Does it matter?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by Lear, Dec 25, 2014.

  1. Lear

    Regular Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    I used to define as "straight with homoerotic tendencies", which probably doesn't even make any sense. I used to think I was straight because I only fell in love with girls and thought my attraction to guys was just a phase (mostly because I thought "real" gays/bisexuals like anal sex and if I'm not interested in that I must be straight).
    Only after falling in love with a guy for the first time I slowly started to accept that I am bisexual... at least that's the label I now use when someone asks me. But I still don't think that it's entirely accurate. Some times I am mostly attracted to women, other times I'm more attracted to men, but generally I don't think that gender even matters that much to me. I think I can theoretically fall in love with anyone, no matter what gender they define as. So maybe I'm more pan than bi? Another thing is that my levels of sexual interest (or whatever you want to call it) change all the time. I can go through phases of very little sexual interest that last several months and then suddenly I'm horny all the fucking time. That basically only happens when I'm with the right person who spikes my sexual interest or whatever. So I think I might even be somewhere on the grey/demi sexual scale.

    I don't know if it even matters that much and some may wonder why I want to put so many labels on myself. I just think I'd feel more content if I was able to accuratly describe my orientation.

    Maybe you can help me find the right words?
  2. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    It only matters if it matters to you! and the easy answer may be, "it's complicated." if you are attracted to a specific person, you are attracted to him or her, and that is all that matters. kind of between the two of you. (&&&)