Greetings from a guy trying on the genderqueer mantle.

Discussion in 'The Welcome Lounge' started by Tamatia, Feb 24, 2017.

  1. Tamatia

    Regular Member

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Hi everyone,

    It's a real pleasure to meet you. :slight_smile: I've been craving a place where I can express myself openly, and just recently I decided to just start looking. Though I would call myself a straight male if pressured to use very narrow terms, deep down I'm genderfluid and find that attribute attractive in others. I haven't found much of a chance to express it, though, or mustered the courage if you want to look at it that way.

    I ended up on this site after searching Google for transgender support forums. To tell the truth, what got my interest was actually the strong rules structure. I've moderated a forum before, and posted on many besides, and I know that a strong, consistent set of rules makes for a good forum. Without that, forum moderators may end up resorting to authoritarian rule to keep things from falling apart. Besides, protecting members' identities is pretty important — I've been a member on a forum for cross-gender costumers, and it got "doxxed" once. Not a pretty picture!!

    As for me, I got interested in expressing my feminine side through “cosplay” — those people in elaborate costumes you see at fan conventions. I'll save the details for a future post, but to cut to the chase, back in 2015 I married a wonderful girl who is bisexual, and sees her own gender as something that isn't black-and-white. She has encouraged my own expression, and says she loves seeing me “be myself.”

    After getting away from a family of origin where I felt stifled enough that I barely felt confident dyeing my hair, this has been incredibly refreshing. :slight_smile: I feel comfortable, supported, and accepted in my own home... but extending that bubble outward is a whole other challenge.

    I guess this introduction has run long, and the rest is definitely best saved for a “seeking advice” thread. I'm going to try to figure out the best way to warm up here. I'm glad to see a variety of tangential topics in the subforums, like video games!

    I've chosen to go by “Tamatia” here, which can be an expression of my feminine self. I'm ultimately more masculine than feminine, but since one side of my personality goes largely unacknowledged, it's comforting to put it on display here.
    #1 Tamatia, Feb 24, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2017
  2. Ram90

    Full Member

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Some people
    Hello and welcome to EC! Thank you for the kind words about EC, all of us love it and the environment here. :grin:. Feel free to get in touch with any of the staff members here if you need any help. Have a nice day!
  3. Migueld

    Regular Member

    Feb 24, 2017
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    New York
    Hey Tamatia and Welcome to EC. I just started today in this forum and it has been very important for me to find a place like this, where the people can talk with freedom. I am trying to know people like me and convence my self that it is ok and there is nothing wrong with me, because I have been isolated due to my fear and shame of being different. It is great to read your story and to find people like you in the world.
    We are all amazing Human Beings.
  4. actualdust

    Regular Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    New York
    Hey, welcome to EC! :slight_smile: I'm glad your're starting to feel comfortable in yourself, and I hope this place helps you like it's helped me and many others.
  5. Tamatia

    Regular Member

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Wanted to correct a typo: “intriguing” was supposed to be “introduction.”

    It seems there's no edit button here, or else it's limited to full members. I can see how that could be a protective feature, but I'll have to get used to checking my posts carefully before submitting. :slight_smile:

    I'm also realizing it's been awhile since I've used a traditional-style internet forum, and I have to stop looking for “like” buttons. Augh.

    It looks like you've all worked hard to create that environment. I'll be happy to participate. Thanks! :slight_smile:

    I already hear a lot of things in your post that I'd like to echo. Thanks, the same goes to you. :slight_smile:

    In general, I find that so much of what we're given grief for are things that other people just need to get over and get used to. Forums like these offer people like us a chance to adapt to the world we live in, but in the end the world needs to change. To quote Captain America, “no, YOU move.” :wink:

    I have a good feeling that it will. Thank you!! :icon_bigg