Something Off My Chest (Very Long Post)

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by LostBoye, Mar 31, 2018.

  1. LostBoye

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    Mar 31, 2018
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    I don't know how to start this, but I had to get this off my chest. For the couple last years I've been thinking and trying to re-construct memories from my childhood and trying to clear out things for me, like why I do certain things or why I don't do or like other things. Couple of times it has hit me hard, mostly at night where I usually slip too deep and end up eventually crying myself to sleep. Crying purifies. However it has been a while it has hit me this hard and I ended up creating an account here (could not remember the old one anymore) and sharing my world.

    So to begin with I'm 22 years old and I recently, a couple of months ago, moved to my first own flat ever. I've been enjoying it so far quite nicely. My "story" you might want to call it starts pretty much when I was born. I am the youngest of 4 brothers (2 are half-brothers, 1 is "full" brother). I consider myself introvert but just now I've started to think if I really am an introvert but if I am avoiding contact because of my childhood, that I am slowly trying to construct with my memories.

    Supposedly no one remembers their early child-hood very clearly, neither do I. My earliest memories are from the age of 4, when we moved from my birth-place to a few other places, eventually ended up far away from our original home. Me for around 12 years. Anyway, in our family we never talked about the past, supposedly it is very fragile topic and it is avoided, apart from my younger half-brother, who has cut out his parent (my mother and his father) from his life and doesn't want to have any contact our mother anymore. This is a key factor as for long I had had memories that I did not want to believe to be true and I could not verify them, as no one ever talked about them and I had no one to turn to.

    As kid's we were beaten up, not by our father, but by our mother. My child hood memories are extremely vague and I have only a few memories of it happening but I think my unconsciousness knows a lot more than I can acknowledge. This is something I cannot verify. My parents always worked a lot (as long as I remember) and around the age of 7 my mother left and started to study. Again, this is something that I cannot verify as I was not told what actually happened back then and there's no way for me to know it. Anyway, we brothers spent most days alone and I have very very few memories of our family spending any time together at all. Yet some adult must've been present daily, I just have no memory of who it was, most likely my father.

    When I was 9 my parents divorced. We were not informed about it, but one day my mother just announced that she was leaving, took one of my half-brothers with her (other one was already living on his own). I too wanted to join her (for some reason), but my father told no and I stayed with him and my brother. We were interviewed by some kind of child-support asking how we kids were doing (as far as I know). I was told by my mother not to tell anything as she had supposedly hear that the person is "a bit crazy". Back then I had no idea that this was manipulation and I never thoughts it had much impact - she lost against my father when it came down to our custody. A few years later my brother started to fail in school and he decided to move to my mother, I was left alone with my father. I guess the problems start to kick-in when I grew up a bit older, around age 15 I started to wonder why I have absolutely no idea of my past. I had these "outlines" like where I've lived but other than that I only had very specific individual memories stuck in my head but nothing that I could make a clear picture out of. I remember walking against a tree and getting a nose bleed. I remember starting a fire with a magnifying glass with my brother and stealing matches from our old neighbour. But I have nothing concrete made out in my head. At age 15 I had already "known" I was gay for a couple of years. I guess "realise" is a better word to use. So I was 15 year old closeted gay guy, no one knew I was gay and I had no one to talk to - talking never happened in our family - ever. What made matters worse was the fact that I had these "vague" memories of my childhood, for long I thought they were just my imagination and that those beatings never took place. When I was 16 I found out from my brother that they did take place and that he hated our mother for beating us. But we did not really "talk" about them, I just knew now that they did happen. But back to me. Closeted 15-year-old gay guy, unsure about his family background and no one to talk to. The words "love" or "family" were a bit weird to me: I have never seen my parents kiss or hug each other (at least I don't remember a single time of that happening).

    When I sometimes did try in some way ask about how something actually happened, for example why did you break up, from my parents the answers were along the lines "I'll tell when you're older". To this day I have no answer. What answers I did get were very controversial: there's my mother's version of the story, and then there's my father's version of the story. Very different from one another and I have absolutely no way to tell who is telling the truth. I can think that "okay my father did not beat me up" but that does not ensure his version would be all true.

    Most days I spent on computer playing games, sometimes alone, sometimes with my friends. I however lived quite far away from the "town" so I rarely had anyone over or visited a friend. Slowly I started to consider myself introvert, but that did not come up until I moved to my mother's place once I finished secondary school at my father's. It never came up as all my friends that i played with were also doing the same, or so I thought.

    When I was 15 I moved to my mother, as the school I was going to was going to change anyway (as I completed secondary school). At the new place I made some friends, the most important ones were however girls. As I was closeted and surely did not want my family to find out I never brought a girl friend (note the space) home as it would've been considered as if she was my girlfriend or something else. To add here, my family is homophobic (again I am not sure as they're sending very mixed signals):

    My brother would surely be okay with me being gay as he has some very liberal friends as far as I know. My half-brother (younger one) is quite homophobic and is very negative about gay people. My father has referred to gay people as "sick" and shown absolutely no compassion towards gay people. But it is very mixed as he has found out my browser history and mentioned it to me at least once (I was 13, I thought I was smart, yes it was gay p***). My mother is sending the most mixed signals of them all. She's told me she has gay friend(s), she's working in child-protection (yes, ironically) and has judged parents who abandoned their daughter for being lesbian, then the next day she can say "that is just disgusting" when she sees a gay man in television, or comment "that makes me feel sick" when he sees a gay couple kiss in a TV show. I have no idea what she really thinks, but as far as I know, she hates gay people. That's summary of my family's gay-views.

    So now that I've moved to my own place I've started to think why I am the way I am (not going out much, not bonding with people very easily). I have friends at University (all girls) but I practically never go out. I have forced myself to a couple of events but that's pretty much it. One big factor is that I do not drink, which has to do with the fact that my younger half-brother is quite heavy-semi-alcoholic and I think my mother's relationship with alcohol is not very healthy either. However I'm getting torn apart as of late I've felt a huge desire to love and be loved by some one, meaning I'd love to have a boyfriend.

    That however is anything but easy, especially for me: I have never seen my parents kiss or seem happy together, I have absolutely no idea what "love" looks like and I have no idea how "normal" people function as a family as mine has been anything but a model family. One method that I was taught up as a kid was basically "leaving me alone", make that a road-side, a parking lot or any place. Once my (I think mother, not sure if father too) got enough of me (or my brothers) they were like "fine, thats enough, out of the car" and rode away for a while and eventually came back and picked me up. I mention that as it just now hit me that such scenarios might well be a big reason why I avoid getting bonded with people. If some one who is supposed to love and care about me abandons me like that... what can a "friend" do to me? I suppose I feel fear of getting abandoned within me, but this is just speculation - I'm not a psychology professional.

    Back on track. So for a couple of months I've now felt this urge to love some one. I feel desire to love, make love, be loved and just find that one person. However I don't want to "just have sex", love is essential to me (I live in this Disney Princess bubble where love is the strongest force in the universe). But that is anything but easy. How am I supposed to find a potential boyfriend when I am afraid of bonding with people. If getting abandoned is my biggest fear? And how does it work out with my family - they don't know I'm gay, then again I don't feel any need to tell them - they haven't told me about anything either.

    I hope some one cared to read through this. Just had to get this off my chest. - LostBoye
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  2. MzMrAlexa

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    Jul 22, 2017
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    Wow, you have a lot on your plate! First and foremost I would recommend that you get counseling because everything you have described sounds like you were abused as a child and there are issues you need to work through and you might not even know what all they are. The things that we experience in our formative years obviously impact us deeply and form the foundation for who we are, and often there are things that have impacted us that we can no longer remember.. We may know the effect and how we feel, but don't know the details why and unfortunately if we never find out the reason for those feelings from our subconscious often all we can do is compensate for it not truly vanquish it. As for finding Love and a partner? I would recommend working on You first, as it is very difficult to have the type of relationship you seek with all of this other stuff going on.

    For what it's worth I want to share a couple of things that I have experienced both firsthand and from a partner I had that were issues from childhood that were not remembered but yet impacted very deeply. Growing up I was always very independent and never trusted anyone.. To the point that into my mid 20's my biggest goal was to be 100% independent and not need anyone for anything.. Way outside the box for what is normal and I knew it. Like you I desperately wanted a relationship but never had any lasting ones. So I did my best to hack my own brain and change my behaviors with some success but I could never get over that feeling. In my 30's one day out of the blue after I had become a parent my Mom and I were talking about "Parental Guilt" and what things we remembered hurting the most from our perspective as children. (btw none of them matched up between us).. During this conversation she mentioned that when I was one and a half, her Dad and her went away for a couple of weeks and left me with my Aunt.. She said my Aunt said I cried for three days straight when they left, and when they returned my Mom said that I looked at them and she could tell I knew who she was then ran to my Aunt... It was like I saw fireworks and the light came on! I learned at one and a half that the only person you can rely on is You, and I spent the first quarter of a century of my life trying to make life fit that model. That was a life changing event and it allowed me not just compensate for how I felt ~ It allowed me to let go of it. Did my parent's do anything wrong? No... but none the less the impact was profound because of who I am .. The Nature part vs. the Nurture part.

    The second example I have is from my last wife, and actually ended up costing us our relationship. She was empty nest and I still had my Son and Daughter so she stepped back in to parenting when we got together. At first things were Good and we got married. But as time went on she became more and more resentful of my Daughter who was 10 when we got married. After not too long my wife started getting more and more hateful towards my Daughter even though she told me that she knew that she was a good kid. In the end it got so bad that we separated over it. However before that happened my wife went to a hypnotherapist (a real one) primarily so see if she could get help with weight loss. After a long interview process the therapist told my wife that though she was not "abused" in the normal sense she had suffered what is called "benign abuse" where her upbringing was very traumatic for her as a person (she too could remember virtually nothing of her childhood, except one time she was told she did something good). I told my wife that was great as she really had issues with her Mom (and thought that it was also related to her relationship with my Daughter) and maybe she could resolve them, but she refused to go back... in Retrospect I think that it was because she didn't want to confront those demons, and the truth was she was jealous of my Daughter because all the love and kindness I showed towards my Daughter represented all the things she needed and never got as a child and that is where the repressed hurt and anger went to.

    Anyway, maybe I'm just looking at your situation through my own minds eye, only you can be the judge of that, but It sounds like you're looking for answers to issues just under the surface and the first step to getting through anything is to realize that it's there in the first place. Just know that you aren't alone and there are lots of good people in this world willing to help.
  3. MilansMele

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    How do you eat a Karelian Pie? One bite at a time. You've raised a lot of issues, but sometimes it's too overwhelming to take it all in at the same time.

    You sound as if you're in a pretty good place right now. So maybe it would be better to "back in" to answering your questions for yourself over a period of time. By "backing in" I mean getting out there and being active in things you like to do, like sports, arts, music,.. whatever is a comfortable environment for you. You will naturally meet people and, over time start to develop bonds. These acquaintances might well lead to friendships and perhaps even something more serious. If you put some time and energy into this I suspect your abandonment issues may diminish. This does require you to live in the here and the now, rather than dwelling on the past. If you find those past issues continue to influence your ability to function in the here and now, than I would agree that a therapist might help you.

    And your coming out? Well, why not do that as you feel comfortable? Doesn't sound like a burning issue right now.

    Know that you are not alone. Many of us have walked this path and offer our support.
  4. 21zephyr

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    Mar 10, 2018
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    I’m not going to lie, your story made me cry as it is somewhat my story. I remember everything from childhood and my parents never divorced, but I went through abuse from my mother- verbal and physical. I was also sodomized by an uncle when I was 10. I was closeted until last year at age 52.

    Not that my advice will change your life, but all I have to offer is what I did. I have been to a therapist for the past 3 years and it has helped me sort through a lot of stuff. I’ve worked on putting the abuse and sexual assaults behind me and accepting my sexuality. All of this took time, but I couldn’t have done it without support. Universities usually have lower cost counseling for students, at least in the US. Find a therapist that specializes in abuse or sexuality issues and they will assist you in your quest.

    Right now I don’t know anyone gay, but I’m here and I’m going to try some Pride events. I never would have been in this place without dealing with my baggage. I, like you, want to find someone that cares about me as much as I care about them. Take some time to heal yourself, open up to trusted friends and look for a therapist. In the mean time use this site to talk, vent or look for support- it’s been very positive for me!!
    MzMrAlexa likes this.
  5. Tessie

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    Mar 23, 2018
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    You're dead on correct that our family childhood relationships have a huge impact on our adult relationships. However with good therapy and dedication to yourself you can change your outcome. You made an excellent point about not knowing how to have a healthy adult relationship when there wasn't one to pattern after. My husband and I had 9 stepparents between us. His mom divorced 4x, mine 5x. We knew how to get mad loudly/violently and leave. We decided to get therapy, God, and a few happily married couples to teach us a better way. We just celebrated our 28th anniversary. It is possible. It is not easy. You are so very worth it! The details of your past arent nearly so important - sometimes we forget as a protection for our sanity. Get help, and become the best you that you can be, so you'll be ready for that forever relationship!
    MzMrAlexa likes this.