I'm just feeling done

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Simple Thoughts, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. Simple Thoughts

    Full Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Columbus, Ohio
    I shouldn't bother to have opinions, clearly I'm an idiot.

    I can't express an idea without it turning into a flame war of some kind, or a giant argument and it's usually me vs. everyone else.

    Hell...even the one time I thought my answer was pretty straight forward and the most common place answer ( which is rare for me ) it turned into a giant flame war and I suppose I was the one in the wrong.

    So...just whatever

    I'll shut up and tuck my tail between my legs.

    I'm clearly too stupid to be allowed to have thoughts anyways.

    I don't even know why I bother poking around here honestly. It's like the most inclusively exclusive place I've ever been to. I make a thread about an issue and get maybe two replies which gets me hopeful and then it's just silence and so I drop back into the general thread and poke around for a bit which usually winds up turning some discussion into a giant flame war where I'm the annoying stupid moron who needs to get told off by everyone else.

    Whatever though, honestly.

    I just feel done, completely done.

    I give up.

    I have nothing useful to contribute to the world anyways, so why bother trying?

    My view of the world is stupid, I have no useable talents, and even if I did I'm sure my concepts and ideas would just be crapped all over anyways because I'm too much of a moron to actually provide anything of substance to the table.

    Maybe I should just stop pretending I can be good at anything and give up. Find some dead end boring job and hide away with my thoughts all to myself until they eventually overshadow me and I kill myself.

    Why not?

    Might as well.

    Hell I already have the dead end job...guess I can just hang out there and wait it out.
  2. thepandaboss

    Full Member

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Alright. Here's the thing. I don't know if I'm being much help here though so feel free to say something if I'm not.

    Your opinions are as valid as anyone else's. Anyone's opinion is. That's free speech. People may not necessarily agree with you. And on social media and forums? Any opinion can be discussed, argued, tossed over.

    Everyone's said dumb things. For me, I think it's important to at least understand, even if you'll never agree, where the other guy's coming from. We've got different opinions. I definitely don't always agree with you. But it doesn't make you a bad person- doesn't make anyone a bad person if they've got a different opinion. As long as an opinion doesn't hurt anyone or come from an intentionally bad place, it should be all good.

    I actually got blocked on Facebook earlier today after getting into a debate with a friend who I didn't really realize hated debate. I don't agree with censoring or blocking anyone but there will be times when you'll be arguing with someone and neither of you will be able to really meet half way. It happens. Sometimes, you just gotta step away for a while.

    And sometimes, talking to people's a learning experience. Long as you're open to learn and hopefully whoever you're talking to can at least explain what their deal is, it goes alright.

    Look, don't beat yourself up. It's not the end of the world.
  3. Simple Thoughts

    Full Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Columbus, Ohio
    Thanks for responding.

    I've been staring at this since I posted it wondering if anyone would bother to reply or not.

    I'm sorry...I know I made this a lot about stuff that goes on in the forum, but really that's just I dunno part of it. I'm just feeling down right now. I'm not sure why I've just been getting really into my head lately I guess.

    Yeah I know. I don't want everyone to agree with me, but I just seem to come in and wreck entire conversations. My opinion just sets people off and then I get set off and then they get more set off and it all ends with someone ( often times me ) going too far.

    I just feel like I do more to be a burden than I do to be worth anybody's time.
  4. thepandaboss

    Full Member

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Hey, look. We've all been there. I think the big thing is just to keep your cool. Not everyone else will (I mean, how many times have I fired off at someone when I shouldn't have? Loads of times) and you can't always control how someone will feel about what someone says on a regular basis.

    Sometimes, their past experiences mean that it's hard for them to talk about certain subjects objectively. I've personally been there. Other times, it's a crappy day. And sometimes it's just that neither side really knows how to talk to one another.

    Here, there's a lot of people who've had a pretty rough time. So it's really easy, and again I speak from personal experience, to fly off the handle or not really understand someone's intentions if a statement rubs someone the wrong way. It's not to mean that it's wrong to not agree with someone. But it can be pretty charged up here and especially in the community itself.

    It doesn't mean you're a burden or you're flat out wrong. I mean, believe me. I don't always agree with a lot of people in my own community. And that happens. But it's a community. And the fact that you're saying something should at least matter. Even if you're the odd man out.
  5. Simple Thoughts

    Full Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Columbus, Ohio
    Yeah I try to keep my cool and a lot of the times I do really good, but other times I guess I tend to lose it. I know that one person in particular here really sets me off they have this undertone when they speak a lot of times that really just irks me to death. Like a superiority complex or something I dunno...and then there is another one where we go at each other all the time and by the end of it we wind up chatting about something casually.

    I suppose. I mean I don't know much about that. I think my life fits the "rough experiences" profile but it doesn't ever really feel like it. Then again most of my childhood is just one giant blank space of nothingness. So I dunno. I get that people have bad life experiences and they have their own little things that set them off. I tend to be pretty good at holding all that kinda stuff inside though. Sometimes I think I'm too good at it.

    I'm sure it doesn't mean much really. It's mostly just some noise that makes somebody upset and winds up turning the whole thread into a giant fight. I mean...if I'm good for anything it's creating warzones. So maybe I should just stop.
  6. AsIUsedToBe

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    Jan 13, 2013
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    Man, you need to find happines. <3
    Stop worrying so much. Find new friends and explore the world is a beautiful place and so are you. Treat yourself like a temple My friend . :slight_smile:
  7. Simple Thoughts

    Full Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Columbus, Ohio
    Wish it was that easy.

    There just isn't anywhere to go here. I mean the best you get is bars and the kinda people who hang out there aren't people I'd want to be around.

    On the rare occasion I do drink it's usually by myself in my room with some Jack Daniels. If I didn't have to work tomorrow I'd be doing that now honestly.
  8. dano218

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    May 24, 2013
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    Your doing just fine Simple Thoughts. There will always be people on online forums who are gonna react by impulse and not by critical thought and make assumptions and condescending remarks. Sometimes it is better to say agree to disagree than to drag on a conservation that turns to personal insults when one cannot reach common ground. I cannot remember a time where you offended me and seeing some of your posts i think your a decent part of this forum.
  9. Simple Thoughts

    Full Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Columbus, Ohio
    I do.

    I made an analogy about Christians and abuse victims and you were not happy with me. =/
  10. AsIUsedToBe

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    you have to be creative :slight_smile: explore abandoned places and drive in the country. watch the night sky with a goup of friends and order take out. Go on photographyadventures by yourself. I did that today!its very nice. i live inn a small town myself you just have to think outside the box. And always be positive! Even it it drives everyone nuts.. its only because they wish they could be like you. It takees time. I used to be so negative but i got into a different crowd i help people and practice a healthy lifestyle. And now my old friends make fun of me but i dont care! Because im happy. I
    Went from being a varsity cheer leader always worried about my weight and my popularity and now i dont care wha. Shirt size i wear cuz my eating disorder was draining my soul. And i realized popularity doesnt matter and now what i do to cheer myself up is i get in my car i go out in the middle of no where and just look at this beautiful world and go through all the things im greatful for. Sunny side up 100% every day :slight_smile:
  11. Simple Thoughts

    Full Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Columbus, Ohio
    I'm not much of an outdoorsy type of person.

    I guess I see what you mean though. I dunno, I don't really have too many friends to do that with. I've been working on little projects, but I keep struggling to stay motivated to finish anything, and I've got so many ideas, but it feels like their just stuck in my head and they'll never get anywhere.
  12. dano218

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    Oh god I remember now but I am over it! its all good. But for the most part i have not seen anything else that ticked me off. I hardly remember that lol.
  13. Simple Thoughts

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    Dec 21, 2013
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    It seems like everytime I say anything here somebody gets upset with me, and it's just starting to feel like I can't say anything because I'm just a terrible person who is always gonna make people upset.
  14. dano218

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    I get that I really. I don't think i am this forum's favorite person either my middle ground approach to a lot of things does fly with some people and it gets too be much sometimes. What i would do is take a break from this forum because when it becomes too much to handle it is best to step aside and just not post for awhile. Even try avoiding debate type threads for awhile. When you see a thread with the potential for debate maybe avoid it for some time because sadly most of those threads turn into flame wars and personal attacks.
  15. Simple Thoughts

    Full Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Columbus, Ohio

    I might do that I dunno...
  16. Skaros

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    I feel like this too sometimes. I try to not talk on some subjects because I know people will take it the wrong way. I have been caught in some tricky arguments that I have a hard time responding to. I'm not sure if I can be of much help, but I don't think there's anything you can do about expressing all your opinions (even if you truly believe them) without offending someone. I just gave up discussing some issues because I can never debate without it somehow turning into an all out argument.
  17. Simple Thoughts

    Full Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Yeah I know what you mean.

    Maybe I should really just shut up and no talk anymore.
  18. Chi and Bashful

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    Mar 9, 2015
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    Bruh I don't know what you've been going though as I don't think I've seen too many of your posts' to form an opinion either way but imo having an opinion is never a bad thing your world view comes from your life experiences and it applies to you your never going to get a 100% of people to agree with you and if you do I think it's time to be worried so relax and look for positives where they come honestly you seem like a cool person
  19. kageshiro

    kageshiro Guest

    Oct 14, 2012
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    in your soul
    I understand how you feel. There are alot of people around here with really passionate views on things and everyone has different opinions and naturally as soon as a charged topic comes up it isn't long before people come to blows when otherwise they might get along fine. And it's not just that, we have our own ups and downs, and all kinds of things going on in our daily lives that might impact our attitude in any given post for better or worse. All kinds of things like that to factor in when someone when someone makes a nasty comment. The more of them you think of, the more you realize how pointless it really is, the arguments will amount to nothing anyway, you won't convince anyone of seeing things your way, and vice versa. In the end it's not even a good way of releasing negative energy because you're just hurting others and yourself... I'm not saying all discussions on the site are that way, but we've all seen them. What I'm getting at, is that's why I usually avoid these discussions and try to focus on having fun and making others feel good, since I don't come on here to get stressed and pissed off.

    Simplethoughts, even though we haven't really talked, I've noticed you're presence around here for a time, and while I don't remember any of the exact topics, I'm pretty sure I've even seen multiple examples of what you're talking about here. With that I just want to say you've never said anything I'd consider as stupid, invalid, or remotely offensive, no words like that come to mind when I think of you. As a matter of fact I've always admired you because you defend your views fiercely and with pride, no matter how strong the opposition. Besides all of that first and foremost you seem like a wonderful fun loving guy, the type I'd like to be friends with, if that's ok. :3 Please stop feeling useless and etc because that''s not remotely true. I value your input here and would love to see more of it. <3
  20. The Wallflower

    Regular Member

    May 15, 2015
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    So the problem I see is that when you state your opinion and someone disagrees, you become a bit aggressive...

    I know the feeling of wanting to really convince someone you're right; I mean, who doesn't?

    The problem is you just have to learn when to walk away. Pay attention to the warning signs, and take your leave if you have to.

    Walking away can be hard, but necessary.

    The feeling of someone taking what you said and disagreeing with it can be agonizing sometimes... but as said before, everyone has their own opinion and sometimes you just can't convince others to change their minds.

    I'm pretty sure none of us here at EC want you to feel bad. We're all family here. So please, don't.

    Just be cautious with what you say, and I'm sure everyone will eventually forgive and forget.

    I've said this before and I'll say it again: I hate arguments. Nobody ever wins. Please stop with the controversial topics, because they are honestly bugging me a little.

    I realize people won't listen to what I say, but I just don't want anyone to feel bad or get unnecessarily banned.
    #20 The Wallflower, Jul 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2015