Married and confused

Discussion in 'The Welcome Lounge' started by nbd, Aug 13, 2016.

  1. nbd

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    Aug 13, 2016
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    Hello all,

    I'm in my 30's and am finally allowing myself to question my sexuality.

    I'm married to a wonderful man and we have young children. While he is my best friend and I cherish him dearly, I have had difficulty feeling sexual attraction for much of our marriage. For a long time, I thought it was just a side effect of my anxiety disorder. Now I'm starting to question my sexual identity, wondering if there's a reason I've predominately only felt sexual attraction toward men who are unattainable. I've always found women beautiful, but I've never had any experience with a woman or even had a particular crush. Well, perhaps a "girl crush," but the lines are blurry.

    I'm interested in having conversations with other women in my situation. I'm really just trying to understand if I'm just confused or if there's something else going on that I wasn't brave enough to consider when I was younger.

    Thanks and I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! :slight_smile:
    #1 nbd, Aug 13, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2016
  2. Goldensun

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    Aug 11, 2016
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    Hi there, I've also just joined and maybe you're not looking for a male perspective on this, but I can really appreciate what you're going through. It's a tough thing to find yourself having to deal with especially as you are also a mother of young children. it's hard not to feel guilty and accuse yourself of being selfish or even to think there's something wrong with yourself. I never had anyone to talk to so my thoughts went around and around in circles until I didn't know what to think. So it's very brave of you to join this group so early on in your journey. I wish you strength for the difficult times and most of all patience when you feel like nothing is changing in any positive way. And more generally, I think there is something beautiful in our capability for same-sex attraction and love - we add a rich diversity to the human experience. This idea has always been something I've hung onto. All the best.
  3. Mattjstead

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    Aug 13, 2016
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    (I just posted an "Intro" to me so you can gain a little background but some may come up as I write).

    Yep...I'm "newly out." By choice...but what I was suppressing and had been since I was 11? 12? Was killing me.
    Like you, I have battled mental disorders (GAD/Panic Disorder/Major Depressive Disorder/ADHD). Although not as long (age wise), I am 27 and had known since I was around 11 (father and grandfather Pentecostal pastors...Mom found my secret MySpace..."it ends or we will beat it out of you.."...basic radical religious stuff with the added spice of being the Preachers Kid AND Preachers Grandkid! Oh..and Homeschooled K-12. Ha!).

    I respect your statement that you want other female advice so I will not unload on you or offer mine without your consent.

    If you would like a "male" perspective that has many similarities, please let me know (public or private).

    All love...
    Keep searching...
    Never feel alone.

  4. nbd

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    Aug 13, 2016
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    Thank you so much for your kind words. It does feel so selfish, especially since I don't know if it's just confusion or a true sexuality crisis. Sometimes I feel like I'm creating problems out of thin air. Other times, I remember a childhood of being called out for being too masculine, too brash, and too obsessed with my "girlfriends." Then, I feel like I've lived a life of trying not to look like *insert epithet here* by suppressing a huge part of me.

    My goal for the week is to take the plunge and call an LGBT-friendly therapist for an appointment. Hopefully I will have the courage to do that. Until then I will keep reading threads here on EC and feel less alone.

    I very much appreciate your perspective. Thank you for reaching out.
  5. alexandr

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    Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:
  6. prettypixie

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    Jul 20, 2016
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    You're not alone. I'm 33 and I just came out to my husband less than a month ago. He's been great bc he says he had an inkling all along. It was just me that wasn't ready to accept my sexuality. Coming out was not something I thought I would ever do but i did and I am glad. Message if you want to chat.
  7. I'm gay

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    You are definitely not alone. I'm working on coming out. I'm out to about 10 people including my wife. I will be coming out fully in a few weeks.

    Although my perspective is as a gay male, I can offer you this advice: Give yourself time and patience. These issues are some of the most difficult issues we deal with as human beings. Don't beat yourself up. If you ultimately decide that you are not straight, please know that it doesn't mean the end of your life as you know it.

    You are a mommy. You will always be your kid's mommy, whether or not you stay married to your husband. The road ahead may be difficult, but I firmly believe that the earlier you reconcile your orientation and live an honest and open life with your family and friends, the quicker you will heal and have a chance at a fulfilling life. Young children who grow up with a gay parent seem to have an easier time dealing with it than those children who learn when they are teenagers or older.

    Give yourself a break. I think therapy is a great idea. I wish you the best of luck!
  8. nbd

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    Aug 13, 2016
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    Thank you all for your comments! I appreciate all your perspectives.

    I took the plunge and made an appt. Sat in front of my phone sick to my stomach for an hour, then called and hung up on the voice-mail like a scared teen (no offense to scared teens, I suppose that's where I am now anyway.) I rallied and called again, then left my contact info. When the therapist called back to schedule, she asked if I was in a place to talk for a moment. I was home so I said yes...and she wanted to know what I was interested in discussing. You see...I had to do some sleuthing to find a non-religious, lgbt-savvy therapist, and she was on a rather short list in my area.

    Anyway, I told her I was "having some questioning concerns...about sexuality" and my entire chest just burned. Way to obfuscate, nbd! Well, she said "okay, I'm your girl!" And we laughed and I felt instantly lighter. So, I have high hopes.

    Thanks again and all the best. I'll keep you updated.

    ---------- Post added 15th Aug 2016 at 10:16 PM ----------

    Thanks. I love my family very much and I am hoping that I can work through all this in a way that doesn't just detonate and destroy everything we've worked for.

    I do not want to leave my husband, and he doesn't want me to go either.

    Every day, though, I remember something else from my past that I had disregarded or explained away. I worry that every day I'm opening that Pandora's box a little further and everything will come out and will never go back. Literally every day it gets "worse" and I remember attractions and feelings. Every day I notice people more. Women.

    I love my husband and love our intimacy. I just don't feel the pull, that magnetic attraction, and I wonder if this is why. If I just stop questioning can I go back to the way it was? Not bad at all, just not...passionate. I do just feel very selfish about it all. Like I'm destroying my life for no reason.
  9. Baseballgirl10

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    Aug 17, 2016
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    I'm 29, never married, brand new here and questioning my sexuality. I had a private relationship with another woman 12 years ago. I can say from my personal experience, shoving those feelings down just seems to prolong the inevitable. If you feel anything like I do right now then you're not living your best life. I would love to chat further with you on here or privately. I have a feeling our stories are similar even though you've started a family. Good for you for finding a therapist! That's awesome and ridiculously brave.
  10. nbd

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    Thanks for reaching out. I'm not really sure what to say now, hopefully I'll get a little more clarity once I speak with a therapist in a couple of weeks. Until then, I'm in a bit of limbo, wondering if I'm confused or repressed or what...

    Do you feel comfortable sharing your story? I tried sending a pm but it seems I need to be a full member to do so. :slight_smile:
  11. Baseballgirl10

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    ---------- Post added 20th Aug 2016 at 01:47 AM ----------

    Guess there's no harm in sharing my story even if you were talking to someone else haha. Here goes: I was raised in the church. My senior year of high school I ended up in a physical relationship with my best friend. It ended after about a year because we both felt extreme shame and guilt. During my four years at college I was in complete denial that it ever happened. In the years that followed up until now I recognized that it was in fact a relationship even if no one knew about it. For the last year or so I've been thinking that I'm different and probably fall into the LGBT community in one way or another but I have no idea how. The only problem is, for me, religion and the LGBT world don't mix. I don't say that to be rude or start an argument. It's just what I've always known. So I guess my current struggle is... how do those worlds come together? God will always be the driving force behind every decision I make. It feels selfish to think about choosing a path that He may disapprove of but He made me and I'm attracted to women so... I guess there's probably more than that. My friends and family would have a very hard time with me ever coming out for religious reasons as well. It's just a lot to take in but then I got on her and read your story and I feel like I have it much easier haha. Guess that's partially the point of this type of forum?
  12. nbd

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    It is difficult to contemplate your sexuality when raised in a religious environment that doesn't accept differences. For what it's worth, there are many gay Christians and welcoming churches. Some googling will help you out there :slight_smile: My old church even had a gay pastor. It's all love, mutual respect and seeing God in how we relate to one another. That's how I see it, anyway.
  13. Baseballgirl10

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    Thanks! I'm hesitant to even mention it in these forums because I know it's a sore subject but, if I don't no one will share their opinions and I won't learn anything new. Thanks for responding!
  14. SkyWinter

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    Jul 28, 2016
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    What do you mean by men who are unattainable? Celebrities? Married men? Why do you think there is so much attraction there?

    Also, what was this one "girl crush" you had? Why do you feel the lines are blurry?
  15. MsAnchor

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    Dec 11, 2014
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    Was in the same boat but the difference is that i was with a not so nice man and also fought feelings and attraction towards other women until I can no longer take it.
    My advice is take as long as you need to discover this side of you, you are in no hurry but please oh please do NOT repress </3 keep going and you ll figure things out
    Sending you supporting vibes
  16. Goldensun

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    Congratulations on calling the therapist. That's a truly brave step. And it sounds like you're on your way. I wish you all the strength you need for this difficult journey you're on. But it is worth it. It really is.
  17. nbd

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    Aug 13, 2016
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    To answer your first question, I guess it's that I've felt attracted to men who are "out of my league" which I know is pretty common. I only dated two guys in high school and honestly didn't feel attraction to them before starting the relationship. When we'd kiss and grope as teens felt good, but fizzled quickly. It was like now that I could have it, I didn't want it anymore. I always felt like having huge crushes was important to me, that I enjoyed the feeling of longing and fantasizing, but only had relationships with boys I never wanted. I've gone back and read my journals, and they are filled with elaborate fantasies about boys, specifically about "having a boyfriend" like that was the end goal.

    As for celebrities, yeah I definitely had crushes on men, kind of odd ones though. I never wanted the typical built sexy guy...more the lanky, cerebral type. My first crush was Anthony Edwards from ER....kind of odd for a 13 year old. Not sure what that means.

    Girl crushes. Now that's a strange thing. I've had very close female friends as a preteen and teen, and instead of growing apart it often blew up in a giant fight. Usually because I would get jealous of time they spent with other people. I've come to accept that as a crappy possessive aspect of my personality that I desperately am trying to change. I'm just horribly insecure though, constantly feeling like I'm an awful friend and people only spend time with me out of pity.

    I sound like a real catch, don't I?

    I'm a good wife and mom, though. Great, honestly. And I've made more friends since being married than I ever have before. I haven't felt attracted to any of my mom friends, the only girl crushes I remember are those possessive ones from my adolescence. Like I didn't want to be apart from them, like I wanted to be them and felt drawn to them. It's the same feeling I had for female celebrities...not sexual desire, but magnetism, seeing myself in them.

    The sexual desire is a new thing. And I wonder if it's just happening because I'm thinking about it, that it's a convenient explanation for my lack of sexual draw to my husband...or if it's the real reason for that disconnect, something I've always had as a part of me but never let myself consciously feel.

    Sorry for the essay. Thanks so much for reading, I can't say how helpful this forum has been for me!
  18. SkyWinter

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    Jul 28, 2016
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    I think everyone wants to be in a sexual relationship with the best looking person. That's just biology. Especially during those teen years when your hormones are exploding inside you. It sounds like you felt that, but couldn't get the kinds of guys you wanted and so settled for any guy.

    Obviously there is that first part of meeting someone new that is a fun and exciting roller coaster, but that eventually dies down. I think what you are describing though is that after the roller coaster was over with these guys it wasn't replaced by any kind of real intimacy or connection. Perhaps this is what caused things to fizzle?

    From my own experience when I was younger I understand being jealous of friends spending time with other people. I also know that I was wanting to spend time with people who weren't really my friends. I was jealous when I knew they had spent time together without me, but if they were really my friends they would have called me. I got angry in part because I started to realize I didn't really have a good relationship with them. Because what intimate relationship, even an "intimate relationship" with a platonic friend, would function like that?

    I'm curious what kind of a relationship you had with your parents when you were young. Was it very loving and supportive? Did you struggle to get them to love you the way you wanted?How much of your parental relationships are playing out in your romantic relationships?

    As for your sexuality, you don't have to answer this question here if you don't want to, but it is something to think about. Have you ever had any masturbation fantasies about women? If the answer is something like "No, never" then you might not like women sexually. If however the answer is something like "Yeah, a couple times" and you felt satisfied and happy from those fantasies, then that might mean you feel sexual attraction to women. It's not a guarantee of course, but it is something to consider. And obviously if you are having fantasies about women frequently then that is something to think about too in regards to your sexuality.
  19. nbd

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    Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. It is so helpful to have people with whom I can discuss my random musings.

    Fizzling after the initial rollercoaster, that's it exactly. I wouldn't say it was like that with my husband though, as we were pretty sexually happy for over a year. After that, though, I started to feel very dependent upon him and isolated. We moved in together during college, and as a result I literally made zero other friends in college. Acquaintances, sure, but I had zero college friends who went to our wedding. My bridesmaids were high school friends.

    So I blamed him for that, even though I was an adult and it was my choice to move in with him. Ive always loved him, felt very connected to him, and just felt incredibly lucky to have him. So, I gave him everything. My love, my time, my life. I have no career and spend my days taking care of our beautiful kids and our lovely home. Often it is very fulfilling and makes me happy. But other times, I feel like an odd throwback to the 50s. We are this traditional family that's perfect on the outside and pretty perfect on the inside too. I'm just isolated, confused sexually, and wondering if I'm not really in love...just comfortable and dependent.

    My family life growing up was not bad, but not great. I was ignored once I reached adolescence as my brother had more pressing needs, and time and money were very limited. My parents have various emotional disorders and as a result we are isolated from one another. I effectively have no relationship with them and feel okay with that, as my inlaws are very involved and mostly supportive.

    We've had a good weekend. It was very busy with the kids and in between family stuff we had some very good sex. So I don't know. Things seem...okay, now.

    For the last two weeks, yes, I've had sexual fantasies about women...but not before that. I guess I've been testing the waters to see if I can get aroused watching and thinking about women in that way and yes, I can.

    Maybe I'm bisexual? So what do I do with that??
  20. SkyWinter

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    Jul 28, 2016
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    Okay. For the sake of argument let's say you are bisexual. 100% without a doubt. First of all, is this something you would be happy keeping to yourself forever? In five or ten years if you are still bisexual and still hiding it how do you think things will be for you? In 20 years, if you are still bisexual and still hiding it how do you think things will be for you?

    If you don't think this is something you could be happy hiding forever, still assuming you are actually bisexual, then you will probably want to tell someone at some point. I doubt you would be doing yourself or your mental health any favors by hiding it forever.

    That's the scary part though isn't it? How do you tell someone? You already mentioned a therapist and that's a great place to start.

    In regards to your marriage you are trying to figure out if you aren't in love but comfortable and dependent. Well, based on what you've described you probably are comfortable and dependent if you can be a stay at home mom. This isn't the 50's anymore and it's much more difficult for one person to go get a job that can support a family. Most families are two income earners now. (I think. I could be wrong on that one) So yeah, the freedom that comes from not having to work to make a living and being a stay at home mom comes with a certain amount of isolation. You don't have much to worry about financially but you're stuck in a box all the time. That can be frustrating.

    Given that you are comfortable and dependent the real issue is your relationship. So here's the difficult question. If you really aren't in love with your husband anymore are you willing to give up the comfort he provides and go out on your own? If you really aren't in love with him is it fair to him to keep being in a relationship with him? Are you going to be okay being in a relationship with someone you aren't in love with in five years? Ten years?

    Now, I'm not saying you aren't in love with him. I don't know that. Only you know that. Maybe your isolation is affecting your overall happiness. Maybe you feel suffocated as a stay at home mom and see him as the one responsible. It's difficult to be in love with someone you might be viewing as your captor. I think this is also something you should discuss in therapy.

    So what is it about the last two weeks that has changed your sexual fantasies? I don't think you wake up one day and say "I'm going to think about women now while fantasizing when that wasn't a thing before". So has something changed? Did something lead up to it? Were your fantasies around a particular person you had been thinking about during the day when doing normal daily activities? Try and trace back where the fantasies started and see what might have prompted them.