General News Social Justice Warrior Explodes at Yale University Master

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by Foz, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. Simple Thoughts

    Full Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Columbus, Ohio
  2. LiquidSwords

    Full Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    The university is right in that it's the students' job to censure themselves more so than it is the university's. If people think your costume is offensive then I'm sure you'll find out about it from your peers, you don't need university officials breaking down doors at parties to tell you

    Her problem is that what she finds offensive is probably different to what her peers do and so she doesn't trust them to enforce her version of what's acceptable or not, so she needs an official body to do it in line with her own beliefs. She wants to be the arbiter of what's offensive and what's not in place of student consensus but that doesn't sound ideal to me
  3. Simple Thoughts

    Full Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Columbus, Ohio
    Well everything is offensive. Offensive to them is this word they use to find fault in literally everything. They assume the intent of everyone around them to be negative and when people do anything at all that isn't saying "Oh you're so right, and you're so oppressed, and we're sorry we exist how can we make it up to you?" than it's by default offensive and wrong of you to say.

    Laci Green is on record saying "Literally everything is problematic" and keep in mind Laci Green has an MTV platform where she teaches this stuff to young kids. That's her whole show.

    Anita Sarkeesian a notable feminist critic is on record saying, "Everything is sexist, everything is homophobic"

    Even they know that everything can be labeled these things because they'd watered down what those things mean to the point that the smallest infraction is treated like a brutal 4 person homicide

    A good example would be the woman from MSNBC. Melissa something or another. She's the one with a bit of a lisp. Anyways...she flew off the handle because someone who wasn't black ( or a single mom ) used the phrase "Hard Working". One of the most common phrases in this country offended her to the point she had to derail the conversation and start shouting at the guy on her show. It was absolute madness.
  4. Aldrick

    Full Member

    Apr 23, 2012
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    Melissa Harris Perry. You are referring to a show done on Saturday, October 23. It was a discussion about (now Speaker of the House) Paul Ryan and one of his demands which essentially said he'd only accept the Speakership if he could continue to spend time with his family. In essence, he was refusing to give up his family time for the job, and giving the Republican caucus an ultimatum.

    This is rich because Paul Ryan also wants to expand work requirements for welfare recipients. In other words, if you want to get on welfare you have to hold a job. He wants to make those requirements more stringent. Of course, this is particularly damaging to single parent families, usually single mothers, who have unreliable child care (if any child care at all), and have to work two or three jobs just to get welfare benefits and pay the bills.

    So, in essence we have a situation where Paul Ryan is saying, 'Look guys, I can't work too much because my children need me. They are in the formative years of their life, and they need an active father.' Meanwhile, he is literally telling millions of other Americans that regardless of their family situation, you either go to work or your family literally becomes homeless and starves to death.

    In response to this, Alfonso Aguilar, a conservative, and the executive director of American Principles Project's Latino Partnership, attempted to defend Paul Ryan by saying he was a 'hard worker'. MHP took exception to this because let's be clear: Paul Ryan is a member of Congress, and one of the most powerful men in the country. He may "work hard" but there are very different types of "hard work." It is insulting to insinuate that he is somehow more hard working than a single mother working two or three jobs and trying to raise a couple of children on her own. And if you really want to see what hard work looks like, go take a look at images of slaves picking cotton in the fields, by contrast to real "hard work" Paul Ryan is living in the lap of luxury.

    However, the core objection was the double standard Paul Ryan was creating. He wants one standard of rules that apply to him, and another standard of rules that apply to everyone else. Alfonso Aguilar was defending that double standard, and litterally saying the best thing for those families was a hard working job. In other words, he was essentially saying that their children matter less than Paul Ryan's children because they were poor. He was saying that their primary focus should not be on raising their children, but instead getting out of poverty. That was the core of his argument, and that is what Melissa was reacting too.
  5. Simple Thoughts

    Full Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Columbus, Ohio
    I'm calling bs on all of this.

    Everything about Paul Ryan, either true or I'm willing to believe it because republicans.

    Back to point, however, that had nothing at all to do with why she went off the handle. If it was she would have said that but she didn't. There was no excuse for the way she exploded on that episode, and that poor guy was just sitting there with the most confused expression on his face. He was like "What is this? What's happening?"

    That all sounds more like some slapped together defense for it after the fact that someone pulled out of their butt. In reality she just lost her mind there for a moment because the concept of 'microagressions' in action is stupid and only serves to kill discussions before they can even start.
  6. Aldrick

    Full Member

    Apr 23, 2012
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    I actually watched the show, a segment that lasted a good 10-15 minutes. I went to YouTube to find the clip that you were speaking about (because I know that is where you get most of your information), and the only clip I could find lasted about two minutes. It was her basically, yes, angrily arguing with Alfonso Aguilar about hard work. Does it look bad, when taken out of context of the larger conversation? Yeah, people could use it poorly against her.

    However, if you actually watch the entire segment (I can't link directly to it, but it is on MSNBC's website), you get the full context of the conversation. The entire conversation begins with her doing an introduction, discussing Paul Ryan's ultimatum and his work against poor people on welfare regarding work requirements. The entire segment was built around the presumption that Paul Ryan is a hypocrite--which is true, if you judge him by the special treatment he wants and by his record.

    Alfonso Aguilar was attempting to defend Paul Ryan. He was attempting to play the, 'isn't he a great father because he wants to spend time with his children' and 'he's a very hard worker' card. Built into this assumption is the counter belief that all of the people Paul Ryan wants to deny time with their children, forcing them to work two or three hourly part time jobs, somehow either aren't great parents, don't deserve time to spend with their families, or are somehow not really 'hard workers'. In other words, they are poor because they are lazy. This is an old Republican cliche.

    Melissa's response only looks bad if you ignore the entire eight or nine minutes leading up to her response. Which basically boiled down to: Paul Ryan does not know a damn thing about hard work. He is one of the most powerful men in the country, working in one of the most privileged institutions of the country. She talked about single mothers and their hard work, and then she talked about how she has a painting/photo of slaves picking cotton in her office to remind her of what real hard work actually looks like. In other words, she was calling his pampered ass out as being too weak an[d soft, and a pathetic little crybaby hypocrite, who weeps tears seeking special treatment as he seeks to fuck over other people.

    However, I am glad you've developed mind reading capabilities, considering the word 'microaggression' was not mentioned a single time in the entire episode. I believe I still have the episode on my DVR.

    EDIT: And here is the offensive clip in question.


    Anyone who watches the clip and reads the context I have given to it, can clearly see that it is not anything like you've painted it to be.
    #26 Aldrick, Nov 22, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
  7. Foz

    Foz Guest

    Mar 17, 2015
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    You Kay
    What an absolute moron, so you can only be a hard worker if you live on the breadline or oppressed? Working 50-60 hours a week with the responsibility for a whole chamber of government can't be "hard work" because it's well paid. "I keep an image of cotton pickers on my desk" I'm sick and tired of these symbolic gestures, how can these people call themselves progressives when their yard stick is 100 years old?

    All of these muppets just remind me of this :lol:

  8. Aldrick

    Full Member

    Apr 23, 2012
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    Aw, shucks. You know what? You're right. All work is equal! I'm sure that's why you are rushing to be a sewer cleaner or a garbage collector. After all, all one needs to do to work hard is work long hours, right?

    ---------- Post added 22nd Nov 2015 at 05:51 PM ----------

    Considering one of her main focuses in academia is African American Studies (in fact she spent several years as an Associate Professor of Political Science and African-American Studies at Princeton), what else would you expect to be on her wall? A portrait of Nathan Bedford Forrest or Jefferson Davis?