How do I really know I am gay?

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by findingjoy, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. findingjoy

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    Sorry to be starting so many threads, but this is what's holding me back... I realize i just unconsciously said holding me back.... not decide... but I am still on the fence.:

    How do I accept that I am gay.
    Well to accept something you first have to believe that it's true. Then where is really no choice to accept it or not, it's there, like the sun in the sky.

    Weighing the evidence:

    I'm here.
    Incredible wave of joy and emotion when I think about fully accepting myself as gay.
    Shaking and trembling when I told myself finally, that I was gay and it wasn't just a fetish or sexual urge.
    Vivid far more intense sexual urges about men I look at a womans butt and think 'nice' but I look at a a nice butt on a guy, when i finally let myself , unbelievable waves of passion. Very often when I had sex with women I had to imagine myself with a guy to get off.
    I imagine myself performing oral sex on a guy without me being stimulated and I like it and want to do it.
    I realize I had a crush on a guy in high school and to this day he's the only one i can get aroused about from high school.
    In the last few days of accepting myself as gay, I can see myself with a guy romantically.
    Wanting to tell close friends I am gay. They are not gay but I feel we would be closer.

    A lingering feeling that I don't accept this as me.
    I don't want this to happen
    Isolation, masturbation can fantasies can cascade on their own
    right after masturbating about a guy i feel guilty.
    I like looking at women more in public in fact I only look at women.
    I have been in relationships with women, I loved them.
    When I was with a woman and had sex gay fantasies were few and far between.
  2. Invisible Star

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    These sound exactly the same questions I've been trying to find answer for the past few years. At one point I came to a conclusion I was straight after all and the "gay thoughts" were just a passing phase.

    However, that lasted only for one year or so, and here I'm again with the same problems.
  3. PatrickUK

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    If you haven't already done so, it may help to read some of the information in our resources area Empty Closets - Coming Out and let us know your thoughts about it. In particular, have a look at the stages of coming out.
  4. baristajedi

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    Sometimes I find it helps not to look at the big questions and start with smaller ones.

    Your feelings for men are real, do you have to put s label on them just now? You can take steps bit by bit to better learn about you and once you feel more clear, you can take steps bit by bit to come to an acceptance of yourself.

    Are you married/in a relationship right now? I don't know your full story.

    one thing that I strongly recommend is counselling with an LGBT counsellor. That will help you immensely as you sort through all of these big questions.
  5. findingjoy

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    Thanks.. similar to me they keep resurfacing, but also, the 'i am not gay' thoughts keep resurfacing....

    ---------- Post added 25th Jun 2016 at 09:51 PM ----------

    Another 'clue' I was talking with someone I know and he asked "are you going to pride' ...
    I stopped, hesitated, and said 'I am not gay' but it felt so untrue... it's like he knew and i knew... and something felt so right if had the courage to tell him.. it's funny you should mention that , I need to come out....

    but was that just a passing thought?
  6. Justasking100

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    This is a good thread and topic. The main question is how it makes you feel. You said it makes you feel happy about being gay. How does being straight make you feel?
  7. SiennaFire

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    Hey findingjoy,

    You are asking a good question at this point. There are 2 ways to tackle this. One is analytical (thinking about it and weighing the evidence like you are doing) the other is experiential. Acceptance is a very iterative process, so you'll probably want to revisit frequently the materials I referenced in previous posts until it all sinks in.

    Analytical - I have some observations about the evidence that I want to share with you. In particular a lot of what you placed in the Against category seems more like a rationalization that you are straight rather than bonafide evidence that you are not gay.

    These seem to be evidence of denial - that you still haven't accepted or believe that you are gay. Few people want to be gay initially. If you were brought up in a homophobic environment, it's likely some of that homophobia rubbed off on you. Internalized homophobia and shame create fear, uncertainty, and doubt about one's sexuality. So what you are experiencing is typical for someone who is coming to terms with their sexuality.

    While I initially didn't want to be gay because of my own internalized homophobia, I now see things totally differently. What I wanted is irrelevant. It's a form of indulgence I could not afford to participate in. I cannot change the fact that I'm gay, so I focused on what I could control and learned to accept myself. Life is so much better once you stop resisting. Today I'm glad that I get to be gay because this is who I am.

    Sexual orientation is defined in terms of attraction rather than behavior. Many men on EC (myself included) can point to long-term relationships/marriages with women; however, we're still gay because our sexual and romantic attractions are predominantly towards men. You probably want very much to be straight to avoid being gay. Until you give yourself permission to be fully gay and allow yourself to have relationships with men, you don't know much better relationships can be. In hindsight my relationships with women seem more like hookups because they lacked the depth of relationships I have with men.

    Experiential - Another answer to the question "How do I really know I am gay?" is to experiment it and find out. If memory serves, you are single so the experimentation does not jeopardize an existing relationship. Please keep in mind because of your internalized homophobia and shame, you'll probably need to have a few goes before you get comfortable. The real acid test for me came when I first kissed a guy I cared about :kiss: :wow: :thewave: (!)

    #7 SiennaFire, Jun 26, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  8. WonderWoman81

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    Jun 19, 2016
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    I have the same question/ similar evidence from a female perspective.

    And bleeping worse at the mo, i have 2 people interested in me- a perfect guy and a perfect girl. Wtf
  9. findingjoy

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    An interesting question. Yes I feel an incredible rush and joy of emotion when I say to myself "I am gay'" but saying I am straight I don't get much of a response. But couldn't that be for a lot of things? I don't jump for joy when I say I have two feet, though I (thankfully) have two.

    ---------- Post added 27th Jun 2016 at 05:46 PM ----------

    Thanks for your continued support and advice. I admit that yes, I don't want to be gay, at least part of me doesn't. I am also genuinely unsure if I am. I do know I felt incredible rushes of joy and emotion when I came here and was excited to come out. But I honestly don't know if that was just thrill seeking or finding the next taboo breaking 'high'.

    I am sure everyone here has done something emotionally based they have later regretted.

    I do look at women and always have but part of me is scared as hell to admit that I am not bi but fully gay. It would shatter years and years of self perception.

    There are other theories- isolation and masturbation can lead to same sex fantasies, as can porn addiction. I didn't look at porn per se but had repeated fetish based fantasies that slowly got, well, gayer and gayer.
  10. SiennaFire

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    Your post reminds me of one of the quotes in my sig:
    Throughout my own journey of discovery towards authenticity, the quote has guided me to push myself to do the things that scare me, and I subsequently discovered the treasures behind the fear. Most recently I was scared of my second date with a guy because I knew I was exploring a new level of vulnerability and intimacy. I pushed through my fears and discovered vulnerability and intimacy with a guy who became my BF.

    Similarly you fear being gay and all it represents. I was in a similar place a year ago and the quote guided me to understand that my fear of being gay was a signal to explore and embrace it.

    All I can do is share my experience with you. It's up to you to act on it. if you are still unsure about your sexuality, perhaps you may want to consider finding a gay therapist who can help you process your feelings.

    Don't be afraid of being who you are. Be afraid of not being who you are and finding yourself on your death bed regretting how you let your fears control your life.
    #10 SiennaFire, Jun 27, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  11. findingjoy

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    First, thank you for your continued patience - I would have given up on me by now :slight_smile:

    What did you fear?

    When I first came hear and posted I felt an incredible rush of emotion and joy and a sense of freedom. It was so overwhelming I have never experienced anything like it, it literally made me tremble, and sometimes I just had to stop and literally sit down. All the sudden it felt like i had a future.

    In fact it was too much - too much emotion. I thought I would back away for a bit try to think about it rationally and not just about sex.

    Then the hard reality comes - my entire life would change. I would have to rethink my relationship with everyone.

    I never looked at men in the street, but since I came here and posted that I was gay that's changed. I am afraid to look because I immediately become aroused, and I realized I am not aroused by women at all - or just a little. This is a complete shock to me because it's never happened outside of fantasy my entire life.

    I felt almost as if I was losing control of myself.
    #11 findingjoy, Jun 28, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  12. findingjoy

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    Sienna Fire one last question.. ok that was a lie :slight_smile:

    I tried to PM this to you but what the hell....

    I am having a really difficult time. I know you're just someone who went through what I am going through... it's funny I type that - it's like I know I am going there.

    Tonight I posted this on another thread:

    OMG thanks so much for posting this tonight!... or maybe I just read it tonight....because I am a little giddy ... I ran away from this board a few weeks ago and I am still scared to come back, I realize I am scared of my own freedom. I know I have along way to go. first time i came here I thought it would be a easy pleasure, turn on gay switch, have fun. then i realized reality. then i realized, I thought this was about 'fun' but it's about finally being who you are and being free.

    Tomorrow I might feel scared as hell as regret these words, but I will read them and know they are true, and know I have taken another step I can't take back.

    ---------- Post added 28th Jun 2016 at 09:40 PM ----------

    I have been scared of this but right now I so want to get there.....the damn is bursting again....

    I don't expect you to make decisions for me, but some validation from the outside world might be nice :slight_smile:
    Do you think I am I gay?
    All i know now is I am not bi.
    So what can I say to my negative (anti gay feelings -and I automatically feel they are negative. ) when they come up again?
  13. findingjoy

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    Sorry for the multiple posts, but I just woke up with a wonderful thought. I wasn't my own, it's based on advice I received here, but I just said "let yourself be gay to yourself' you don't have to act, you don't even have to look at men you don't have to anything... how does that feel'
    and it feels pretty darn good. The first and second time I came here I probably dived in too quick. I know i am going to have to be there and I know I am going to have to push myslef. but tonight, it feels pretty good to just keep it to myself and not deny it.
    I am gay.
    I also feel very relieved to tell myself I don't have to be attracted to women anymore. I don't have to "worry" because I am not getting aroused. I really missed this step the first time around. I can admire women for their beauty and their sensuality... and i think that's what i didn't' realize before
  14. baristajedi

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    Hi findingjoy,

    I'm so glad you e decided to stick around and continue working on understanding you better. In essence that's what this journey is, looking deeper at yourself and understanding what makes you tick.

    I can see you are overwhelmed with emotions about all of your questions, and that's totally normal. We've all been there. I was consumed with questions, emotions, anxiety when I started coming out too. Just take a deep breath, you're doing great, you're here and you're facing your fears and asking important questions. You are doing great.

    I saw in one of your posts that you want validation. None of us can answer that question for you. You do have the answer in yourself, things won't always seem so muddled. My suggestion: try to put aside the label, just for now, and instead focus on your feelings.

    Think about what you feel when you think about an attractive men, when you fantasise about a man, when you see a gay male couple being affectionate. Try to spend some time doing and paying attention to these things, and just listen to your own feelings a bit. Try not to put a label on these feelings. Just articulate them to yourself - I get aroused when I think about men this way, I feel warm and happy when I see two men being affectionate, etc. You may feel negative feelings too. Name them too. Just be honest with yourself about your feelings.

    You can do the same with women if you want to explore those feelings as well.

    Everything you feel is natural and normal, and all of your feelings are valid. They're yours. They're real.

    Once you can name your feelings for men, then try to explore them further. But for now, just start by letting yourself feel and letting yourself acknowledge those feelings.

    You can do this, findingjoy, just take it one step at a time.

    I hope that helps a bit.
  15. findingjoy

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    Thanks.. part of it is this weird feeling, I know I am going "there" (I knew I had gay fantasies, but brushed them off but now I know I am gay, and eventually I am going end up happy about it, but it's such a big change) so i run away for bit, come back and I am little further along...but every day I am realizing big parts of my life were a lie.

    It helps more than a bit! Thanks.

    I woke up this morning more comfortable with it than before it still feel that rush of joy and happiness. But when I feel the doubt I say "I am gay but I don't have to like it for now, or change anything or act on anything for now, but I am gay" . I am going to try to live with that for awhile and see where it brings me.

    Oddly enough the big feeling of relief is when I told myself I don't have to look at women anymore, because I thought I did that naturally.
  16. SiennaFire

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    Thanks - I can be annoyingly persistent :slight_smile:

    I had a fair amount of internalized homophobia and shame to work through. I grew up in an area with traditional family values and learned that being gay was so shameful that it wasn't even talked about except to explain that those two men were homosexuals. I wanted so desperately to be "normal" to meet the expectations of family and society.

    I felt attraction to members of the same-sex all of my life (that is, the signals were in my brain), yet I allowed my desire to be normal and my little slice of heterosexuality as a Kinsey 5 to explain away and deny those signals until I reached midlife and could no longer deny that I'm wired differently.

    In terms of fears ...

    I was afraid of the word "gay" and all it represents.

    I was afraid of coming out as gay and being judged by others.

    I was afraid of disappointing my family for not being who I should be.

    I was afraid of being intimate with another man.

    I was afraid of making a radical change in my life.

    I was afraid of discovering and being myself.​

    Eventually I reached a point where I didn't want to die without exploring and understanding this side of me, so I had to push myself to overcome my fears. The idea of taking baby steps that I've posted and blogged about is what I actually did.

    I wrote this poem over a year ago and I still tear up when I read it -
    #16 SiennaFire, Jun 29, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
  17. SiennaFire

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    What you are going through is typical for somebody who is coming to terms with their sexuality after decades of denial.

    "In vino veritas" - I came out to myself as bisexual several years ago and required liquid courage to help me discover the truth within, the words that you find scary but true. You've been in denial for decades, so don't expect to undo that overnight. As I came out to myself, I remember experiencing a broad range of emotions, including surges of dark masculine energy, sadness, anger, and excitement. It takes a lot of energy to stay in denial, and I experienced these emotions as my body released my denial.

    Continue to push yourself to engage with EC and take baby steps that expand your comfort zone. You will get more comfortable with your sexuality over time. Can you look in the mirror and say "I'm gay and proud"?

    Based on what you've posted previously, I was working on the assumption that you are gay :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:ride:

    It sounds like you need to read or reread The Velvet Rage by Alan Downs, which will help you counter the negative feelings you have about being gay.
  18. Justasking100

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    Sienna, you are very wise. You are right decades of denial are not going to change overnight for anyone including me. The only thing i can do is move forward. I look forward to your posts and am very glad you are around this forum!! A kind of Gandalf for EC'ers...
  19. findingjoy

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    Honestly not yet. The first time I was able to say "i am gay" in the mirror and feel happy. This time I can't do that yet. But when the negative feelings come, I can say " i am gay, i may not like it, but I am gay".

    I figured :slight_smile:

    I just kind of know its there now and not going away. I can delete posts, delete accounts, stomp my feet... its going to happen anyway and I know it.

    here's another clue:
    I was thinking about sex with women over the years, all I ever wanted to do was 'get off' and often that took thinking about a guy.

    I don't know that I am ready for sex yet, but I really want to pleasure a guy and I find the idea of that pleasurable even without orgasm . In fact I would prefer not to the first few times.
  20. findingjoy

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    I have tried to write off the incredible rush of emotions I have been feeling as 'thrill seeking' (see other posts) but I know that isn't true- that sense of freedom, joy in those moments when I really accept it. I have never experienced anything like it in my life, and that is not an exaggeration.

    Nearly every day I come here and read your posts and other stories... it just becomes more and more obvious that I'm gay, and I've never connected with people online so quickly and so easily... that's scary to a guy who's been very shy and withdrawn.

    What I have realized is that even when i take a step and step back, I really don't step back. Once I admitted I was gay to myself, it never really went away and the rationalizations didn't work, and it's staying with me more more and more.

    I don't know why but these words stayed with me all day and I found them so soothing.
    They were just the thing I needed to hear and I didn't even know I needed to hear them.