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General News At least 17 dead in Florida high school shooting

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by AwesomGaytheist, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. JaimeGaye

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    Well isn't it obvious that we citizens do indeed need weaponry that matches or exceeds the firepower kids are bringing into the safe space "Gun Free Zones" of their own alma matters to murder their fellow students and peers for reasons they themselves cannot fully explain...

    Before people in other countries point bony fingers at Americans remember you have the very SAME issues in your own countries with the perpetrators using explosives, acid, knives, large vehicles, arson etc. to commit their murderous acts because GUNS are so hard to obtain in most of your own countries.
  2. idsm

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    Nov 30, 2014
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    ^ see statistics. yes, there have been some real tragedies lately, but it's not nearly as common.
    #62 idsm, Feb 21, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
  3. idsm

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    Nov 30, 2014
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    Tried to edit my previous post, but couldn't, so here's an afterthought.

    The thing is that what you are doing now is not working. So, you have to change it. If you believe that the solution is to arm every living person with combat firearms, go ahead and do it. But will you be able to take this measure back when you will see deaths rising even more?

    A suggestion. Ban all kinds of weapons for 5-10 years as an experiment and keep a close eye to statistics. If you don't see a significant improvement, give them back to civilians and see if that will make things any better. It's the safer approach.
    #63 idsm, Feb 21, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
  4. mnguy

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    This is another senseless tragedy and I have deep sympathy for the people suffering because of this. I thought about the movie Bowling For Columbine and how it examined the issue of guns and mass shootings. It's been a while since I saw it and it doesn't provide an answer to our problem, but think it was interesting and worth a watch. If I recall correctly, Canada and the US both have a lot of gun owners, but there are many more gun deaths and mass shootings in the US so the movie tried to look at various reasons why it's so much worse here.

    I wish I knew the solution, but at the very least, whether it makes a difference or not, the govt. should pass laws that the majority of the public supports. At least we would be trying something and could be written not to infringe on our rights. Since the republicans won't, it goes to show who they really work for and it's not the majority and that's unacceptable. We need to elect Democratic representatives for this and many other reasons. There are so many guns around that even if no new guns were sold we'll still have these tragedies whether it be by gun, bomb, vehicle, etc. What is at the core of this problem and is there any way to solve it? I see elements of anger, hate, revenge, mental illness, contempt and disregard of other people in these tragedies. We know people own guns in other countries so why are mass shootings more common in the US than anywhere else? What is it that we are learning, being influenced by, something in our culture that causes this? Whatever it is, can it ever be changed or is it so ingrained that it's too late?
  5. illbehere

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    What I cannot seem to understand is why so many people don’t get it. Children shouldn’t have to fear for/risk their lives to go to school. We deserve a education. But how can we not be at least a little afraid when there has been 12 shootings at schools in 2018 as of March 2nd. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cn...us/school-shootings-2018-list-trnd/index.html
    This should be a wake up call for all of America. Something needs to change. I do Understand that some people do use their guns to hunt and for other reasons. And that’s okay as long as we form strict regulations on the weapons. There are places in America where someone who is over 18 can walk up to a counter and buy a gun. THIS IS NOT OKAY! We need stricter gun laws. We can’t let this happen again. I’m sorry but sending our prayers doesn’t do anything. These schools have enough prayers. What they need is change.
  6. BadassFrost

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    Feb 12, 2017
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    Trying to solve problem's consequences, instead of the core/reason of the problem, is always wrong and will most likely fail. And the attitude "we need more guns to protect ourselves against crazy shooters" is exactly that.

    The most logical way is to prevent the problem from even happening, instead of focusing on how to deal with it when it comes, again and again and again..

    Giving people an easier way to obtain guns certainly won't solve the problem. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Supporting easy-to-obtain guns to deal with mass shootings is like supporting hard drugs to deal with drug addiction. It just makes no sense.

    Majority of mass shootings are done with legally obtained weapons. If you make it much harder to get a weapon you'll make it much harder for these crazy individuals to execute a mass shooting. It won't solve the problem completely, but it's a start, and I bet that homicide rate would decrease.

    I think that's the stupidity of today's world. People want to deal with the consequences of a problem, but not the core of it...

    Uhh??? So you need an automatic weapon to stop a crazy kid with a gun??

    The point of automatic gun is to shoot multiple targets in a short time (something a mass murderer would want) with a slightly limited precision. In case of mass shooting, you usually need to stop ONE target with precision (and this target might still be surrounded by innocent people that might accidentally take a shot from an automated gun). This partially applies to semi-automatic weapons as well.

    Banning such weapons or at least making them highly restricted is definitely a good step towards better security.
  7. Ljjgreat2017

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    Jan 18, 2017
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    This just shows you that this world is a sad place to live in. Sometimes, I want to escape the harsh reality of the world (in a non harmful way) because of stories like this.