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Feeling like Shit

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by Keith83, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. Keith83

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    Sep 26, 2016
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    This is a bit of a reboot of a post I put up couple of weeks ago. I'm just hitting rock bottom and need to vent or cry or something - so brief outline - I'm a bi guy - I'm married to a girl who doesn't know. I'm completely in the closet with the exception of one friend.
    Sometimes my head just gets melted with the whole situation. I just want to go and be with a guy. I often joke with my friend that I need a holiday for a week with a guy and then I'd probably be alright for a while. But it's not a joke really. My head is a mess. If I come out - there's a very strong chance my wife might leave me - and even if she didn't - I'd still be in a situation where I couldn't be with guys - an open marriage just wouldn't be an option. I found myself looking online at guys looking for sex. I don't even know why. Well that's not true - I was looking because there's a part of me would love to meet up with one of them. But there's another part of me that would never do it. I mentioned this to my friend (leaving out the bit that I'd actually been looking online) and she said that if I was ever going to do something like that then I couldn't tell her because she's not going to let me cheat on my family and throw away everything I have. I do see her point - I really do. But I was so upset and was crying and a mess. Worth mentioning that I was speaking to my friend by text. She kind of said just dry your tears pull yourself together and get on with it because what else are you going to do. She said herself that she knew she was being blunt but that it's just the reality of the situation. Spent the whole weekend feeling like shit and whenever I talk to my friend I end up feeling stupid afterwards because I get all upset and emotional but I don't know what I want her to say because there is no answer. Even if she said you should go and be with a guy and get some of this out of your system I don't know if I could go through with it on account of my wife and kids. I'm just stuck in this shitty situation and I don't know how I just go on living with it like this. And I don't mean that as in I'm having suicidal thoughts or anything. I just mean I'm really depressed. Like how can this work - it can't. I either live the lie and keep my family or come out and risk losing them...
  2. Hushhh

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    Oct 3, 2016
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    God I am married too. I like girls and it sucks I can't be with them for the fear of rejection from my family and husband.
    I am afraid I might be in the same situation as you one of these days. Oh my God!!!
    I know I am not really being helpful, but just want you to know I kinda know a little bit if how you feel. I wish we could have some beers now and talk "TALK" about it.
    The last thing I'd want to do is hurt my spouse.
    Anyway, listen to your bestfriend, she sounds like she cares about you and your family. You'd find some straightforward suggestions here, consider them, but do not act on impulse!(i need to tell myself the same)
    Everyone have different expereince here, so choose your options properly. Talk to your female friend about what you plan to say or do so she could bring sense to you if ever.


  3. johndeere3020

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    Sep 20, 2016
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    Keith when I write the final part of Me--partIII you will see that you are not alone...
  4. CameOutSwinging

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    Aug 19, 2015
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    I definitely understand the struggle you're going through. Do you think your wife truly has no idea whatsoever? How long have you been together? If you're suffering this badly, there's at least a chance that she knows something is wrong and doesn't want to see you hurting. If I were you, I'd strongly consider sitting down and talking with her about it. Be honest with her. It is the first step. She may never be okay with you sleeping with guys, but right now I believe just telling her the truth would take a ton of weight off your shoulders. And she deserves to know. She married you expecting to know everything about you. Better or worse. She's the one person you shouldn't have to lie to about anything.
  5. Adray

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    Feb 11, 2016
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    Keith, I'm bi too. I understand some of what you're feeling.

    In my case, I figured out pretty early (late teens) that I was bi. I kept it all internal for years, due to religion, societal pressures, etc. I wondered if my attractions would change over time, but they never did, I've always been attracted to both. I started being more and more comfortable with my orientation over time, as I realized it wasn't changing.

    I came out to a long-time girlfriend, but just kept it between me and her. That relationship ended due to other reasons. Then I met my wife, and I let her know early on as well. Both my wife (and the LTR GF before her) were/are 100% supportive, as long as I remained faithful to them. I have always been monogamous myself, so that was not hard to keep that end of the bargain. Finally, this year, I got tired of the energy it took to keep the secret, so I've been coming out to others publicly. My wife has been supportive because we are monogamous. I'm not necessarily advocating any of this approach, but sharing it to show what one possible outcome can be, at least in my case.

    As long as you don't cheat, you have options. I think COS's advice to tell your wife is the path I would plan to eventually pursue if I was you. If she is accepting, it would be a massive weight off your shoulders. From what you wrote, she values monogamy in your marriage. If you are willing to stay monogamous, she might be very accepting.

    Of course, not everyone wants to be monogamous. That is an important question you need to ask yourself and decide. My only advice there is to be honest with yourself. For some bisexuals, monogamy is preferred. For others, polyamory is preferred. You have to decide who you are and what is important to you. No judgment from me here, I'm just trying to help you get to a place where this whole thing isn't tearing you up.

    You're not the only one going through this. I encourage you to take the time to read and learn. EC is a great place. I also have acquired and read a number of books on bisexuality. Here are a couple of good ones:


    Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men
    BRC Store

    Some bisexuals need sex with men and women both to be happy. Others of us can be happy with just one person. For me, coming out has been a major stress reliever. And, as I've posted here before, my wife is supportive, and sometimes we do a little roleplaying in bed that satisfies some of my same-sex urges. We've done pegging, roleplaying, bi/queer porn, you name it. For us, there are no boundaries in the bedroom, but we keep it just between us two. For others, open marriage or other solutions work.

    I hope some of that is helpful. Hang in there, man. Bisexuality is awesome, we are blessed. Explaining it to non-bi people is a bitch, though. LOL. And the pressure of the closets can be bad. I'm pulling for you.
  6. Keith83

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    Sep 26, 2016
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    Thanks for your replies. Genuinely never have anything but appreciation that people are so willing to spend their time writing posts to try help people they don't know. As much as I often wish I was straight the lgbt community is something special because I've never met a group of strangers more willing to try and support and be there for each other.

    Honestly I don't think my wife would take to the idea of me being bi too well. It's not that she's homophobic or anything like that but Ireland was until recently quite a backwards place. Especially in rural areas and my wife is from one of those real small country villages. Like sure we voted in same sex marriage last year which was brilliant but it's weird because people would still be very strange about stuff. Like porn to my wife would be absolute filth. She doesn't know I've ever looked at it - gay straight or otherwise. Doesn't seem to understand that certainly most guys do. Like I'm just using this as an example for how her attitudes etc would be. She wouldn't be super open to stuff. I just can't see her accepting me being bi at all.

    It's true my wife should be the person I can tell anything but just not this. It's the fact I've kept it secret from her. I know she'd feel I'd broken her trust and spent last 13 years living a lie and our marriage and everything was built on that lie.

    I just need to put all this bi side of me in a bottle and put the lid on tight. Obviously it's not that simple but just wish I could turn that side of me off. Feel it's so unfair sometimes. Just doesn't feel like it's ever going to get sorted out. I just have to live with it :-(
    #6 Keith83, Oct 10, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2016
  7. Hushhh

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    Oct 3, 2016
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    We have to live with it, don't we? I cannot see myself taking that road actually, telling my spouse and all. :frowning2: it's jusy not easy. Most of the times I'm ok, but sometimes it gets to me too.
    In the relationship, I am the jealous one, and he told me he'd kill me if I find someone else, I also tild him the same thing, and that I'd cut off his you know down there. So, no. Or maybe not yet.
  8. Nickw

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    Feb 18, 2016
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    Keith83 and Hushhh

    I put a lid on the gay aspects of my bisexuality for over thirty years. Don't get me wrong, I had/have a great marriage and am completely devoted to my wife. But, there was always a depth of intimacy that we could never reach. I knew it was there but I could not allow myself to get there. And, this was not just with my wife. With my male friends I would stop at a level that would not allow me to share as deeply as I should have.

    The secret of hiding my sexuality was the reason. I came out to my wife and this changed overnight with her and my friends. I am not out to my friends; but, I am not hiding or afraid someone will find out what I am.

    Keith83, as I wrote earlier, my wife was sort of bi-phobic (not homophobic) before I came out to her. So, I had a lot of the same fears you have. Even though she was raised in a very progressive environment, her attitudes about sexual behavior are very conservative. So, I was convinced that there was a good possibility our marriage would suffer, if not end over my disclosure. At least our intimacy would suffer. But, our intimacy was already suffering without the disclosure.

    You don't need to come out now. But, you probably will someday. Your sexuality is a part of you. Even if you remain monogamous with your wife, being able to openly express all aspects of yourself is essential to being fulfilled and happy. I encourage you to explore this part of your sexuality, not by cheating; but, by allowing the desires and feelings. It would be best if your wife could share with you in this. But, I understand how difficult that might be.

    I put the gay sexuality in a basket on the shelf. I could take it down when I felt like it and then put it back. This worked for awhile. It might work for you too. But, I am sensing from you an urgency that I did not develop until much later in life than you. You have already started checking out guys online for hookups. Even though this may be just "checking it out as a fantasy" eventually a lot of us just decide to give it a try. We have a fight with the wife, or she isn't available for sex or something. Then we cross the line and cheat. Then coming out to our wife is much more difficult.

    Be careful you don't get to this place because you are afraid to have the conversation with your wife. You may lose everything anyway.
    #8 Nickw, Oct 11, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
  9. PaintingMeInfinite

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    Feb 11, 2016
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    Hello all of you,

    It is unfortunate you are having to struggle with this. This group is a wonderful place to come and spend time with. We are all here to help each other the best we can. The different experiences and viewpoints we all bring to the table can be enlightening I have found. I hope it is helpful for you.

    Anyways, I'll lend what I can to this thread. Being married now for ten years (together for twelve) with two daughters, nine and five years old, and my wife knows about my sexuality. When we first met I was upfront about some of my experiences and some feelings. We both decided that it was just something that would pass. I wanted it to be passing. I have fought this side of me for so long that I am still struggling to accept it. Fortunately she has been great with everything so far. She has even gone to say that an open or mixed orientation marriage is something she believes would work for us. I do not share that optimism. I also struggle with the fact that I don't feel right about having the open marriage. I would be too split when trying to balance two relationships if I fell in love with a man.

    I guess I'll try and get to the point. In all of this, honesty with my wife has been the most important part. I try to be as honest with her as I am with myself, which is difficult at times. I struggle to separate my own beliefs from those I was raised and imprinted with. This makes me question how honest I am with myself at times. If at any time I was unable to have been honest with my wife everything would have fallen apart. So my advice to you would be that you need to be honest with yourself at the very least. This isn't easy I know. I agree that if you hold this all in it will eventually cause trouble. Finding the strength to be brave and come out to your wife hopefully will come before it leads to more secrets. You never know, it could turn out better than you expect. In any case, you are not alone.
  10. Keith83

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    Sep 26, 2016
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    Nickw and Painting Melnfinite (and Hushhh cos we seem to be in similar positions so their advice is hopefully helping you to think about all this too).

    Thanks so much for the replies and the level of detail you both went into. Believe me I read every word, and thought about all of it. I just don't seem able to put the gay side of me in a basket and up on the shelf. I can be not all that bothered about it for days or even weeks but then all of a sudden I'll start thinking about it all or get gay feelings or urges (that sounds ridiculous but I don't know how else to describe them) and I get very depressed. It's just not something that I can control - I wish I could because I'd probably turn the gay part of me off and leave it off.

    As for my wife. I'm just so reluctant to even think about going down that road. It makes perfect sense what you're saying about intimacy and how I might be surprised by her reaction but I just don't feel I'm even remotely near telling her. I don't even know if I ever will. At the moment I just wish I could find a way to try and ignore the gay part of me. But like today I'm absolutely fine, great form but last weekend and Monday I was just in the depths of depression and crying etc. I felt like a nutter. And the worse bit is feeling that you probably are a bit crazy cos you certainly aren't normal.
  11. OldDog1952

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    Mar 12, 2016
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    I wish I could relate to all this talk about coming out, but as I never did I can't. Even after being divorced A dozen years my X still doesn't know. As I see it Kieth & I could be wrong, but it seems you want out of your marriage. However you don't want to deal with the repercussions of coming out. Well you don't have to, there are other reasons people get divorced. I know the thought of loosing your family is hard, but keep in mind your not really loosing them they will still be A part of your life. I know this is A tough decision to make. However sooner or later your going to have to decide. I"M reminded of something someone told me once. Life comes with decisions you can choose one or the other, but you can't not choose. I asked him to explain. He said; imagine this. Your standing on A train track & A train is rushing toward you. You can choose to step off the tracks & save yourself. Or choose to stand there & be killed. You have no other choice. You can't not choose. Seems to me you have choices to make here Come out or not come out. Divorce or not divorce. Come out & divorce. Divorce & stay in the closet. Or do nothing. Which is not choosing. Which in my opinion is standing on the tracks & letting the train decide. I'M sure your feeling confused rite about now, I know I am.:confused: I wish you luck my friend your going to need it.
  12. I'm gay

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    Jun 27, 2016
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    It was my experience, and the experience of so many I read on EC, that ignoring the gay part of you probably isn't the most feasible option. It's a situation of "Once you know the truth..." and you can't really go back into denial. That's what happened to me. Once I came out to myself and accepted the fact that I'm gay, I could no longer go back into denial, and living with it daily became torture. It made me depressed and terribly unhappy.

    From your posts, it looks like you're already there with this being torture and feeling depressed. I'm concerned for you that these thoughts aren't going to go away, and it may just eat at you little by little until you are a basket case.

    I know this is tough, and probably the toughest thing you'll ever go through. I can't promise that your wife will accept you. I can't promise that she won't leave you and file for divorce. I can't promise that you'll get acceptance from anyone (although my experience was that no one rejected me). The only real promise I can make to you is that it will resolve the conflict for you and likely make you much happier in your life - after a time.

    I don't think you can put the genie back in the bottle. You can try, but I fear the consequences of doing so for you.

    This may not be what you want to hear, and it may even scare you some more, but I have to be honest with my opinion, for whatever it's worth.

    Take care.
  13. Keith83

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    Sep 26, 2016
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    Hey OldDog1952 and everyone else.
    I actually don't want out of my marriage at all. I do love my wife and kids and don't want to lose any of them. Thats the reason for me being in the closet - because I'm afraid of what could potentially happen if I told my wife. In a dream scenario I'd be in an open marriage where Id stay with my wife and be able to see guys too but thats never going to happen and to be honest I don't think it would be fair of me to ask my wife for that because in my mind thats not the agreement we made when we got married and its not widely accepted as being ok although if it works for some people then I'm happy for them and would be the last person to judge. But I know there's no way my wife would accept that and I understand that completely from her point of view. In all honesty the problem with my situation is that there isn't really an answer. Do I want to come out to my wife? No because I dont think it would turn out the way it does with some people with the wife being very open and supportive. I think she would be extremely hurt and upset and feel betrayed. Do I want to stay with her? Yes I do because I love her more than anything and nothing has ever changed that. Do I want to cheat on her? No - I really don't want to do that because we've always had such fantastic trust in our marriage and to beak that trust would just consume me with guilt and I probably couldn't even enjoy being with a guy because Id feel so guilty about doing it. But do I get consumed about wanting to act on the gay part of my sexuality - Yes. I absolutely do and at times its unbearable - I want the intimacy with a guy, I want the relationship with a guy, I want the physical and emotional side of things with a guy and so on - but I kind of cant and face a long life stuck in this situation. So I'm looking for an answer but honestly I don't think there is one...???

    ---------- Post added 13th Oct 2016 at 01:43 AM ----------

    Hey Imgay47 (and all who posted)
    You're post makes absolute and complete sense. Honestly there's nothing in it that I can disagree with and the things that you're pointing out are the things that I'm worried about - with the exception about the bit about leaving my wife. I am absolutely sure I'm bi, I'm definitely not gay (though my boyfriend from years ago might disagree lol, but seriously it's definitely a bi situation which is why its so complicated) I actually said to my friend (the only one who knows I'm bi) the other day - I don't know whats worse, feeling like a nut, or actually knowing you are one. And that kind of is how I feel. Well on the road to basket case town. But what the hell do I do. If you read my other reply above to Olddog you'l kind of see my predicament. If I was gay Id come out and I wouldn't care about who'd accept me and who wouldn't. To be honest if I thought any of my friends would have an issue then they wouldn't be my friends in the first place. And I don't feel my wife would have an issue with the bi side of things. I'm worried about a lot of things that would upset her but funnily enough the thing about being bi which you would think would be the main issue isn't at all.
    I think she might think that the only reason I'm telling her is that I want to be with a guy. And it wouldn't be the fact its a guy would be the problem - it'd be the fact that I want to break out of our monogamous relationship to be with someone else. I worry that sexually she'd feel like she wasn't completely fulfilling what I wanted - and what partner wants to feel like that? And she already suffers from depression and anxiety herself and I just don't think me putting all of this on her would be at all right because she struggles enough sometimes just with life in general and to hit her with this would be... well - not cool.
    To be honest the whole business of being bi specifically is just so impossible. Society is designed for couples - be that straight or gay but there's no acceptance or provision for people who want / need both a male and female partner in their lives. And would that work out anyway? Probably not. God I sound like an awful moan just giving out about it all. Unfortunately I'm just off loading all the crap in my head onto this forum - sorry all! Once I sort my head out I'll cheer up a bit :slight_smile:
  14. PaintingMeInfinite

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    Off loading is exactly what we are all here for. It's strange and confusing to be in your predicament. It's not going to be easy whatever path you choose. About a year ago I tried suicide as an out. I just felt that it would be better on so many levels, and also easier. This is where I ended up after about three or four years of sporadic periods where the urges and longing would appear. I didn't and don't want to abandon my wife and children. They are so important in my life. It came down to me having the choice of trying to stay where I was, hoping to hold it all together when I really want something else or to making the leap to tell my wife what I have been feeling and allow her to be a part of the decision making process. It sometime gets jumbled in my brain how things have happened. I just knew that no matter what, people would be hurt.

    Even though I had tried to be upfront about everything with my wife from the start I never really admitted to myself or her what I want. Especially when the things I want collided and really couldn't work together. I want to be with a man, it's not just a sexual urge either. I also want to stay in her life and my children's. I want my marriage to not be a failure. I want nobody to get hurt. Isn't one of the main reasons for telling her is that you really do want to be with a guy? You aren't responsible for how she feels, if you were then you could just make her be okay and feel great about all of it. Even the feelings that first appear for her may change after some time and thinking. One of my problems is thinking that I know how people are going to feel.

    There are many problems that I have run into over my life, especially pertaining to this aspect of it. Some I have actually come to learn about by simply trying to help others on this forum. I try and give people advice on things when I really need to take it myself. I try not to identify with a label personally. This is because I want to be with a man, I have a wife and children with her, I've been sexual with men and women. So logically I must be bisexual and be perfectly fine staying in my monogamous heterosexual relationship. This isn't really the case for me so I try not to label myself. Right now I feel like this doesn't make much sense so I'all leave it at that.
  15. Nickw

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    Feb 18, 2016
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    Hey Keith

    You know that being bisexual does not mean you cannot be monogamous. Some bisexuals don't need to be with members of the same sex to be emotionally and sexually satisfied. I would say that was me for most of my life. Being bisexual sort of didn't matter except that the secret was unhealthy to the relationship with my wife.

    When I came out, I remained monogamous for several months. Now, I have had sexual relationships with men for a couple months. But, during the interim time where I was out to my wife and remaining monogamous I started exploring what it felt like to let the full range of my sexuality be a part of my daily life. It was really what I needed the most. The sex is only a part of it and I think not as big a part as I thought it would be.

    Last night I met a gay friend and had beers, laughed joked, guy watched, discussed relationships etc. What we didn't do was have sex...he is a strictly platonic friend. It was one of the best evenings I have had in a long time. Better than the hookups really.

    It turns out what I need is not the sex with men...although I desire it. What I really need is the affirmation of those gay feelings and desires. The ability to let them be a part of me. In retrospect, feeling that my wife would not accept all of me, or that she would no longer desire me because of my bisexuality, would be an impossible thing to live with. I just didn't know how much I had begun to resent my wife and my relationship with her because of the fear of being rejected. Even though I was, and am, desperately and passionately in love with her and would, and did, feel I need to give up anything for her.

    Someone on this forum asked me a simple question before I came out. "Why do you love this person if you don't believe she could love you for what you are?" The same thing you mentioned about your friends accepting you. The question sent me into a tailspin for a couple weeks to be honest. It seemed that maybe all the love I felt could be based on a lie. Well, it wasn't at all. The love was real and the disclosure my wife just treated as "more information on what makes you who you are".

    It would be a big loss for you if you cannot experience your entire sexuality and this will wear you down. At some point, it will likely come to a crisis for you and you may make a mistake and seek the affirmation of the gay aspects of your sexuality through physical intimacy.
  16. Keith83

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    Sep 26, 2016
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    Hey Painting Melinfinite,
    You might have thought that didn't make much sense but I swear that whole post made so much sense in so many ways - so many parts I could have written myself. I know exactly what you mean right down to how you give advice on this site but probably need to take it too. I'm the exact same. Full of good advice for everyone else but lost myself.

    ---------- Post added 13th Oct 2016 at 01:58 PM ----------

    Hey Nickw,

    Thanks for making that point. I just realised I might have come across as saying all bi people are unsatisfied in relationships with just one partner. Of course that's not the case, and apologies if I caused anyone offence. I know there's loads of bi people out there complete happy in monogamous relationships.

    Just when u were talking about hanging out with your gay friend I realised I do exactly the same thing except funnily enough with my straight female friend that I came out to. Around her I can be totally myself, I don't have to hide my feminine side or as she calls it my diva side lol and we check out guys and it's just so nice. And it's purely platonic and I love her so much as a friend I'd never want to get involved with her in case it messed us up. She always jokes that she knows she's safe because if I was going to cheat on my wife I'd never waste the opportunity on a girl lol. Maybe I shouldn't joke about it but what makes me cry some days I can laugh about on others. Aren't humans crazy complicated emotional beings. It really is mad!
  17. PatrickUK

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    Feb 25, 2014
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    How would you assess the state of your marriage, right now? Do things seem the same as always, or is the tension beginning to show in the relationship? It's clearly telling on you, but is it feeding into the relationship?

    I ask these questions, because I wonder if you would consider the idea of asking your wife to attend relationship counselling with you, in order to address this issue. To begin with, you may wish to speak to a relationship counsellor privately, so you can sketch out the issue, your fears/concerns and potential outcomes and then invite your wife to attend.

    It's a scary thought, I know, but would you at least have a one to one conversation with a relationship counsellor to see if there is a way forward? It might be the best thing you could do.

    This website Relationships Ireland may be of interest.
  18. Keith83

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    Sep 26, 2016
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    Hi Patrick,
    It's hard to tell what way the state of our marriage is. I mean we've two small kids, I have to work a lot. Money is tight. So the marriage isn't exactly candlelit dinners and romantic walks but I think that happens most people at this stage in life???
    I don't know how much the tension is feeding into the marriage. It feeds far more into the friendship I have with my best friend strangely enough. Maybe that's because when I do get frustrated or upset or depressed I tend to rant and get upset with her because I can talk to her. I hide it from my wife though I suppose you're right I probably am around in a mood. I usually just say I'm tired from work. It's so strange though because last weekend I felt so depressed and upset about everything but then during the week I kind of picked myself up and was in good form. It's like I can bottle up the emotions for so long and then the lid just blows off and I'm a wreck for a while.
    I never considered a relationship counsellor. That is a very good suggestion. I don't know about how I'd manage to explain getting my wife to come with me but even just to speak to someone. I don't really have the finances at the moment for counselling but there is a free counselling service attached to my work. I'll definitely think about it. Thanks for the suggestion.
  19. razorsharp

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    May 10, 2014
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    Hi Keith83. I may have a slightly different perspective on things. Please forgive me if it offends you. Your post resonates with me.

    My upbringing/beliefs/life structure make it impossible for me to have any sort of same gender sexual encounter/ relationship for the rest of my life. I've had these feelings since I was a child and I'm now in my 30s. I still haven't had any sexual experience with a man and never will as long as I stay in control . I won't go into details but for me, homosexuality is not an option. I suspect that you are in a similar position (albeit ultimately less concrete than my situation).

    I completely get it when you say you get episodes of extreme depression. I am the same. The other weekend I was in complete despair. I was in tears (and I never cry about anything else). I was shouting 'why me'?! and the like. I get suicidal very often, mostly because of this chronic problem.

    While your escape would be coming out/ having an experience with a man, mine would be suicide. Yet we both cannot go through with this because of the repercussions.

    So what can we do? We just have to live with it as best we can. What options do we have? None really. Sometimes doing the right thing hurts. I wanted you to know that you're not the only one going through this intense depression. I know this probably doesn't make it easier, but at least you have a wife. Not everyone can say that (including myself).

    Let's hope we can both get through this, hopefully more easily as life progresses.
  20. Weston

    Regular Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    Well, that is certainly true. You either are or you aren't. The option is whether to act upon it. You say you've chosen not to, and never will. I'm sorry to tell you that the pressure you feel now from not acting will only get worse. You will NOT be able to "stay in control" indefinitely, or at least, not without significant repercussions to your health and well being. Since you give no details about your life situation, I can only urge you to reexamine your "upbringing/beliefs/life structure" to see if they are, indeed, as immutable as you think. And I would also urge you to seek professional help, since you have alluded to feelings of depression and suicide.