her 2 kisses on the cheek. She was like :eusa_eh: . Got over it quite quickly though, but i still felt like a moron..apologized after, she said it was nothing, and she was actually glad. I bet she lied :grin:

    Ooh and there's this recurring thing, it ALWAYS keeps happening...I just always start gossiping about or just insulting people who are in the room and i don't notice or simply forget about them:grin:
    There's this guy nobody likes (lets jut name him X) and he's got a look-alike in the school, who happened to sit next to me that day on the bus. So what's the first thing i do when i enter class? Run to my friends and yell 'GUESS WHO SAT NEXT TO ME ON THE BUS?! THE X-LOOK-ALIKE!' nobody laughs, i turn around and see X sitting there...

    So such things keep happening, and i just can't stop myself, i always start talking about the wrong person..:grin:
  9. FrostedLemon

    Regular Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    British Columbia, Canada
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    I have a teacher like that too and I've said the same things about her but I haven't been caught... yet. :grin:
  10. IsItSo

    Regular Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    I'd have to really think for a while to remember. The thing that comes to mind first (although I've probably been through worse) is when I fell in the shower on a school trip and cut my ear open. My roommates saw me naked, which wouldn't necessarily have been so bad if they gossip about it behind my back and describe my cock as "tiny" to the whole class.