Help me

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by imnotcreative, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. imnotcreative

    Regular Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Don't know if anyone will respond, but I'm going to post this anyway.

    Greetings from North Korea jk. I'm a gay female (hence the forum of choice) and I was wondering how I can think of women I would usually find attractive as unattractive, meaning neutral (or disgusting, but it's not necessary). I don't want to desire romantic or sexual intimacy with other women and need some advice on how to subdue these feelings. I'm neither ashamed nor proud of being gay or have anything against other lgbtq+ people and I live in one of the most accepting countries on earth (yay for Noreg boo PRK). I don't want to come out of the closet because it's unnecessary (for me) and people who don't even know me, especially women, can somehow sense that I'm gay. It's just that I feel like it would be better to not desire these things because I'm planning to be single forever, and finding a prostitute just to experience sex one time is unsafe, possibly unethical and therefore somewhat stupid. Moreover, finding a one night stand that finds me attractive and vice versa would be near impossible because I'm not good in noisy areas or checking out people like at the slaughter house because of my Aspergers. I have these intrusive feelings of love and boobs and you get the idea, and I'm just here like... why is this necessary and why does it take so much of my precious time? I would be happy with my life if I can mostly focus on my career, and friends. If you forgot and to sum up: I don't want to want to experience sexual or romantic intimacy, and that before menopause. For example, Asexuals and aromantics can live equally fulfilling lives as people of other orientations can. I can't change sexual orientation, but at least there must be some way of subduing these feelings, at least the sex drive (without antidepressants plz). Any advice?

    Thanks for reading, if you did.
  2. mvp 447

    Regular Member

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Tampa Bay, FL
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Tons of deep-seeded (it is technically deep seated but that is an incorrect metaphor in this case) repression and hate. We both know you have some level of attraction to females and truly aren't comfortable w that. When paired up with other mental issues like Aspergers, I can't even imagine how tough it must be for you but you need to fight through the nonsense and deal with your true feelings.

    I know how scared you are... 1)Society may seem only barely accepting of you as it is now, with dealing in terms of mental issues and then 2)"oh no, what if I'm a lesbian?" on top of that is tough. Find someone to talk to, yes, but please try to write down your feelings and examine them objectively as best as you can. Attractions are not logical, nor are they controllable.